587 research outputs found

    Constraints on the relationship between stellar mass and halo mass at low and high redshift

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    We use a statistical approach to determine the relationship between the stellar masses of galaxies and the masses of the dark matter halos in which they reside. We obtain a parameterized stellar-to-halo mass (SHM) relation by populating halos and subhalos in an N-body simulation with galaxies and requiring that the observed stellar mass function be reproduced. We find good agreement with constraints from galaxy-galaxy lensing and predictions of semi-analytic models. Using this mapping, and the positions of the halos and subhalos obtained from the simulation, we find that our model predictions for the galaxy two-point correlation function (CF) as a function of stellar mass are in excellent agreement with the observed clustering properties in the SDSS at z=0. We show that the clustering data do not provide additional strong constraints on the SHM function and conclude that our model can therefore predict clustering as a function of stellar mass. We compute the conditional mass function, which yields the average number of galaxies with stellar masses in the range [m, m+dm] that reside in a halo of mass M. We study the redshift dependence of the SHM relation and show that, for low mass halos, the SHM ratio is lower at higher redshift. The derived SHM relation is used to predict the stellar mass dependent galaxy CF and bias at high redshift. Our model predicts that not only are massive galaxies more biased than low mass ones at all redshifts, but the bias increases more rapidly with increasing redshift for massive galaxies than for low mass ones. We present convenient fitting functions for the SHM relation as a function of redshift, the conditional mass function, and the bias as a function of stellar mass and redshift.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, discussion enlarged, one more figure, updated references, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Stellar Mass Components of Galaxies: Comparing Semi-Analytical Models with Observation

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    We compare the stellar masses of central and satellite galaxies predicted by three independent semianalytical models with observational results obtained from a large galaxy group catalogue constructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. In particular, we compare the stellar mass functions of centrals and satellites, the relation between total stellar mass and halo mass, and the conditional stellar mass functions, which specify the average number of galaxies of stellar mass M_* that reside in a halo of mass M_h. The semi-analytical models only predict the correct stellar masses of central galaxies within a limited mass range and all models fail to reproduce the sharp decline of stellar mass with decreasing halo mass observed at the low mass end. In addition, all models over-predict the number of satellite galaxies by roughly a factor of two. The predicted stellar mass in satellite galaxies can be made to match the data by assuming that a significant fraction of satellite galaxies are tidally stripped and disrupted, giving rise to a population of intra-cluster stars in their host halos. However, the amount of intra-cluster stars thus predicted is too large compared to observation. This suggests that current galaxy formation models still have serious problems in modeling star formation in low-mass halos.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Understanding the PSCz Galaxy Power Spectrum with N-body Simulations

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    By comparing the PSCz galaxy power spectrum with the results of nested pure dark matter N-body simulations, we try to understand how infrared-selected galaxies populate dark-matter haloes, paying special attention to the method of halo identification in the simulations. We thus test the hypothesis that baryonic physics negligibly affects the distribution of galaxies down to the smallest scales yet observed. We are successful in reproducing the PSCz power spectrum on scales < ~40 h/Mpc, near our resolution limit, by imposing a central density cut-off on simulated haloes, which gives a rough minimum mass and circular velocity of haloes in which PSCz galaxies formed.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures (one added), conforms to version in MNRA

    A lightcone catalogue from the Millennium-XXL simulation

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    Future galaxy surveys require realistic mock catalogues to understand and quantify systematics in order to make precise cosmological measurements. We present a halo lightcone catalogue and halo occupation distribution (HOD) galaxy catalogue built using the Millennium-XXL simulation. The halo catalogue covers the full sky, extending to z = 2.2 with a mass resolution of ∼1011 h−1 M⊙. We use this to build a galaxy catalogue, which has an r-band magnitude limit of r < 20.0, with a median redshift of z ∼ 0.2. A Monte Carlo HOD method is used to assign galaxies to the halo lightcone catalogue, and we evolve the HODs to reproduce a target luminosity function; by construction, the luminosity function of galaxies in the mock is in agreement with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) at low redshifts and the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey at high redshifts. A Monte Carlo method is used to assign a 0.1(g − r) colour to each galaxy, and the colour distribution of galaxies at different redshifts agrees with measurements from GAMA. The clustering of galaxies in the mock for galaxies in different magnitude and redshift bins is in good agreement with measurements from SDSS and GAMA, and the colour-dependent clustering is in reasonable agreement. We show that the baryon acoustic oscillation can be measured in the mock catalogue, and the redshift-space distortions are in agreement with measurements from SDSS illustrating that this catalogue will be useful for upcoming surveys

