2,341 research outputs found

    Mixed state non-Abelian holonomy for subsystems

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    Non-Abelian holonomy in dynamical systems may arise in adiabatic transport of energetically degenerate sets of states. We examine such a holonomy structure for mixtures of energetically degenerate quantal states. We demonstrate that this structure has a natural interpretation in terms of the standard Wilczek-Zee holonomy associated with a certain class of Hamiltonians that couple the system to an ancilla. The mixed state holonomy is analysed for holonomic quantum computation using ion traps.Comment: Minor changes, journal reference adde

    Redefining rights through local practices:The example of social support to undocumented migrants

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    Canine cone electroretinograms in response to visible and ultraviolet lights

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    Although ultraviolet (UV-) sensitivity has long been known to be widespread amonginvertebrates, bi s and some rodents, recent studies have revealed that the ocular media ofmost mammals (unlike man) transmits a large amount of the UV-A wavelengths. In addition torod cells, the domestic dog has two discrete types of cone photoreceptors. The peak sensitivityof the short wavelength-sensitive cones (S-cones) is in the blue to violet spectral range and themedium- to long-wavelength-sensitive cones have their peak sensitivity in the red to green partof the spectrum. In addition to the peak sensitive range (the α-band), the photosensitive conepigment will to some degree also absorb photons of shorter wavelengths: ꞵ-band absorption.This extends the visible spectrum, theoretically reaching into the UV-part of the spectrum. Full-field, flash electroretinography (fERG) is a non-invasive procedure that can be used toevaluate electrophysiological responses from the retinal cells. The fERG produces a twodimensional waveform, which can be analyzed according to established guidelines. Bystimulating the retina with wavelengths near the peak sensitivity of the S- or M/L-type conesalong with continuous chromatic background illumination that desensitizes the responses fromthe rods and other type of cone (selective chromatic adaptation), it is possible to separate theresponses from specific cell types. This study details ERG exams performed on 9 healthy research dogs at the Swedish Universityof Agricultural Sciences to evaluate the UV-sensitivity of the canine cone photoreceptors.Using visible short- and long wavelengths, ERG recordings of S- and M/L- responses intendedas a comparative baseline were obtained before also using UV-stimuli. Our results show thatresponses to different colored stimuli on a rod saturating and selective chromatic backgroundcan be used to obtain exclusive ML-cone driven responses and predominantly S-cone drivenresponses, respectively and indicate that both the S- and the M/L-cones are sensitive to stimuliin the UVA-range, although to different degrees

    En jämförelse av effekter och skillnader på radierande och fokuserande tryckvågsbehandling vid tendinopati : En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Detta examensarbete är en systematisk litteraturstudie med temat radierande (rESWT)- och fokuserande (ESWT) tryckvågsbehandling för tendinopatier. Syftet med examensarbete är att göra en jämförelse mellan effekterna och skillnaderna på radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (rESWT) och Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) vid behandling av tendinopati. Med effekter avses i första hand reducering av smärta och funktionsökning om detta finns beskrivet. Litteratursökningen inleddes i februari och avslutades i juni 2010. Pubmed, Ebsco, Pedro och Google scholar är databaser som genomsöktes. Sökorden: ESWT, rESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Shockwave och Shockwave Therapy, användes som grund och i olika kombinationer. Tjugotvå artiklar har efter litteratursökningen inkluderats och analyserats i litteraturstudien. Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visar att såväl rESWT som ESWT är en effektiv behandling av kroniska tendinopatier. I första hand är behandlingsmetoderna effektiva med syfte på smärtreducering samt funktionsökning. En klar slutsats på vilken intervention som lämpar sig bäst, samt vilken av behandlingsmetoderna som är effektivare vid behandling av tendinopatier kan inte dras. Resultatanalyser visar dock en viss fördel för rESWT.This degree thesis is a systematic literature review of the topic radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (rESWT) and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and ten-dinopathy. The aim was to make a comparison of the effects and differences between rESWT and ESWT as a treatment of tendinopathy. In the first place the effects are referred to the reduction of pain and if it is described the increase of function. The study of literature was made between February and June 2010. The used databases are: Pubmed, Ebsco, Pedro and Google scholar. Keywords such as: ESWT, rESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Shockwave and Shockwave Therapy, were used. These words were used as a basis and in different combinations. Twenty-two articles were included and analyzed in the systematic review. The results of the systematic literature review shows that both rESWT and ESWT are an efficient treatment of chronical tentinopathies. In the first place these treatment options are effective when the aim is to reduce pain and increase function. A clear conclusion on which intervention is the best, and which of the treatment methods that are the most effective in the treatment of tendinopathy cannot be drawn. Result analyses show a slight advantage for rESWT.Tämä opinnäytetyö on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka aiheet ovat radioiva (rESWT)- ja fokusoiva (ESWT) paineaaltoterapia tendinopatian hoidossa. Opinnäytetyön tavoite on vertailla sekä vaikutuksia että eroja radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (rESWT) ja Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) tendinopatian hoidossa. Vaikutuksilla tarkoitetaan ensisijaisesti kivun vähentämistä ja toiminnan lisäämistä, jos tämä löytyy kirjallisuudessa. Kirjallisuuden tutkiminen alkoi helmikuussa ja loppui kesäkuussa 2010. Käytetyt tietokannat ovat: Pubmed, Ebsco, Pedro ja Google scholar. Hakusanat ovat: ESWT, rESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Shockwave ja Shockwave Thera-py. Näitä käytettiin pohjana erilaisissa yhdistelmissä. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa on otettu mukaan ja analysoitu kaksikymmentäkaksi artikkelia. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulokset näyttävät, sekä rESWT että ESWT ovat vaikuttavia hoitomenetelmiä kroonisille tendinopatioille. Ensisijaisesti nämä hoitomuodot ovat vaikuttavia, kun tavoitteena ovat kivun vähentäminen ja toiminnan lisääminen. Selkeätä lopputulosta, mikä interventio sopii parhaiten ja mikä näistä hoitomenetelmistä on vaikuttavampi, ei löytynyt. Tulosanalyysi osoittaa hieman etua rESWT:lle

