96 research outputs found

    Internal and External Factors Affecting the Size of Paddy Field Sold

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    This study attempted to identify internal condition of the farmers who sold their paddy field and analyze the effects of age, education level, number of family members, field productivity, location, and production cost to the total area of paddy field sold. This study used quantitative descriptive method. This research found that age, education level, number of family members, and location of the land had positive relation to the total area of paddy field sold. On the other hand, production cost and field productivity had negative relation to the total area of paddy field sold. Partially, field production and number of family members had no significant effect to the total area of paddy field sold

    Analisis Keuangan Nasabah dalam pengabilan keputusan pembiayaan (Studi pada Pt.Bpsr Harum Hikmah Nugraha Garut)

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    Laporan akhir ini berjudul Analisis Laporan Kcuangan Nasabah Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembiayaan (Studi pada PT BPRS Harum Hikmahnugraha Garut). Dengan ruinusan masalah adalah bagaimana mekanisme yang dilakukan PT BPRS Harum Hikmahnugraha dalam menganaJisis laporan keuangan nasabah dan jenis rasio keuangan manakah yang dipertimbangkan pihak PT BPRS Harum Hikmahnugraha dalam pengambilan keputusan pembiayaan, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana mekanisme analisis laporan keuangan nasabah yang dilakukan pihak PT. BPRS Harum Hikmahnugraha serta jenis rasio yang dipertimbangkan untuk dijadikan dasar pengambilan keputusan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Untuk membahas perumusan masalali laporan akhir ini,penulis melakukan wawancara langsung dengan pihak yang terkait, studi pustaka dan mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan imtuk menunjang penyelesaian penulisan laporan tugas akhir ini.Penganalisisan laporan keuangan nasabah yang dilakukan pihak PT. BPRS Harum Hikmahnugraha yaitu dengan cara metode Analisis Spearding, Analisis dengan Prosentase, Analisis Indeks dan Analisis Rasio. Dari hasil analisis laporan keuangan nasabah dapat diketahui kondisi keuangan perusahaan milik nasabali. Pada pembahasan laporan akliir ini, penulis melakukan contoh analisis pada laporan keuangan milik perusaliaan ZZ dan perusahaan YX yang diserahkan kepada pihak PT BPRS Harum Hikamahnugraha dalam rangka pengajuan permohonan pembiayaan,dengan hasil kesimpulan bawah perusahaan ZZ dengan nilai rata-rata Current Ratio sebesar 285,66%, Debt to Equity Ratio sebesar 34,17%, Profit Margin 6,85%, tidak layak untuk diberikan fasilitas pembiayaan dikamakan tingkat likuiditas dan kemampun memenuhi kewajiban jangka penjangnya kurang baik, sedangkan perusahaan YX dengan rata-rata tingkat Current Ratio sebesar 870,41%, Debt to Equity Ratio 12,96% Profit Margin 2,33%, layak untuk diberikan fasilitas pembiayaan dikarenakan kondisi kesehatan keuangannya cukup baik. Sebagai akliir penulisan ini, penulis menyampaikan saran supaya lebih teliti dalam menganlisis laporan keuangan nasbah agar tidak salah dalam mengambil keputusan, pihak PT. BPRS Harum Hikmahnugraha supaya meiigiiifonnasikan terlebili daliulu jenis dan klasifikasi laporan keuangan yang sebaiknya diserahkan nasabah dalam rangka permohonan pengajuan pembiayaan

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Abu Gosok Dan Waktu Perendaman Air Terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Tepung Buah Mangrove Avicenia Marina

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    Nowadays, there are not much knowledge of mangrove fruit. One of mangrove species which has been used as source of food is A.marina. There are toxins such tannin and HCN in mangrove fruit. They may inhibit food process of mangrove fruit. So, they must be removed. The material for removing the toxins is ash powder. This study used factorial pattern of Randomized Complete with split plot Design with 2 treatments and 3 replication,i.e: water immersion time (1,2,3 day) and ash powder concentration (5,10,15% unity). Data was analyzed by two-way anova using SPSS. The result indicated that boiling treatment with ash powder and water immersion had a significant effect ( P<0,05) toward content of carbohydrate, lipid, protein of Avicennia marina fruit flour. Boiling treatment with 15 % ash powder and 3 days immersion had best result toward content of protein and lipid of Avicennia marina flour, while boiling treatment with 5% ash powder and 2 days immersion had best result toward content of carbohydrates of Avicennia marina flour

