211 research outputs found

    Finding least fuel emission paths in a network with time-varying speeds

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    This article considers the problem of finding a route and schedule for a vehicle starting from a depot, visiting a set of customers, and returning to the depot, in a time-dependent network where the objective is to minimize the greenhouse gas emissions. In this formulation, the speeds of the vehicle as well as the routes chosen are decision variables subject to limits determined by the level of congestion on the roads at the time. Two methods are proposed to find the optimal strategy for a single route. One is a time-increment-based dynamic programming method, and the other is a new heuristic approach. In addition, a case study is carried out, which compares the performances of these methods, as well as the least polluting routes with the shortest time routes between two customer nodes

    Dynamic traffic assignment approximating the kinematic wave model: system optimum, marginal costs, externalities and tolls

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    System marginal costs, externalities and optimal congestion tolls for traffic networks are generally derived from system optimizing (SO) traffic assignment models and when these are treated as varying over time they are all referred to as dynamic. In dynamic SO network models the link flows and travel times or costs are generally modelled using so-called ‘whole link’ models. Here we instead develop an SO model that more closely reflects traffic flow theory and derive the marginal costs and externalities from that. The most widely accepted traffic flow model appears to be the LWR (Lighthill, Whitham and Richards) model and a tractable discrete implementation or approximation to that is provided by the cell transmission model (CTM) or a finite difference approximation (FDA). These handles spillbacks, traffic controls and moving queues in a way that is consistent with the LWR model (hence with the kinematic wave model and fluid flow model). An SO formulation using the CTM is already available, assuming a single destination and a trapezoidal flow-density function. We extend the formulation to allow more general nonlinear flow density functions and derive and interpret system marginal costs and externalities. We show that if tolls computed from the DSO solution are imposed on users then the DSO solution would also satisfy the criteria for a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE). We introduce constraints on the link outflow proportions at merges and inflow proportions at diverges. We also extend the model to elastic demands and establish links with previous dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models

    Hyperpaths in network based on transit schedules

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    The concept of a hyperpath was introduced for handling passenger strategies in route choice behavior for public transit, especially in a frequency-based transit service environment. This model for handling route choice behavior has been widely used for planning transit services, and hyperpaths are now applied in areas beyond public transit. A hyperpath representing more specific passenger behaviors on a network based on transit schedules is proposed. A link-based time-expanded (LBTE) network for transit schedules is introduced; in the network each link represents a scheduled vehicle trip (or trip segment) with departure time and travel time (or arrival time) between two consecutive stops. The proposed LBTE network reduces the effort to build a network based on transit schedules because the network is expanded with scheduled links. A link-based representation of a hypergraph with existing hyperpath model properties that is directly integrated with the LBTE network is also proposed. Transit passenger behavior was incorporated for transfers in the link-based hyperpath. The efficiency of the proposed hyperpath model was demonstrated. The proposed models were applied on a test network and a real transit network represented by the general specification of Google's transit feed

    Understanding the role of biodiversity in the climate, food, water, energy, transport and health nexus in Europe

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    Biodiversity underpins the functioning of ecosystems and the diverse benefits that nature provides to people, yet is being lost at an unprecedented rate. To halt or reverse biodiversity loss, it is critical to understand the complex interdependencies between biodiversity and key drivers and sectors to inform the development of holistic policies and actions. We conducted a literature review on the interlinkages between biodiversity and climate change, food, water, energy, transport and health (“the biodiversity nexus”). Evidence extracted from 194 peer-reviewed articles was analysed to assess how biodiversity is being influenced by and is influencing the other nexus elements. Out of the 354 interlinkages between biodiversity and the other nexus elements, 53 % were negative, 29 % were positive and 18 % contained both positive and negative influences. The majority of studies provide evidence of the negative influence of other nexus elements on biodiversity, highlighting the substantial damage being inflicted on nature from human activities. The main types of negative impacts were land or water use/change, land or water degradation, climate change, and direct species fatalities through collisions with infrastructure. Alternatively, evidence of biodiversity having a negative influence on the other nexus elements was limited to the effects of invasive alien species and vector-borne diseases. Furthermore, a range of studies provided evidence of how biodiversity and the other nexus elements can have positive influences on each other through practices that promote co-benefits. These included biodiversity-friendly management in relevant sectors, protection and restoration of ecosystems and species that provide essential ecosystem services, green and blue infrastructure including nature-based solutions, and sustainable and healthy diets that mitigate climate change. The review highlighted the complexity and context-dependency of interlinkages within the biodiversity nexus, but clearly demonstrates the importance of biodiversity in underpinning resilient ecosystems and human well-being in ensuring a sustainable future for people and the planet.</p
