636 research outputs found

    Phase-field simulations of solidification in binary and ternary systems using a finite element method

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    We present adaptive finite element simulations of dendritic and eutectic solidification in binary and ternary alloys. The computations are based on a recently formulated phase-field model that is especially appropriate for modelling non-isothermal solidification in multicomponent multiphase systems. In this approach, a set of governing equations for the phase-field variables, for the concentrations of the alloy components and for the temperature has to be solved numerically, ensuring local entropy production and the conservation of mass and inner energy. To efficiently perform numerical simulations, we developed a numerical scheme to solve the governing equations using a finite element method on an adaptive non-uniform mesh with highest resolution in the regions of the phase boundaries. Simulation results of the solidification in ternary Ni60_{60}Cu40−x_{40-x}Crx_{x} alloys are presented investigating the influence of the alloy composition on the growth morphology and on the growth velocity. A morphology diagram is obtained that shows a transition from a dendritic to a globular structure with increasing Cr concentrations. Furthermore, we comment on 2D and 3D simulations of binary eutectic phase transformations. Regular oscillatory growth structures are observed combined with a topological change of the matrix phase in 3D. An outlook for the application of our methods to describe AlCu eutectics is given.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, To appear in the proceedings of 14th "International Conference on Crystal Growth", ICCG-14, 9-13 August 2004 Grenoble Franc

    Comparison of different functions to describe growth from weaning to maturity in crossbred beef cattle

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    Cow mature weight (MWT) has increased in the past 30 yr. Larger cows cost more to maintain, but their efficiency—and thus profitability— depends on the production environment. Incorporating MWT effectively into selection and mating decisions requires understanding of growth to maturity. The objective of this study was to describe growth to maturity in crossbred beef cattle using Brody, spline, and quadratic functions. Parameter estimates utilized data on crossbred cows from cycle VII and continuous sampling phases of the Germplasm Evaluation Program at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. The MWT were estimated at 6 yr from the fitted parameters obtained from the Brody (BMWT), spline (SMWT), and quadratic (QMWT) functions. These were defined as BMWT, SMWT, and QMWT for the Brody, spline, and quadratic functions, respectively. Key parameters from the Brody function were BMWT and maturing constant. The spline was fitted as piecewise linear where the two linear functions joined at a knot. Key parameters were knot position and SMWT. For the quadratic model, the main parameter considered was QMWT. Data were scaled for fitting such that 180 d was the y-intercept with the average weight at 180 d (214.3 kg) subtracted from all weights. Weights were re-expressed by adding 214.3 kg after analysis. Once data were edited, with outliers removed, there were parameter estimates for 5,156, 5,041, and 4,905 cows for the Brody, spline, and quadratic functions, respectively. The average maturing constant (SD) was 0.0023 d−1 (0.0008 d−1). The mean MWT estimates (SD) from the Brody, spline, and quadratic functions were 650.0 kg (64.0 kg), 707.3 kg (79.8 kg), and 597.8 kg (116.7 kg), respectively. The spline function had the highest average R2 value when fit to individual cows’ data. However, the Brody function produced more consistent MWT estimates regardless of the timeframe of data available and produced the fewest extreme MWT. For the spline and quadratic functions, weights through 4 and 5 yr of age, respectively, were needed before consistent estimates of MWT were obtained. Of the three functions fitted, the Brody was best suited for estimating MWT at a later age in crossbred beef cattle