    Pemanfaatan Rinfodocs sebagai Media Penyusunan Draft Laporan dalam Proses Bimbingan Tugas Akhir pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Learning in Higher Education System is identical to a conventional manner. This is evident from the way the students in final report. In the process of guidance, the students are still accustomed to the draft report in the form of a printout of the Lecturer. Lecturer then perform correction on the draft report printed sheet, so if there are errors in the writing of the report, the student is required to revise and reprint subsequently submitted to the Lecturer for further corrected. This is very inefficient in the guidance process, due to the use of paper that is not a little, due to the printout draft report before and after the revision. Final report guidance process is the same as running in Raharja University. Then to support that learning systems can make it easier for students and the Lecturer is to utilize RinfoDocs as a medium to support the process guidance Final report. RinfoDocs is one feature in RinfoDrive provided by Rinfo. While Rinfo is a platform using Google's Gmail service provided exclusively by the Pribadi Raharja (Civitas Academic). Because using the Google email platform. With the RinfoDocs learning process can be done online because it can be done anywhere and anytime. Through the use of RinfoDocs expected to facilitate the process of drafting the final report guidance on the college

    Aspek Keterbatasan Akses Informasi Penghidupan Orang Miskin Pedesaan

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    This study aims to assess the meaning of poor from the perspectives of poor people in rural areas, specifically in the context of the limited access to livelihood information. The method used in this research is qualitative phenomenological tradition. Data collected by unstructured interview technique, involving 65 informants whom originated from rural poor in the southern part of West Java. The study conducted during 2014-2016. The results illustrate that the meaning of poor and poverty from the perspective of the poor are: those who do not feel fast enough to get information about their livelihood; who feel that there were no another party that tells information about their livelihood; people who feel that nothing can be done to increase their income; who feel that they have no information and knowledge in entrepreneurship; who feel that no need to put effort in seeking of information about livelihood; a person who feels sad to see people scramble around to get information about a living; persons who are not able to compete in getting information related to livelihood; people who do not have information about other parties who can help them out of poverty; people who feel that there are no books and other sources of information ona better technique of entrepreneurship; people who feel that there was inadequate time to read books and other reading materials about entrepreneurship; and, those who feel that they only have limited experience in finding and using information about livelihoods

    Strategi Komunikasi dalam Mempertahankan Hubungan Pacaran dengan Perbedaan Agama

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    Strategi komunikasi dalam menjalani pacaran beda agama memang sangat diperlukan, mengingat tingkat toleransi yang diberikan kepada pasangan jauh lebih besar daripada pacaran seiman. Didukung pula oleh ‘equity theory\u27 atau teori keseimbangan, bahwa dalam hubungan sangat diperlukan adanya keseimbangan agar hubungan tersebut dapat bertahan. Keseimbangan disini tidak selalu berupa materi, tetapi dapat juga berupa perhatian, pengorbanan, dan pembagian tugas dalam hubungan. Jika keseimbangan tidak tercapai, maka keutuhan hubungan tersebut akan terancam (DeVito, 2007 p.244). Strategi komunikasi kemudian menjadi topik yang menarik, bagaimana mahasiswa Univeristas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya dalam mempertahankan hubungan pacaran mereka yang beda agama. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada narasumber berdasarkan pada tujuh strategi komunikasi yang disampaikan oleh DeVito dalam bukunya yang berjudul ‘The Interpersonal Communication Book,\u27 yaitu be nice, communicate, be open, give assurance, share joint activities, be positive, dan focus on improving yourself. Ketujuh strategi komunikasi antarpersonal tersebut akan diaplikasikan pada pola komunikasi antarpersonal mahasiswa Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya dalam mempertahankan hubungan pacaran beda agama

    Functional C-terminally Encoded Peptide (CEP) plant hormone domains evolved de novo in the plant parasite Rotylenchulus reniformis

