22 research outputs found

    The mouse anterior chamber angle and trabecular meshwork develop without cell death

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    BACKGROUND: The iridocorneal angle forms in the mammalian eye from undifferentiated mesenchyme between the root of the iris and cornea. A major component is the trabecular meshwork, consisting of extracellular matrix organized into a network of beams, covered in trabecular endothelial cells. Between the beams, channels lead to Schlemm's canal for the drainage of aqueous humor from the eye into the blood stream. Abnormal development of the iridocorneal angle that interferes with ocular fluid drainage can lead to glaucoma in humans. Little is known about the precise mechanisms underlying angle development. There are two main hypotheses. The first proposes that morphogenesis involves mainly cell differentiation, matrix deposition and assembly of the originally continuous mesenchymal mass into beams, channels and Schlemm's canal. The second, based primarily on rat studies, proposes that cell death and macrophages play an important role in forming channels and beams. Mice provide a potentially useful model to understand the origin and development of angle structures and how defective development leads to glaucoma. Few studies have assessed the normal structure and development of the mouse angle. We used light and electron microscopy and a cell death assay to define the sequence of events underlying formation of the angle structures in mice. RESULTS: The mouse angle structures and developmental sequence are similar to those in humans. Cell death was not detectable during the period of trabecular channel and beam formation. CONCLUSIONS: These results support morphogenic mechanisms involving organization of cellular and extracellular matrix components without cell death or atrophy

    Desafíos y dilemas de la co-construcción de saberes y experiencias en prácticas de extensión: ¿qué es lo que hace la diferencia en la apropiación de sentido por parte de agentes educativos escolares?

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    El trabajo presenta un análisis refl exivo basado en experiencias extensionistas realizadas en contextos educativos escolares, desde el año 2011, a través del Centro de Extensión de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y de la Secretaría de Extensión de la UNLP. Retoma las preguntas que originaron dichas experiencias y los interrogantes de hoy. La indagación se centró, en un primer momento, en el aprendizaje profesional inter-agencial (Daniels, 2015) de estudiantes, docentes, graduados, en trayectorias de profesionalización, que incluyeron prácticas de extensión e investigación. Los interrogantes de hoy se focalizan en la participación de los agentes escolares adultos y los desafíos involucrados en su apropiación de sentidos y en su implicación en las prácticas extensionistas, lo que impacta en las acciones de gestión y negociación. Ellas son necesarias para conformar una estructura inter-agencial de colaboración o de comunicación refl exiva (Engeström, 1997), en tanto posibilitan el desarrollo de intervenciones con dimensión estratégica, capaces de construir novedad y futuro. Recuperando el poder transformador de la conciencia del mundo y de nosotros mismos que tiene la operación de problematizar (Freire, 1972), el análisis enfoca hoy dilemas de la inter-agencialidad y co-construcción en y entre sistemas de actividad diferentes (Chaiklin et al., 2001b) en escenarios con demandas de inclusión e innovación: ¿Qué es lo que genera implicación en los actores educativos, cuando desarrollamos propuestas de extensión “supuestamente” con ellos? ¿Qué es lo que favorece y qué es lo que difi culta su genuina apropiación de sentidos? ¿Cuánto tiempo dedicamos, cuando armamos un proyecto de extensión, a la co-construcción de un objeto/objetivo de actividad inter-sistémico, inter-agencial, inter-disciplinario, entre actores universitarios y escolares, antes, durante y después de la práctica? ¿Qué es lo que hace que surja deseo de participación en agentes generalmente sobrepasados por la realidad? ¿Cuántas veces preferimos operar con jóvenes o niños sin volvernos sobre los docentes, directivos, orientadores escolares, familiares, desde un proyecto de extensión? ¿Qué ha sido de la llamada “intervención indirecta” (Bisquerra Alsina, 2004), entendida como producto de un triángulo colaborativo entre consultor-consultante-destinatario? Cuando el vértice mediador del triángulo es una persona – y no un texto o una teoría - , y ésta aún tiene la impronta del mandato histórico de la escuela moderna, de enseñar y disciplinar al “ciudadano” según una matriz uniforme de desarrollo, ¿cómo hacemos para contar con su poder multiplicador, si no escuchamos sus razones, si no somos sensibles a sus necesidades, tanto como a las de los alumnos? Narrativas sobre algunas experiencias desafi antes, nos servirán para espejar y confrontar preguntas de ayer y de hoy, para historizar y des-naturalizar. El objetivo es aprender a no creer que sabemos lo que quiere decir trabajar con el otro, que implica no abrir juicio sobre quién tiene razón sino profundizar razones diversas, suspender prescripciones, armar clima de mutua aceptación y respeto a las ideas y emociones. Lo difícil que es algo tan sencillo y tan complejo, en sociedades en las que “aumenta la insignifi cancia” y “se pierde en el vacío el sentido del lazo social” (Castoriadis, 1998).Facultad de Psicologí

