1,658 research outputs found

    Parents’ interpretations of emotion regulation and its implementation in parenting

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    Abstract. The aim of this study is to explore the parents’ perception of emotion regulation and how it supports parents in upbringing children. The importance of this topic is dictated by the need to understand with what knowledge, skills, or areas parents might begin to immerse themselves in this learning process. This study has assumed to start parents’ learning path with examining parenting styles and practices as “a constellation of attitudes toward the child” and emotion regulation as a specific area. A total of 11 parents were recruited for the current study. The data were collected through two questionnaires including a Likert scale assessment to examine parenting styles and emotional practices and a semi-structured interview to explore parents’ interpretations of emotion regulation and self-assessment of parenting styles/practices (8 participants took part in the interview). Based on the questionnaire analysis, the parents were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 — with a pronounced authoritative style and emotion-coaching practice, Group 2 — with a slight predominance of an authoritative style and dismissing emotional practice, Group 3 — with an authoritative style and dismissing and did not participate in the interview. The qualitative analysis presented that those parents, who pay attention to emotion regulation and purposefully implement it in parenting, tend to display the authoritative style and the emotion-coaching parenting practice, interpret emotion regulation in multifaceted dimensions, taking into account their internal perception of emotions (acceptance, awareness), influencing emotion (regulation), and social interests. The less knowledgeable parents in the emotional area do not appropriately take into account acceptance and awareness of emotions, especially negative, and they use fewer strategies compared with the emotion coachers. Moreover, results showed that the application of knowledge on emotional regulation in practice often depends on the internal state of the parents. Additionally, the main reasons were identified why parents want to be aware of emotion regulation, where they emphasized the importance of emotions in parent-child relationships


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap dan menganalisis 1) pendekatan keterampilan proses dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa kelas X Busana Butik 4 SMK negeri 4 Yogyakarta, 2) peningkatan motivasi belajar membuat gaun bayi dengan pendekatan keterampilan proses pada siswa kelas X Busana Butik 4 di SMK N 4 Yogyakarta ditinjau dari aspek inisiatif aktifitas belajar siswa, aspek usaha belajar siswa, dan aspek ketepatan penyelesaian tugas belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan desain model Kemmis dan Taggart dengan empat tahapan yang meliputi (1) perencanaan, (2) tindakan, (3) pengamatan, (4) refleksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta dengan subjek penelitian ditentukan berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Kelas yang terpilih adalah X Busana Butik 4 yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi.Uji validitas berdasarkan kepada judgement expert dan uji reliabilitas dengan antar rater. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) pendekatan keterampilan proses pada pembelajaran membuat gaun bayi dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa yang dibuktikan dengan peningkatan motivasi belajar lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya yaitu semua siswa memperlihatkan motivasi belajar yang positif, ditunjukkan dengan 35 siswa mencapai skor motivasi belajar yaitu 22 siswa (62,86%) tergolong sangat tinggi dan 13 siswa (37,14%) tergolong tinggi dari yang sebelumnya masih terdapat 7 siswa (20%) tergolong rendah, 2) Peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa membuat gaun bayi dengan pendekatan keterampilan proses ditinjau dari aspek inisiatif aktifitas belajar siswa Siklus I terdapat 5 siswa (14,28%) tergolong sangat tinggi, 22 siswa (62,86%) tergolong tinggi, 7 siswa (20%) tergolong rendah dan 1 siswa (2,86%) tergolong sangat rendah meningkat menjadi 25 siswa (71,43%) tergolong sangat tinggi dan 10 siswa (28,57%) tergolong tinggi pada siklus II. Pada aspek usaha belajar siswa Siklus I terdapat terdapat 7 siswa (20%) tergolong sangat tinggi, 23 siswa (65,72%) tergolong tinggi dan 5 siswa (14,28%) tergolong rendah meningkat menjadi 18 siswa (51,43%) tergolong sangat tinggi dan 17 siswa (48,57%) tergolong tinggi pada siklus II. Pada aspek ketepatan penyelesaian tugas belajar Siklus I terdapat 21 siswa (60%) tergolong sangat tinggi, 13 siswa (37,14%) tergolong tinggi dan 1 siswa (2,86%) tergolong rendah meningkat menjadi 35 siswa (100%) tergolong sangat tinggi pada siklus II. Secara keseluruhan motivasi belajar siswa dalam membuat gaun bayi dengan pendekatan keterampilan proses mengalami peningkatan sebesar 14,44%, terbukti dari nilai rata-rata yang dicapai siklus I 41,66 dan meningkat menjadi 47,26 pada siklus II; dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan pendekatan keterampilan proses dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa

    Software Support for Team Engineering: Educational Case for IT Students

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    Every scientific project is a result of efforts of professionals from different working areas on the basis of their combined knowledge implementation. In the view of a team work significance for IT professionals, team work was proposed for one course from IT educational programme as the main active learning method. To engineer effective teams, SNA-methodology was implemented. The results of this implementation were discussed in the classes as an example of information technology and corresponding software tool usage for a real problem solution. A comparative analysis of two different tools was carried out, which has yielded in one more educational effect. This example of integrated learning which involve students both into professional and scientific activity was proved to be useful for educating real IT specialists

