276 research outputs found

    Un punto de vista médico social sobre la dependencia de las droga

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    Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition

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    Aims: drought-induced forest die-off and subsequent species replacement may modify environmental conditions and eventually affect litter decomposition. We aimed to disentangle the effects of tree species and die-off state on litter decomposition in a mixed forest where Pinus sylvestris populations experiencing severe drought-induced die-off are being replaced by Quercus ilex. - Methods: litter bags with leaves and fine roots from both species were placed under canopies representing three habitats of the die-off and replacement process (healthy and dead P. sylvestris and healthy Q. ilex). Mass was assessed over 3 years. - Results: species-specific chemistry of litter (C:N ratio) had a direct effect on mass loss, but also indirect effects, attributed to the decomposer microbial community associated with a given habitat-species. In their respective original habitats, oak leaves decomposed 44 % faster than pine needles, whereas oak roots decomposed 46 % slower than pine roots. - Conclusions: forest die-off and species replacement affected litter decomposition. This effect can have great implications in forest functioning, particularly if drought-induced die-off worsens in the next decades, according with the trend observed in the studied system

    Hot-Moments of Soil CO2 Efflux in a Water-Limited Grassland

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    The metabolic activity of water-limited ecosystems is strongly linked to the timing and magnitude of precipitation pulses that can trigger disproportionately high (i.e., hot-moments) ecosystem CO2 fluxes. We analyzed over 2-years of continuous measurements of soil CO2 efflux (Fs) under vegetation (Fsveg) and at bare soil (Fsbare) in a water-limited grassland. The continuous wavelet transform was used to: (a) describe the temporal variability of Fs; (b) test the performance of empirical models ranging in complexity; and (c) identify hot-moments of Fs. We used partial wavelet coherence (PWC) analysis to test the temporal correlation between Fs with temperature and soil moisture. The PWC analysis provided evidence that soil moisture overshadows the influence of soil temperature for Fs in this water limited ecosystem. Precipitation pulses triggered hot-moments that increased Fsveg (up to 9000%) and Fsbare (up to 17,000%) with respect to pre-pulse rates. Highly parameterized empirical models (using support vector machine (SVM) or an 8-day moving window) are good approaches for representing the daily temporal variability of Fs, but SVM is a promising approach to represent high temporal variability of Fs (i.e., hourly estimates). Our results have implications for the representation of hot-moments of ecosystem CO2 fluxes in these globally distributed ecosystems

    Psychometric properties of the intention to be physically active scale in primary education

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron los siguientes: en primer lugar, conocer las características psicométricas de la adaptación de la escala Medida de la Intencionalidad de ser Físicamente Activo para su aplicación a una población de Educación Primaria y, en segundo lugar, comprobar dicha medida en esa misma etapa educativa. Se seleccionó a 657 alumnos. El trabajo de investigación se dividió en dos partes. En la primera, se adaptó el instrumento; para ello, se consultó a 12 jueces expertos para obtener la validez de contenido y a 24 niños para obtener la validez de comprensión. En la segunda etapa, se administró el instrumento y se obtuvieron los datos. En cuanto al primer objetivo, los expertos y los niños sugirieron la adaptación y clarificación de cuatro ítems. El análisis factorial exploratorio reveló que todos los ítems se agruparon en un factor (varianza explicada = 50,88%) y el análisis factorial confirmatorio resultó aceptable (χ2 / g. l. = 4,83; CFI = ,93; GFI = ,91; RMSEA = ,06). El instrumento tuvo una alta consistencia interna (α= ,80), así como fiabilidad temporal (ICC = ,79). En cuanto al segundo objetivo, los participantes declararon una intención futura de práctica deportiva alta (3,94). La variable edad influyó en la predicción de la intencionalidad futura de práctica deportiva (B = ,529; ET = ,192; p = ,006). La intencionalidad de práctica futura de los participantes de 11 a 12 años fue mayor que la de los que tenían entre 9 y 10 años (F = 8,684; g. l. = 1; p = 0,003; η2 = 0,013). En conclusión, este estudio presenta un instrumento válido, fiable y sencillo para conocer la intención futura que los alumnos de Primaria tienen de ser físicamente activos. Los participantes, en especial los de más edad, mostraron una alta intencionalidad de ser físicamente activos.The aims of this study were: (a) to know the psychometric properties of the intention of being physically active adapted scale to primary education, and (b) to verify this measurement in the same educative stage. Seventy hundred fifty seven students were deliberately selected. The investigation was divided in two parts. First, the instrument was initially adapted, 12 expert judges were consulted to obtain content validity, and 24 children to obtain understanding validity. Second, the instrument was administered and the data were obtained. With regard the first aim, the experts and children suggested the adaptation and clarification of four items. Exploratory factorial analysis reported that all the items were grouped in a factor (explained variance = 50.88%) and confirmatory factor analysis was acceptable (χ2/g. l. = 4.83; CFI = .93; GFI = .91; RMSEA = .06). The instrument had a high internal consistency (a = .80) and temporal reliability (ICC = .79). With regard the second aim, the participants reported a high intention of being physically active (3.94). The age variable influenced in the prediction of intention of being physically active (B = .529; ET = .192; p = .006). The intention of being physically active to 11-12 years old participants was greater with respect to those of 9-10 years old (F = 8.684; d. f. = 1; p = 0.003; η2 = 0.013). In conclusion, this study displays a valid, reliable, and easy instrument to know the primary students future intention of being physically active. The participants showed high values of intention of being physically active, and in particular, the values were higher in the higher years old participants

