679 research outputs found

    Pneumopatia experimental : expressão genica de Fas, Fas-ligante, Bcl-w e citocinas em pulmões de camundongos da linhagem /balb/c submetidos a exposição fungica (Lentinus edodes - Shitake e Aspergillus fumigatus)

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    Orientador: Ricardo de Lima ZollnerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasResumo: Atualmente, o interesse pelas reações provocadas pelo fungo Lentinus edodes, cogumelo Shiitake, tem aumentado acompanhando sua popularidade nos países do Ocidente, onde ele é cada vez mais empregado na culinária e como ¿elixir de boa saúde¿. Paralelamente, tem crescido o número de relatos de reações alérgicas provocadas pelo consumo e manuseio do cogumelo, principalmente em produtores, que entram em contato com os esporos, facilmente inalados, e desenvolvem reações como tosse, calafrios e febre após o contato. As respostas iniciadas após a exposição fúngica devem-se aos sistemas de modulação da resposta imune, tais como subtipos de célula T recrutados para a resposta (TH1 ou TH2), tipos de citocinas secretadas e apoptose. Nosso estudo foi direcionado para a observação dos mecanismos de resistência e susceptibilidade às reações pulmonares e sistêmicas (células esplênicas) contra o Shiitake, baseados na expressão gênica das citocinas IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-12, TNF-a e IFN-g, e componentes apoptóticos Fas, Fas¿Ligante (Fas-L) e Bcl-w nos camundongos BALB/c submetidos à exposição de esporos de Shiitake e Aspergillus fumigatus, utilizado como parâmetro de comparação, uma vez que as reações por ele provocadas são amplamente descritas na literatura. Dessa forma, os resultados obtidos evidenciam a modulação direcionada para células TH1 provocadas pelos esporos de Shiitake e Aspergillus fumigatus nos animais estudados, com expressão aumentada das citocinas IL-12, TNF-a e IFN-g, tanto local quanto sistemicamente, além do aumento de linfócitos nos pulmões. O estudo dos componentes apoptóticos revelou a expressão da molécula Fas apenas nos pulmões e células esplênicas dos animais expostos aos esporos de Shiitake e Aspergillus fumigatus, com observação de apoptose in situ pelas técnicas de Feulgen e TUNEL realizadas nos pulmões desses animais, sugerindo a modulação desses fungos na ocorrência da apoptoseAbstract: The Lentinus edodes (Shiitake mushroom) is one the most popular edible mushrooms in the world. The indoor cultivation of Shiitake can lead to allergic symptoms in mushroom worker¿s, in contrast to outdoor cultivation where problems occur sporadically. Simultaneously have been growth relates of allergic reaction elicited by the consumption and handily of this mushroom, mainly between workers which inhaled the spores released during manipulation of Shiitake. These spores reaching the terminal area of the lung producing symptoms that suggest a delayed hypersensibility reaction with clinical symptoms of dispnea, cough, chills, and fever. The immune response after fungal exposition is attributed to the modulation of this response by the T cells subsets recruited (TH1 or TH2), cytokines release and apoptosis. The aim of this study was to verify the resistance and susceptibility to the Shiitake by the analyzes of molecular expression of cytokines IL-2, IL-4, Il-5, IL-12, TNF-a and IFN-g and apoptotic components Fas, Fas-L and Bcl-w, in lung and spleen cells of BALB/c submitted to Shiitake and Aspergillus fumigatus spores exposure, as a positive control of response. We found a over expression of cytokines IL-12, TNF-a, and IFN-g, in both compartments, systemic and locally (spleen cells and lung respectively), moreover, the lymphocytes were increased, suggesting the TH1 driving response evoked by exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus and Shiitake spores. The study of apoptotic components demonstrated the expression of Fas only in lungs and spleen cells of exposed animals to spores. The presence of apoptosis in lung was confirmed by the Feulgen and TUNEL techniques, suggesting the fungal modulation of apoptosisMestradoClinica MedicaMestre em Clinica Medic


