UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya
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    Archivists can play a role in realizing the National Movement for Aware and Orderly Archives initiated by ANRI. This study aims to understand the role of archivists in record management as an effort to enforce the National Movement of Awareness and Orderly Archive in The Institute of Witness and Victim Protection. The type of research used is a case study with a qualitative approach. Techniques in data collection include observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, triangulation, and conclusions. The results of this study revealed that archivists play a role in all stages of record management, creation, usage, storage, and disposition, as well as acting as a trigger in initiating the declaration of the National Movement of Awareness and Orderly Archive. Efforts made by archivists in dealing with the problem of archivists are accommodating internship activities to assist the work in managing archives, improving the quality of self by following the archiving training, discussing with leaders related to the implementation of archiving policies, and creative thinking while continuing to carry out their work despite obstacles

    Nilai Moderasi Beragama Dalam Ajaran Himpunan Penghayat Kepercayaan Masade’ Di Kepulauan Sangihe

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    Abstract: Religious problems in Indonesia are not only limited to major religions but also involve cases at the micro level, such as what happened to the adherents of Masade Islam in the Sangihe Islands. The author focuses on the process of the emergence of Masade Islam in the border area of the Sangihe Islands, the factors that influence its formation, and the application of religious moderation values by Masade Islam adherents. To answer these problems, the author uses a socio-cultural approach as an analytical tool. This research uses the concept of monotheistic religion and the concept of supernatural power understood based on the theory of religious evolution. This research uses historical research methods that include heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The researcher argues that the influence and dominance of religious beliefs in the Masade' Trust developed along with the competition for power and politics in the Sangihe Islands. The dialectic between religion and culture is strong evidence of this influence. The discovery of historical facts that shaped the beliefs of the community known as Masade' reinforces the close relationship between Islam influenced by local culture (local wisdom) as evidenced through the process of rituals and worship performed in the local belief. Although the adherents of masade Islam recognize them as Muslims, the practice of worship is different. This shows that masade Islam is not part of Islam but a religion of belief that has noble local cultural values which also become the axis of their enthusiasm in carrying out a tolerant life in the frame of religious moderation.Abstrak: Permasalahan keberagamaan di Indonesia tidak hanya terbatas pada agama-agama besar, melainkan juga melibatkan kasus-kasus pada tingkat mikro, seperti yang terjadi pada penganut agama kepercayaan Islam Masade di kepulauan Sangihe. Penulis memfokuskan perhatian pada proses munculnya ajaran Islam Masade di kawasan perbatasan Kepulauan Sangihe, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukannya, serta penerapan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama oleh para penganut Islam Masade. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan sosio-budaya sebagai alat analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep agama monoteistik dan konsep kekuasaan supernatural yang dipahami berdasarkan teori evolusi agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang meliputi heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Peneliti berargumen bahwa pengaruh dan dominasi keyakinan agama dalam Kepercayaan Masade’ berkembang seiring dengan persaingan kekuasaan dan politik di Kepuluan Sangihe. Dialektika antara agama dan budaya menjadi bukti yang kuat atas pengaruh tersebut. Penemuan fakta sejarah yang membentuk kepercayaan masyarakat yang dikenal sebagai Masade menguatkan hubungan yang erat antara Islam yang dipengaruhi budaya lokal (lokal wisdom) yang dibuktikan melalui proses ritual dan ibadah yang dilakukan dalam kepercayaan lokal tersebut. Meskipun penganut Islam masade mengakui mereka sebagai pemeluk Islam, tetapi dalam praktik ibadahnya berbeda. Hal ini menunjukkan Islam masade bukan bagian dari Islam tetapi menjadi agama kepercayaan yang mempunyai nilai-nilai budaya lokal yang luhur yang juga menjadi poros semangat mereka dalam menjalankan kehidupan yang toleran dalam bingkai moderasi beragama

    Consent and Resistance: Indonesian Corona-Inspired Islamic Music in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic sparked the production of corona-inspired Islamic music in Indonesia. Interestingly, against the backdrop of chaos and uncertainty, the genre appears to have transcended mere value-added entertainment and can be viewed as a tool that operates with or against power. Using Stuart Hall's concept of culture and power, this study aims to examine how popular culture such as this is utilized by the elites and the ordinary. This is qualitative research using content analysis, and the data were taken from the lyrics and live performances of Bimbo with their song “Corona” and Audul Marom rebana group with “Sirahku Mumet Sirahmu Piye.” This research found that corona-inspired Islamic music is not just an aesthetic call to surrender to God in the face of crisis. Instead, it acts as a vehicle for cultural adaptation by authorities and a platform for expressing dissent among the ordinary. Bimbo’s “Corona” and its involvement in the government-sponsored fundraising concerts exemplify efforts to mitigate public distrust during the pandemic. In contrast, the “Sirahku Mumet Sirahmu Piye” reproduced and popularized by a local rebana group from Demak echoes the plight of the lower classes, articulating the economic burden of the commoners due to COVID-19 measures

