356 research outputs found

    Processing load induced by informational masking is related to linguistic abilities

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    It is often assumed that the benefit of hearing aids is not primarily reflected in better speech performance, but that it is reflected in less effortful listening in the aided than in the unaided condition. Before being able to assess such a hearing aid benefit the present study examined how processing load while listening to masked speech relates to inter-individual differences in cognitive abilities relevant for language processing. Pupil dilation was measured in thirty-two normal hearing participants while listening to sentences masked by fluctuating noise or interfering speech at either 50% and 84% intelligibility. Additionally, working memory capacity, inhibition of irrelevant information, and written text reception was tested. Pupil responses were larger during interfering speech as compared to fluctuating noise. This effect was independent of intelligibility level. Regression analysis revealed that high working memory capacity, better inhibition, and better text reception were related to better speech reception thresholds. Apart from a positive relation to speech recognition, better inhibition and better text reception are also positively related to larger pupil dilation in the single-talker masker conditions. We conclude that better cognitive abilities not only relate to better speech perception, but also partly explain higher processing load in complex listening conditions

    Postmortem Changes in Myoglobin Content in Organs

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    Postmortem changes in myoglobin concentrations in blood and organs were investigated using an enzyme immunoassay by animal experiments in combination with immunohistochemical staining of human cases. Blood myoglobin concentrations were found to increase drastically within a very short time after death. Those in striated muscle, however, did not change by day 14 postmortem. Myoglobin content in the liver and kidney increased slightly by day 5 postmortem, and more obviously by day 7 or later. However, almost no change was observed by day 5 in the kidney when the renal artery and vein had been ligated just after death. In the thyroid gland and the lung, the myoglobin content markedly increased by day 7 postmortem, with the logarithmical values rising nearly linearly as the time after death passed. In the thyroid gland, concentrations reached the level of the striated muscle. The mechanisms of postmortem myoglobin increase in organs are thought to be direct diffusion from the striated muscle and/or distribution through the blood. To estimate the postmortem interval, the determination of myoglobin content in the thyroid gland or the lung appears to be useful

    Pupil light reflex evoked by light-emitting diode and computer screen: methodology and association with need for recovery in daily life

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    Objectives: Pupil light reflex (PLR) has been widely used as a method for evaluating parasympathetic activity. The first aim of the present study is to develop a PLR measurement using a computer screen set-up and compare its results with the PLR generated by a more conventional setup using light-emitting diode (LED). The parasympathetic nervous system, which is known to control the ‘rest and digest’ response of the human body, is considered to be associated with daily life fatigue. However, only few studies have attempted to test the relationship between self-reported daily fatigue and physiological measurement of the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, the second aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between daily-life fatigue, assessed using the Need for Recovery scale, and parasympathetic activity, as indicated by the PLR parameters. Design: A pilot study was conducted first to develop a PLR measurement set-up using a computer screen. PLRs evoked by light stimuli with different characteristics were recorded to confirm the influence of light intensity, flash duration, and color on the PLRs evoked by the system. In the subsequent experimental study, we recorded the PLR of 25 adult participants to light flashes generated by the screen set-up as well as by a conventional LED set-up. PLR parameters relating to parasympathetic and sympathetic activity were calculated from the pupil responses. We tested the split-half reliability across two consecutive blocks of trials, and the relationships between the parameters of PLRs evoked by the two set-ups. Participants rated their need for recovery prior to the PLR recordings. Results: PLR parameters acquired in the screen and LED set-ups showed good reliability for amplitude related parameters. The PLRs evoked by both set-ups were consistent, but showed systematic differences in absolute values of all parameters. Additionally, higher need for recovery was associated with faster and larger constriction of the PLR. Conclusions: This study assessed the PLR generated by a computer screen and the PLR generated by a LED. The good reliability within set-ups and the consistency between the PLRs evoked by the set-ups indicate that both systems provides a valid way to evoke the PLR. A higher need for recovery was associated with faster and larger constricting PLRs, suggesting increased levels of parasympathetic nervous system activity in people experiencing higher levels of need for recovery on a daily basis

    The pupil near response is short lasting and intact in virtual reality head mounted displays

