1,853 research outputs found

    Haro sur le poncif ! Baudelaire, Silvestre, Goncourt et la peinture du lieu commun

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    Avant qu’il ne qualifi e un tour de phrase banal, une idée éculée ou préfabriquée,le poncif tire son origine des arts visuels. Il s’agit, techniquement, d’unmoyen de transfert. Cet article se propose de revenir aux origines proprementvisuelles du poncif et de voir comment, au xixe siècle, la critique d’art en a faitusage. À partir de la défi nition du Salon de 1846 de Charles Baudelaire, on observeracomment cette exaspération à l’égard du trop connu a été mise en oeuvre parle critique d’art, contemporain et ami de Baudelaire, Théophile Silvestre, et lesfrères Goncourt, dans Manette Salomon

    Social Determinants of Health and Blood Pressure Control in United States Immigrants

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    This dissertation developed a new theory-based conceptual model to understand the impact of immigrant-specific social determinants of health (SDoH) on health services utilization and outcomes in immigrants in the context of antecedents, predisposing, enabling, and need factors. One hundred eighty-one immigrants were recruited from the Greater Milwaukee Area of Wisconsin. Validated instruments were used to capture antecedents (region of origin, race/ethnicity, life-course socioeconomic status), predisposing (demographics, subjective social status, homelessness history, immigration stress, demand of immigration), enabling (healthcare access, perceived discrimination, perceived stress, health literacy, English proficiency, bicultural self-efficacy, acculturation), and need (disability, comorbidities, chronic pain) factors. Blood pressure was measured and recorded for each participant. Regression analyses, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM), and path analysis were used to assess relationships, create latent variables, identify direct and indirect effects, and to identify direct and indirect pathways between immigrant-specific SDoH and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Measured antecedents and predisposing variables were significantly associated with SBP. Five latent variables were created and found that the need latent variable had a significant direct relationship with SBP. This study validated a conceptual framework for the relationship between immigrant specific SDoH and elucidated pathways linking antecedents, predisposing, enabling, and need factors to SBP

    Merekomendasikan Buah dalam Memenuhi Cairan Rubuh Berbasis Aplikasi Mobile

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    Di Indonesia sendiri konsumsi air masih tergolong rendah. Hasil penelitian dari The Indonesian Regional Hydration Study (THIRST) menunjukan bahwa 49,1% subyek penelitian mengalami kurang air atau hipovolemia ringan. Melihat pentingnya agar tetap menjaga cairan tubuh harian inilah yang menjadi dasar untuk melakukan penelitian tentang dehidrasi dengan merekomendasikan buah yang dilakukan dengan membuat sistem berbasis aplikasi mobile yang bernama Water dengan pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD), dan metode algoritma Decision Tree. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian terhadap 52 mahasiswa/i Universitas Multimedia Nusantara dengan program studi Sistem Informasi angkatan 2016 hingga 2019 dengan hasil pengujian Black-box Testing sebesar 100%, dan hasil pengujian User Acceptance Test (UAT) dengan skala likert sebesar 93,42%. Aplikasi Water dapat membantu memenuhi kebutuhan cairan tubuh yang hilang setiap harinya agar terhindar dari dehidrasi dengan mengetahui berapa jumlah cairan tubuh harian yang harus dikonsumsi, mengetahui jumlah cairan tubuh yang hilang, mengetahui tingkat dehidrasi yang diderita, dan memberi rekomendasi buah

    Some in-field experiences of non-synchronous vibrations in large rotating machinery

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    Some problems associated with non-synchronous vibrations are analyzed by describing three cases experienced with fairly large rotating machines in operating conditions. In each case, a brief description is first given of the machine and of the instrumentation used. The experimental results are then presented, with reference to time or frequency domain recordings. The lines followed in diagnosis are then discussed and, lastly, the corrective action undertaken is presented