    Mapping the Dark Matter From UV Light at High Redshift: An Empirical Approach to Understand Galaxy Statistics

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    We present a simple formalism to interpret two galaxy statistics, the UV luminosity function and two-point correlation functions for star-forming galaxies at z~4, 5, 6 in the context of LCDM cosmology. Both statistics are the result of how star formation takes place in DM halos, and thus are used to constrain how UV light depends on halo properties such as mass. The two measures were taken from the GOODS data, thus ideal for joint analysis. The two physical quantities we explore are the SF duty cycle, and the range of L_UV that a halo of mass M can have (mean and variance). The former addresses the typical duration of SF activity in halos while the latter addresses the averaged SF history and regularity of gas inflow into these systems. We explore various physical models consistent with data, and find the following: 1) the typical duration of SF observed in the data is <0.4 Gyr (1 sig), 2) the inferred scaling law between L_UV and halo mass M from the observed slope of the LFs is roughly linear at all redshifts, and 3) L_UV for a fixed halo mass decreases with time, implying that the SF efficiency (after dust extinction) is higher at earlier times. We explore several physical scenarios relating star formation to halo mass, but find that these scenarios are indistinguishable due to the limited range of halo mass probed by our data. In order to discriminate between different scenarios, we discuss constraining the bright-faint galaxy cross-correlation functions and luminosity-dependence of galaxy bias. (Abridged)Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures: matches published version -- Astrophysical Journal 695 (2009) 368-39

    Constraining halo occupation properties of X-ray AGNs using clustering of Chandra sources in the Bootes survey region

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    We present one of the most precise measurement to date of the spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGNs using a sample derived from the Chandra X-ray Observatory survey in the Bootes field. The real-space two-point correlation function over a redshift interval from z=0.17 to z~3 is well described by the power law, xi(r)=(r/r0)^-gamma, for comoving separations r<~20h^-1 Mpc. We find gamma=1.84+-0.12 and r0 consistent with no redshift trend within the sample (varying between r0=5.5+-0.6 h^-1 Mpc for =0.37 and r0=6.9+-1.0 h^-1 Mpc for =1.28). Further, we are able to measure the projections of the two-point correlation function both on the sky plane and in the line of sight. We use these measurements to show that the Chandra/Bootes AGNs are predominantly located at the centers of dark matter halos with the circular velocity Vmax>320 km/s or M_200 > 4.1e12 h^-1 Msun, and tend to avoid satellite galaxies in halos of this or higher mass. The halo occupation properties inferred from the clustering properties of Chandra/Bootes AGNs --- the mass scale of the parent dark matter halos, the lack of significant redshift evolution of the clustering length, and the low satellite fraction --- are broadly consistent with the Hopkins et al. scenario of quasar activity triggered by mergers of similarly-sized galaxies.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. The revision matches the accepted version. The most significant changes include the recalculation of uncertainties using mock catalogs and explicit comparison with the AGN HOD studies based on projected correlation function, w(rp

    A galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure

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    We present a new, galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure, in which the galaxies entering a given sample are the fundamental objects. Haloes attach to galaxies, in contrast to the standard halo model, in which galaxies attach to haloes. The galaxy-halo model pertains mainly to the relationships between the power spectra of galaxies and mass, and their cross-power spectrum. With surprisingly little input, an intuition-aiding approximation to the galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient R(k) emerges, in terms of the halo mass dispersion. This approximation seems valid to mildly non-linear scales (k < ~3 h/Mpc), allowing measurement of the bias and the matter power spectrum from measurements of the galaxy and galaxy-matter power spectra (or correlation functions). This is especially relevant given the recent advances in precision in measurements of the galaxy-matter correlation function from weak gravitational lensing. The galaxy-halo model also addresses the issue of interpreting the galaxy-matter correlation function as an average halo density profile, and provides a simple description of galaxy bias as a function of scale.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Minor changes, suggested by refere
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