    Understanding Kompangan As Jambi-Malay Traditional Arts and Cultural Heritage: An Anthropological Research

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    Like other traditional art forms, Kompangan in Jambi Seberang faces challenges in the preservation and transmission of culture due to globalization and changes in social patterns. Despite its cultural significance, research on the strategies used by local groups to maintain and promote this community is limited. The research gap includes the lack of detailed studies of the role of certain community groups, such as the Ulu Gedong, in preserving Kompangan and the mechanisms of cultural transmission within these groups. This research aims to fill these gaps by delving deeper into the history of Kompangan as a musical instrument and the roles of the Ulu Gendong Group in preserving the Kompangan as a traditional Malay art in Jambi Seberang. By using anthropological research, the results of this study indicate that Kompangan art is part of Malay Islamic culture and traditional musicals of Jambi Province, especially from Jambi Seberang. Immigrants from the Middle East have brought Kompangan. Sambilan Group was founded in Kampung Tengah, Jambi, and that is where Kompangan got its start. Kompangan art has evolved in several districts, including Ulu Gedong. Ulu Gedong, Riyatul Jannah, Riyatul Abedin, and Al-Hidayah are the four main Kompangan. The young generation plays a crucial role in preserving Kompang in Jambi Seberang. The goal for the next generation is to value their culture more and keep their cultural legacy alive, particularly this Kompangan art

    Minority Labeling of "Desi" And "Muslim" As Seen in Samira Ahmed's Internment

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    This article aims to expose the labeling of “Desi” and “Muslims” as minority groups in a country where the majority of the population is from external groups. In the novel entitled Internment, it is found that the appearance of labels in the Internment affects the position of all characters. This study focuses on the causes that influence the emergence of the labels "Desi" and "Muslim" and how these labels are used for all characters in the novel Internment by Samira Ahmed. The data were collected through the documentation method or the observation method. The theory of language and Identity by Joanna Thornborrow is used as the main theory, while the theory of situation context by Bronislaw Malinowski is used as a supporting theory. These two theories are used to identify the types of labels and analyze the causes of labels appearing in the novel. This analysis indicates that negative labeling on utterances containing the labels "Desi" and "Muslim" becomes the most dominant label and often appears in every utterance. Also, utterances containing negative labels come from the internal group. It shows that sometimes the group is not confident in their identity when they are in a minority group in a country where the majority of the population comes from an external group

