6 research outputs found

    A Flash X-Ray Facility for the Naval Postgraduate School

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    A Pulsar Model 112A flash X-ray machine has been acquired by the Naval Postgraduate School. This brief report describes the technical aspects of the accelerator and provides. documentation so that interested and affected parties may be informed on safety precautions, potential uses and practical considerations for the "effective utilization of a major resource for education and research. This report is not required by NAVPGSCOLINST 5100.5A and 5100.6A which pertains to the radiation protection program 1,2 at NPS, but is submitted as a matter of courtesy and prudence as some aspects of the use of the flash X-ray machine may fall within the responsibility of safety organizations at NPS. This "document. constitutes a report to the Safety Manager, the Radiation Protection Officer and, the Radiological, Safety and "Isotopes Committee (RSIC). The device does not fall under the "licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory' Commission as' radioactive sources are not involvedApproved for public release; distribution unlimited

    Aceptaci贸n de las t茅cnicas de manejo del comportamiento no farmacol贸gicas en padres o acudientes de pacientes pedi谩tricos de La cl铆nica odontol贸gica de la Universidad del Magdalena, periodo 2014-I

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    Se determin贸 el nivel de aceptaci贸n que tienen los padres o acudientes de los pacientes pedi谩tricos de la cl铆nica odontol贸gica de la Universidad del Magdalena en el periodo 2014- I, frente a las t茅cnicas no farmacol贸gicas para el manejo del comportamiento durante la consulta odontol贸gica. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo transversal con una muestra de 99 padres y acudientes de ambos sexos comprendidos en edades de 17 a 70 a帽os; para la recolecci贸n de los datos se produjo un video con las t茅cnicas de manejo de la conducta aplicadas (decir-mostrar-hacer, Control de la voz, Refuerzo positivo, Refuerzo negativo, Tiempo y fuera, Distracci贸n contingente, Escape contingente, Modelado, comunicaci贸n no verbal, Mano en la boca e inmovilizaci贸n f铆sica), seguido de un cuestionario de 10 preguntas por cada t茅cnica de manejo. Se evidencio que las t茅cnicas comunicativas (decirmostrar-hacer, refuerzo positivo y escape contingente) fueron las m谩s aceptadas y las t茅cnicas no comunicativas fueron las menos aceptadas (inmovilizaci贸n f铆sica y mano en boca). Otro resultado llamativo fue que la edad y el sexo de los padres o acudientes no influyo en los niveles de aceptaci贸n de las t茅cnicas de manejo, a diferencia del estrato socioecon贸mico y el nivel de escolaridad, los cuales si se mostraron como factores influyentes

    Forecasting accuracy: a comparative study between artificial neural network and autoregressive model for streamflow

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    Estimating the reliability of potential prediction is very crucial as our life depended heavily on it. Thus, a simulation that concerned hydrological factors such as streamflow must be enhanced. In this study, Autoregressive (AR) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were used. The forecasting result for each model was assessed by using various performance measurements such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Forecast Error (MFE) and Nash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency Coefficient (CE). The experimental results showed the forecast performance of Durian Tunggal reservoir datasets by using ANN Model 7 with 7 hidden neurons has better forecast performance compared to AR (4). The ANN model has the smallest MAE (0.0116 m3/s), RMSE (0.0607 m3/s), MAPE (1.8214% m3/s), MFE (0.0058 m3/s) and largest CE (0.9957 m3/s) which show the capability of fitting to a nonlinear dataset. In conclusion, high predictive precision is an advantage as a proactive or precautionary measure that can be inferred in advance in order to avoid certain negative effects

    Facilities requirements for a flash X-ray machine

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    This thesis discusses the impact and benefits of installing a 1.5 MeV flash X-ray machine at the Naval Postgraduate School. It reviews the specifications and applications of the 100 MeV linear accelerator currently in operation at NPS and compares it with the performance of the proposed equipment. Estimates of radiation production and area dosages from the flash X-ray machine, as well as proposals for equipment location and shielding design, are presented. Laboratory requirements for electrical power, space, radiation monitoring, equipment interlocks and safety awareness, as well as federal regulation application to and installation of this type, are considered. Finally, research and thesis opportunities through the improved and unique capabilities of the flash X-ray machine are presented, along with some suggestions for proposed experiments and applicationshttp://archive.org/details/facilitiesrequir00zureNANAU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) author

    The oxidation of thorium, uranium, and plutonium

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