532 research outputs found

    En lite bemerkelsesverdig skjå? En samtidsarkeologisk studie av tinglige og menneskelige minner

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    Klarer ikke gjennomføre sak: Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: An exception occurred during a WebClient request.Denne oppgaven handler om en skjå som ble revet for noen år siden. Skjåen var eid av min familie. Oppgaven har hatt flere målsetninger. Den ene var å finne ut hva som kunne skjule seg i jorda der skjåen en gang sto, og hva min nærmeste familie kunne fortelle om dem. Det andre var å utfordre synspunktet om at arkeologiske utgravninger ikke har særlig relevans i samtidsarkeologien. Resultatene viser at utgravninger så avgjort kan ha ei betydning. I denne oppgaven er utgravning kombinert med en annen metode, intervjuer. Gjenstandene som ble funnet har vært sentrale i å avdekke minner som gjennom intervjuer og samtaler har ført til historier, som ellers kanskje ikke ville blitt fortalt. Denne kombinasjonen av utgravning, ting, intervjuer og erindring har ført til ny kunnskap om gården og menneskene som en gang holdt til der. Den har også skapt et kollektivt minne for oss i familien. Noen av tingene som ble funnet har vi riktignok ikke forstått helt, mens andre ting ble forbigått og oversett. Mange av tingene som ble funnet igangsatte en umiddelbar eller «ufrivillig» erindring, mens andre ting måtte sparre litt med den menneskelige hukommelsen før de avslørte seg. Tingene avslørte heller ikke bare seg selv, men også minner om ei tid som var, og praksiser som i stor grad er utgått, minner om spesielle hendelser, og minner om mennesker og dyr som hadde tilhold på gården

    Objektorientert dokumentdesign i XML - Obdok

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    The paper 'Objektorientert Dokumentdesign i XML - Obdok' approaches a need for more refined and e cient ways to manage information at the doorstep of the "Age of Information". It does so by suggesting an analogy from object-oriented programming to information design. The paradigm of object-orientation has for almost half a century, proven its favorable quality of giving structure to program code. Information and information processes lack this quality, and tends to be characterized by being old-fashioned, one dimensional and linear. These characteristics are traditional characters and reminders from Guthenbergs book print machine, oral narration style, etc. Information design is mainly in the same situation today as computer science was before objectorientation. Since structural qualities of information will gain more attention in the future, it is natural to try to change information in a way similar how object-orientation once changed system development. Also, when developments lately have been released in Dino Karabegs 'Polyscopic Modeling', and technologies based on 'Extensible Markup Language' (XML) of W3C the path is opened for making an analogy between object-orientation and document design. The fundamental thesis of this paper describes this path how to design the object-orientated document language Obdok. By studying the characteristic properties of object-oriented program languages and by finding a way of representing these properties in XML, Obdok has been designed as a language for composing object documents. This model frames the theory of Polyscopic Modeling, and a quantified understanding of information denoted as the 'infon', which dates back to 'Beyond Truth and Falsehood'**. In Obdok, the concept of infon is named by a information unit' that occurs in documents as di erent 'information types'. These information types are represented as XML elements and reflects in a way the 'data types' in object-orientated programming. Information types, like data types, are classified into two groups: primitive- and complex information types. Generally, primitive information types cannot contain subordinated element structures, as opposed to the complex ones. Central in the composing of object documents is the complex information type set. This is a heterogenious set that serves both as the physical and the contextual frame for other information types. Compared to program languages, the set has the role of the object. By applying the di erent information types, this enables the analogy to be followed closely, also to what superior structural qualities may concern. Heritage and abstract data types are hence transformed into heritage and abstract information types. The language also specifies a hybrid solution for resource linking. These pointer functionalities, vary in the treatments of internal resources and external resources. Thus, documents are kept more holistic, preventing spaghetti linking and unstructured information flows. The fundamental basis for the language is held in a 'Document Type Definition' (DTD). This defi- nes the di erent information- and pointer types and decides the legal contents. There is a syntax specially developed to declare Obdok documents related to this DTD. A separate declaration gives the user the possibility to compose the document structure within an object-oriented environment, as an alternative to the environment of the writing phase or in a markup context. Due to this syntax, it is also possible for the writer to name and structure his chosen information types composing the document. This structure is materialized by XML elements in a separate XML file. Declaration and instances are kept separate by initiating two di erent files. The Obdok declaration and instance files are processed through a Python script to convert and merge these structures into one unified, standardized XML format. This XML structure is made visible through XSLT transformation to HTML code. **Jan Egil Hagen, Geir Amdal and Andreas Nergaard, 200