    Tradisi Maritim: Upacara Sedekah Laut di Pesisir Desa Teluk, Banten, Tahun 2023

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    Abstract: This paper aims to explain the tradition of Sedekah Laut or Nadran practiced by the people of Teluk Village, Labuan Subdistrict, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The maritime community's belief in the ruler of the sea has been rooted from the past to the present. Tradition as a culture characterizes the locality of Indonesian society. In Java, more or less animist and dynamist cultures were influenced by Hindu-Buddhism, by the beliefs of the predecessors of Javanese society. People believe in invisible forces that can affect their lives. Coastal communities believe in the existence of sea rulers who have given them a catch of fish, so the tradition of sea alms develops as a form of gratitude for the catch given by the sea. This article uses a descriptive qualitative method with a historical approach. As a local history with oral tradition sources, primary sources were obtained through in-depth interviews with resource informants in Teluk Village, and previous research relevant to the research theme was used as secondary sources. The results show that the Sedekah Laut tradition is brought by the influence of the arrival of migrants from the coast of Java to Teluk Village. This Sedekah Laut tradition is carried out by the fishermen community and their descendants who come from Java. Normally, the implementation of Sedekah Laut is carried out annually, but due to various factors, the tradition is held annually.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tradisi sedekah laut atau Nadran yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Teluk Kecamatan Labuan, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Banten. Kepercayaan masyarakat maritim terhadap penguasa laut telah mengakar dari dahulu hingga saat ini. Tradisi sebagai suatu kebudayaan, menjadi ciri lokalitas masyarakat Indonesia. Di Jawa, sedikit banyaknya kebudayaan yang bermuatan animisme dan dinamisme yang dipengaruhi oleh Hindu-Budha, sesuai dengan kepercayaan pendahulu masyarakat Jawa. Sebagaimana masyarakat percaya meyakini terhadap kekuatan yang tak kasat mata, yang dapat mempengaruhi hidup mereka. Masyarakat pesisir mempercayai adanya penguasa laut yang telah memberikan mereka hasil tangkapan ikan, sehingga berkembang tradisi sedekah laut sebagai bentuk rasa syukur masyarakat pesisir atas hasil tangkapan yang diberikan oleh laut. Penulisan Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan sejarah. Sebagai kajian sejarah lokal dengan sumber tradisi lisan, sumber primer diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber di Desa Teluk, dan penelitian terdahulu yang relevan dengan tema penelitian digunakan sebagai sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tradisi sedekah laut merupakan tradisi yang dibawa atas pengaruh kedatangan para pendatang yang berasal dari pesisir pantai Jawa ke Desa Teluk. Tradisi sedekah laut ini dijalankan oleh masyarakat nelayan dan keturunannya yang berasal dari Jawa. Lazimnya pelaksanaan sedekah laut dilakukan setiap tahun, namun karena berbagai faktor seperti kesulitan ekonomi pada kalangan nelayan dan adanya pertentangan pendapat dari masyarakat eksternal membuat tradisi sedekah laut tidak dilaksanakan setiap tahun. Hingga saat ini tradisi sedekah laut masih tetap dilaksanakan, meskipun intensitasnya berkurang dan adanya perubahan dalam pelaksanaanya

    LABPSA: Youth Expression and Tolerance Practices Digitalization to Prevent Religious Disputes in Aceh

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    This article begins with an academic discourse on tolerance campaign strategies as a new form of conflict resolution. This strategy focuses on how young people optimize social media to campaign for tolerance issues. The research used virtual ethnographic methods and online documentation to collect data. This step examined the landscape of religious conflicts in Indonesia, especially in Aceh province. What is the role of the Aceh government in resolving religious conflicts in Aceh? What is the form of young people’s active participation when voicing the issue of tolerance through LABPSA? The research results are that the presence of young people under the LABPSA institution is a new way to voice acts of tolerance and resolve religious conflicts in Aceh. They also criticize the Aceh government in response to the issue of intolerance. The presence of young people in LABPSA is also part of helping the Aceh government resolve conflicts in Aceh, especially religious conflicts, and eradicate intolerance issues

    Divide et Impera in the Banten Sultanate: The Political Succession of Sultan Haji and VOC's Pepper Monopoly in the 17th and 18th Centuries

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    Nusantara's spice commodities became one of the determining factors of the global spice trade in the 17th and 18th centuries. There were three types of superior spices produced by the Nusantara such as cloves, nutmeg, and pepper. In the 17th century AD, Banten Sultanate was known as a pepper producer, and its pepper trade significantly influenced the economic and political development of the region. Apart from improving the economy, this commodity was also used to establish diplomatic relations between foreign nations. However, the pepper trade also became one of the factors that caused conflict in the Banten Sultanate. The implementation of the divide et impera strategy by the VOC caused an internal conflict between Sultan Haji and Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The conflict occurred when Sultan Haji allied with the VOC to succeed his father, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Sultan Haji made an agreement with the VOC in 1684, allowing the company to monopolize the pepper trade. This research examines this issue by looking at the overall condition of the pepper trade before and after the VOC's presence in the Banten Sultanate and the succession of Sultan Haji through the 1684 pepper trade agreement. This qualitative research uses historical research methods with a political approach. The theory used in this research is political economy theory, which includes understanding power, economic system, and public policy. The historical research method comprises heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography stages. The analysis using a political approach reveals the extent to which the Banten Sultanate's pepper trade policy influenced the succession of Sultan Haji and the monopolization of the pepper trade by the VOC

    Defending Islam Action and Its Impact on the Local Islamic Conservatism Movement in West Sumatra

