40 research outputs found


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    This study discusses challenges and strategies in the management of Islamic religious education in families with career backgrounds in Tamanayu Village, Pronojiwo District. This study uses qualitative research methods to collect data in the form of words or descriptions. Data were obtained through interviews, field notes, photos, videos, personal documents, and other documents. The main findings of this study indicate that parents' busyness in their careers is the main factor hindering sufficient time to consistently provide religious education. Limited knowledge and understanding of parents about Islamic religious teachings is also an obstacle in teaching religious values to their children. The integration of religious values into a busy family routine is also a challenge. Some of the strategies and practices recommended in the management of Islamic religious education in career families include scheduling special time for religious education, utilizing technology as a tool, and involving children in religious activities in their environment. By implementing this strategy, Islamic religious values can be better integrated into the daily lives of career family children. This research is expected to provide effective solutions and recommendations for improving the management of Islamic religious education in families with career backgrounds. The results of this study are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the importance of religious education in career families and how to overcome the challenges that exis

    Understanding students’ activities in Wi-Fi coffee shops in Aceh: A survey and narrative interview report

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    This study attempts to investigate and comprehend more in-depth information about students' daily lives in the Wi-Fi coffee shops, specifically in Aceh, a province of Indonesia. The study explores how the wireless Internet in coffee shops relates to college students' activities. The surveys of 619 students were conducted as a preliminary report. An in-depth phenomenological interview was employed to collect data from three university students who regularly spent many waking hours in coffee shops. Findings from the preliminary survey revealed that more male students visited coffee shops than women, with an average time of more than three hours daily. Accessing information through the Internet was not the primary purpose of visiting the coffee shops by most students instead of gaming, meeting up with friends for a chat, and enjoying the coffee. Qualitative interviews reported that students often visited coffee shops for various purposes, including completing homework, meetings with friends, and finding freelance online market jobs. Wi-Fi coffee shops are essential for those who do not have Internet access at home, particularly young people and recent transplants with low incomes but high educational capital. Although the Internet in coffee shops can have both negative and positive effects on students, if users or students can access these facilities rightly, they will acquire many benefits to support their education and future career. However, if misused, it may negatively affect their lives. Suppose the Internet in the coffee shop is used properly for educational purposes. In that case, it will push for greener and healthier information practices for students who may favor low-tech environments or lack personal infrastructure or resources

    Indikator Kesejahteraan Petani melalui Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dan Pembiayaan Syariah sebagai Solusi

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    As an agricultural country, attention to the welfare of farmers in Indonesia is considered very strategic. One of the measuring tools for farmers’ welfare that is used today is Farmer’s Exchange Rate (FER). This study aims to examine and explore some of the problems with the exchange rate experienced by farmers, including; Farmer’s Exchange Rate (FER) in identifying the welfare of farmers, determining the increase and decrease of Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) in Indonesia; and the potential of Islamic financing in providing solutions for the welfare of farmers. The results show that the increase in FER is not always good. Determination of the increase and decrease rice farmers’ exchange rates are productivity, grain prices, prices of consumer goods, and prices of fertilizers, the exchange rate of farmers on food and nonfood consumption, and production costs. Shariah schemes can be used as a new alternative to help the interest-free and profit-sharing agricultural sector.Sebagai negara agraris perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan petani di Indonesia dinilai sangat strategis. Salah satu alat ukur kesejahteraan petani yang digunakan saat ini adalah Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menggali beberapa permasalahan terhadap nilai tukar yang dialami petani, antara lain; Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dalam mengindentifikasi kesejahteraan petani, penentu peningkatan dan penurunan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) pangan di Indonesia; dan potensi pembiayaan syariah dalam memberikan solusi untuk mensejahterakan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kenaikan NTP tidak selalu baik. Penentu terjadinya kenaikan dan penurunan nilai tukar petani padi adalah produktivitas, harga gabah, harga barang konsumsi, dan harga pupuk, nilai tukar petani terhadap konsumsi makanan dan nonmakanan, serta biaya produksi. Skim syariah dapat dijadikan alternatif baru untuk membantu sektor pertanian yang bebas bunga dan berdasarkan bagi hasil

    Indikator Kesejahteraan Petani melalui Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dan Pembiayaan Syariah sebagai Solusi