    Breed and heterotic effects for mature weight in beef cattle

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    Cow mature weight (MWT) is heritable and affects the costs and efficiency of a breeding operation. Cow weight is also influenced by the environment, and the relationship between the size and profitability of a cow varies depending on production system. Producers, therefore, need tools to incorporate MWT in their selection of cattle breeds and herd replacements. The objective of this study was to estimate breed and heterotic effects for MWT using weight-age data on crossbred cows. Cow\u27s MWT at 6 yr was predicted from the estimated parameter values-asymptotic weight and maturation constant (k)-from the fit of the Brody function to their individual data. Values were obtained for 5,156 crossbred cows from the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) Germplasm Evaluation Program using 108,957 weight records collected from approximately weaning up to 6 yr of age. The cows were produced from crosses among 18 beef breeds. A bivariate animal model was fitted to the MWT and k obtained for each cow. The fixed effects were birth year-season contemporary group and covariates of direct and maternal breed fractions, direct and maternal heterosis, and age at final weighing. The random effects were direct additive and residual. A maternal additive random effect was also fitted for k. In a separate analysis from that used to estimate breed effects and (co)variances, cow MWT was regressed on sire yearling weight (YWT) Expected Progeny Differences by its addition as a covariate to the animal model fitted for MWT. That regression coefficient was then used to adjust breed solutions for sire selection in the USMARC herd. Direct heterosis was 15.3 ± 2.6 kg for MWT and 0.000118 ± 0.000029 d-1 for k. Maternal heterosis was -5.7 ± 3.0 kg for MWT and 0.000130 ± 0.000035 d-1 for k. Direct additive heritabilities were 0.56 ± 0.03 for MWT and 0.23 ± 0.03 for k. The maternal additive heritability for k was 0.11 ± 0.02. The direct additive correlation between MWT and k was negligible (0.08 ± 0.09). Adjusted for sire sampling, Angus was heaviest at maturity of the breeds compared. Deviations from Angus ranged from -8.9 kg (Charolais) to -136.7 kg (Braunvieh). Ordered by decreasing MWT, the breeds ranked Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Brahman, Salers, Santa Gertrudis, Simmental, Maine Anjou, Limousin, Red Angus, Brangus, Chiangus, Shorthorn, Gelbvieh, Beefmaster, and Braunvieh. These breed effects for MWT can inform breeding programs where cow size is considered a key component of the overall profitability

    Comparison of different functions to describe growth from weaning to maturity in crossbred beef cattle

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    Cow mature weight (MWT) has increased in the past 30 yr. Larger cows cost more to maintain, but their efficiency—and thus profitability— depends on the production environment. Incorporating MWT effectively into selection and mating decisions requires understanding of growth to maturity. The objective of this study was to describe growth to maturity in crossbred beef cattle using Brody, spline, and quadratic functions. Parameter estimates utilized data on crossbred cows from cycle VII and continuous sampling phases of the Germplasm Evaluation Program at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. The MWT were estimated at 6 yr from the fitted parameters obtained from the Brody (BMWT), spline (SMWT), and quadratic (QMWT) functions. These were defined as BMWT, SMWT, and QMWT for the Brody, spline, and quadratic functions, respectively. Key parameters from the Brody function were BMWT and maturing constant. The spline was fitted as piecewise linear where the two linear functions joined at a knot. Key parameters were knot position and SMWT. For the quadratic model, the main parameter considered was QMWT. Data were scaled for fitting such that 180 d was the y-intercept with the average weight at 180 d (214.3 kg) subtracted from all weights. Weights were re-expressed by adding 214.3 kg after analysis. Once data were edited, with outliers removed, there were parameter estimates for 5,156, 5,041, and 4,905 cows for the Brody, spline, and quadratic functions, respectively. The average maturing constant (SD) was 0.0023 d−1 (0.0008 d−1). The mean MWT estimates (SD) from the Brody, spline, and quadratic functions were 650.0 kg (64.0 kg), 707.3 kg (79.8 kg), and 597.8 kg (116.7 kg), respectively. The spline function had the highest average R2 value when fit to individual cows’ data. However, the Brody function produced more consistent MWT estimates regardless of the timeframe of data available and produced the fewest extreme MWT. For the spline and quadratic functions, weights through 4 and 5 yr of age, respectively, were needed before consistent estimates of MWT were obtained. Of the three functions fitted, the Brody was best suited for estimating MWT at a later age in crossbred beef cattle

    Trapping Long-Lifetime Excitons in a Two-Dimensional Harmonic Potential

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    We report an important step forward for the goal of unambiguous observation of Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in semiconductors. We have demonstrated a system in which excitons live for microseconds, much longer than their thermalization time, move over distances of hundreds of microns, and can be trapped in a harmonic potential exactly analous to the traps for atomic condensates. We also report recent results of a new method for observing evidence of Bose-Einstein condensation, by angular resolution of the emitted luminescence.Comment: Invited paper for International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems, Seven Springs, PA, May 2004. To appear in Solid State Communication

    Charge-Stripe Ordering From Local Octahedral Tilts: Underdoped and Superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4 (0 < x < 0.30)

