45 research outputs found

    Derivation and validation of a risk-factor model for detection of oral potentially malignant disorders in populations with high prevalence

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    Background:Oral and pharyngeal cancers constitute the sixth most common type of cancer globally, with high morbidity and mortality. In many countries, most cases of oral cancer arise from long-standing, pre-existing lesions, yet advanced malignancies prevail. A new approach to early detection is needed. We aimed to validate a model for screening so that only high-risk individuals receive the clinical examination.Methods:A community-based case-control study (n1029) in rural Sri Lanka assessed risk factors and markers for oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) by administering a questionnaire followed by an oral examination. We then developed a model based on age, socioeconomic status and habits of betel-quid chewing, alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking, with weightings based on odds ratios from the multiple logistic regression. A total, single score was calculated per individual. Standard receiver-operator characteristic curves were plotted for the total score and presence of OPMD. The model was validated on a new sample of 410 subjects in a different community.Results:A score of 12.0 produced optimal sensitivity (95.5%), specificity (75.9%), false-positive rate (24.0%), false-negative rate (4.5%), positive predictive value (35.9%) and negative predictive value (99.2%).Conclusion:This model is suitable for detection of OPMD and oral cancer in high-risk communities, for example, in Asia, the Pacific and the global diaspora therefrom. A combined risk-factor score of 12.0 was optimal for participation in oral cancer/OPMD screening in Sri Lanka. The model, or local adaptations, should have wide applicability

    Socioeconomic questionnaire and clinical assessment in the HELENA Cross-sectional Study: methodology

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    Rationale: Environmental factors such as dietary habits, breastfeeding, socioeconomic conditions and educational factors are strong influences on nutritional and puberty status, physical activity, food choices and their interactions. Several diseases of adulthood seem to be linked to, or to originate from, lifestyle in childhood and adolescence. Objective: The aims of this study are to describe birth parameters and socioeconomic factors and to assess clinical status in adolescents aged 13-16 years from 10 European countries participating in the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) Cross-Sectional Study (CSS). Methodology: A self-report questionnaire on the socioeconomic status, a parental questionnaire concerning neonatal period and also a case report form (CRF), in which clinical items during clinical examination (such as medical history, treatments, anthropometry, Tanner staging, blood pressure, heart rate) were assessed. To develop these documents, first a list of items was established, a search of existing documents was performed and the advice of local and international experts was taken. All documents (questionnaires and an operations manual) were discussed in plenary HELENA meetings; a final version of these documents was fixed, and the process of translation and back translation was performed. Results: The questionnaires and CRF were tested for validation in all 10 participant cities; 208 adolescents were enrolled during the pilot study. All items that caused problems or questions in one or more participating centers or were completed by < 85% of the adolescents were reviewed before the beginning of the HELENA-CSS. Conclusion: These final questionnaires and CRF will contribute to better understanding of the inequalities in nutrition, behavior and health in the European adolescent population. The experience and process should be useful for other multicenter studies

    The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2018 : a summary

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    Background. The European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry collects data on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) via national and regional renal registries in Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This article summarizes the 2018 ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report, and describes the epidemiology of KRT for kidney failure in 34 countries. Methods. Individual patient data on patients undergoing KRT in 2018 were provided by 34 national or regional renal registries and aggregated data by 17 registries. The incidence and prevalence of KRT, the kidney transplantation activity and the survival probabilities of these patients were calculated. Results. In 2018, the ERA-EDTA Registry covered a general population of 636 million people. Overall, the incidence of KRT for kidney failure was 129 per million population (p.m.p.), 62% of patients were men, 51% were >= 65years of age and 20% had diabetes mellitus as cause of kidney failure. Treatment modality at the onset of KRT was haemodialysis (HD) for 84%, peritoneal dialysis (PD) for 11% and pre-emptive kidney transplantation for 5% of patients. On 31 December 2018, the prevalence of KRT was 897 p.m.p., with 57% of patients on HD, 5% on PD and 38% living with a kidney transplant. The transplant rate in 2018 was 35 p.m.p.: 68% received a kidney from a deceased donor, 30% from a living donor and for 2% the donor source was unknown. For patients commencing dialysis during 2009-13, the unadjusted 5-year survival probability was 42.6%. For patients receiving a kidney transplant within this period, the unadjusted 5-year survival probability was 86.6% for recipients of deceased donor grafts and 93.9% for recipients of living donor grafts.Peer reviewe

    Ten-Year Survival of Children With Congenital Anomalies: A European Cohort Study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the survival up to age 10 for children born alive with a major congenital anomaly (CA). METHODS: This population-based linked cohort study (EUROlinkCAT) linked data on live births from 2005 to 2014 from 13 European CA registries with mortality data. Pooled Kaplan-Meier survival estimates up to age 10 were calculated for these children (77 054 children with isolated structural anomalies and 4011 children with Down syndrome). RESULTS: The highest mortality of children with isolated structural CAs was within infancy, with survival of 97.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 96.6%-98.1%) and 96.9% (95% CI: 96.0%-97.7%) at age 1 and 10, respectively. The 10-year survival exceeded 90% for the majority of specific CAs (27 of 32), with considerable variations between CAs of different severity. Survival of children with a specific isolated anomaly was higher than in all children with the same anomaly when those with associated anomalies were included. For children with Down syndrome, the 10-year survival was significantly higher for those without associated cardiac or digestive system anomalies (97.6%; 95% CI: 96.5%-98.7%) compared with children with Down syndrome associated with a cardiac anomaly (92.3%; 95% CI: 89.4%-95.3%), digestive system anomaly (92.8%; 95% CI: 87.7%-98.2%), or both (88.6%; 95% CI: 83.2%-94.3%). CONCLUSIONS: Ten-year survival of children born with congenital anomalies in Western Europe from 2005 to 2014 was relatively high. Reliable information on long-term survival of children born with specific CAs is of major importance for parents of these children and for the health care professionals involved in their care

    Linking a European cohort of children born with congenital anomalies to vital statistics and mortality records: A EUROlinkCAT study.