    Teacher Training in Neurodevelopment, a Response to the Purposes of Initial Education

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    La atención y educación de la primera infancia es un tema que ha tomado relevancia en los últimos años, dado que las novedosas investigaciones en neurociencia, ofrecen hallazgos que orientan a comprender la importancia de esta etapa de la vida para el desarrollo humano y de las naciones. El objetivo de esta investigación se orientó a diseñar una propuesta de formación docente en neurodesarrollo en respuesta a los propósitos de la Educación Inicial en el Distrito de Barranquilla (Atlántico). Se adoptó el paradigma hermenéutico con enfoque cualitativo inscrito en la teoría fundamentada. La muestra poblacional la conformaron 76 docentes de Educación Inicial de instituciones educativas del Distrito de Barranquilla. Se utilizó la técnica de grupos focales y la aplicación de un cuestionario de caracterización, diseñado en el desarrollo de la investigación, validado por tres expertos de reconocida trayectoria, al que se le calculó el Alfa de Cronbach, indicando una alta fiabilidad. Como resultados, se evidenció el confuso o escaso conocimiento sobre los aportes de la neurociencia al proceso de aprendizaje por parte de los docentes, algunos neuromitos que los docentes dan como verdades, y la necesidad que ellos mismos manifiestan sobre dominar el encuentro entre las ciencias del cerebro, la mente y la educación, para propiciar cambios significativos en su trabajo de aula, sirviéndose del conocimiento científico sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro que les permita favorecer los procesos de desarrollo integral de los estudiantes.Early childhood education and care is a topic that has become relevant in recent years, given that innovative research in neuroscience offers findings that guide us to understand the importance of this stage of life for human and national development. . . The objective of this research is aimed at designing a proposal for teacher training in neurodevelopment in response to the purposes of Initial Education in the District of Barranquilla (Atlántico). The hermeneutic paradigm was adopted with a qualitative approach inscribed in grounded theory. The population sample was made up of 76 Early Education teachers from educational institutions in the District of Barranquilla. The focus group technique was used and the application of a characterization questionnaire, designed in the development of the research, validated by three experts with recognized experience, to which Cronbach's Alpha was calculated, indicating high reliability. The confusing or scarce knowledge about the contributions of neuroscience to the learning process by teachers is evident, some neuromyths that teachers take as truths, and the need that they themselves express to master the encounter between brain sciences, mind and education, to promote significant changes in their classroom work, using scientific knowledge about the functioning of the brain that allows them to promote the integral development processes of students

    Haploinsufficient Bmp4 ocular phenotypes include anterior segment dysgenesis with elevated intraocular pressure

