72 research outputs found

    14C dating of the last Croscat volcano eruption (Garrotxa Region, NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    In this shortnote, we present the results of a geochronological study of the last eruption in the volcanic region of the Garrotxa (NE Iberian Peninsula). Four 14C analysis of organic matter contained in palaeosols located under volcanic pyroclastic fall deposits of the Croscat volcano were made. The samples gave ages between 13160 and 15710 years cal BP, and are in accord with our palynological analysis and climate reconstruction at that time. The ages that we report are the youngest obtained for volcanic activity in the Iberian Peninsula

    14C dating of the last Croscat volcano eruption (Garrotxa Region, NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    In this shortnote, we present the results of a geochronological study of the last eruption in the volcanic region of the Garrotxa (NE Iberian Peninsula). Four 14C analysis of organic matter contained in palaeosols located under volcanic pyroclastic fall deposits of the Croscat volcano were made. The samples gave ages between 13160 and 15710 years cal BP, and are in accord with our palynological analysis and climate reconstruction at that time. The ages that we report are the youngest obtained for volcanic activity in the Iberian Peninsula

    Resolving 500 nm axial separation by multi-slice X-ray ptychography

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    Multi-slice X-ray ptychography offers an approach to achieve images with a nanometre-scale resolution from samples with thicknesses larger than the depth of field of the imaging system by modeling a thick sample as a set of thin slices and accounting for the wavefront propagation effects within the specimen. Here, we present an experimental demonstration that resolves two layers of nanostructures separated by 500 nm along the axial direction, with sub-10 nm and sub-20 nm resolutions on two layers, respectively. Fluorescence maps are simultaneously measured in the multi-modality imaging scheme to assist in decoupling the mixture of low-spatial-frequency features across different slices. The enhanced axial sectioning capability using correlative signals obtained from multi-modality measurements demonstrates the great potential of the multi-slice ptychography method for investigating specimens with extended dimensions in 3D with high resolution

    The record of the latter glacial and interglacial periods in the Guadalquivir marshlands (Mari López drilling, S.W. Spain)

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    El estudio de un sondeo de 65 m en las marismas del Guadalquivir permite reconocer siete intervalos que reflejan cambios climáticos y eustáticos e intensa neotectónica durante tres periodos ¡nterglaciares (IS 71, 5 y i) y dos glaciares (IS 6-Riss-, IS 4, 3 y 2-WQrm). Se discute el valor de las 'vetas' como indicadores paleogeográficosPeer reviewe

    Genetics affects choice of academic subjects as well as achievement.

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    We have previously shown that individual differences in educational achievement are highly heritable throughout compulsory education. After completing compulsory education at age 16, students in England can choose to continue to study for two years (A-levels) in preparation for applying to university and they can freely choose which subjects to study. Here, for the first time, we show that choosing to do A-levels and the choice of subjects show substantial genetic influence, as does performance after two years studying the chosen subjects. Using a UK-representative sample of 6584 twin pairs, heritability estimates were 44% for choosing to do A-levels and 52–80% for choice of subject. Achievement after two years was also highly heritable (35–76%). The findings that DNA differences substantially affect differences in appetites as well as aptitudes suggest a genetic way of thinking about education in which individuals actively create their own educational experiences in part based on their genetic propensities

    The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change

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    Medical Research Council-UK (Grant ID: MR/M022625/1); Natural Environment Research Council UK (Grant ID: NE/R009384/1); European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project Exhaustion (Grant ID: 820655); N. Scovronick was supported by the NIEHS-funded HERCULES Center (P30ES019776); Y. Honda was supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency, Japan (JPMEERF15S11412); J. Jaakkola was supported by Academy of Finland (Grant No. 310372); V. Huber was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Grant ID: PCIN-2017-046) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Grant ID: 01LS1201A2); J Kysely and A. Urban were supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Grant ID: 20-28560S); J. Madureira was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (SFRH/BPD/115112/2016); S. Rao and F. di Ruscio were supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project EXHAUSTION (Grant ID: 820655); M. Hashizume was supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as part of SICORP, Grant Number JPMJSC20E4; Y. Guo was supported by the Career Development Fellowship of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (#APP1163693); S. Lee was support by the Early Career Fellowship of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (#APP1109193)

    Los óxidos de Fe-Ti de las rocas calco-alcalinas del sureste de España

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    The Fe-Ti oxides appearing in the calc-alkaline rocks from SE Spain are titanomagnetite and ilmenite, although there are also sorne crystals of maghemite resulting from the oxidation of the rnagnetite. Titanomagnetite is to be found in all petrologic types, but the second is absent from the basaltic andesites and even from the less siliceous andesites. The titanomagnetites present a low proportion of molecule ulvospinel (10.6-28.9%), because of the low content in TiO2 of these lavas . The percentage of R.O. in the ilmenites analysed is relatively small (19.7-26.5%). However, both oxides are progressively richer in the above-mentioned molecules as they pass from andesites to dacites . From the chemical composition of both coexisting oxide phases it has been estimated, using the curves of Buddington and Lidsley (1964), that the andesites crystallized at temperatures between 880°C and 855°C and under oxygen fugacities of around 10-11.2 and 10-11.4 atm., while the temperatures in the case of the dacites were between 880°C and 8l0°C, with oxygen fugacities of 10-11.4 and 10-12.3 atm. The fO2-T curve of these rocks is therefore situated above that of nickel-nickel oxide (NNO) buffer. These crystallization temperatures are somewhat lower than those determined by using the pair orthopyroxene-c1inopyroxene (Wood and Banno, 1973 and Wells, 1977). However, since it is widely considered that the titanomagnetite-ilmenite geothermometer is the most accurate, these temperatures are considered more correct than those determined from the composition of pyroxenes .Los óxidos de Fe-Ti que aparecen en las rocas calco-alcalinas del sureste de España son titanomagnetita e ilmenita, si bien también hay algunos cristales de maghemita, producto de la oxidación de la magnetita. La primera está presente en todos los tipos petrológicos existentes , pero la segunda está ausente en las andesitas basálticas e incluso en las andesitas menos silíceas. Las titanomagnetitas presentan una baja proporción de moléculas de ulvoespinela (10.6-28.9%), reflejo del bajo contenido en TiO2 de estas lavas. Asimismo, el porcentaje de R2O3 de las ilmenitas analizadas es relativamente reducido (19.7-26.5%). No obstante, tanto unas como otras muestran un progresivo enriquecimiento en dichas moléculas al pasar de las andesitas a las dacitas . A partir de la composición química de ambas fases mineralógicas, utilizando las curvas de Buddington y Lindsley (1964), se ha estimado que las andesitas han cristalizado a temperaturas comprendidas entre 880°C y 855°C y bajo fugacidades de oxígeno del orden de 10-11.2 y 10-11.4 atm., mientras que las dacitas lo han hecho a temperaturas comprendidas entre 850°C y 810°C y fugacidades de oxígeno de 10-11.4 y 10-12.3 atm . La curva fO2-T de estas rocas se sitúa, pues, por encima de la del óxido de níquel-níquel (NNO). Estas temperaturas de cristalización son algo más bajas que las calculadas utilizando el par ortopiroxeno-clinopiroxeno (Wood y Banno, 1973, y Wells, 1977). Sin embargo, puesto que existe un amplio consenso en considerar que el geotermómetro titanomagnetita-ilmenita es el más preciso, las ,temperaturas determinadas utilizando este par se consideran más correctas que las estimadas a partir de la composición de los piroxenos