13 research outputs found
Estudio de prefactibilidad para el diseño e implementación de un dispositivo electrónico para evitar choques por alcance
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil Industrial)Este dispositivo de seguridad vehicular busca bajar la tasa de accidentes automovilísticos por malas maniobras de conductores cuando llegan a cruces, en los que por un mal cálculo o por andar despistado no se percatan que viene otro vehículo a alta velocidad en la autopista que la intercepta provocando accidentes graves.
El dispositivo contaría con un sensor el cual medirá la velocidad del vehículo que viene acercándose y le indicara al chofer si es seguro avanzar o mejor esperar. En el caso que el chofer no se percate del vehículo que se aproxima, este activará el freno de seguridad que no permitirá que el auto avance
The Nexus between the Practice of Induction and the Formation of Novice Teachers’ Professional Identity in Ethiopia
Teacher Professional identity is the identity teachers construct through training and teaching experience within dynamic global, regional and national context. This is true for all teachers including the novice which are the focus of this research. This research examines the nexus between the practice of induction, an important component of continuous teacher professional development, and the formation of novice teachers’ professional identity in Ethiopia. Descriptive survey design with a mixed research approach involving both quantitative and qualitative research in the study. The study was conducted in eight primary schools drawn from Addis Ababa city administration and three regional states namely, Amhara, Oromia, and Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Regional (SNNPR). All novice teachers in the selected schools completed questionnaire while two novice teachers were interviewed in each school. One expert working at woreda/zone education office was also interviewed in each region. Data were collected from 239 primary school teachers from Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia and SNNP regional states. Results showed statistically significant relationship between adequacy of support novice teachers received in their schools and the scores on teacher professional identity where those who reported higher adequacy of mentoring support had higher TPI score and vice versa for those with lesser support. In-depth interview with teachers and education experts at different levels also showed results supporting the quantitative findings. Implications were drawn particularly in reference to improving quality of induction for novice teachers.Group C: Teacher Professional Developmen
Cuidados de enfermería a paciente con trastorno autista en un hospital psiquiátrico, un estudio de caso clínico.
Introducción: El presente caso clínico fue elaborado utilizando el método científico del lenguaje enfermero de tercera generación vinculando las taxonomías de NANDA, clasificación de intervenciones de enfermería y clasificación de los resultados de enfermería.
Objetivo: Proporcionar cuidados e intervenciones de enfermería que mejoren el estado de salud en el paciente psiquiátrico.
Presentación del caso clínico: Paciente adulto mayor de 60 años, de sexo masculino no tiene antecedentes, usuario ingresa al hospital psiquiátrico Víctor Larco Herrera con fecha 17 de julio de 1995, procedente del pabellón 9, encontrándose en la unidad de cuidados especiales (UCE), por presentar estreñimiento hace 6 días y constipación crónica, con diagnostico medico psiquiátrico de trastorno autista. Método: El método es un estudio de caso único de enfoque cualitativo. Se utilizó como instrumento de valoración la teoría de 11 patrones funcionales de Marjory Gordon y el examen mental conjunto a las esferas mentales, para el procesamiento de datos de utilizaron las nomenclaturas taxonómicas internacionales de diagnósticos enfermeros 2021 – 2023 de NANDA, NOC y NIC. Resultado: La evolución del usuario fue medianamente favorable debido a la complejidad de la enfermedad, se brindaron todos los cuidados basados en planes de cuidado individualizado. Conclusiones: Para el diagnostico priorizado Estreñimiento, tuvo como puntuación de cambio en base a los indicadores: frecuencia de deposiciones puntuación cambio (+2), y el indicador estreñimiento la puntación cambio (+2
Modelling and simulation of all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Properties and applications of all-vanadium redox flow batteries are discussed and a two-dimensional model is developed. The model, which is based on a comprehensive description of mass, charge, energy and momentum transport and conservation, is combined with a global kinetic model for reactions involving vanadium species. Gas evolving reactions are then incorporated into the modelling frame work. Bubble formation as a result of evolution at the negative/positive electrode is included in the model, taking into account the attendant reduction in the liquid volume and the transfer of momentum between the gas and liquid phases, using a modified multiphase-mixture approach. Comparisons to simulations with negligible gas evolution demonstrate the effect of gas evolution on the efficiency of the battery. The effects of reactant concentration, flow rate, applied current density and gas bubble diameter on gas evolution are investigated. Significant variations in the gas volume fraction and the bubble velocity are predicted, depending on the operating conditions. The construction of a cell and charge/discharge experiments are described. Numerical simulations are compared to experimental data for different vanadium concentrations and mean linear electrolyte flow rates, demonstrating good agreement. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effect of changes in the operating temperature on performance of the all- vanadium redox flow battery and the extent of oxygen evolution. It is shown that variations in the electrolyte flow rate and the magnitude of the applied current substantially alter the charge/discharge characteristics, the temperature rise and the distribution of temperature. The effects of heat losses on the charge/discharge behaviour and temperature distribution are investigated. Conditions for localised heating and membrane degradation are discusse
Considerando la época actual en la que vivimos, donde día a día se
presentan circunstancias sociales, culturales, científicas y médicas que exigen
cambios a favor de la sociedad, donde cada vez resulta más necesaria la
inclusión de un ordenamiento legal acorde a las necesidades imperantes en
ella, porque no se concibe la idea de continuar con un retroceso legal en
nuestro país donde el ordenamiento jurídico presenta lagunas, confusiones y
peor aún falta de regulación expresa de un ámbito considerado de suma
importancia para la humanidad como lo es el ?estudio médico – científico?.
