269 research outputs found

    The content of recurrent dreams in young adolescents

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    Studies on children’s recurrent dreams have been largely anecdotal and based on adults’ recollections of dreams experienced during childhood. We collected 102 reports of recurrent dreams from a sample of young adolescents aged between 11 and 15 years and scored the narratives using a range of content measures, including in relation to the threat simulation theory (TST) of dreaming. The most frequently reported themes involved confrontations with monsters or animals, followed by physical aggressions, falling and being chased. Recurrent dreams were more likely to include negative content elements than positive elements. Only half of the recurrent dreams contained threatening elements and their analysis provided mixed support for the TST. Differences between the content of recurrent dreams reported by young adolescent versus adults are discussed as are possible sex effects and key issues that remain to be addressed by future researc

    High entropy alloys obtained by field assisted powder metallurgy route: SPS and microwave heating

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the field assisted powder metallurgy route for producing HEAs at equimolar composition, i.e. FeCoNiCrAl, starting from metal powders. Both mixed, mechanically activated and mechanically alloyed powders have been used. The powders obtained by mechanical alloying were synthesized only by SPS, whereas the remaining ones were sintered by SPS or microwave heating. The investigated field assisted sintering techniques allowed an extremely short alloying time, high energy density on the load and negligible contamination by the surrounding environment. Both the conducted sintering-synthesis technology resulted not definitive to produce chemical homogeneity and to obtain a single stable structure. Thus a subsequently heat treatment was required. The post heat treatment, indeed, led to a single crystalline structure (FCC) and the material was fully recrystallized. After heat treatment samples are isomorphic: they exhibit two different phases with the same FCC cell, but different chemical composition, in detail Fe-Cr richer and Al-Ni richer. SPS-ed samples present a reduced porosity, while microwave processed ones are much more porous and this is reflected in the mechanical properties

    SPS-assisted Synthesis of SICp reinforced high entropy alloys: reactivity of SIC and effects of pre-mechanical alloying and post-annealing treatment

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    In this work a traditional high entropy alloy (FeCoNiCrAl) was reinforced by uniformly distributed reactive silicon carbide (SiC) particles by a powder metallurgy synthetic route, using as precursors simply mixed powders or mechanically prealloyed ones. The reactive sintering produced a single isomorphic BCC structure. The sample microstructure resulted equiassic, more homogenous in samples based on prealloyed powders. The instability of SiC in the presence of metal precursors resulted in the formation of more stable carbides and silicides, as well as in carbon diffusion in the high entropy alloy matrix and partially unreacted SiC particles. The formation of these newly formed fine precipitates, as well as the presence of residual SiC were useful to increase the hardness of the alloy

    Análise faunística de cochonilhas (hemiptera: sternorrhyncha) na cultura da videira no município de Pinto Bandeira, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

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    O Rio Grande do Sul é o principal estado produtor de uvas e vinhos do país, com destaque para a região da Serra Gaúcha. Um dos principais problemas enfrentados pelos viticultores é a presença de cochonilhas que ocorrem na parte aérea da cultura e que, dependendo da severidade dos danos causam a morte da planta. Nesse trabalho foi realizada uma análise faunística das cochonilhas presentes na parte aérea de videiras, no município de Pinto Bandeira, RS. As amostragens foram realizadas quinzenalmente em vinhedo comercial de 1 ha de Vitis vinifera L. cultivar Merlot. Foram coletadas amostras de cochonilhas presentes no ritidoma e brotações, de janeiro de 2011 a janeiro de 2013. A triagem e identificação dos espécimes foram realizadas em laboratório com o auxílio de microscópio óptico e bibliografia especializada. Os dados obtidos foram analisados a partir da determinação da frequência, constância e dominância. Foram identificadas duas espécies de cochonilhas incluídas em Diaspididae - Hemiberlesia latanie e Pseudaonidia marquesi; e uma em Monophlebidae - Icerya schrottkyi. Hemiberlesia latanie foi a espécie que apresentou 89,72% de frequência, I. schrottkyi 7,13% e P. marquesi 3,14%. Hemiberlesia latanie foi a cochonilha dominante, mais frequente e constante no vinhedo