    A. N. Radishcev and N. M. Karamzin in the Ideological Context of “The Captain’s Daughter” by А. S. Pushkin

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    The novel “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin is analyzed in the context of ideological and creative dialogue with A. N. Radishchev and N. M. Karamzin. The last chapter of the novel (‘Judgment’), in which the yearlong dispute with Pushkin’s forerunners is summarized, has become an object of scholarly investigation in this study. A hypothesis is posed that Pushkin’s novel goes back to the ‘teaching for king Merykara’genre. “The Captain’s Daughter” has associations with the texts directly addressed to the authorities – the novel “A Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow” by Radishchev and “A Note on Ancient and Modern Russia in its Political and Civic Respects” and “The Manifesto” by Karamzin. A trip from ‘Sophia’to ‘Chernaya gryaz’is depicted in “A Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow”, and Sophia station becomes the last point of Masha Mironova’s odyssey in “The Captain’s Daughter”. Thus Pushkin unfolds a spatial as well as a semantic vector in his work. Foreseeing the doom of Radishchev’s poetry, the poet follows the example of Karamsin and outlines a program of state governance. Pushkin addresses Nicolas I through the image of Catherin II, reminding the former about the most important principles of monarchy, hereby reviving “The Manifesto” by Karamsin. The ideological positions of Radishchev and Karamsin are compared rather than opposed to each other in the novel, because Pushkin considers it important to mark and bring together the two poles of Russian history and culture. On the basis of numerous examples, the author of the study shows that the finale of “The Captain’s Daughter” contains historical allusions, which refer the readers to the tragic episodes in the history of the Russian state – the arrest and trial of Radishchev and the execution of Decembrists on July 13, 1826. These two historic events are closely bound up with the autobiographical plot which is inseparable from Radishchev and Karamsin’s fates.Впервые «Капитанская дочка» А. С. Пушкина рассмотрена в контексте идейного и творческого диалога с А. Н. Радищевым и Н. М. Карамзиным. Объектом научного внимания стала последняя глава пушкинского романа («Суд»), в которой подведены итоги многолетнего спора с великими предшественниками. В исследовании выдвинута гипотеза о том, что жанр пушкинского романа восходит к жанру «поучения царям». В «Капитанской дочке» обнаруживается связь с текстами, непосредственно адресованными к власти, – книгой А. Н. Радищева «Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву», а также «Запиской о древней и новой России в ее политическом и гражданском отношениях» и «Манифестом» Н. М. Карамзина. Если в «Путешествии из Петербурга в Москву» изображен путь от «Софии» к «Черной грязи», то в «Капитанской дочке» станция София станет последним пунктом скитаний Маши Мироновой, т. е. Пушкин развернет не только пространственный, но и смысловой вектор своего произведения. Осознавая обреченность радищевской позиции, поэт идет вслед за Карамзиным и создает образец программы государственного правления. Через образ Екатерины II Пушкин обращается к Николаю I, напоминая последнему о важнейших принципах царствования и воскрешая тем самым «Манифест» Н. М. Карамзина. В романе идейные позиции Карамзина и Радищева не столько противопоставлены, сколько сопоставлены друг с другом, поскольку для Пушкина важно обозначить и примирить между собой два противоположных полюса русской истории и культуры. На многочисленных примерах автор исследования показывает, что в финале «Капитанской дочки» присутствуют исторические аллюзии, отсылающие читателя к трагическим эпизодам истории государства Российского, – аресту и суду над Радищевым и казни декабристов 13 июля 1826 г. Эти два исторических события тесно переплетены с автобиографическим сюжетом, неотделимым от судеб Радищева и Карамзина

    Feeding spectrum of a dominant splash zone enchytraeid, Mesenchytraeus bungei Michaelsen, 1901 (Annelida: Oligochaeta), in Lake Baikal (East Siberia)

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    The first data on feeding spectrum of Baikal enchytraeids are g iven. Previously we found that Mesenchytraeus bungei Michaelsen, 1901 dominates in abundance in splash zone Oligochaeta community of Bolshie Koty Bay, Lake Baikal. Feeding spectrum of M. bungei was investigated in summer ( partially also in spring and autum n) of 2010 – 2012 and 201 5. Our study is based on pellet content analyses of more than 200 M. bungei specimens. Diverse components in different ratio were found during the investigation period, namely green algae, diatoms, higher plants debris, various anima l remains , some minor components and sediment particles . All the pellet content was subdivided into phytogenous and animal material, unidentified matter and sediment particles. Phytogenous material appeared to be a dominant component of pellets (up to 87%) in almost all cases. Our analysis showed that M. bungei is a saprophage with a preference to phytogenous detritu

    Economic communication model set

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    This paper details findings from the research work targeted at economic communications investigation with agent-based models usage. The agent-based model set was engineered to simulate economic communications. Money in the form of internal and external currencies was introduced into the models to support exchanges in communications. Every model, being based on the general concept, has its own peculiarities in algorithm and input data set since it was engineered to solve the specific problem. Several and different origin data sets were used in experiments: theoretic sets were estimated on the basis of static Leontief's equilibrium equation and the real set was constructed on the basis of statistical data. While simulation experiments, communication process was observed in dynamics, and system macroparameters were estimated. This research approved that combination of an agent-based and mathematical model can cause a synergetic effect. © 2017 Author(s)

    A scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) parasitizing a beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Russia

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    Megaselia opacicornis Schmitz is reported parasitizing the pupae of Melasoma lapponica (L.). The hitherto unknown male of the fly is described and the recognition of the female clarified. Life history data are summarised

    Cation distribution and interatomic interactions in oxides with heterovalent isomorphism:X. Structure of the Ho2SrAl2O7 oxide at 100, 298, and 673 K

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    Crystallochemical data for the Ho2SrAl2O7 oxide at 100, 293, and 6731 K were obtained by full-profile X-ray analysis. Analysis of the thermal expansion anisotropy showed that increased temperature gives rise to equalization of metal-oxygen bond lengths in all oxygen polyhedra at the expense of lengthening of' some bonds and virtual invariability of others