    Introduction: Forensic Fail

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    Background: About 60% of Pheochromocytoma (PCC) and Paraganglioma (PGL) patients have either germline or somatic mutations in one of the 12 proposed disease causing genes; SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, SDHAF2, VHL, EPAS1, RET, NF1, TMEM127, MAX and H-RAS. Selective screening for germline mutations is routinely performed in clinical management of these diseases. Testing for somatic alterations is not performed on a regular basis because of limitations in interpreting the results. Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate genetic events and phenotype correlations in a large cohort of PCC and PGL tumours. Methods: A total of 101 tumours from 89 patients with PCC and PGL were re-sequenced for a panel of 10 disease causing genes using automated Sanger sequencing. Selected samples were analysed with Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification and/or SNParray. Results: Pathogenic genetic variants were found in tumours from 33 individual patients (37%), 14 (16%) were discovered in constitutional DNA and 16 (18%) were confirmed as somatic. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was observed in 1/1 SDHB, 11/11 VHL and 3/3 NF1-associated tumours. In patients with somatic mutations there were no recurrences in contrast to carriers of germline mutations (P = 0.022). SDHx/VHL/ EPAS1 associated cases had higher norepinephrine output (P = 0.03) and lower epinephrine output (P<0.001) compared to RET/NF1/H-RAS cases. Conclusion: Somatic mutations are frequent events in PCC and PGL tumours. Tumour genotype may be further investigated as prognostic factors in these diseases. Growing evidence suggest that analysis of tumour DNA could have an impact on the management of these patients

    Fathers are helping, mothers are hovering: Differential effects of helicopter parenting in college first-year students

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    Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1991) states that humans have three critical needs – autonomy, competence, and relatedness – that are necessary for optimal development. The current study posits that helicopter parenting (i.e., excessive parental involvement and attention) may interfere with the development of these needs; previous research has found links among helicopter parenting, greater mental health symptomatology, and decreased autonomy (Schiffrin et al., 2014). The current study focused on first-year college students who were experiencing significant changes in social and academic domains. It was hypothesized that first-year students with helicopter parents would be more likely to experience negative outcomes (i.e., greater depression, panic, social anxiety, sexual and substance risk taking, peer insecurity, and less social and academic competence). First-year students completed online questionnaires to assess the negative outcomes described above. Higher scores in mothers’ helicopter parenting were associated with greater depression and social anxiety. Higher scores in fathers’ helicopter parenting were associated with greater social competence and peer security and less depression. The pattern of results suggests that mothers’ helicopter parenting was associated with negative outcomes, whereas fathers’ helicopter parenting was associated with positive outcomes. Previous research has generally found that helicopter parenting is problematic for development; our research found that mothers’ and fathers’ parenting may be viewed differently. Mothers may have been perceived as being intrusive, whereas fathers may have been seen as protective. Future research should examine the different perceptions of mothers’ and fathers’ helicopter parenting and examine why these different perceptions exist


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    Electrophoretically fractionated CBA/Ca spleen T cells alone respond to allogeneic cells in one-way MLC and to PHA. They do not respond to E. coli LPS. B cells alone do not respond to allogeneic cells nor to PHA, but do respond to LPS. When karyotypically distinguishable syngeneic mixtures of T and B lymphocytes are stimulated with allogeneic cells, at the most 5% of mitoses on 5–9th culture day are of B cell origin. This indicates that B cells are not substantially recruited to proliferate in the MLC
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