17 research outputs found

    Peristaltic pumps adapted for laminar flow experiments enhance in vitro modeling of vascular cell behavior

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    Endothelial cells (ECs) are the primary cellular constituent of blood vessels that are in direct contact with hemodynamic forces over their lifetime. Throughout the body, vessels experience different blood flow patterns and rates that alter vascular architecture and cellular behavior. Because of the complexities of studying blood flow in an intact organism, particularly during development, the field has increasingly relied on in vitro modeling of blood flow as a powerful technique for studying hemodynamic-dependent signaling mechanisms in ECs. While commercial flow systems that recirculate fluids exist, many commercially available pumps are peristaltic and best model pulsatile flow conditions. However, there are many important situations in which ECs experience laminar flow conditions in vivo, such as along long straight stretches of the vasculature. To understand EC function under these contexts, it is important to be able to reproducibly model laminar flow conditions in vitro. Here, we outline a method to reliably adapt commercially available peristaltic pumps to study laminar flow conditions. Our proof-of-concept study focuses on 2D models but could be further adapted to 3D environments to better model in vivo scenarios, such as organ development. Our studies make significant inroads into solving technical challenges associated with flow modeling and allow us to conduct functional studies toward understanding the mechanistic role of shear forces on vascular architecture, cellular behavior, and remodeling in diverse physiological contexts

    Mutation in human CLPX elevates levels of δ-aminolevulinate synthase and protoporphyrin IX to promote erythropoietic protoporphyria

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    Loss-of-function mutations in genes for heme biosynthetic enzymes can give rise to congenital porphyrias, eight forms of which have been described. The genetic penetrance of the porphyrias is clinically variable, underscoring the role of additional causative, contributing, and modifier genes. We previously discovered that the mitochondrial AAA+ unfoldase ClpX promotes heme biosynthesis by activation of δ-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), which catalyzes the first step of heme synthesis. CLPX has also been reported to mediate heme-induced turnover of ALAS. Here we report a dominant mutation in the ATPase active site of human CLPX, p.Gly298Asp, that results in pathological accumulation of the heme biosynthesis intermediate protoporphyrin IX (PPIX). Amassing of PPIX in erythroid cells promotes erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) in the affected family. The mutation in CLPX inactivates its ATPase activity, resulting in coassembly of mutant and WT protomers to form an enzyme with reduced activity. The presence of low-activity CLPX increases the posttranslational stability of ALAS, causing increased ALAS protein and ALA levels, leading to abnormal accumulation of PPIX. Our results thus identify an additional molecular mechanism underlying the development of EPP and further our understanding of the multiple mechanisms by which CLPX controls heme metabolism. Keywords: heme biosynthesis; porphyria; ALAS; protein unfoldases; AAA+ ATPaseNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32 DK095726)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 GM049224

    Snx3 Regulates Recycling of the Transferrin Receptor and Iron Assimilation

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    Sorting of endocytic ligands and receptors is critical for diverse cellular processes. The physiological significance of endosomal sorting proteins in vertebrates, however, remains largely unknown. Here we report that sorting nexin 3 (Snx3) facilitates the recycling of transferrin receptor (Tfrc) and thus is required for the proper delivery of iron to erythroid progenitors. Snx3 is highly expressed in vertebrate hematopoietic tissues. Silencing of Snx3 results in anemia and hemoglobin defects in vertebrates due to impaired transferrin (Tf)-mediated iron uptake and its accumulation in early endosomes. This impaired iron assimilation can be complemented with non-Tf iron chelates. We show that Snx3 and Vps35, a component of the retromer, interact with Tfrc to sort it to the recycling endosomes. Our findings uncover a role of Snx3 in regulating Tfrc recycling, iron homeostasis, and erythropoiesis. Thus, the identification of Snx3 provides a genetic tool for exploring erythropoiesis and disorders of iron metabolism.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P01 HL032262

    A role for iron deficiency in dopaminergic neurodegeneration

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    Mitochondrial ClpX Activates a Key Enzyme for Heme Biosynthesis and Erythropoiesis

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    The mitochondrion maintains and regulates its proteome with chaperones primarily inherited from its bacterial endosymbiont ancestor. Among these chaperones is the AAA+ unfoldase ClpX, an important regulator of prokaryotic physiology with poorly defined function in the eukaryotic mitochondrion. We observed phenotypic similarity in S. cerevisiae genetic interaction data between mitochondrial ClpX (mtClpX) and genes contributing to heme biosynthesis, an essential mitochondrial function. Metabolomic analysis revealed that 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the first heme precursor, is 5-fold reduced in yeast lacking mtClpX activity and that total heme is reduced by half. mtClpX directly stimulates ALA synthase in vitro by catalyzing incorporation of its cofactor, pyridoxal phosphate. This activity is conserved in mammalian homologs; additionally, mtClpX depletion impairs vertebrate erythropoiesis, which requires massive upregulation of heme biosynthesis to supply hemoglobin. mtClpX, therefore, is a widely conserved stimulator of an essential biosynthetic pathway and uses a previously unrecognized mechanism for AAA+ unfoldases.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RO1 GM049224)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32DK095726