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    The main objective of this study was to describe the profile of students from the Ipiranga Hospital,studying the technical course named Project for Capacitating as Professionals the Nursing Area Workers, orPROFAE, linked to the Training Center of Human Resources (CEFOR) of the Health Secretariat of the State of S��oPaulo. Two questionnaires were applied, one at the beginning of the course, with 36 responses, and the other inthe end, with 30 responses. Six students abandoned the course. Besides the personal and professionalinformation, the subjects were asked about their expectations of professional changes (improvement of knowledge,in the quality of their work, of wage and satisfaction) measured in scales from 1 to 10. The analysis showed thatstudents were in average 40 years old, and lived nearby. The majority had become nursing assistants in privateschools, from 1994 to 1997. Their professional experience was attained in clinical wards, intensive care units andEmergency Rooms, and they were currently responsible for giving medicine, dressing wounds, and verifying vitalsigns and hygienic.The students reported positive changes for the quality of their work, their satisfaction and knowledge, in thebeginning as well as at the end of the course; as for their wage, the initial positive expectation was inverted by theend of the course, when the students realized how little it would change. Most of the students had positive changesin their practice, as reported by the R.N. nurses of their workplace, but this did not imply in a promotion. In regard tothe meaning of the course for themselves, most believed they had become professionally updated and that thecourse was of good quality. The results of this study may be important to subsidize the organizers of teacherstraining, as well as course coordinators, about technical nurses qualification

    Prevalence of Dental Fluorosis in a City without Fluoridation in its Water Supply: Effect of Sampling

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental fluorosis in a population not exposed to fluoridated water and to evaluate the effect of the sampling technique on this measurement. Material and Methods: This observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study was conducted in the city of Mariana, Brazil. The participants were selected based on age, so that they had access to fluoridated dentifrice during the formation of the permanent upper teeth. Based on a nominal survey of schoolchildren aged 14 to 19, a probabilistic sample of 304 such children was clinically examined. Dental fluorosis was measured by the Thylstrup-Fejerskov index. The prevalence of fluorosis identified in a previous study, conducted in 2011 in the same city, using the same methodology but employing convenience sampling, was used as a control to compare the effect of the two sampling techniques. Results: The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 3% based on the probabilistic sampling of the subjects. In the previous study, the prevalence of fluorosis was 7% (p<0.05) based on convenience sampling of the same age group. Both studies detected a Thylstrup-Fejerskov fluorosis index value of 1, corresponding to only a mild degree of dental fluorosis. Conclusion: The convenience sampling technique seems to have affected the prevalence of dental fluorosis identified, with a 4% difference between the two studies. The prevalence of dental fluorosis attributed to the use of fluoridated dentifrice in a population not exposed to fluoridation of the water supply was considered low

    On the multi-dimensionality and sampling of air transport networks

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    Complex network theory is a framework increasingly used in the study of air transport networks, thanks to its ability to describe the structures created by networks of flights, and their influence in dynamical processes such as delay propagation. While many works consider only a fraction of the network, created by major airports or airlines, for example, it is not clear if and how such sampling process bias the observed structures and processes. In this contribution, we tackle this problem by studying how some observed topological metrics depend on the way the network is reconstructed, i.e. on the rules used to sample nodes and connections. Both structural and simple dynamical properties are considered, for eight major air networks and different source datasets. Results indicate that using a subset of airports strongly distorts our perception of the network, even when just small ones are discarded; at the same time, considering a subset of airlines yields a better and more stable representation. This allows us to provide some general guidelines on the way airports and connections should be sampled

    A relação entre tecnologias sociais e economia solidária: um estudo de caso em uma cooperativa de catadores de resíduos