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    The pupil of the eye constricts when moving focus from an object further away to an object closer by. This is called the pupil near response, which typically occurs together with accommodation and vergence responses. When immersed in virtual reality mediated through a head-mounted display, this triad is disrupted by the vergence-accommodation conflict. However, it is not yet clear if the disruption also affects the pupil near response. Two experiments were performed to assess this. The first experiment had participants follow a target that first appeared at a far position and then moved to either a near position (far-to-near; FN) or to another far position (far-to-far; FF). The second experiment had participants follow a target that jumped between five positions, which was repeated at several distances. Experiment 1 showed a greater pupil constriction amplitude for FN trials, compared to FF trials, suggesting that the pupil near response is intact in head-mounted display mediated virtual reality. Experiment 2 did not find that average pupil dilation differed when fixating targets at different distances, suggesting that the pupil near response is transient and does not result in sustained pupil size changes

    Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task

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    Objective: people with hearing impairment are likely to experience higher levels of fatigue due to effortful listening in daily communication. This hearing-related fatigue might not only constrain their work performance, but also result in withdrawal from major social roles. Therefore, it is important to understand the relationships between fatigue, listening effort, and hearing impairment, by examining the evidence from both subjective and objective measurements. The aim of the present study was to investigate these relationships by assessing subjectively measured daily-life fatigue (self-report questionnaires) and objectively measured listening effort (pupillometry) in both normally-hearing and hearing-impaired participants. Design: twenty-seven normally-hearing and 19 age-matched participants with hearing impairment were included in this study. Two self-report fatigue questionnaires: Need For Recovery and Checklist Individual Strength were given to the participants before the test session to evaluate the subjectively measured daily fatigue. Participants were asked to perform a speech reception threshold test with single-talker masker targeting a 50% correct response criterion. The pupil diameter was recorded during the speech processing, and we used peak pupil dilation as the main outcome measure of the pupillometry. Results: No correlation was found between subjectively measured fatigue and hearing acuity, nor was a group difference found between the normally-hearing and the hearing-impaired participants on the fatigue scores. A significant negative correlation was found between self-reported fatigue and peak pupil dilation. A similar correlation was also found between Speech Intelligibility Index required for 50% correct and peak pupil dilation. Multiple regression analysis showed that factors representing 'hearing acuity' and 'self-reported fatigue' had equal and independent associations with the peak pupil dilation during the speech in noise test. Less fatigue and better hearing acuity were associated with a larger pupil dilation. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the relationship between a subjective measure of daily-life fatigue and an objective measure of pupil dilation, as an indicator of listening effort. These findings help to provide an empirical link between pupil responses, as observed in the laboratory, and daily life fatigue

    Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation

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    Previous research has reported effects of masker type and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on listening effort, as indicated by the peak pupil dilation (PPD) relative to baseline during speech recognition. At about 50% correct sentence recognition performance, increasing SNRs generally results in declining PPDs, indicating reduced effort. However, the decline in PPD over SNRs has been observed to be less pronounced for hearing-impaired (HI) compared to normal-hearing (NH) listeners. The presence of a competing talker during speech recognition generally resulted in larger PPDs as compared to the presence of a fluctuating or stationary background noise. The aim of the present study was to examine the interplay between hearing-status, a broad range of SNRs corresponding to sentence recognition performance varying from 0 to 100% correct, and different masker types (stationary noise and single-talker masker) on the PPD during speech perception. Twenty-five HI and 32 age-matched NH participants listened to sentences across a broad range of SNRs, masked with speech from a single talker (−25 dB to +15 dB SNR) or with stationary noise (−12 dB to +16 dB). Correct sentence recognition scores and pupil responses were recorded during stimulus presentation. With a stationary masker, NH listeners show maximum PPD across a relatively narrow range of low SNRs, while HI listeners show relatively large PPD across a wide range of ecological SNRs. With the single-talker masker, maximum PPD was observed in the mid-range of SNRs around 50% correct sentence recognition performance, while smaller PPDs were observed at lower and higher SNRs. Mixed-model ANOVAs revealed significant interactions between hearing-status and SNR on the PPD for both masker types. Our data show a different pattern of PPDs across SNRs between groups, which indicates that listening and the allocation of effort during listening in daily life environments may be different for NH and HI listeners

    An inhibitory pull-push circuit in frontal cortex.