    Haematuria on the spanish registry of glomerulonephritis

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    Recent studies suggest a pathogenic role for glomerular haematuria among renal function. However, there is no data on the prevalence of haematuria from a large renal biopsy registry. We analysed the prevalence of gross (GH) and microscopic (mH) haematuria in 19,895 patients that underwent native renal biopsies from the Spanish Registry of Glomerulonephritis. Haematuria's overall incidence was 63% (GH 8.6% and mH 55.1%), being more frequent in males (64.7% vs. 62.4%). GH was more prevalent in patients <18 years (21.3% vs. 7.7%). The commonest clinical presentation associated with GH was acute kidney injury (31.5%) and IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) (33.6%) was the most frequent histological finding. GH patients showed a significantly (p < 0.05) lower eGFR and proteinuria levels as compared with patients with mH and without haematuria. Moreover, mH was more prevalent in adults (56.3%). Nephrotic syndrome was the commonest clinical presentation in mH patients (32.2%) and IgAN (18.5%) the most frequent histological finding. In conclusion, haematuria, is a frequent urinalysis finding in patients underwent native renal biopsy. The most frequent histological finding in both GH and mH is IgAN. Whereas, GH is more frequent in young males with acute kidney injury, mH is commoner among adults with nephrotic syndrome.This work has been supported by grants from FIS (Programa Miguel Servet: CP10/00479, PI13/00802 and PI14/00883), Fundación Renal Iñigo Alvarez de Toledo and Spanish Society of Nephrology to JA

    Asymmetric Synthesis of Secondary and Tertiary Propargylic Alcohols by Umpolung of Acetylenic Sulfones and ortho-Sulfinyl Carbanions

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Organic Chemistry, © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.joc.7b02887The generation of diastereomerically enriched secondary benzyl propargyl alcohols by the asymmetric addition of ortho-sulfinylbenzyl carbanions to sulfonylacetylene derivatives via formation of a Csp-Csp 3 bond is described. This reaction proceeds through an unusual α-attack (anti-Michael addition) of the ortho-sulfinylbenzyl carbanions, followed by elimination of the arylsulfonyl moiety. The scope of this alkynylation reaction is also discussed. Moreover, the development of a new approach for the synthesis of optically active tertiary benzylpropargyl alcohols is described, discussing the possible stereocourse of the reaction so as the influence of the ether 18-crown-6 and steric importance of acetylenic substituentWe thank DGAPA-UNAM (project number PAPIITIN205316) for financial support. Financial support from the Spanish Government (CTQ2015-64561-R) is also gratefully acknowledge

    A straightforward alkynylation of Li and Mg metalated heterocycles with sulfonylacetylenes

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    Coupling of alkynyl moieties to heterocyclic rings, without using ransition metals, can be easily performed by the reaction of aryl or heteroaryl sulfonylacetylenes with heteroaryl-Li compounds or their corresponding less reactive magnesium derivativesFinancial support from the Spanish Government (CTQ2012-35957