596 research outputs found

    How residual stresses affect the fracture properties of layered thin films

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    The continued miniaturization effort has revealed exciting new material behavior at small length scales, where pronounced size effects come into play and material properties are subject to change. This has led to the development of miniaturized testing techniques to determine local plastic properties. So far, however, only few efforts regarding the determination of residual stresses and fracture properties in miniaturized systems were made. In this presentation, we will focus on recent developments regarding the measurement of residual stresses and miniaturized fracture properties using FIB based sample preparation and in situ SEM experiments. The depth resolved residual film stresses are determined by an improved stepwise beam layer removal method [1]. From the same film systems, beams are FIB fabricated for miniaturized fracture testing in the SEM [2]. We will discuss the general possibilities, challenges, and benefits of these approaches by examining the internal stresses and fracture properties of single layer and multilayer thin films in the immiscible system Cu-W. Particular emphasis is placed on the effect of residual stresses on the fracture properties. Moreover, possible limitations of commonly used data analysis approaches are addressed, and related improvements using finite element modelling to determine crack-driving forces in the presence of interfaces and residual stresses are presented [3]. Notably, the required material input data in terms of flow behavior for this modeling approach was determined using spherical nanoindentation experiments on single and multilayer films. Finally, the possibility of further miniaturization of such experiments by using in situ TEM is demonstrated [4]

    Cell-free gene expression dynamics in synthetic cell populations

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    The ability to build synthetic cellular populations from the bottom-up provides the groundwork to realize minimal living tissues comprising single cells which can communicate and bridge scales into multicellular systems. Engineered systems made of synthetic micron-sized compartments and integrated reaction networks coupled with mathematical modeling can facilitate the design and construction of complex and multiscale chemical systems from the bottom-up. Toward this goal, we generated populations of monodisperse liposomes encapsulating cell-free expression systems (CFESs) using double-emulsion microfluidics and quantified transcription and translation dynamics within individual synthetic cells of the population using a fluorescent Broccoli RNA aptamer and mCherry protein reporter. CFE dynamics in bulk reactions were used to test different coarse-grained resource-limited gene expression models using model selection to obtain transcription and translation rate parameters by likelihood-based parameter estimation. The selected model was then applied to quantify cell-free gene expression dynamics in populations of synthetic cells. In combination, our experimental and theoretical approaches provide a statistically robust analysis of CFE dynamics in bulk and monodisperse synthetic cell populations. We demonstrate that compartmentalization of CFESs leads to different transcription and translation rates compared to bulk CFE and show that this is due to the semipermeable lipid membrane that allows the exchange of materials between the synthetic cells and the external environment

    LETTER Communicated by Benjamin Schrauwen Regularized Variational Bayesian Learning of Echo State Networks with Delay&Sum Readout

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    In this work, a variational Bayesian framework for efficient training of echo state networks (ESNs) with automatic regularization and delay&sum (D&S) readout adaptation is proposed. The algorithm uses a classical batch learning of ESNs. By treating the network echo states as fixed basis functions parameterized with delay parameters, we propose a variational Bayesian ESN training scheme. The variational approach allows for a seamless combination of sparse Bayesian learning ideas and a variational Bayesian space-alternating generalized expectationmaximization (VB-SAGE) algorithm for estimating parameters of superimposed signals. While the former method realizes automatic regularization of ESNs, which also determines which echo states and input signals are relevant for "explaining" the desired signal, the latter method provides a basis for joint estimation of D&S readout parameters. The proposed training algorithm can naturally be extended to ESNs with fixed filter neurons. It also generalizes the recently proposed expectationmaximization-based D&S readout adaptation method. The proposed algorithm was tested on synthetic data prediction tasks as well as on dynamic handwritten character recognition. Neural Computation 24, 967-995 (2012

    Stage-Specific Germ-Cell Marker Genes Are Expressed in All Mouse Pluripotent Cell Types and Emerge Early during Induced Pluripotency

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    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) generated from the in-vitro culture of blastocyst stage embryos are known as equivalent to blastocyst inner cell mass (ICM) in-vivo. Though several reports have shown the expression of germ cell/pre-meiotic (GC/PrM) markers in ESCs, their functional relevance for the pluripotency and germ line commitment are largely unknown. In the present study, we used mouse as a model system and systematically analyzed the RNA and protein expression of GC/PrM markers in ESCs and found them to be comparable to the expression of cultured pluripotent cells originated from the germ line. Further, siRNA knockdown experiments have demonstrated the parallel maintenance and independence of pluripotent and GC/PrM networks in ESCs. Through chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we observed that pluripotent cells exhibit active chromatin states at GC marker genes and a bivalent chromatin structure at PrM marker genes. Moreover, gene expression analysis during the time course of iPS cells generation revealed that the expression of GC markers precedes pluripotency markers. Collectively, through our observations we hypothesize that the chromatin state and the expression of GC/PrM markers might indicate molecular parallels between in-vivo germ cell specification and pluripotent stem cell generation


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    Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key enzyme in lipoprotein and adipocyte metabolism. Defects in LPL can lead to hypertriglyceridemia and the subsequent development of atherosclerosis. The mechanisms of regulation of this enzyme are complex and may occur at multiple levels of gene expression. Because the 3′-untranslated region (UTR) is involved in LPL translational regulation, transgenic mice were generated with adipose tissue expression of an LPL construct either with or without the proximal 3′-UTR and driven by the aP2 promoter. Both transgenic mouse colonies were viable and expressed the transgene, resulting in a 2-fold increase in LPL activity in white adipose tissue. Neither mouse colony exhibited any obvious phenotype in terms of body weight, plasma lipids, glucose, and non-esterified fatty acid levels. In the mice expressing hLPL with an intact 3′-UTR, hLPL mRNA expression approximately paralleled hLPL activity. However in the mice without the proximal 3′-UTR, hLPL mRNA was low in the setting of large amounts of hLPL protein and LPL activity. In previous studies, the 3′-UTR of LPL was critical for the inhibitory effects of constitutively expressed hormones, such as thyroid hormone and catecholamines. Therefore, these data suggest that the absence of the 3′-UTR results in a translationally unrepressed LPL, resulting in a moderate overexpression of adipose LPL activity

    The effect of dietary fish oil on weight gain and insulin sensitivity is dependent on APOE genotype in humanized targeted replacement mice

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    We investigated the independent and interactive impact of the common APOE genotype and marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the development of obesity and associated cardiometabolic dysfunction in a murine model. Human APOE3 and APOE4 targeted replacement mice were fed either a high-fat control diet (HFD) or a HFD supplemented with 3% n-3 PUFA from fish oil (HFD + FO) for 8 wk. We established the impact of intervention on food intake, bodyweight, and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) mass; plasma, lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), liver enzymes, and adipokines; glucose and insulin during an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test; and Glut4 and ApoE expression in VAT. HFD feeding induced more weight gain and higher plasma lipids in APOE3 compared to APOE4 mice (P < 0.05), along with a 2-fold higher insulin and impaired glucose tolerance. Supplementing APOE3, but not APOE4, animals with dietary n-3 PUFA decreased bodyweight gain, plasma lipids, and insulin (P < 0.05) and improved glucose tolerance, which was associated with increased VAT Glut4 mRNA levels (P < 0.05). Our findings demonstrate that an APOE3 genotype predisposes mice to develop obesity and its metabolic complications, which was attenuated by n-3 PUFA supplementation.—Slim, K. E., Vauzour, D., Tejera, N., Voshol, P. J., Cassidy, A., Minihane, A. M. The effect of dietary fish oil on weight gain and insulin sensitivity is dependent on APOE genotype in humanized targeted replacement mice
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