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    As cooperativas de catadores de resíduos sólidos são empreendimentos, que por serem organizadas e realizadas solidariamente por seus trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, de forma coletiva e autogestionária, fazem parte do que se denomina, no Brasil, de Economia Solidária. Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar aspectos da relação entre as tecnologias existentes nestas cooperativas e os valores da economia solidária. Para isto foi estudado o estágio atual de desenvolvimento de uma cooperativa de catadores, situada no município de São Carlos/SP, considerando os seguintes aspectos: processo de coleta, triagem e comercialização; organização do trabalho; tecnologias utilizadas e desenvolvidas e os apoios e parcerias existentes. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a técnica observacional e de entrevistas. Como resultado foi observado que os cooperados se apropriaram das tecnologias existentes. Quanto aos aspectos da economia solidária, eles possuem a propriedade coletiva dos meios de produção e fazem a gestão da cooperativa; não há divisão técnica do trabalho: todos os sócios aprendem e são capazes de exercer as diferentes atividades dentro da cooperativa; e os conhecimentos necessários para o desenvolvimento das atividades são transmitidos entre os cooperados.Palavras-chave | Adequação sócio-técnica; catadores de resíduos; cooperativas; economia solidária; tecnologias sociais.Código JEL | J21; 032; P13. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY: A CASE STUDY IN COOPERATIVE OF WASTE PICKERSAbstractThe cooperatives of recyclable solid waste projects, which are organized and conducted jointly by their workers, in a self-managed and collectively way, are part of what is called in Brazil, Solidarity Economy. This study aims at identifying aspects of the relationship between the existing technologies in these cooperatives and the values of solidarity economy. In order to do so we have studied the current stage of development of a cooperative of waste pickers, located in São Carlos / SP, considering the following aspects: the process of collecting, sorting out and marketing, the organization of work, technologies used and developed and the existing support programs and partnerships. For the data collection the technique used was observation and interviews. As a result we observed that the cooperative members utilized existing technologies. In regards to the solidarity economy, they have collective ownership of the means of production and manage the cooperative, and there is no technical division of labor: all members are able to learn and perform different activities within the cooperative, and the necessary knowledge for the development of activities which are transmitted among the members.Keywords | Socio-technical adequacy; waste pickers; cooperatives, solidarity economy, social technologies.JEL-Code | J21; 032; P13. LA RELACIÓN ENTRE TECNOLOGÍAS SOCIALES Y ECONOMÍA SOLIDARIA: UN ESTUDIO DE CASO EN UNA COOPERATIVA DE RECOLECTORES DE RESIDUOSResumenLas cooperativas de recolectores de residuos sólidos son emprendimientos que organizan colectivamente trabajadores y trabajadoras de forma autogestionaria y pertenecen a lo que en Brasil se denomina Economía Solidaria. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los aspectos de la relación entre las tecnologías existentes en estas cooperativas y los valores de la economía solidaria. Para ello se estudió el estado actual de desarrollo de una cooperativa de recolectores de residuos, ubicada en São Carlos / SP, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes aspectos: el proceso de recolección, clasificación y comercialización; organización del trabajo; tecnologías utilizadas y desarrolladas; y los apoyos y vínculos de cooperación existentes. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de observación y entrevistas. Como resultado se constató que los cooperados de apropiaron de las tecnologías existentes. En lo que respecta a la economía solidaria, cuentan con la propiedad colectiva de los medios de producción y desarrollan la gestión de la cooperativa sin división técnica del trabajo: todos los miembros son capaces de aprender y realizar las diferentes actividades dentro de la cooperativa y los conocimientos necesarios para éstas son transmitidos entre los miembros.Palabras-clave | Adecuación socio-técnica; recolectores de residuos; cooperativas; economía solidaria; tecnologías sociales.Código JEL | J21; 032; P13

    Resíduos plásticos e reciclagem

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    A população do planeta, no início do século XXI, é estimada em 6,2 bilhões de habitantes (no início da civilização era de somente 200 milhões), que geram mais de um bilhão de toneladas de resíduos sólidos a cada ano, sendo cerca de 83 milhões de toneladas a parte brasileira. Nesse sentido, a ação de reciclar significa algo possível, viável, necessário e urgente. É isso que este livro tem por base

    Isolamento e caracterização de trealose, beta-D-glucana e de um heteropolissacarídeo do basidiolíquen Cora pavonia