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    EUROCAT is a European network of population-based congenital anomaly (CA) registries. Twenty-one registries agreed to participate in the EUROlinkCAT study to determine if reliable information on the survival of children born with a major CA between 1995 and 2014 can be obtained through linkage to national vital statistics or mortality records. Live birth children with a CA could be linked using personal identifiers to either their national vital statistics (including birth records, death records, hospital records) or to mortality records only, depending on the data available within each region. In total, 18 of 21 registries with data on 192,862 children born with congenital anomalies participated in the study. One registry was unable to get ethical approval to participate and linkage was not possible for two registries due to local reasons. Eleven registries linked to vital statistics and seven registries linked to mortality records only; one of the latter only had identification numbers for 78% of cases, hence it was excluded from further analysis. For registries linking to vital statistics: six linked over 95% of their cases for all years and five were unable to link at least 85% of all live born CA children in the earlier years of the study. No estimate of linkage success could be calculated for registries linking to mortality records. Irrespective of linkage method, deaths that occurred during the first week of life were over three times less likely to be linked compared to deaths occurring after the first week of life. Linkage to vital statistics can provide accurate estimates of survival of children with CAs in some European countries. Bias arises when linkage is not successful, as early neonatal deaths were less likely to be linked. Linkage to mortality records only cannot be recommended, as linkage quality, and hence bias, cannot be assessed

    The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2018 : A summary

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    Funding Information: The ERA-EDTA Registry is funded by the ERA-EDTA. This article was written by A.K. et al. on behalf of the ERA-EDTA Registry, which is an official body of the ERA-EDTA. In addition, V.S.S. reports grants from ERA-EDTA, during the conduct of the study; S.B. reports personal fees from Astra Zeneca, outside the submitted work; P.F. reports personal fees from Baxter, outside the submitted work; and K.J.J. reports grants from ERA-EDTA, during the conduct of the study. Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA.Background. The European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry collects data on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) via national and regional renal registries in Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This article summarizes the 2018 ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report, and describes the epidemiology of KRT for kidney failure in 34 countries. Methods. Individual patient data on patients undergoing KRT in 2018 were provided by 34 national or regional renal registries and aggregated data by 17 registries. The incidence and prevalence of KRT, the kidney transplantation activity and the survival probabilities of these patients were calculated. Results. In 2018, the ERA-EDTA Registry covered a general population of 636 million people. Overall, the incidence of KRT for kidney failure was 129 per million population (p.m.p.), 62% of patients were men, 51% were 65 years of age and 20% had diabetes mellitus as cause of kidney failure. Treatment modality at the onset of KRT was haemodialysis (HD) for 84%, peritoneal dialysis (PD) for 11% and pre-emptive kidney transplantation for 5% of patients. On 31 December 2018, the prevalence of KRT was 897 p.m.p., with 57% of patients on HD, 5% on PD and 38% living with a kidney transplant. The transplant rate in 2018 was 35 p.m.p.: 68% received a kidney from a deceased donor, 30% from a living donor and for 2% the donor source was unknown. For patients commencing dialysis during 2009-13, the unadjusted 5-year survival probability was 42.6%. For patients receiving a kidney transplant within this period, the unadjusted 5-year survival probability was 86.6% for recipients of deceased donor grafts and 93.9% for recipients of living donor grafts.Peer reviewe

    Incorporación de la metodología geoestadística a la vigilancia de la gripe en una red centinela

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    Objetivo: Valorar la descripción geoestadística realizada de los datos de gripe recogidos a través de la Red Centinela Sanitaria de la Comunidad Valenciana (RCSCV) mediante la utilización del método kriging con la finalidad de evaluar la posibilidad de su incorporación a la vigilancia rutinaria Método: Se han utilizado los datos de vigilancia de gripe de la RCSCV en tres temporadas gripales (1997-1998, 1998-1999 y 1999-2000), construyéndose una matriz de datos de incidencia de gripe geocodificada. La distribución geográfica fue estudiada mediante la técnica geoestadística kriging, que permite estimar la incidencia de la enfermedad en cualquier punto del territorio, a partir de la incidencia observada en unos pocos puntos estratégicamente distribuidos. Se elaboraron mapas de curvas de isoincidencia de gripe para cada semana. La valoración de la técnica se realizó mediante validación cruzada. Resultados: En la mayoría de las semanas, los valores tanto de la desviación estándar (DE) reducida, como de la media reducida estuvieron cercanos a los valores considerados óptimos (0 o 1, respectivamente), y sólo en la última temporada se obtuvieron valores de la DE reducida alejados de los considerados como de buen ajuste en 12 de las 20 semanas. La estimación de tasas en todas las temporadas demostró una coherencia en su distribución espacial. También se observó coherencia en la evolución temporal. Conclusiones: En la mayoría de las situaciones los resultados pueden considerarse aceptables, no requiere recursos informáticos extraordinarios ni un empleo de tiempo excesivo, y necesita tan sólo una adaptación anual. Su facilidad de uso lo hace apto para su utilización como una técnica de rutina, pese a que puede mejorarse la precisión de las estimaciones, incrementando la complejidad del modelo