31 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Makanan Dan Minuman Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research is located at the IDX Metro Muhammadiyah University (Indonesia Stock Exchange) office. The sample selection method in this research is purposive sampling method with a total sample of 5 companies. The data collection techniques collect data on the company's financial statements during the study period. The data analysis method used is multiple regression with the help of SPSS software for windows.The results showed that 1) Based on the results of data analysis, the coefficient values ​​of Earning Per Share (EPS), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Price Earning Ratio (PER) showed an effect on stock prices simultaneously. 2) Based on the results of data analysis Earning Per Share (EPS), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Price Earning Ratio (PER) none of them have a significant effect partially on stock prices in manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sub-sector on the ID

    Penerapan Pendekatan Play-Based Learning dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis guru dalam menerapkan pendekatan Play-Based Learning dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa PAUD dan TK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan data wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas Kindergarten-2 dengan jumlah 2 guru sebagai subjek penelitian. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Teknik analisis data dengan proses pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, varifikasi yang disajikan secara deskriptif kualitatif kepada guru kelas, Eksekutif Kepala Sekolah, dan Konselor Sekolah. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa, 1) Siswa terlihat sangat fokus, antusias dan menikmati proses belajar dengan metode belajar tersebut; 2) Siswa dengan mudah dapat menyerap materi yang dijelaskan oleh guru; 3) Secara tidak langsung, siswa juga berkembang secara sosial dan emosional; dan 4) Aktifitas yang dilakukan dengan metode belajar tersebut juga berintegrasi dengan aspek pembelajaran lainnya. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa penerapan guru dalam metode Play-Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar anak karena metode belajar tersebut berintegrasi dengan aspek lainnya untuk memfasilitasi pengalaman pendidikan yang produktif dan efisien, tujuannya adalah untuk membangun proses belajar mengajar yang efisien dan efektif


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus melalui kegiatan finger painting pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Ibnul Qyyim Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan menggunakan model siklus Kemmis dan Taggart yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah anak usia 5-6 tahun (kelompok B2) di TK Ibnul Qoyyim Sleman. Objek penelitian ini berupa keterampilan motorik halus. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, rating scale, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan finger painting dapat meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Ibnul Qoyyim Sleman. Peningkatan motorik halus ditunjukkan dengan perubahan kondisi awal, aspek kelenturan jari-jemari dan koordinasi mata tangan sebesar 6.66% pada tahap pra tindakan, menjadi 61.66% pada tahap siklus I, dan menjadi 81.67% pada tahap siklus II. Penelitian ini dihentikan karena telah memenuhi kriteria keberhasilan lebih dari 80%. Kata kunci: keterampilan motorik halus, kegiatan finger painting


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    The goal this research to analyze comparing of factors that influence credit distribution at PT. Bank DKI and finance at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri. The variable that influence credit distribution is: Third Party Funds, NonPerforming Loan/NonPerforming Finance and Capital Adequacy Ratio.This research used secondary data quertaly during the period 2008-2015 at the case study PT. Bank DKI and PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri from Finance Annual Reports of each Bank. The Methodology used is multiple regression analyze. This research shows is Third Party Funds and Capital Adequacy Ratio significantly and positive influence for the credit distribution and financing. NonPerforming Loan/NonPerforming Finance has a negative and significant effect for credit distribution and financing.


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    Abstract :The objective of this article was to focus on the use of short stories in English language teaching (ELT).It presented why short stories become one of the best choices used among other literary genres in teaching English.. Short Stories can be used as  good sources in ELT classes in almost all levels depending on levels of difficulty and appropriateness of the stories used as materials in class.  They are very appropriate for every language classroom. The use short stories in English language teaching is not only for mastering English language skills: reading,writing, listening and speaking but also for motivating students to learn some literary aspects, integrate cultural awareness and  make them think critically.  . Keywords : short story, teaching English.

    Physics Formula Application Based On Mobile Android For Tenth Grade High School

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    The aim of design and building Fisikandroid application is presenting an education application based on mobile android that contains physics formulas with more attractive material so it will easy to be understood by students. Trial respondent application is students of SMA N 2 Sukoharjo. The background of this research is a merger between two concepts there are technology and education. Android as an operating system is growing into the media presentation of the physics material which presented more interesting and accessible to students. To building the application using eclipse Helios, SDK, JDK and You Wave Android as main program and Adobe CS 6, Any Video Converter, CorelDraw X5 as support programs. Method of data collection in this research is questionnaire and comparison of pretest result. The end result of this research is an educational application based on mobile android that contains the physics formulas of class X, which presented more attractive and easy to be understood by students. It is proved from the questionnaire that 86.67% of respondents agreed if this application has elements of education, 96% of respondents stated this is an attractive application, 82.67% respondents agreed the information in this application is easy to understand, and 86.67% of students experienced increases in value after using this application which means that this application can improve students understanding of the material presented

