85 research outputs found

    Subwavelength Bessel beams in wire media

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    Recent progress is emerging on nondiffracting subwavelength fields propagating in complex plasmonic nanostructures. In this paper, we present a thorough discussion on diffraction-free localized solutions of Maxwell’s equations in a periodic structure composed of nanowires. This self-focusing mechanism differs from others previously reported, which lie on regimes with ultraflat spatial dispersion. By means of the Maxwell–Garnett model, we provide a general analytical expression of the electromagnetic fields that can propagate along the direction of the cylinder’s axis, keeping its transverse waveform unaltered. Numerical simulations based on the finite element method support our analytical approach. In particular, moderate filling fractions of the metallic composite lead to nonresonant-plasmonic spots of light propagating with a size that remains far below the limit of diffraction.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project TEC2011-29120-C05-01

    Ă’ptica I. Problemes resolts

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    Aquest material docent s'ha elaborat per a l'assignatura Òptica I, que s'imparteix en el tercer curs del Grau de Física. Consta de vuit butlletins de problemes, junt amb les seues solucions, dels quals quatre d'aquells estàs específicament dissenyats per a les classes de Treballs Tutelats. Òptica I (Codi: 34257) es tracta d’una assignatura de caràcter teòric (sense pràctiques de laboratori), amb 6 crèdits ECTS assignats i de caràcter quadrimestral corresponent a la matèria Òptica. El seus objectius primordials són que els/les estudiants adquirisquen uns coneixements bàsics sobre el comportament de la llum, tant en els aspectes més elementals (òptica geomètrica), com en els aspectes associats a la seua naturalesa ondulatòria i electromagnètica (polarització) i d’interacció llum-matèria (índex de refracció).Les diapositives formen part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València

    Ultrathin high-index metasurfaces for shaping focused beams

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    The volume size of a converging wave, which plays a relevant role in image resolution, is governed by the wavelength of the radiation and the numerical aperture (NA) of the wavefront. We designed an ultrathin (λ/8 width) curved metasurface that is able to transform a focused field into a high-NA optical architecture, thus boosting the transverse and (mainly) on-axis resolution. The elements of the metasurface are metal-insulator subwavelength gratings exhibiting extreme anisotropy with ultrahigh index of refraction for TM polarization. Our results can be applied to nanolithography and optical microscopy.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MEC) (TEC2013-50416-EXP)

    Dyakonov surface waves in lossy metamaterials

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    We analyze the existence of localized waves in the vicinities of the interface between two dielectrics, provided one of them is uniaxial and lossy. We found two families of surface waves, one of them approaching the well-known Dyakonov surface waves (DSWs). In addition, a new family of wave fields exists which are tightly bound to the interface. Although its appearance is clearly associated with the dissipative character of the anisotropic material, the characteristic propagation length of such surface waves might surpass the working wavelength by nearly two orders of magnitude.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Project TEC2013-50416-EXP

    Substantial enlargement of angular existence range for Dyakonov-like surface waves at semi-infinite metal-dielectric superlattice

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    We investigated surface waves guided by the boundary of a semi-infinite layered metal-dielectric nanostructure cut normally to the layers and a semi-infinite dielectric material. Using the Floquet-Bloch formalism, we found that Dyakonov-like surface waves with hybrid polarization can propagate in dramatically enhanced angular range compared to conventional birefringent materials. Our numerical simulations for an Ag-GaAs stack in contact with glass show a low to moderate influence of losses.This research was funded by the Qatar National Research Fund under the project NPRP 09-462-1-074, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project TEC2009-11635, and by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science under the projects III 45016 and TR 32008

    Innovative education networking aimed at multimedia tools for geometrical optics learning