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    Push-pull is a canonical computation of excitatory cortical circuits. By contrast, we identify a pull-push inhibitory circuit in frontal cortex that originates in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing interneurons. During arousal, VIP cells rapidly and directly inhibit pyramidal neurons; VIP cells also indirectly excite these pyramidal neurons via parallel disinhibition. Thus, arousal exerts a feedback pull-push influence on excitatory neurons-an inversion of the canonical push-pull of feedforward input

    Investigating the Influences of Task Demand and Reward on Cardiac Pre-Ejection Period (PEP) Reactivity During a Speech-in-Noise Task

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    Objectives: Effort investment during listening varies as a function of task demand and motivation. Several studies have manipulated both these factors to elicit and measure changes in effort associated with listening. The cardiac pre-ejection period (PEP) is a relatively novel measure in the field of cognitive hearing science. This measure, which reflects sympathetic nervous system activity on the heart, has previously been implemented during a tone discrimination task but not during a speech-in-noise task. Therefore, the primary goal of this study was to explore the influences of signal to noise ratio (SNR) and monetary reward level on PEP reactivity during a speech-in-noise task. Design: Thirty-two participants with normal hearing (mean age = 22.22 years, SD = 3.03) were recruited at VU University Medical Center. Participants completed a Dutch speech-in-noise test with a single-interfering-talker masking noise. Six fixed SNRs, selected to span the entire psychometric performance curve, were presented in a block-wise fashion. Participants could earn a low (€0.20) or high (€5.00) reward by obtaining a score of ≥70% of words correct in each block. The authors analyzed PEP reactivity: the change in PEP measured during the task, relative to the baseline during rest. Two separate methods of PEP analysis were used, one including data from the whole task block and the other including data obtained during presentation of the target sentences only. After each block, participants rated their effort investment, performance, tendency to give up, and the perceived difficulty of the task. They also completed the need for recovery questionnaire and the reading span test, which are indices of additional factors (fatigue and working memory capacity, respectively) that are known to influence listening effort. Results: Average sentence perception scores ranged from 2.73 to 91.62%, revealing a significant effect of SNR. In addition, an improvement in performance was elicited by the high, compared to the low reward level. A linear relationship between SNR and PEP reactivity was demonstrated: at the lower SNRs PEP reactivity was the most negative, indicating greater effort investment compared to the higher SNRs. The target stimuli method of PEP analysis was more sensitive to this effect than the block-wise method. Contrary to expectations, no significant impact of reward on PEP reactivity was found in the present dataset. Also, there was no physiological evidence that participants were disengaged, even when performance was poor. A significant correlation between need for recovery scores and average PEP reactivity was demonstrated, indicating that a lower need for recovery was associated with less effort investment. Conclusions: This study successfully implemented the measurement of PEP during a standard speech-in-noise test and included two distinct methods of PEP analysis. The results revealed for the first time that PEP reactivity varies linearly with task demand during a speech-in-noise task, although the effect size was small. No effect of reward on PEP was demonstrated. Finally, participants with a higher need for recovery score invested more effort, as shown by average PEP reactivity, than those with a lower need for recovery score

    Impact of SNR, masker type and noise reduction processing on sentence recognition performance and listening effort as indicated by the pupil dilation response

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    Recent studies have shown that activating the noise reduction scheme in hearing aids results in a smaller peak pupil dilation (PPD), indicating reduced listening effort, at 50% and 95% correct sentence recognition with a 4-talker masker. The objective of this study was to measure the effect of the noise reduction scheme (on or off) on PPD and sentence recognition across a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) from +16 dB to −12 dB and two masker types (4-talker and stationary noise). Relatively low PPDs were observed at very low (−12 dB) and very high (+16 dB to +8 dB) SNRs presumably due to ‘giving up’ and ‘easy listening’, respectively. The maximum PPD was observed with SNRs at approximately 50% correct sentence recognition. Sentence recognition with both masker types was significantly improved by the noise reduction scheme, which corresponds to the shift in performance from SNR function at approximately 5 dB toward a lower SNR. This intelligibility effect was accompanied by a corresponding effect on the PPD, shifting the peak by approximately 4 dB toward a lower SNR. In addition, with the 4-talker masker, when the noise reduction scheme was active, the PPD was smaller overall than that when the scheme was inactive. We conclude that with the 4-talker masker, noise reduction scheme processing provides a listening effort benefit in addition to any effect associated with improved intelligibility. Thus, the effect of the noise reduction scheme on listening effort incorporates more than can be explained by intelligibility alone, emphasizing the potential importance of measuring listening effort in addition to traditional speech reception measures