    The impact of gender, education and age on employee attitudes towards corporate social responsibility

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    Engaging employees can have a positive effect on turnover reduction, client satisfaction, company profitability, innovation and growth. Engaging employees in corporate social responsibility (CSR) can also generate positive impactson environment and society. To do this, companies need to understand their employees' CSR attitudes. In this regard, many studies show that individual characteristics can influence CSR attitudes. This research aims to identify the influence of three sociodemographic characteristics such as gender, educational level and age on three employee CSR attitudes, such as CSR demandingness, CSR trust and CSR satisfaction. This analysis is carried out by examining eleven banks operating in the Italian banking sector. Employees' CSR attitudes are measured comparing banks' CSR disclosure with employees' CSR perceptions and CSR expectations. The findings of this research suggest that bank employees are generally very demanding in terms of CSR efforts andthat, although they are trustful in CSR performance, they are not completely satisfied with it. In particular, employee gender has a significant influence on CSR trust and CSR satisfaction, with male employees generally more trustful andsatisfied than female colleagues. Educational level differences also have a significant influence on CSR trust and CSR satisfaction, with graduated employees generally more trustful and satisfied than not graduated colleagues. However, employee gender and education do not influence CSR demandingness, and employee age does not have a significant effect on any CSR attitude.This research indicates that the banks under study need to improve the effectiveness of their internal CSR communication, especially with women and not graduated employees, who show the lowest levels of CSR trust andsatisfaction.This study is therefore to provide a novel method for assisting CSR researchers and practitioners in better understanding employees' CSR attitudes, and, consequently, achieving a greater effectiveness and efficiency of CSR strategies

    Statens overprøvingskompetanse - en analyse av forvaltningsloven § 34 annet ledd tredje setning

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    Temaet for denne avhandlingen er statens kompetanse ved overprøving av kommunale vedtak. Avhandlingen vil redegjøre for forvaltningsloven § 34 annet ledd tredje setning, og på den måten klargjøre i hvilken grad den begrenser statens overprøvingskompetanse