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    As an agricultural country, attention to the welfare of farmers in Indonesia is considered very strategic. One of the measuring tools for farmers’ welfare that is used today is Farmer’s Exchange Rate (FER). This study aims to examine and explore some of the problems with the exchange rate experienced by farmers, including; Farmer’s Exchange Rate (FER) in identifying the welfare of farmers, determining the increase and decrease of Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) in Indonesia; and the potential of Islamic financing in providing solutions for the welfare of farmers. The results show that the increase in FER is not always good. Determination of the increase and decrease rice farmers’ exchange rates are productivity, grain prices, prices of consumer goods, and prices of fertilizers, the exchange rate of farmers on food and nonfood consumption, and production costs. Shariah schemes can be used as a new alternative to help the interest-free and profit-sharing agricultural sector.Sebagai negara agraris perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan petani di Indonesia dinilai sangat strategis. Salah satu alat ukur kesejahteraan petani yang digunakan saat ini adalah Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menggali beberapa permasalahan terhadap nilai tukar yang dialami petani, antara lain; Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dalam mengindentifikasi kesejahteraan petani, penentu peningkatan dan penurunan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) pangan di Indonesia; dan potensi pembiayaan syariah dalam memberikan solusi untuk mensejahterakan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kenaikan NTP tidak selalu baik. Penentu terjadinya kenaikan dan penurunan nilai tukar petani padi adalah produktivitas, harga gabah, harga barang konsumsi, dan harga pupuk, nilai tukar petani terhadap konsumsi makanan dan nonmakanan, serta biaya produksi. Skim syariah dapat dijadikan alternatif baru untuk membantu sektor pertanian yang bebas bunga dan berdasarkan bagi hasil


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    Abstract: This article aims to explore the potential development of a Blended learning model in Indonesian higher education institutions. The paper attempts to explain the concept of the Blended learning in terms of theory and practice, based on the literature discussed in several reputable international journals. Initially, this method proposes to improve the deficiencies of a traditional learning model which is lack of technological resources and at the same time to improve the gap of e-learning practice which is lack of a face-to-face learning experience. In the blended instruction, students will learn through a face-to-face interaction in the classroom and supported by learning media such as a Website, Video or Learning Management System (LMS). Meanwhile, the use of technologies is ordinarily used for students’ learning and peers interaction outside of class, especially for online discussion and homework submission. This method emphasizes that learning activity should not only occur in the classroom but also outside of the class through online media.Key Words: blended learning, hybrid learning, learning management systems, e-learning, conventional learningAbstrak: Tuliskan Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali potensi pengembangan metode pembelajaran Blended learning pada perguruan tinggi Indonesia. Tulisan mencoba memaparkan konsep pembelajaran Blended learning dari segi teori dan praktik berdasarkan literatur dari beberapa jurnal internasional bereputasi. Lahirnya metode ini bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan kekurangan dari metode pembelajaran konvensional face-to-face yang tidak menggunakan media teknologi dalam pembelajaran, serta kekurangan pada metode pembelajaran e-learning  yang mengesampingkan pembelajaran tatap muka. Dalam metode ini siswa akan belajar secara tatap muka di kelas yang didukung oleh berbagai media pembelajaran seperti website, video, dan Learning Management System (LMS). Dalam praktiknya, penggunaan media teknologi sebenarnya lebih banyak digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran di luar kelas terutama untuk diskusi online dan mengumpulkan tugas. Metode ini menekankan bahwa pembelajaran bukan hanya terjadi di kelas saja secara tatap muka, tetapi juga di luar kelas melalui media online.Kata kunci: blended learning, hybrid learning, learning management systems, e-learning, pembelajaran konvensiona

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Taksonomi Bloom pada Mata Kuliah Sistem Politik Indonesia

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    This study aims to provide the design of the flipped learning instructional model for teaching Indonesian Political System course at an Indonesian higher education institution. A bottom-up of flipped learning model based on Blooms’ taxonomy of cognitive domain was developed. Social media WhatsApp group was employed as a platform to share the recorded YouTube video lectures for students’ learning activities outside-of-class. Before students attend class, they have prepared with the lesson’s content, hence in-class activities are utilized for homework, hands-on activities, and group discussions. In other words, watching, summarizing, and note-taking are the main activities proposed by a researcher outside of the classroom, whereas Socratic questioning through a group discussion is the main activities in the classroom. This study suggests that the bottom-up of flipped learning model is potentially implemented for teaching any social studies course at any higher education institution, with the aim of promoting students’ highest level of cognitive domains or higher-order thinking skills. This study has implications for Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) or policymaker to determine the flip-class pedagogy as a contemporary teaching model for teaching any course in Indonesian higher education

    Tinjauan Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning pada Perguruan Tinggi di Era New Normal Covid-19: Kebijakan dan Implementasi