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    BACKGROUND: Glaucoma is a blinding disease usually associated with high intraocular pressure (IOP). In some families, abnormal anterior segment development contributes to glaucoma. The genes causing anterior segment dysgenesis and glaucoma in most of these families are not identified and the affected developmental processes are poorly understood. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) participate in various developmental processes. We tested the importance of Bmp4 gene dosage for ocular development and developmental glaucoma. RESULTS: Bmp4(+/-) mice have anterior segment abnormalities including malformed, absent or blocked trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal drainage structures. Mice with severe drainage structure abnormalities, over 80% or more of their angle's extent, have elevated IOP. The penetrance and severity of abnormalities is strongly influenced by genetic background, being most severe on the C57BL/6J background and absent on some other backgrounds. On the C57BL/6J background there is also persistence of the hyaloid vasculature, diminished numbers of inner retinal cells, and absence of the optic nerve. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that heterozygous deficiency of BMP4 results in anterior segment dysgenesis and elevated IOP. The abnormalities are similar to those in human patients with developmental glaucoma. Thus, BMP4 is a strong candidate to contribute to Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly and other developmental conditions associated with human glaucoma. BMP4 also participates in posterior segment development and wild-type levels are usually critical for optic nerve development on the C57BL/6J background. Bmp4(+/-) mice are useful for studying various components of ocular development, and may allow identification of strain specific modifiers affecting a variety of ocular phenotypes

    Evaluation of nine serological rapid tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2

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    Objetivo. Evaluar la capacidad operativa de nueve pruebas serológicas rápidas para detectar la respuesta de anticuerpos IgM/IgG en el suero de pacientes con SARS-CoV-2 en diferentes etapas clínicas. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio transversal de las pruebas serológicas rápidas para comparar su rendimiento respecto del diagnóstico del SARS-CoV-2. Se utilizaron en total 293 muestras, inclusive muestras de suero de pacientes negativos, asintomáticos y sintomáticos. Resultados. La sensibilidad de las pruebas evaluadas fue baja y moderada en las muestras de suero del grupo de pacientes asintomáticos y en el grupo de pacientes con menos de 11 días desde el inicio de los síntomas. La especificidad de las pruebas de anticuerpos anti-SARS-CoV-2 varió entre 86,5%-99% para la IgM y 86,5%-99,5% para la IgG. La sensibilidad y la razón de verosimilitud (likelihood ratio) fueron diferentes según los grupos de estudio. La utilidad de estas pruebas se limita a los pacientes sintomáticos y su sensibilidad es superior al 85% después de 11 días de la aparición de los síntomas. Conclusiones. Las pruebas serológicas no son una estrategia adecuada para la identificación de los pacientes asintomáticos y presintomáticos. Las pruebas serológicas rápidas para la detección de anticuerpos específicos anti-SARS-CoV-2 pueden ser utilizadas como ayuda diagnóstica, pero el diagnóstico debe ser confirmado por RT-PCR. Las pruebas rápidas deben reservarse para los pacientes con síntomas que duren más de 11 días.Objective. To evaluate the operative capacity of nine serological rapid tests to detect the IgM/IgG antibodies response in serum from patients with SARS-CoV-2 in different clinical stages. Methods. A cross-sectional study of serological rapid tests was designed to compare the performance of the evaluated immunochromatographic tests for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. A total of 293 samples was used, including negatives, asymptomatic, and symptomatic serum samples. Results. The sensitivity of the evaluated tests was low and moderate in the groups of asymptomatic serum samples and the group of serums coming from patients with less than 11 days since the onset of the symptoms. The specificity for the anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies tests ranged between 86.5%-99% for IgM and 86.5%-99.5% for IgG. The sensitivity and the likelihood ratio were different according to the study groups. The usefulness of these tests is restricted to symptomatic patients and their sensitivity is greater than 85% after 11 days from the appearance of symptoms. Conclusions. Serological tests are not an adequate strategy for the identification of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic patients. Serological rapid tests for the detection of specific anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies can be used as a diagnostic aid, but diagnosis must be confirmed by RT-PCR. Rapid tests should be reserved for patients with symptoms lasting more than 11 days