    Fibromyalgia: Close others’ experience of their own lives

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    Master i folkehelsevitenskap med vekt på endringer av livsstilsvaner, Avdeling for folkehelsefag, Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2016Bakgrunn: I senere tid med større oppmerksomhet mot brukermedvirkning, ressursfokus og en holistisk tilnærming opplever vi at pårørendes posisjon er blitt oppgradert. Dette gjelder særlig pasientgrupper som kreftrammede og Multippel-Sklerose pasienter. Imidlertid, Helse- og Omsorgsdepartementet har som mål å jobbe mer helseforebyggende med vekt på pårørende som ressurs. I moderne tid med økende stressbelastning og uklare lidelser uten tydelig og synlig diagnose vil en stadig større gruppe av befolkningen berøres av disse udefinerbare lidelsene. De siste tiår har avdekket muskel- og skjelettlidelser som har fått betegnelsen fibromyalgi. Denne pasientgruppa har inntil nå savnet en anerkjent og seriøs tilnærming fra offentligheten. Dette vil naturlig medføre at pårørendegruppa blir ignorert og usynliggjort. Denne studien ønsker å belyse denne voksende del av befolkningen. Gjennom et mindre antall intervjuer har forsker kartlagt hverdagslivet til denne målgruppen. Formålet med denne studien var å kartlegge hvordan pårørende opplever egen livssituasjon. Metode: Forskningsprosjektet er en fenomenologisk og hermenautisk studie. Det er gjennomført individuelle kvalitative semi-strukturerte intervjuer. Fire informanter fra Østlandet deltok i undersøkelsen. Informantene var alle nær pårørende av personer med diagnosen fibromyalgi. Innsamlet datamateriale ble analysert ved bruk av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse. Resultat/konklusjon: Det er gjort interessante funn. Resultater i studien viser at pårørende opplever å bli lite inkludert og tidvis kjenner avmaktsfølelse. Tunge omsorgsoppgaver skaper utfordringer i hverdagen og det sosiale nettverket oppleves innskrenket. Det har være interessant å trekke frem ressurspotensialet hos de pårørende. Dette krever imidlertid at forhold legges til rette for økt kunnskap og bevisstgjøring om ressurser som allerede eksisterer som for eksempel støttegrupper. Det er vesentlig å synliggjøre manglene og belyse endringspotensialet. Det foreslås strategier og tiltak. Ut fra at færre dør av denne sykdommen vil perioden med sykelighet være langvarig. Dette får konsekvenser for helsevesenet og den pårørende. Derfor er det viktig å utstyre pårørende med godt verktøy for å ivareta egenhelse i en utfordrende livssituasjon. Spesielt i et perspektiv hvor det tradisjonelt blir tatt i bruk medikamenter og kirurgi vil et mer holistisk syn være ønskelig for egen mestringskompetanse. Vedrørende tilgjengelig verktøy pårørende kan benytte seg av vil empowerment og teorien om salutogenese være nyttige. Disse tilnærmingene tilbyr verktøy for å øke mestringsfølelsen som igjen kan gi ringvirkning til et bærekraftig samfunn.Abstract: Background: Close others position has lately gained significantly more attention regarding to user participation, resource focus and a holistic approach. This concerns especially patient groups such as people with cancer and Multiple Sclerosis. Ministry of Health and Care Services goals are to work towards health promotion and focus on close others as a resource. In modern times, with an increase in stress and undefined disorders without clear and visible diagnosis, a recognised increased group of the population will be burdened of these undefined disorders. The last decades have revealed musculoskeletal disorders named fibromyalgia. This patient group have until present missing an acknowledged and serious approach from the public. This will lead to ignored and invisible close others groups. This study is intended to clarify this increasing part of the public. Through a small amount of interviews, the authour has investigated close others daily life. The purpose of this study was to investigate how close others experience their own life situation. Method: This research project has a phenomonological and hermenautic approach. Qualitative research with semi-structured interviews is completed. 4 participants from Østlandet was interviewed. All of the participants are close others to a person with fibromyalgia disease. Gathered data is analysed by using qualitative content analysis. Results/conclusion: Interesting findings have been achieved. The results shows that close others experiences to not be included and occasionally feel powerless. Heavy care giving creates challenges in daily life and social network seems limited. It has been interesting to highlight close others’ potential of resources. This request that conditions will be facilitated to gain acknowledge and awareness of recourses that already exist as supporting groups. It is important to illuminate the shortcomings and focus on changing potential. One suggests strategies and measures. As less people dies by this disease the period of sickness will be protracted. This will generate consequences for the health system and for close others. That is the reason why it is important to equip close others with tools to safeguard their own health in a challenging life situation. A more holistic approach will be desirable to gain coping skills among close others. Especially in a perspective when traditional healthcare too often adapt to drugs and surgery. As to available tools at hand for close others to increase coping skills, theory of salutogenese and empowerment will be useful. These approaches can help close others to increase their coping skills and further on contribute to sustainable society

    Performance principles for trusted computing with intel SGX

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    Accepted manuscript version of the following article Gjerdrum, A.T., Pettersen, R., Johansen, H.D. & Johansen, D. (2018). Performance principles for trusted computing with intel SGX. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 864. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Published version available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94959-8_1.Cloud providers offering Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are increasingly being trusted by customers to store sensitive data. Companies often monetize such personal data through curation and analysis, providing customers with personalized application experiences and targeted advertisements. Personal data is often accompanied by strict privacy and security policies, requiring data processing to be governed by non-trivial enforcement mechanisms. Moreover, to offset the cost of hosting the potentially large amounts of data privately, SaaS companies even employ Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud providers not under the direct supervision of the administrative entity responsible for the data. Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) is a recent trusted computing technology that can mitigate some of these privacy and security concerns through the remote attestation of computations, establishing trust on hardware residing outside the administrative domain. This paper investigates and demonstrates the added cost of using SGX, and further argues that great care must be taken when designing system software in order to avoid the performance penalty incurred by trusted computing. We describe these costs and present eight specific principles that application authors should follow to increase the performance of their trusted computing systems

    Hvordan virker arbeidsmiljøet på motivasjon i en tjenesteytende kunnskapsbedrift?