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    This article aims to review the potential of a Blended learning model implementation in Indonesian higher education institutions during the time of Covid-19. This conceptual paper attempts to explain the concept of Blended learning in terms of theory and practice, based on the literature discussed in several reputable international journals. Blended learning is defined as a learning model integrating face-to-face instruction with an online learning environment or e-learning. Initially, this model proposes to improve the deficiencies of a traditional learning model which is lack of technological resources, and at the same time to develop the gap of e-learning practice which is lack of a face-to-face learning experience. In the blended instruction, students will learn through face-to-face interaction in the classroom and supported by digital media such as a Website, Video, or Learning Management System (LMS). Meanwhile, the use of technologies is ordinarily applied for students' learning and peer-interaction outside of the class, especially for online discussion and homework submission. This method emphasizes that learning activity should not only occur in the classroom but also outside of the class through the digital device


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    The temporary closure of schools around the world to limit the spread of the COVID-19 has induced a new challenge for parents. Particularly, for those working remotely, making sure the children follow the learning schedule given by the school and keeping them occupied at home until bedtime is no obvious duty to make efforts to boost their enthusiasm. Therefore, one strategy proposed to motivate children's learning at home is to gamify their learning activities. Numerous studies have been published on the use of various digital platforms in gamification research, however, gamified systems in a non-technology environment or non-digital platform have been inadequately discussed and investigated by scholars. Thus, in this study, we will present a concise discussion on how gamified activities can be utilized in a non-tech environment. This conceptual paper employing a systematic literature review in collecting and analyzing the data. Through a review of the current empirical and conceptual literature, this study presents a new conceptual framework of the gamification concept in a non-technology environment. The study recommends that applying game-based elements or mechanics to motivate and engage children's learning can be carried out anywhere and anytime for any grade level, without waiting for high-tech supports

    Flipping an IELTS Writing Course: Investigating its impacts on students’ performance and their attitudes

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    The technology-enhanced instructional approach has been proven to stimulate active learning and advance the teaching-learning process. The flipped classroom (FC) instructional method, an instructional technology part of blended learning, has gained remarkable popularity in recent years due to its promising and positive impacts on different aspects of students’ learning process (motivation, engagement, academic performance, independent learning). In the current study, an explanatory mixed-method approach was employed to investigate the implementation of the flipped pedagogical approach in a government-funded IELTS preparation course in Indonesia, particularly in the writing section of the course. It examined the impacts of this instructional technology method on learners’ writing performance and explored their learning attitudes and experiences. A number of 25 participants from various professional backgrounds aspiring to pursue master’s and doctoral degrees who were recruited based on their previous TOEFL or IELTS scores participated in this study. The findings of this study showed that the learners had a positive attitude toward the flipped instruction method, and their writing test achievement significantly improved as reflected in the official IELTS test scores. Method flexibility, independent learning, and collaborative and active learning were factors that emerged in the interviews that were considered the important determinants of the participants’ IELTS writing improvements

    The Lived Experience of a Non-Muslim Chinese in Indonesia's Sharia-Regulated Province of Aceh: A Phenomenological Study

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    This study aims to picture intergroup relationships between Muslim Acehnese and non-Muslim Chinese communities in the Peunayong-regulated province Aceh, Indonesia. A descriptive phenomenological case study methodology was employed to examine the lived experiences of a particular group of people, and at the same time to explore a particular place in Aceh called Peunayong or Chinatown, and the life of its communities. The qualitative research approach was employed in collecting the data through observations, personal interviews, and documents analysis. Phenomenological interviews were conducted from one Muslim Acehnese and one non-Muslim Chinese who have been living for a long period in Peunayong district. Three main themes were merged and discussed in the findings, namely: (a) Peunayong as the symbol of tolerance; (b) non-Muslim and the Sharia law; and (c) discrimination in the Sharia law. In general, despite the implementation of Sharia law, Aceh has been seen as tolerant since Islamic law is limited only to the Muslim population. The portrait of harmony, tolerance, and peace in social-civic between Muslim Acehnese and Non-Muslim Chinese can be witnessed around Peunayong district, either activity related to trading or business, mores, and culture. Meanwhile, this study suggests that the implementation of Sharia law in Aceh should not only to achieve the popular name of “The Veranda of Mecca” or as a symbol and a name, or for political purposes, but its implementation should provide a welfare impact to local communities including Muslim and non-Muslim alliances, also to support religious freedom and solidarity between religious communities