61 research outputs found

    Dynamical quark loop light-by-light contribution to muon g-2 within the nonlocal chiral quark model

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    The hadronic corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment a_mu, due to the gauge-invariant set of diagrams with dynamical quark loop light-by-light scattering insertions, are calculated in the framework of the nonlocal chiral quark model. These results complete calculations of all hadronic light-by-light scattering contributions to a_mu in the leading order in the 1/Nc expansion. The result for the quark loop contribution is a_mu^{HLbL,Loop}=(11.0+-0.9)*10^(-10), and the total result is a_mu^{HLbL,NxQM}=(16.8+-1.2)*10^(-10).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Lepton Phenomenology of Stueckelberg Portal to Dark Sector

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    We propose an extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a UA(1)U_{A'}(1) gauge invariant Dark Sector connected to the SM via a new portal arising in the framework of dark photon AA' mass generation via Stueckelberg mechanism. This mechanism implies the existence of a scalar field σ\sigma, which is shift-transformed under this group and resembles an axion-like particle (ALP) widely addressed in the literature in different contexts. The effective dim=5 operators constructed of the covariant derivative of the σ\sigma field generate flavor non-diagonal renormalizable couplings of both σ\sigma and AA' to the SM fermions ψ\psi. Contrary to the conventional kinetic mixing portal, in our scenario flavor diagonal AA'-ψ\psi couplings are not proportional to the fermion charges. These features drastically change the phenomenology of dark photon AA' relaxing or avoiding some previously established experimental constraints. We focus on the phenomenology of the described scenario of the Stueckelberg portal in the lepton sector and analyze the contribution of the dark sector fields AA' and σ\sigma to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu}, Lepton Flavor Violating decays lilkγl_{i}\to l_{k}\gamma and μe\mu-e conversion in nuclei. We obtain limits on the model parameters from the existing experimental data on the corresponding observables.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    The muon g-2: retrospective and future

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    Soon, new experiments at FNAL and J-PARC will measure the muon anoma-lous magnetic moments with better accuracy than before. From theoretical side, the un-certainty of the standard model prediction is dominated by the hadronic contributions. Current status of the experimental data and theoretical calculations are briefly discussed

    The light-by-light contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from the axial-vector mesons exchanges within the nonlocal quark model

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    The contribution of axial-vector mesons to the muon's anomalous magnetic moment through a light-by-light process is considered within a nonlocal quark model. The model is based on a four-quark interaction with scalar--pseudoscalar and vector--axial-vector sectors. While the transverse component of the axial-vector corresponds to a spin-1 particle, the unphysical longitudinal component is mixed with a pseudoscalar meson. The model parameters are re-fitted to the pion properties in the presence of pi-a_1 mixing. The obtained estimation for the light-by-light contribution of a_1+f_1 mesons is (3.6+-1.8)*10^{-11}.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, final version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Current status of the muon g-2

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    The current status of the muon g-2 problem is briefly discussed. We briefly discuss the latest results on the muon g-2 measured in experiment and obtained theoretically within the standard model. Special attention is for the hadronic corrections and in particular the corrections due to the light by light scattering mechanism. For latter we present the results found in the leading in 1=N c approximation with the nonlocal chiral quark model

    The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

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    194 pages, 103 figures, bib files for the citation references are available from: https://muon-gm2-theory.illinois.eduWe review the present status of the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is performed in a perturbative expansion in the fine-structure constant α\alpha and is broken down into pure QED, electroweak, and hadronic contributions. The pure QED contribution is by far the largest and has been evaluated up to and including O(α5)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^5) with negligible numerical uncertainty. The electroweak contribution is suppressed by (mμ/MW)2(m_\mu/M_W)^2 and only shows up at the level of the seventh significant digit. It has been evaluated up to two loops and is known to better than one percent. Hadronic contributions are the most difficult to calculate and are responsible for almost all of the theoretical uncertainty. The leading hadronic contribution appears at O(α2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^2) and is due to hadronic vacuum polarization, whereas at O(α3)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^3) the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution appears. Given the low characteristic scale of this observable, these contributions have to be calculated with nonperturbative methods, in particular, dispersion relations and the lattice approach to QCD. The largest part of this review is dedicated to a detailed account of recent efforts to improve the calculation of these two contributions with either a data-driven, dispersive approach, or a first-principle, lattice-QCD approach. The final result reads aμSM=116591810(43)×1011a_\mu^\text{SM}=116\,591\,810(43)\times 10^{-11} and is smaller than the Brookhaven measurement by 3.7σ\sigma. The experimental uncertainty will soon be reduced by up to a factor four by the new experiment currently running at Fermilab, and also by the future J-PARC experiment. This and the prospects to further reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the near future-which are also discussed here-make this quantity one of the most promising places to look for evidence of new physics