    In Vitro Propagation of Lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) with Growth Regulators BAP and NAA

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    Lily plant (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) is an ornamental and cut flower. The demand for cut lily flowers has a promising demand, but the availability of seedling is llimited. This study consisted of in vitro germination of lily seeds on ½ Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium, multiplication of base and shoot-tip explants in various treatments of MS medium with the combination of plant growtht regulator (PGR) BAP and NAA. The aims of this research were to obtain the appropriate combination of media and the parts of explants of growing shoots, roots and callus.The combinations of MS medium with BAP and NAA are (a)control 0:0 mg L-1, (b)0:0.1 mg L-1, (c)0:1 mg L-1, (d)0.1:0 mg L-1, (e)0.1:0.1 mg L-1, (f)(0.1:1 mg L-1), (g)1:0 mg L-1, (h)0.1:1 mg L-1, (i)1:1 mg L-1. The research were arranged as factorial design with two factor in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The first factors were combination of BAP and NAA, and the second one was the types of explant (base part of shoot and shoot tip). Lily seeds were succesfully germinated as much as 58%. Medium c and i succesfully induced explants to grow buds, roots and callus. Medium c induced shoots, roots and callus, meanwhile medium i induced roots and callus. Percentage of response growth of shoot base explants were 11.1% shoot growth and 13.3% roots, while shoot tip explants only showed 6.7% root growth without shoot growth. The growth of callus showed the same results on the base and shoot tip explants (4.4%).Tanaman lili (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) merupakan tanaman hias dan bunga potong. Permintaan bunga potong lili sangat menjanjikan tetapi ketersediaan bibit masih terbatas. Penelitian ini terdiri dari perkecambahan biji lili secara in vitro pada media ½ Murashige & Skoog (MS), multiplikasi bagian eksplan pangkal dan ujung tunas pada berbagai perlakuan media MS kombinasi ZPT BAP dan NAA.  Tujuannya untuk mendapatkan kombinasi media yang tepat dan mengetahui persentase tertinggi bagian eksplan yang mampu tumbuh tunas, akar dan kalus. Kombinasi media MS dengan BAP dan NAA yaitu (a) kontrol 0:0 mg L-1, (b) 0:0.1 mg L-1, (c) 0:1 mg L-1, (d) 0.1:0 mg L-1, (e) 0.1:0.1 mg L-1, (f) 0.1:1 mg L-1, (g) 1:0 mg L-1, (h) 0.1:1 mg L-1, (i) 1;1 mg L-1. Penelitian ini disusun dalam RAL faktorial dua faktor yaitu kombinasi pemberian BAP dan NAA, multiplikasi eksplan bagian pangkal dan ujung tunas. Biji lili mampu berkecambah sebanyak 58%. Media c dan i yang mampu menginduksi eksplan untuk tumbuh tunas, akar dan kalus. Media c mampu menginduksi tunas, akar dan kalus, media i mampu menginduksi akar dan kalus. Persentase respon pertumbuhan eksplan bagian pangkal tunas yaitu pertumbuhan tunas 11.1% dan akar 13.3%, sedangkan eksplan bagian ujung tunas menunjukkan pertumbuhan akar 6.7% tanpa pertumbuhan tunas. Pertumbuhan kalus menunjukkan hasil yang sama pada eksplan pangkal dan ujung tunas yaitu 4.4%


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    Analyzing financial statements can help stakeholders choose and evaluate information about the condition of the company. Financial ratio analysis can be compared using financial statements for at least the last 2 (two) years. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of liquidity ratio, solvency, profitability and activity at PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk in 2015 – 2017. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method and uses techniques of liquidity ratio analysis, solvability, profitability and activity. The results of this study are the liquidity ratios of 2015 – 2017 each always increasing and the company is in good condition. Solvability ratios during 2015 – 2017 always increase and the company is in good condition, even though in DER 2015 and 2016 the company is in a bad condition. The profitability ratio of 2015 – 2017 always increases and the company is said to be in good condition. While the activity ratios of 2015 – 2017 always increase but the company is said to be less good, but the inventory turnover in 2015 and 2016 and the total assets turnover in 2015 is said to be good Overall data analysis of the four ratios shows the growth of company value every year, namely 2015 – 2017 always increases and the company tends to be in good condition. This means that indirectly PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) has no financial problems. Keyword : liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, profitability ratio, activity rati