56 research outputs found

    Criminal Provisions in Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 According to Law Number 12 of 2011

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    This paper aims at explaining the criminal provisions in government regulation number 9 of 1975, according to Law Number 12 of 2011. The research method used in conducting this article is a qualitative research method with a normative juridical research type using the statute approach. Sources of data are divided into two forms, namely primary data sources obtained directly from main sources such as the head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religions of the Republic of Indonesia, Commission III of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the Head of the High Court of Religion of North Sumatra, and experts in the field of Islamic law. In addition, laws and regulations and the book of ushul fiqh are used as secondary materials. Data analysis was carried out in the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results show that the criteria for marriage that can be punished or fined are divided into two, namely First, is the presence of intention. Second, the action is detrimental to another person, in other words, the injured person reports or complains about the detrimental action to the police so that it can be processed because the provision is a complaint offense. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan ketentuan pidana dalam peraturan pemerintah nomor 9 tahun 1975 menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan Jenis Penelitian yuridis normative menggunakan pendekatan statute approach. Sumber data terbagi pada dua bentuk yaitu sumber data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari sumber utama seperti kepala kanwil Kementerian Agama RI, Komisi III DPR RI, Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Sumatera Utara, dan pakar dibidang hukum Islam. Selain itu, Peraturan perundang-undangan dan kitab ushul fiqih dijadikan sebagai bahan sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria pernikahan yang dapat dipidana atau didenda terbagi kepada dua, yaitu ; Pertama, adalah adanya niat atau unsur kesengajaan. Kedua, tindakan tersebut merugikan orang lain, dengan kata lain, bahwa orang yang dirugikan tersebut melaporkan atau mengadukan perbuatan yang merugikannya kepada pihak kepolisian, sehingga dapat diproses, karena ketentuan tersebut merupakan delik aduan

    Keefektifan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Mobile dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual untuk Meningkatkan Social Skill dan Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis Pada Materi Gerak dan Gaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keefektifan multimedia pembelajaran IPA dengan pendekatan kontekstual dalam meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Sedayu, Yogyakarta. Uji coba lapangan menggunakan dua kelas yang dipilih menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Kelas VIII B sebagai kelas eksperimen yang mendapat perlakukan berupa pembelajaran menggunakan multimedia dan kelas VIII D sebagai kelas kontrol atau kelas yang tidak mendapat perlakuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik angket dan tes. Teknik angket digunakan untuk mengetahui keterampilan sosial, sedangkan tes uraian digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah konversi skor ke nilai, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji manova.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan multimedia dengan pendekatan kontekstual dapat meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP. Kondisi ini terlihat dari hasil uji beda antara kelas kontrol dan eksperimen yang menunjukkan keterampilan sosial dan kemampuan berpikir kritis kelas eksperimen lebih unggul dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Gain score keterampilan sosial kelas eksperimen diperoleh sebesar 0,50 sedangkan kelas kontrol 0,30. Gain score kemampuan berpikir kritis untuk kelas eksperimen 0,60 sedangkan kelas kontrol 0,4

    The Influence of Human Resource on Employee Performance and Organizational Commitment in the Road Transport Sector: A Study of Riau Province Transportation Service

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    This research aims to assess the performance of Civil Servants within the Road Transport Sector of the Riau Province Transportation Service in fulfilling their duties and supporting Organizational Commitment. Employing a qualitative approach, the study involves direct observation and in-depth analysis of existing phenomena using a descriptive method. Key findings include: 1) Civil Servants' performance is generally rated as satisfactory, but falls short in optimizing adherence to Riau Governor Regulation Number 61 of 2021 due to issues such as low work discipline, inadequate competence in task completion, and ineffective inter-employee communication; 2) Competency among Civil Servants is hindered by low engagement in technical training initiatives; 3) Organizational Commitment is notably low, reflecting insufficient awareness of the significance of their roles. Additionally, suboptimal work motivation and inadequate working conditions are evident. Furthermore, the relationship between leadership and staff is characterized by inadequate guidance and motivation, posing challenges to achieving the objectives of the Road Transport Sector of the Riau Province Transportation Service


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    This thesis generally discussed the social change and its relationship to the practice of Islamic inheritance within the Acehnese community, especially those who live in Banda Aceh city. This study aims to investigate the impact of the social change in altering the inheritance law. Data for this study were primarily gathered through questionnaire surveys. In addition, secondary data were gathered through various Islamic literatures, books, articles, seminar papers and other related materials. The questionnaires were distributed to 230 respondents that were randomly chosen among Banda Aceh community. The findings of this study revealed that the social change has influence on the altering of the Islamic inheritance law within the community. The data shows that the practices of inheritance in Banda Aceh were mostly based on family approval. These practices were influenced by several of social change’s factors, such as role of wives in earning family income, economy, gender, justice and traditions. As this study has several limitations, it was recommended that future studies need to examine this matter more comprehensively due to some deficiencies in its application such as the use of fiqh and ushul methods

    Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Pada Pegawai Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Cipinang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pegawai terhadap Iklim Organisasi, Persepsi pegawai terhadap Komitmen Organisasional dan Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi terhadap Komitmen Organisasional di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Cipinang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif menggunakan data primer dari kuesioner dengan teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan yaitu Simple Random Sampling terhadap 273 orang pegawai yang kemudian dilakukan perhitungan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin dengan hasil 162 pegawai menjadi sampel yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan software IBM SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang diberikan variabel X terhadap variabel Y dalam penelitian yang didapatkan dari hasil uji t untuk menguji hipotesis. Peneliti mendapatkan nilai t hitung (4,665) > t tabel (0,67) sehingga H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, dimana menandakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh Iklim Organisasi terhadap Komitmen Organisasional. Peneliti kemudian melakukan uji determinasi dan memperoleh nilai R square sebesar 0,12 yang mana menunjukkan bahwa besar pengaruh Iklim Organisasi sebagai variabel independen terhadap komitmen organisasional sebagai variabel dependen sebesar 12% sedangkan 88% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara Iklim Organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasional di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Cipinang

    Efektivitas Peningkatan Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara Melalui Sistem Merit (Meryt System) Pada Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2019

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    The Regional Secretariat of the Bener Meriah Regency in 2019 is the location of this study, which explores the efficacy of raising state public servants' performance using the merit system. The goal of the study is to comprehend how the spoil system can impede efforts to increase ASN performance as well as the efficacy of enhancing ASN performance through the merit system. Hani Handoko's theory of effectiveness, which uses outcome indicators (results) from the execution of programs/activities, is the theoretical framework that is applied. A qualitative research method was adopted for the study. The findings revealed that improving the performance of ASN through the Merit System at the Bener Meriah Secretariat in 2019 was still ineffective due to the low quality of the ASN serving in the Bener Meriah Secretariat due to the influence of the spoil system implementation due to the element of closeness or kinship with political officials in the area. Regency Bener Meriah The spoil system has a significant impact and hinders the effectiveness of improving the performance of ASN in the Bener Meriah Secretariat in 2019, because if the spoil system is still used in the placement and recruitment of ASN placed in the Setdakab, it will have an impact on the performance of other ASN, because the roles of ASN are different because ASN roles that are placed based on ability and competence qualifications will be defeated by ASN that is dominated by a spoil system because it is based on political power or through political intervention and power

    Peran Program TNI Manunggal Membangun Desa (TMMD) (Studi Pada Kodim 0103 Kapubaten Aceh Utara, Desa Alue Dua Kecamatan Nisam Antara)

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    The problem of border areas, remote areas and even isolated areas is still a scourge that has never been resolved. Such as the problem of facilities and infrastructure in border areas, isolated locations that are difficult to reach, human resources are still low, socio-economic services that have not been well distributed. This study was conducted to determine the role of Kodim 0103 North Aceh through the TNI Manunggal Building Village (TMMD) program as an effort to maintain aspects of regional defense and security, as well as build infrastructure and social services. This study uses a qualitative approach. The results of the study were obtained, that; One of the roles of Kodim 0103 is to prepare regional defense on the border of North Aceh, precisely in Alue Dua Village. The existence of the 100th TMMD allows the function of Kodim 0103 to oversee border areas in Alue Dua Village which borders Bener Meriah Regency. In addition, the 100th TMMD Program helps the community with programs such as opening roads to the Bener Meriah area and community counseling as well as building social and health service infrastructur

    Studi keanekaragaman jenis jamur Kelas Basidiomycetesdi kawasan hutan Desa Tanjung Sangalang kecamatan Kahayan Tengah kabupaten Pulang Pisau