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    We present a purposeful initiative to open new grounds for teaching Geometrical Optics. It is based on the creation of an innovative education networking involving academic staff from three Spanish universities linked together around Optics. Nowadays, students demand online resources such as innovative multimedia tools for complementing the understanding of their studies. Geometrical Optics relies on basics of light phenomena like reflection and refraction and the use of simple optical elements such as mirrors, prisms, lenses, and fibers. The mathematical treatment is simple and the equations are not too complicated. But from our long time experience in teaching to undergraduate students, we realize that important concepts are missed by these students because they do not work ray tracing as they should do. Moreover, Geometrical Optics laboratory is crucial by providing many short Optics experiments and thus stimulating students interest in the study of such a topic. Multimedia applications help teachers to cover those student demands. In that sense, our educational networking shares and develops online materials based on 1) video-tutorials of laboratory experiences and of ray tracing exercises, 2) different online platforms for student self-examinations and 3) computer assisted geometrical optics exercises. That will result in interesting educational synergies and promote student autonomy for learning Optics.This work was supported by the Vicerectorat de Polítiques de Formació i Qualitat Educativa de la Universitat de València (Project UV-SFPIE_DOCE14-222505)

    Lineamientos educativos para la Bogotá rural

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    72 p. Libro ElectrónicoPara la Secretaría de Educación del Distrito (SED) es fundamental poner en primer plano la discusión sobre la educación rural en Bogotá. Se busca ofrecer un servicio de calidad y, al mismo tiempo, avanzar en programas que mejoren la equidad, la inclusión y las condiciones de vida de los estudiantes. Para el equipo directivo de la SED no hay duda de que se requieren intervenciones diferenciadas: la ruralidad de Bogotá es heterogénea y los contextos y las especificidades de los colegios son diferentes.Primera ed

    1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and PTHrP mediated malignant hypercalcemia in a seminoma

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    Background: Seminomas have been rarely associated with malignant hypercalcemia. The responsible mechanism of hypercalcemia in this setting has been described to be secondary to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D secretion. The relationship with PTHrP has not been determined or studied. The aim of this study is to describe and discuss the case and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in a malignant hypercalcemia mediated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and PTHrP cosecretion in a patient with seminoma. Case presentation: A 35-year-old man was consulted for assessment and management of severe hypercalcemia related to an abdominal mass. Nausea, polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy and confusion led him to the emergency department. An abdominal and pelvic enhanced CT confirmed a calcified pelvic mass, along with multiple retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Chest x-ray revealed “cannon ball” pulmonary metastases. The histopathology result was consistent with a seminoma. Serum calcium was 14.7 mg/dl, PTH was undetectable, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D was within normal values and PTHrP and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin were elevated (35.0 pg/ml, and 212 pg/ml, respectively). After the first cycle of chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin, normocalcemia was restored. Both PTHrP and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, dropped dramatically to 9.0 pg/ml and 8.0 pg/ml, respectively. Conclusion: The association of seminoma and malignant hypercalcemia is extremely rare. We describe a case of a patient with a seminoma and malignant hypercalcemia related to paraneoplastic cosecretion of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and PTHrP. After successful chemotherapy, calcium, PTHrP and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D returned to normal values

    Spironolactone Effect in Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Wistar Rats

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    Introduction. Ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury, often associated with liver surgery, is an unresolved problem in the clinical practice. Spironolactone is an antagonist of aldosterone that has shown benefits over IR injury in several tissues, but its effects in hepatic IR are unknown. Objective. To evaluate the effect of spironolactone on IR-induced damage in liver. Materials and Methods. Total hepatic ischemia was induced in rats for 20 min followed by 60 min of reperfusion. Spironolactone was administered and hepatic injury, cytokine production, and oxidative stress were assessed. Results. After IR, increased transaminases levels and widespread acute inflammatory infiltrate, disorganization of hepatic hemorrhage trabeculae, and presence of apoptotic bodies were observed. Administration of SPI reduced biochemical and histological parameters of liver injury. SPI treatment increased IL-6 levels when compared with IR group but did not modify either IL-1β or TNF-α with respect to IR group. Regarding oxidative stress, increased levels of catalase activity were recorded in IR + SPI group in comparison with group without treatment, whereas MDA levels were similar in IR + SPI and IR groups. Conclusions. Spironolactone reduced the liver damage induced by IR, and this was associated with an increase in IL-6 production and catalase activity
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