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    The local structure of La2-xSrxCuO4, for 0 < x < 0.30, has been investigated using the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of neutron powder diffraction data. The local octahedral tilts are studied to look for evidence of [110] symmetry (i.e., LTT-symmetry) tilts locally, even though the average tilts have [010] symmetry (i.e., LTO-symmetry) in these compounds. We argue that this observation would suggest the presence of local charge-stripe order. We show that the tilts are locally LTO in the undoped phase, in agreement with the average crystal structure. At non-zero doping the PDF data are consistent with the presence of local tilt disorder in the form of a mixture of LTO and LTT local tilt directions and a distribution of local tilt magnitudes. We present topological tilt models which qualitatively explain the origin of tilt disorder in the presence of charge stripes and show that the PDF data are well explained by such a mixture of locally small and large amplitude tilts.Comment: 11 two-column pages, 11 figure

    Symptom-based staging for logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia

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    Background and purpose Logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA) is a major variant presentation of Alzheimer's disease (AD) that signals the importance of communication dysfunction across AD phenotypes. A clinical staging system is lacking for the evolution of AD-associated communication difficulties that could guide diagnosis and care planning. Our aim was to create a symptom-based staging scheme for lvPPA, identifying functional milestones relevant to the broader AD spectrum. Methods An international lvPPA caregiver cohort was surveyed on symptom development under an ‘exploratory’ survey (34 UK caregivers). Feedback from this survey informed the development of a ‘consolidation’ survey (27 UK, 10 Australian caregivers) in which caregivers were presented with six provisional clinical stages and feedback was analysed using a mixed-methods approach. Results Six clinical stages were endorsed. Early symptoms included word-finding difficulty, with loss of message comprehension and speech intelligibility signalling later-stage progression. Additionally, problems with hearing in noise, memory and route-finding were prominent early non-verbal symptoms. ‘Milestone’ symptoms were identified that anticipate daily-life functional transitions and care needs. Conclusions This work introduces a new symptom-based staging scheme for lvPPA, and highlights milestone symptoms that could inform future clinical scales for anticipating and managing communication dysfunction across the AD spectrum

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel flexible nucleoside analogues that inhibit flavivirus replication in vitro

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    Flaviviruses, such as Dengue (DENV) and Zika (ZIKV) viruses, represent a severe health burden. There are currently no FDA-approved treatments, and vaccines against most flaviviruses are still lacking. We have developed several flexible analogues (“fleximers”) of the FDA-approved nucleoside Acyclovir that exhibit activity against various RNA viruses, demonstrating their broad-spectrum potential. The current study reports activity against DENV and YFV, particularly for compound 1. Studies to elucidate the mechanism of action suggest the flex-analogue triphosphates, especially 1-TP, inhibit DENV and ZIKV methyltransferases. The results of these studies are reported herein

    Improving compliance to colorectal cancer screening using blood and stool based tests in patients refusing screening colonoscopy in Germany

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    Background Despite strong recommendations for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, participation rates are low. Understanding factors that affect screening choices is essential to developing future screening strategies. Therefore, this study assessed patient willingness to use non-invasive stool or blood based screening tests after refusing colonoscopy. Methods Participants were recruited during regular consultations. Demographic, health, psychological and socioeconomic factors were recorded. All subjects were advised to undergo screening by colonoscopy. Subjects who refused colonoscopy were offered a choice of non-invasive tests. Subjects who selected stool testing received a collection kit and instructions; subjects who selected plasma testing had a blood draw during the office visit. Stool samples were tested with the Hb/Hp Complex Elisa test, and blood samples were tested with the Epi proColonÂź 2.0 test. Patients who were positive for either were advised to have a diagnostic colonoscopy. Results 63 of 172 subjects were compliant to screening colonoscopy (37%). 106 of the 109 subjects who refused colonoscopy accepted an alternative non-invasive method (97%). 90 selected the Septin9 blood test (83%), 16 selected a stool test (15%) and 3 refused any test (3%). Reasons for blood test preference included convenience of an office draw, overall convenience and less time consuming procedure. Conclusions 97% of subjects refusing colonoscopy accepted a non-invasive screening test of which 83% chose the Septin9 blood test. The observation that participation can be increased by offering non-invasive tests, and that a blood test is the preferred option should be validated in a prospective trial in the screening setting