    Visualisasi Data Klaim Rasio Pada PT BNI Life Insurance

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    PT BNI Life Insurance merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang menyediakan berbagai produk asuransi seperti Asuransi Kehidupan (Jiwa), Kesehatan, Pendidikan, Investasi, Pensiun, dan Syariah. PT BNI Life Insurance memberikan kesempatan praktik magang selama 6 (enam) bulan sebagai data visualization developer di divisi data management bagian Teknologi Informatika. Selama pelaksaan magang, didapatkan pelatihan materi bisnis proses PT BNI Life Insurance dan tugas yang diberikan sebagai data visualization developer adalah membuat visualisasi data klaim rasio pada PT BNI Life Insurance dengan menggunakan aplikasi tableau yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran awal atas risiko kondisi produk yang ada di BNI Life sehingga dapat membantu perusahaan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Visualisasi data klaim rasio ini juga bisa dinamakan Claim Ratio Early Warning Dashboard (CREW Dashboard). Kesimpulannya adalah pembuatan visualisasi data klaim ratio pada PT BNI Life Insurance ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi tableau yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran awal atas risiko kondisi produk yang ada di BNI Life perihal perkembangan bisnis dari segi pemantauan risiko yang terjadi, dimana akan ada informasi besarnya presentase klaim rasio serta beberapa grafik dan histogram untuk menunjukan dari banyaknya kejadian klaim yang sudah dibayarkan dan premi yang diterima oleh BNI Life dan menunjukan kantor pemasaran sampai nama pemasar yang memiliki penjualan produk dengan klaim rasio tinggi sehingga dapat diambil keputusan atas penjualan bermasalah dikemudian hari

    Serviço Social na Habitação: uma experiência no projeto Jardim Solemar

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Serviço Social.O presente Trabalho tem como lócus de pesquisa o trabalho social, mais precisamente, a experiência vivenciada no projeto urbanístico do Complexo Jardim Solemar, durante estágio curricular na empresa Iguatemi consultoria e serviços de engenharia. Esta pesquisa aborda a contribuição dos assistentes sociais que atuam nos projetos de habitação por intermédio do trabalho social. Estes profissionais trabalham com a perspectiva da garantia do direito à moradia que não se resume apenas em um teto, mas no direito à cidade e todos os equipamentos necessários para a sobrevivência do cidadão. O trabalho social perpassa todas as etapas previstas em um projeto de habitação de interesse social e inerente a ele está a participação popular. Este trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e empírica na área da habitação e habitação de interesse social onde foi percorrido um caminho de estudos através de artigos, periódicos e teses acadêmicas, bem como, uma busca na legislação vigente em habitação. O trabalho está estruturado em três sessões, onde na primeira sessão encontra-se um breve contexto das determinações sócio históricas brasileiras, legitimação da questão social, regulamentação da profissão de serviço social e uma abordagem da falta de moradias com uma expressão da questão social. Na segunda sessão uma analise da contribuição do serviço social e política de habitação, seguida explanação breve da conformação desta política, e uma reflexão do trabalho social executado em projetos habitacionais e um breve histórico a partir da criação do Banco Nacional da Habitação. A terceira sessão contemplará o projeto Urbanístico do Complexo Jardim Solemar com uma descrição do plano de trabalho executado no projeto e o relato da experiência vivida na inserção durante o projeto

    Optical techniques applied to measurements in art

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    Optical diagnostic techniques are particularly attractive for the non-destructive detection of incipient damage and the evaluation of the state of surface decay. Non-contact, high precision measurements of the shape and deformation of an artifact can be performed using laser methods based on holographic and speckle interferometry. [Continues.

    Contribution to study the glycoprotein ligands of the cerebellar soluble lectin in human K562 tumour cells

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    Many cancer cells over-express significantly the glycoproteins specific to the endogenous cerebellar soluble lectin or CSL. These ligands may present the same electrophoretic profiles regardless of the specie or tissue. We purified a large amount of the active CSL using an immuno-affinity chromatography, which was used to isolate the CSL ligands from human tumour K562 cell lines. After protease digestion of these ligands, we analyzed the obtained peptides using reverse phase chromatography and isolated an overrepresented group that carried N-glycans and was relatively hydrophobic. Thus, we suggested that the CSL ligands have a common pepetide sequence specifically recognized by the CSL, who could direct the production of these CSL-recognized N-glycans. Moreover, we speculated that the expression deregulation of a specific exon encoding this peptide sequence alters the glycosylation in K562 tumour cells.Keywords: CSL; glycoprotein ligands; tumour K562 cells; N-glycosylation; peptide signa