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    Pada salah satu lokasi penelitian ditemukan berbagai jenis jamur kelas Basidiomycetes, ada beberapa jenis jamur yang bisa dikonsumsi, namun ada yang karena bersifat racun, mengenai keberadaan keanekaragaman jamur kelas Basidiomycetes di kawasan hutan Desa Tanjung Sanggalang sampai saat ini masih belum diketahui teridentifikasi dengan baik, sehingga perlu diadakan studi keanekaragaman jenis jamur kelas Basidiomycetes di Kawasan Hutan Tanjung Sanggalang Kecamatan Kahayaan Tengah Kabupaten Pulang Pisau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan jamur apa saja yang lebih mendominasi, serta mengetahui tingkat keanekaragaman jamur kelas Basidiomycetes yang terdapat di Kawasan Hutan Desa Tanjung Sanggalang Kecamatan Kahayan Tengah Kabupaten Pulang Pisau. Kegiatan studi keanekaragaman ini menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif dan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan sampel terbagi menjadi dua wilayah yaitu hutan terbuka dan hutan semi tertutup. Data yang diperoleh meliputi nama jenis jamur (lokal dan ilmiah), ciri-ciri morfologi dan hasil foto lokasi penelitian, tiap spesimen yang ditemukan dianalisa, diidentifikasi dan di deskripsikan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 17 jenis jamur Kelas Basidiomycetes pada hutan Terbuka sebanyak 7 jenis jamur yang ditemukan yaitu Coltricia Cinnamomea, Clityobe dealbata, Coltricia sp, Stereum Gaauspatum, Fomes sp 1, Fomes sp 2, Ganoderma sp Sedangkan jumlah jamur kelas Basidiomycetes yang diperoleh di kawasan Hutan Semi Tertutup sebanyak 10 jenis yang ditemukan yaitu Lactarius sp, Stereum sp, Ganoderma sp 1. Ganoderma sp 2, Coltricia sp 1, Clotricia sp 2, Fomes sp 1, Fomes sp 2, Lentinus sp, Pseudotrametes sp. Spesies yang lebih dominan pada hutan terbuka jamur Coltrcia sp, sedangkan hutan semi tertutup jamur Fomes sp. Indeks keanekaragaman hutan terbuka sebesar 1,1945 sedangkan hutan semi tertutup adalah sebesar 1,9012. Indeks keanekaragaman ini termasuk kategori sedang, dengan kriteria 1,5 Hʹ < 3 : keanekaragaman sedang. ABSTRACT In the one of the location found that many kinds of Mushrooms Basidiomycetes, some of them can be consumpted, but the other has poison, about the variety of Mushrooms basiodiomycetes class, in the Forest area Tanjung Sanggalang Village still not identify well, so it needs the studies of Mushrooms variety basidiomycetes class in the Forest area Tanjung Sanggalang Village Kahayan TengahSubdistrict PulangPisau Regency. The purpose of this research is to know the kind of Mushrooms and what kind of Mushrooms that dominate in that area, also to know the Mushrooms variety Basidiomycetes that found in the Forest area Tanjung Sanggalang Village District of Kahayan Tengah Pulang Pisau Regency. This studies used descriptive explorative method and used survey with purposive sampling technique, which meant decided the sample area based on true condition that found in that location, all Mushrooms in Basidiomycetes class that found in that Forest area. The sample divided into two area, they were open Forest and semi close Forest. The data that collected like the name of Mushrooms, (local & scientific), moprhopogical features and the photo of location, each specimen that found identified and described. The result of this studies showed that 17 kind of Basidiomycetesclass in the open Forest had 7 kind of Mushrooms, they were Colticia Cinnamonea, Cltyobe dealbata, Coltricia sp, Stereum Gaauspatum, Fomes sp 1, Fomes sp 2, Ganoderma sp, while on the semi close Forest found 10 kinds of Mushrooms, they were Lactarius sp, Stereum sp, Ganoderma sp 1, Ganoderma sp 2, Coltricia sp 1, Coltricia sp 2, Fomes sp 1, Fomes sp 2, Lentinus sp, Pseudotrametes sp. The species that dominant in the open Forest was Mushrooms Coltricia sp, while in the semi close Forest was Fomessp,the index of variety Mushrooms Basidiomycetes Class on the open Forest was 1.1945 while in the semi close Forest was 1.9004. this index of variety can be categorized as moderate, with criteria 1.5 H’ < 3 : Moderate variety

    Empowering Women through Mangrove Batik Business in Percut Sei Tuan, North Sumatera

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    One of the efforts to improve community welfare is through community empowerment activities. Through the Community Service Program for women's groups in Percut Sei Tuan, it is hoped that women can increase family income. Available natural resources such as natural dyes made from wood around the mangrove forest can be used to support batik products with natural dyes. Types of natural dyes include those from the wood species Rhizopora, Avicennia, Ceriop, Bruguiera. In this service activity the group has made products in the form of handkerchiefs and printed batik cloths

    Application of Talking Stick-Based Learning Media to Improve Students' Critical Thinking

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    The reason for this study is learners' low critical thinking ability on the material "economic activity". This study aims to describe the results of the application of Talking Stick-based learning media to students' critical thinking skills on the material of economic activities carried out in class VII I of Al Maksum Stabat Private Junior High School. This research method uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. The research acts as a data collection instrument. According to Miles and Huberman, the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation (data display), and conclusion drawing/verification. The research subjects used are students of class VII I of the 2022/2023 school year. The number of students is 25 people. The results of this study showed learners' critical thinking ability on the material of economic activity. Seven participants in Students were able to answer when they got their turn in the talking stick game, while 2 students were still reluctant to answer questions. Researchers use questionnaires to discover the development and influence of the application of Talking Stick learning media
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