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    The massive demonstrations as part of the Defending Islam Action against Ahok in 2016 have had a broad impact on the dynamics of contemporary Indonesian politics. The event has not only created socio-political polarization in society but also seeped into local political dynamics in West Sumatra. So far, most studies have focused on the motives and causal factors of the Islamic defense action with its various implications, but there are still few studies that explain the influence of this action on the local Islamic conservatism movement in West Sumatra. Specifically, this study answers the question of how the influence of the Defending Islam Action on the local Islamic conservatism movement in West Sumatra after the 212 rally. A deep understanding of the development of Islamic conservatism in the local context can develop theories of Islamic conservatism in explaining the Islamic revival movement in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method by interviewing a number of actors of the local Islamic conservatism movement in West Sumatra.  The results of this study show that the transformation of national politics in the issues of the Defending Islam Action has a significant impact on the local Islamic conservatism movement. The national political factor not only affects the local Islamic conservatism movement but also the proliferation of such movements locally, that are active in responding to social, political and religious issues. The national political factor followed by local political decentralization is a political opportunity for local Islamic conservatism groups to carry out conservative Islamic agendas in West Sumatra

    Masjid Pathok Negara Mlangi; Penjaga Islam Sunni Di Yogyakarta

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    Abstract: This research examines the role of the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque in preserving Sunni Islam in Yogyakarta. This mosque, also known as Masjid Jami’ An Nur, is closely related to the Yogyakarta Palace because it was built by Prince Hangabehi Sandiyo or Kiai Nur Iman, who was the elder brother of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I in 1758. The research questions addressed in this study are: What is the background of the establishment of the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque? What is the role of the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque in preserving Sunni teachings? This research employs the concept of the mosque as a center of Islamic culture. The research method used is historical methodology with four stages: heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this research indicate that the Pathok Negoro Mlangi Mosque was built by Kiai Nur Iman, the brother of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, who chose to spread the religion or preach rather than hold positions in the palace with all its luxuries. On the land granted by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, Kiai Nur Iman built a mosque to teach the religion of Sunni Islam. The studies conducted at the Mlangi mosque are based on books aligned with Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, such as Matan Taqrib, Fathu al-Wahhab bi Syarh Manhaj al-Thullab Syarh Minhaj al-Thalibin wa ‘Umdah al-Muftin, Fathu al-Mu’in bi Syarhi Qurrathi al-‘Ain bi Muhimmat al-Din, tafsir Al-Jalalain, the hadith books Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and the book Riyadl al-Shalihin. Regarding ethical issues, the study books include Ta’lim al-Muta’allim Thariq al-Ta’allum and Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, books that integrate the beliefs of Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, the Shafi'i fiqh school, and the Sufism of Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Studies of these books continue to be preserved by the successive generations of Kiai Nur Iman in various regions of Yogyakarta.Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang peran Masjid Pathok Negoro Mlangi dalam melestarikan Islam Sunni di Yogyakarta. Masjid ini juga dikenal sebagai Masjid Jami’ An Nur  yang berkaitan erat dengan Keraton Yogyakarta karena dibangun oleh Pangeran Hangabehi Sandiyo atau Kiai Nur Iman yang merupakan kakak dari Sultan Hamengku Buwono I pada tahun 1758.  Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana latar belakang berdirinya Masjid Pathok Negoro Mlangi? Bagaimana peran Masjid Pathok Negoro Mlangi dalam melestarikan ajaran Sunni? Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep masjid sebagai pusat kebudayaan Islam. Metode penelitiannya adalah metode sejarah dengan empat tahap, yaitu heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Masjid Pathok Negoro Mlangi dibangun oleh Kiai Nur Iman yang merupakan kakak Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, lebih memilih menyebarkan agama atau berdakwah daripada menduduki jabatan di keraton dengan segala kemewahannya.  Di tanah perdikan pemberian Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, Kiai Nur Iman membangun masjid untuk mengajarkan agama Islam Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Kajian kitab di masjid Mlangi adalah kitab-kitab yang berhaluan Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah seperti Matan Taqrib, Fathu al-Wahhab bi Syarh Manhaj al-Thullab Syarh Minhaj al-Thalibin wa ‘Umdah al-Muftin, Fathu al-Mu’in bi Syarhi Qurrathi al-‘Ain bi Muhimmat al-Din, tafsir Al-Jalalain, kitabhadis Shahih Bukhari,Shahih Muslim dan kitab Riyadl al-Shalihin, dalam persoalan akhlak kajian kitabnya adalah kitab  Ta’lim al-Muta’allim Thariq al-Ta’allum, dan kitab Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, kitab yang mengintegrasikan antara akidah  Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, fiqh mazhab Syafii, dan tasawuf Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Kajian-kajian kitab semacam ini terus dilestarikan oleh generasi penerus Kiai Nur Iman di berbagai wilayah Yogyakarta. 


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    UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya is based in Indonesia
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