    Impacts of orography on large-scale atmospheric circulation

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    Some of the largest and most persistent circulation errors in global numerical weather prediction and climate models are attributable to the inadequate representation of the impacts of orography on the atmospheric flow. Existing parametrization approaches attempting to account for unresolved orographic processes, such as turbulent form drag, low-level flow blocking or mountain waves, have been successful to some extent. They capture the basic impacts of the unresolved orography on atmospheric circulation in a qualitatively correct way and have led to significant progress in both numerical weather prediction and climate modelling. These approaches, however, have apparent limitations and inadequacies due to poor observational evidence, insufficient fundamental knowledge and an ambiguous separation between resolved and unresolved orographic scales and between different orographic processes. Numerical weather prediction and climate modelling has advanced to a stage where these inadequacies have become critical and hamper progress by limiting predictive skill on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. More physically-based approaches are needed to quantify the relative importance of apparently disparate orographic processes and to account for their combined effects in a rational and accurate way in numerical models. We argue that, thanks to recent advances, significant progress can be made by combining theoretical approaches with observations, inverse modelling techniques and high-resolution and idealized numerical simulations

    Shallow whole-genome sequencing of Aedes japonicus and Aedes koreicus from Italy and an updated picture of their evolution based on mitogenomics and barcoding

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    Aedes japonicus and Aedes koreicus are two invasive mosquitoes native to East Asia that are quickly establishing in temperate regions of Europe. Both species are vectors of arboviruses, but we currently lack a clear understanding of their evolution. Here, we present new short-read, shallow genome sequencing of A. japonicus and A. koreicus individuals from northern Italy, which we used for downstream phylogenetic and barcode analyses. We explored associated microbial DNA and found high occurrences of Delftia bacteria in both samples, but neither Asaia nor Wolbachia. We then assembled complete mitogenomes and used these data to infer divergence times estimating the split of A. japonicus from A. koreicus in the Oligocene, which was more recent than that previously reported using mitochondrial markers. We recover a younger age for most other nodes within Aedini and other Culicidae. COI barcoding and phylogenetic analyses indicate that A. japonicus yaeyamensis, A. japonicus amamiensis, and the two A. koreicus sampled from Europe should be considered as separate species within a monophyletic species complex. Our studies further clarify the evolution of A. japonicus and A. koreicus, and indicate the need to obtain whole-genome data from putative species in order to disentangle their complex patterns of evolution

    On a Testing Methodology for the Mechanical Property Assessment of a New Low-Cost Titanium Alloy Derived from Synthetic Rutile

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    Mechanical property data of a low-cost titanium alloy derived directly from synthetic rutile is reported. A small-scale testing approach comprising consolidation via field-assisted sintering technology, followed by axisymmetric compression testing, has been designed to yield mechanical property data from small quantities of titanium alloy powder. To validate this approach and provide a benchmark, Ti-6Al-4V powder has been processed using the same methodology and compared with material property data generated from thermo-physical simulation software. Compressive yield strength and strain to failure of the synthetic rutile-derived titanium alloy were revealed to be similar to that of Ti-6Al-4V

    Molecular genetic analysis of severe coagulation factor XI deficiency in six Italian patients

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Factor XI (FXI) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive coagulopathy which is, however, frequent among Ashkenazi Jews. Two mutations, type II (Glu117stop) and type III (Phe283Leu), account for the majority of abnormal alleles in this population. The aim of this study was to analyze the molecular basis of FXI deficiency in six unrelated Italian probands with severe deficiency, a population hitherto largely unexplored. DESIGN AND METHODS: All patients showed unmeasurable functional FXI levels in plasma. Mutational screening was performed by sequencing. Haplotype analysis was performed using intragenic polymorphisms. Expression studies were performed by transient transfection in COS-1 cells. RESULTS: Sequencing identified two novel mutations: a nonsense mutation (Cys118stop) in exon 5 in two probands, and a 6-bp deletion (643-648delATCGAC) in exon 7 in one proband. The Cys118stop is predicted to cause FXI deficiency by a secretion defect and/or by increased mRNA degradation. The 6-bp deletion causes the loss of residues Ile197 and Asp198. There was a remarkable secretion impairment of the deleted FXI protein. In four of the six probands, the type II mutation was found. Haplotype analysis in patients carrying the type II mutation revealed that they share a common haplotype, perhaps derived from a Jewish ancestor. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: The identification and characterization of two novel mutations widen the mutational spectrum of FXI deficiency. Haplotype analysis is compatible with a Jewish origin of the type II mutation. The high occurrence of the type II mutation among Italian patients will be helpful to direct future genetic screenings