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    Orientador: Dr. Marcello IacominiCoorientador: Dr. Philip A. J. GorinDissertação (mestrado) -Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curso de Pós-Graduação em BioquímicaInclui referências: p. 77-87Resumo: Cora pavonia é um dos poucos liquens cujo micossimbionte é um basidiomiceto e não um ascomiceto. É muito rico em proteína (36%), dos quais 10% é tirosina. A a, a-D-trealose foi isolada do líquen com um rendimento de 4,3 %. O líquen contém polissacarídeos típicos de basidiomicetos e diferentes daqueles de ascomicetos e liquens ascomicetos. Extração aquosa quente seguida por tratamento do extrato insolúvel em etanol com solução de Fehling forneceu, via seu complexo cúprico insolúvel, um heteropolissacarldeo (contendo 5,1% de proteína), que foi homogêneo por ultracentrifugação (2,6S), eletroforese, e filtração em gel. Do sobrenadante de Fehling foi isolada a glucana, que foi homogênea por ultracentrifugação (1,4S) e eletroforese. O heteropolissacarídeo continha seis monossacarídeos cujas configurações enantiomiricas foram determinadas. Hidrólise do polissacarídeo seguida por um fracionamento parcial do hidrolisado por cromatografia em coluna de celulose, derivatização de cada fração para formar acetatos de (-) - 2 - octil glicosídeos, e exame por g.l.c.-m.s., forneceu picos cujos tempos de retenção e espectrometria de massa indicaram a presença de g-ramnose, g-fucose, g-xilose, g-manose, g-glucose, e g-galactose. O uso de m.s. em determinações enatioméricas representou um avanço sobre os métodos prévios que eram baseados na comparação dos tempos de retenção e proporções relativas dos picos dos acetatos de actil glicosídeos com aqueles de padrões. Estas técnicas foram previamente conduzidas em misturas monossacarídicas menos complicados, mas no presente estudo foram detectadas impurezas em cada fração obtida por cromatografia em coluna de celulose, e m.s. foi necessária como um parâmetro extra na identificação dos picos. Análises do heteropolissacarídeo mostraram que ele continha principalmente xilose e manose com um núcleo contendo manose. A cadeia principal consistia principalmente (60 %) de unidades a-D-manopiranosil em ligações (1 -3), que eram não substituídas (10%) ou 4-0-(10%) e 2 ,4-di-O-substituídas (10%) por unidades de B-D-xilopiranose. Nas análises de metilação do heteropolissacarídeo, uma coluna capilar de DB - 210 mostrou ser particularmente útil para resolução mais eficiente por g.l.c. dos acetatos de alditóis parcialmente O-metilados , A glucana tinha uma configuração B-D sendo altamente ramificada com 21% de unidades terminais não redutoras, com resíduos 3-0- (30%), 6-0 - (30%) e 3,6 -di-0 -substituídos (19%) , e tinha uma cadeia principal consistindo de ligações intercaladas (1 - 3) e (1 - 6 ).Abstract: Cora pavona is unusual lichen having a basidiomycetous mycosymbiont. It is very rich in protein (36%), of Which 10% is tyrosine, a,a-D-Trehalose is present as 4,3% of the total lichen. The lichen contains polysaccharides typical of basidiomycetes and different from those of ascomycetes and ascomyce tous lichens. Hot aqueous extraction followed by treatment of the ethanol-insoluble extract with Fehling solution provided, via its insoluble copper complex, a heteropolysaccharide (5.1% protein) which was homogeneous on ultracentrifugation (2,6S), electrophoresis, and gel filtration. From the mother liquor was isolated a glucan wich was homogeneous on ultracentrifugation (1,4S) and electrophoresis. The heteropolysaccharide contained 6 monosaccharides, whose enantiomeric configurations were determined. Hydrolysis of the polysaccharide followed by a partial fractionation of the hydrolyzate by cellulose column chromatography, derivatization of each fraction to form acetates of (-)-2-octyl glycosides, and examination of the products by g.l.c.-m.s., gave peaks whose retention times and mass spectra indicated the presence of g-rhamnose, g-fucose, g-xylose, g-mannose, g-glucose, and g-galactose. The use of m.s. in enantiomeric determinations represented an advance over the previous method which was based on comparison of retention times and relative proportions of peaks of acetates of octyl glycosides with those of standards. This was previously carried out on less complicated monosaccharide mixtures, but in the present study impurities were detected in each fraction obtained by cellulose column chromatography and m.s. was needed as a further parameter in peak identification. Analysis of the heteropolysaccharide showed that it contained principally xylose and mannose with a mannose containing nucleus. The main chain consisted mainly (60%) of (1 - 3) - linked a-g-mannopyranosyl units which were unsubstituted (10%), or 4-0- (10 %) and 2,4-di-0-substituted (10%) with units of 6 -Q-xylopyranose. In the methylation analysis of the heteropolysaccharide, a capillary column of DB-210 proved to be particularly useful for more efficient g.l.c. resolution of partially O-methylated alditol acetates. The glucan had the B-D-configuration and was highly branched with 21% of nonreducing end-units with 3-0-(30%), 6-0- (30%), and 3,6-di-0-substituted Residues (19%), and had a main chain consisting of interspersed (1 - 3) and (1 - 6) - linkages