198 research outputs found

    Bluetooth wireless monitoring, managing and control for inter vehicle in vehicular Ad-Hoc networks

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    Problem statement: The car users expect more and more accessories available in their cars, but the accessories available needed manage by driver manually and not properly manage by smart system. All these accessories are able to control by user manually using different and standalone controllers. Besides, the controller itself uses RF technology which is not existed in mobile devices. So there is lack of a comprehensive and integrated system to manage, control and monitor all the accessories inside the vehicle by using a personal mobile phone. Design and development of an integrated system to manage and control all kind of inter vehicle accessories, improving the efficiency and functionality of inter vehicle communications for the car users. Approach: The proposed system was based on Microcontroller, Bluetooth and Java technology and in order to achieve the idea of an intelligence car with ability to uses personal mobile hand phone as a remote interface. Development strategies for this innovation are includes two phases: (1) java based application platform-designed and developed for smart phones and PDAs (2) hardware design and implementation of the receiver sidecompatible smart system to managing and interconnection between all inside accessories based on monitoring and controlling mechanisms by Bluetooth media. Results: The designed system included hardware and software and the completed prototype had tested successfully on the real vehicles. During the testing stage, the components and devices were connected and implemented on the vehicle and the user by installing the system interface on a mobile phone is able to monitor and manage the vehicle accessories, the efficiency, adaptively and range of functionality of the system has proved with the various car accessories. Conclusion: This study involved design a new system to decrease the hot temperature inside a car that affecting the health of the car driver and the car driver is able to control some of the car accessories by using mobile phone. Once the car was equipped with the Bluetooth module and control system, the car accessories is able to connect with microcontroller and control by the mobile application

    Mindfulness meditation targets transdiagnostic symptoms implicated in stress-related disorders: Understanding relationships between changes in mindfulness, sleep quality, and physical symptoms

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    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an 8-week meditation program known to improve anxiety, depression, and psychological well-being. Other health-related effects, such as sleep quality, are less well established, as are the psychological processes associated with therapeutic change. This prospective, observational study (n=213) aimed to determine whether perseverative cognition, indicated by rumination and intrusive thoughts, and emotion regulation, measured by avoidance, thought suppression, emotion suppression, and cognitive reappraisal, partly accounted for the hypothesized relationship between changes in mindfulness and two health-related outcomes: sleep quality and stress-related physical symptoms. As expected, increased mindfulness following the MBSR program was directly correlated with decreased sleep disturbance (r=-0.21, p=0.004) and decreased stress-related physical symptoms (r=-0.38, p<0.001). Partial correlations revealed that pre-post changes in rumination, unwanted intrusive thoughts, thought suppression, experiential avoidance, emotion suppression, and cognitive reappraisal each uniquely accounted for up to 32% of the correlation between the change in mindfulness and change in sleep disturbance and up to 30% of the correlation between the change in mindfulness and change in stress-related physical symptoms. Results suggest that the stress-reducing effects of MBSR are due, in part, to improvements in perseverative cognition and emotion regulation, two “transdiagnostic” mental processes that cut across stress-related disorders

    On finite groups with many supersoluble subgroups

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    The solubility of a finite group with less than 6 non-supersoluble subgroups is confirmed in the paper. Moreover we prove that a finite insoluble group has exactly 6 non-supersoluble subgroups if and only if it is isomorphic to A5 or SL2(5). Furthermore, it is shown that a finite insoluble group has exactly 22 non-nilpotent subgroups if and only if it is isomorphic to A5 or SL2(5). This confirms a conjecture of Zarrin (Arch Math (Basel) 99:201-206, 2012)

    Analysis of Mice Lacking DNaseI Hypersensitive Sites at the 5′ End of the IgH Locus

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    The 5′ end of the IgH locus contains a cluster of DNaseI hypersensitive sites, one of which (HS1) was shown to be pro-B cell specific and to contain binding sites for the transcription factors PU.1, E2A, and Pax5. These data as well as the location of the hypersensitive sites at the 5′ border of the IgH locus suggested a possible regulatory function for these elements with respect to the IgH locus. To test this notion, we generated mice carrying targeted deletions of either the pro-B cell specific site HS1 or the whole cluster of DNaseI hypersensitive sites. Lymphocytes carrying these deletions appear to undergo normal development, and mutant B cells do not exhibit any obvious defects in V(D)J recombination, allelic exclusion, or class switch recombination. We conclude that deletion of these DNaseI hypersensitive sites does not have an obvious impact on the IgH locus or B cell development

    Generating and repairing genetically programmed DNA breaks during immunoglobulin class switch recombination

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    Adaptive immune responses require the generation of a diverse repertoire of immunoglobulins (Igs) that can recognize and neutralize a seemingly infinite number of antigens. V(D)J recombination creates the primary Ig repertoire, which subsequently is modified by somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class switch recombination (CSR). SHM promotes Ig affinity maturation whereas CSR alters the effector function of the Ig. Both SHM and CSR require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) to produce dU:dG mismatches in the Ig locus that are transformed into untemplated mutations in variable coding segments during SHM or DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in switch regions during CSR. Within the Ig locus, DNA repair pathways are diverted from their canonical role in maintaining genomic integrity to permit AID-directed mutation and deletion of gene coding segments. Recently identified proteins, genes, and regulatory networks have provided new insights into the temporally and spatially coordinated molecular interactions that control the formation and repair of DSBs within the Ig locus. Unravelling the genetic program that allows B cells to selectively alter the Ig coding regions while protecting non-Ig genes from DNA damage advances our understanding of the molecular processes that maintain genomic integrity as well as humoral immunity