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    Studentarbeid i økonomi og ledelse (bachelorgrad) - Høgskolen i Bodø, 2008Var sperra for utlån til 2009-06-01SAMMENDRAG Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i motivasjon og arbeidsmiljøet i en tjenesteytende kunnskapsbedrift. Ideen til dette kom fordi vi har opparbeidet oss en stor interesse for dette tema gjennom tidligere jobberfaringer. Hovedformålet med denne oppgaven er å se på nåværende situasjon i bedriften og identifisere medarbeiderens følelse av motivasjon og opplevelsen av arbeidsmiljø. Vi vil se hvordan disse henger sammen, og om dette kan føre til vinn - vinn situasjoner. Der forhold som er positive for de ansatte også er positive for organisasjoners lærings- og utviklingsmuligheter. I denne sammenheng har vi valgt å drøfte følgende problemstilling: Hvordan virker arbeidsmiljøet på motivasjon i en tjenesteytende kunnskapsbedrift? For å få gjennomført bacheloroppgaven, har vi vært avhengig av bidrag fra en virksomhet. Vi valgte da å konsentrere oss om en konkurranseutsatt tjenesteytende kunnskapsbedrift. Nærmere bestemt leder og ansatte innenfor et velvære bransje. Denne bransje er det hittil lite forskning på. Bedriften ble et naturlig valg ettersom vi hadde kontakter i bedriften. Videre anså vi bedriften og bransjen for å være interessant i forhold til problemstillingen. Teori For å belyse problemstillingen har vi tatt utgangspunkt i relevant teori som er forankret innen organisasjonsperspektiv. Problemstillingen berører flere faglige disipliner. De fagområdene avhandlingen omfatter mest er: motivasjonspsykologi, filosofi, etikk, miljø samt metodefaget. I tillegg skal vi prøve å integrere de andre eksisterende disipliner i en nærmere beskrivelse. For å gi en logisk oppbygging som er konsistent med problemstillingen har vi delt teorikapittelet inn i 3 deler hvor vi ser på 1) Motivasjonsbegrepet 2) Arbeidsmiljø – Det indre miljø og 3) Motivasjonsteori - Maslow´s behovshierarkiet. I del 1 og del 2, ser vi generelt på motivasjon og arbeidsmiljø som et element i organisasjonen. I del 3 bruker vi Maslows teori. Vi ser også på kritikk av denne. Til slutt tar vi en oppsummering av teorien

    Toward Collaborative Cross-Sector Business Models for Sustainability

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    Sustainability challenges typically occur across sectoral boundaries, calling the state, market, andcivil society to action. While consensus exists on the merits of cross-sector collaboration, ourunderstanding of whether and how it can create value for various, collaborating stakeholders is still limited. This Special Issue focuses on how new combined knowledge on cross-sector collaboration and business models for sustainability can inform the academic and practitioner debates about sustainability challenges and solutions. We discuss how cross-sector collaboration can play an important role for the transition to new and potentially sustainability-driving business models given that value creation, delivery and capture of organizations are intimately related to the collaborative ties with their stakeholders. Sustainable alternatives to conventional business models tend to adopt a more holistic perspective of business by broadening the spectrum of solutions and stakeholders and, when aligned with cross-sector collaboration, can contribute new ways of addressing the wicked sustainability problems humanity faces

    <i>TP53</i> Gene Status Affects Survival in Advanced Mycosis Fungoides

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    TP53 is frequently mutated in different types of neoplasms including leukemia and lymphomas. Mutations of TP53 have also been reported in mycosis fungoides (MF), the most common type of cutaneous lymphoma. However, little is known about the frequency, spectrum of mutations and their prognostic significance in MF. In this study we have optimized the protocol for Sanger sequencing of TP53 using DNA extracted from archival paraffin-embedded biopsies. Of 19 samples from patients with stage IIB MF or higher, 31% harboured mutations in TP53. Overall survival of the patients with mutated TP53 was significantly shorter than median survival in the age- and stage-matched patients treated in our Institution. Distribution of mutations was heterogenous in TP53 exons, however C>T transitions were common suggesting the causal role of ultraviolet radiation. We propose that TP53 mutation status would be useful for risk stratification of patients with advanced MF