    Association of the T allele of an intronic single nucleotide polymorphism in the colony stimulating factor 1 receptor with Crohn's disease: a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: Polymorphisms in several genes (NOD2, MDR1, SLC22A4) have been associated with susceptibility to Crohn's disease. Identification of the remaining Crohn's susceptibility genes is essential for the development of disease-specific targets for immunotherapy. Using gene expression analysis, we identified a differentially expressed gene on 5q33, the colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) gene, and hypothesized that it is a Crohn's susceptibility gene. The CSF1R gene is involved in monocyte to macrophage differentiation and in innate immunity. METHODS: Patients provided informed consent prior to entry into the study as approved by the Institutional Review Board at LSU Health Sciences Center. We performed forward and reverse sequencing of genomic DNA from 111 unrelated patients with Crohn's disease and 108 controls. We also stained paraffin-embedded, ileal and colonic tissue sections from patients with Crohn's disease and controls with a polyclonal antibody raised against the human CSF1R protein. RESULTS: A single nucleotide polymorphism (A2033T) near a Runx1 binding site in the eleventh intron of the colony stimulating factor 1 receptor was identified. The T allele of this single nucleotide polymorphism occurred in 27% of patients with Crohn's disease but in only 13% of controls (X(2 )= 6.74, p < 0.01, odds ratio (O.R.) = 2.49, 1.23 < O.R. < 5.01). Using immunohistochemistry, positive staining with a polyclonal antibody to CSF1R was observed in the superficial epithelium of ileal and colonic tissue sections. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the colony stimulating factor receptor 1 gene may be a susceptibility gene for Crohn's disease

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Diagnóstico sobre conocimientos acerca del delito de trata de personas de Bucaramanga, Santander

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo poder analizar el conocimiento que tiene la población perteneciente a la ciudad de Bucaramanga del departamento de Santander sobre el delito de trata de personas, evaluando el conocimiento de los ciudadanos residentes de esta. Para ello inicialmente se implementó un formato de datos sociodemográficos para poder filtrar de manera más efectiva los resultados y después se aplicó un instrumento basado en el conocimiento acerca del delito, conformado por siete preguntas abiertas las cuales buscan indagar en los bumangueses su conocimiento acerca de este delito.The present investigation aims to analyze the knowledge of the population belonging to the city of Bucaramanga in the department of Santander on the crime of trafficking in persons, evaluating the knowledge of the residents of the city. To this end, a socio-demographic data format was initially implemented in order to filter the results more effectively and a knowledge-based instrument on crime was then applied, Composed of seven open questions which seek to investigate in the bumangueses their knowledge about this crime.Abstract. -- Introducción. -- Planteamiento del problema. -- 2.1 Descripción del Problema. -- Justificación. -- Objetivos. -- 4.1 Objetivo General. -- 4.2 Objetivos Específicos. -- Marco de referencial. -- 5.1 Marco conceptual. -- 5.2 Marco Legal. -- 5.3 Antecedentes investigativos. -- Metodología. -- 6.1 Diseño. -- 6.1 Participantes. -- 6.2 Instrumento. -- 6.3 Procedimiento. -- Resultados. -- 7.1 Datos sociodemográficos. -- 7.2 Resultados de encuesta sobre el conocimiento en trata de personas. -- Presupuesto. -- Referencias. -- Anexos. -- 9.1 Anexo 1. Formato de datos sociodemográficos. -- 9.2 Anexo 2. Encuesta sobre conocimiento en trata de personas

    Analysis of diaphragms stiffness in precast construction supported on reinforced concrete walls

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    This research presents results of the structural analytical behavior of diaphragms built with precast slabs supported on reinforced concrete walls. The current analysis approach that some designers propose for this type of construction, supposes the implementation of a rigid diaphragm model provided by the slab connections, stipulated in the construction regulations. However, given the loss of continuity between the slab panels in these prefabricated systems and the adoption of spaced connections, some differential displacements are released inside these diaphragms, which leads to a loss of their rigidity and changes in the behavior of the structural seismic resistance system. Two buildings were analyzed in this research, whose geometric characteristics were: length/width ratio of 1.5 and 2; with 5 stories high. The modeled structural system was reinforced concrete walls and the diaphragm consisted of precast slab panels hoisted in situ, joined by spaced connections. A chronological-spatial analysis was performed with acceleration records of scaled earthquakes; with the purpose of evaluating the behavior of the structure and checking the floor displacements throughout the building. With calculated displacement at various points of the diaphragm, flexibility indices and floor accelerations were determined. From these results, it was possible to establish whether the behavior of these diaphragms is rigid or flexible