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    This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and The James Hutton Institute through a PhD studentship to SE-vdA. The James Hutton Institute receives funding from the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services division. SE-vdA is supported by BBSRC grant BB/M014207/1.Sedentary Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (PPNs) induce and maintain an intimate relationship with their host, stimulating cells adjacent to root vascular tissue to re-differentiate into unique and metabolically active “feeding sites”. The interaction between PPNs and their host is mediated by nematode effectors. We describe the discovery of a large and diverse family of effector genes, encoding C-terminally Encoded Peptide (CEP) plant hormone mimics (RrCEPs), in the syncytia-forming plant-parasite Rotylenchulus reniformis. The particular attributes of RrCEPs distinguish them from all other CEPs, regardless of origin. Together with the distant phylogenetic relationship of R. reniformis to the only other CEP-encoding nematode genus identified to date (Meloidogyne), this suggests CEPs likely evolved de novo in R. reniformis. We have characterised the first member of this large gene family (RrCEP1), demonstrating its significant upregulation during the plant-nematode interaction and expression in the effector-producing pharyngeal gland cell. All internal CEP domains of multi-domain RrCEPs are followed by di-basic residues, suggesting a mechanism for cleavage. A synthetic peptide corresponding to RrCEP1 domain 1 is biologically active and capable of upregulating plant nitrate transporter (AtNRT2.1) expression, while simultaneously reducing primary root elongation. When a non-CEP containing, syncytia-forming PPN species (Heterodera schachtii) infects Arabidopsis in a CEP-rich environment a smaller feeding site is produced. We hypothesise that CEPs of R. reniformis represent a two-fold adaptation to sustained biotrophy in this species; 1) increasing host nitrate uptake while 2) limiting the size of the syncytial feeding site produced.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Mechanical properties of caco3 extracted from cockle shell with high density polyethylene (HDPE) for biomaterials in bone substitute application

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    This study was conducted to produce CaCO3 powder extracted from cockle shells as bioceramic materials which later combined with high density polyethylene (HDPE) as the polymer to produce composite as the final product. For CaCO3 clarification, the powder form of bioceramics was analyzed using FTIR, SEM and EDX analyses. Then, the composites produced were tested for mechanical properties via tensile and hardness tests. Firstly, the wasted cockle shells were all washed to remove dirts and soaked in regular water overnight before left to dry at room temperature. Then, they were all ground up between range 100 – 200 ”m several times until the required size were obtained. The spectrum for FTIR showed identical result as previous work at reading 857.22cm-1 which represent vibrational bonds that can be attributed to the characteristics of external plane bending vibration of carbonate. After the confirmation, it was added to the melted HDPE to produce stronger composite via injection moulding method. Injection moulding process was to produce the sample into the shape of dumbbell to perform mechanical tests, tensile and hardness test with three parameters for each weight ratio. It could be concluded that pressure, velocity and temperature affecting the hardness of samples. In this research, the greatest value of Young’s modulus and maximum force which are 852.2 MPa and 271.457 kN, respectively. In conclusion, cockle shell could become great biomaterial as it provide good in mechanical properties. Furthermore, the source also abundantly available and with the fully usage of this waste to something more useful, it is able to reduce contamination to the earth. Then, the combination with any polymer is able to produce strong composite that could apply in any field. For this research, the composite is focus in biomaterial usage, especially in orthopaedic field for bone implant. For instance, CaCO3 are proved to be function at higher temperature, and further future works might be required to search the maximum temperature that this material could achieve

    Sistematik Filogenetik Pseudomonas Strain Indigenous Pendegradasi Liniar Alkilbenzen Sulfonat

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    Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) was the dominant pollutant in the river ecosystem. Indigenous strains of Pseudomonas in river ecosystem had highly potency to LAS degradation. This research was carried out to study relationship of indigenous strains of LAS degrading to Pseudomonas strains. Indigenous strains of bacteria of LAS degrading were characterized based on ARDRA (Amplified Ribosomal 16S rDNA Restriction Analysis) and 16S rDNA sequence. Result of the research shows that Pseudomonas strain J and R which LAS degrading from detergent polluted river ecosystem based on 16S rDNA sequence, isolate J has 98.37% similarity and it has relationship to P. pseudoalcaligenes LMG 1225T whereas isolate R has 84.86% similarity and related to P. stutzeri phen8