Por lo anterior, dentro del presente trabajo trataré de hacer una somero
pero significativa exposición de la necesidad de incluir dentro de las leyes
mexicanas algunos aspectos reguladores de la bioética los cuales consciente
estoy generarán debate y posturas a favor y en contra de su inclusión lo que se
considera natural por la falta de conocimientos que tenemos en estas ciencias.
Para poder entender el sustento de nuestro estudio primero se debe
tratar de explicar ¿que es Bioética? Al respecto bioética es el estudio
sistemático de las ciencias de la vida y del cuidado de la salud, examinada a la
luz de los valores y de los principios morales. Es decir, [disciplina que aborda
los problemas éticos relacionados con la vida humana y, especialmente con los
retos derivados de la biotecnología]. De esta manera se aprecia que el objeto
de la bioética es el análisis racional de los problemas morales ligados a la
biomédica y vinculado con el derecho y las ciencias humanas. Es hablar de una
ciencia relativamente nueva y poco estudiada por nuestro país, misma que
busca el rearme ético de los profesionales médicos para que el objeto de su
estudio y descubrimientos sean siempre en pro de la humanidad
Phase noise influence in optical OFDM systems employing RF pilot tone for phase noise cancellation
For coherent and direct-detection Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed (OFDM) systems employing radio frequency (RF) pilot tone phase noise cancellation the influence of laser phase noise is evaluated. Novel analytical results for the common phase error and for the (modulation dependent) inter carrier interference are evaluated based upon Gaussian statistics for the laser phase noise. In the evaluation it is accounted for that the laser phase noise is filtered in the correlation signal detection. Numerical results are presented for OFDM systems with 4 and 16 PSK modulation, 200 OFDM bins and baud rate of 1 GS/s. It is found that about 225 km transmission is feasible for the coherent 4PSK-OFDM system over normal (G.652) fiber
Simulation based knowledge elicitation : effect of visual representation and model parameters
Since much knowledge is tacit, eliciting knowledge is a common bottleneck during the development of knowledge-based systems. Visual interactive simulation (VIS) has been proposed as a means for eliciting experts’ decision-making by getting them to interact with a visual simulation of the real system in which they work. In order to explore the effectiveness and efficiency of VIS based knowledge elicitation, an experiment has been carried out with decision-makers in a Ford Motor Company engine assembly plant. The model properties under investigation were the level of visual representation (2-dimensional, 2½-dimensional and 3-dimensional) and the model parameter settings (unadjusted and adjusted to represent more uncommon and extreme situations). The conclusion from the experiment is that using a 2-dimensional representation with adjusted parameter settings provides the better simulation-based means for eliciting knowledge, at least for the case modelled
Optimisation of energy absorbing liner for equestrian helmets. Part I: Layered foam liner
The energy absorbing foam liner used in safety helmets was optimised using finite element modelling. Computational simulations of certification standard tests were carried out to obtain the best performing configurations of helmet liner. For each test condition, the best configuration of helmet liner was identified. Two alternative designs were considered: the first was composed of three layers of different foam density, the second was a conventional liner of one single uniform density. The observed reduction in peak acceleration for the best performing helmet liners in various test conditions are directly related to the contact area, the distribution of material stresses and the dissipated plastic energy density (DPED). Peak linear accelerations are shown to be lowered by increasing the contact areas of the inner and outer surfaces of the energy absorbing liner, or by varying the foam density through the thickness of the liner to ensure that the foam absorbs energy plastically when the stress reaches the late plateau stage of the foam stress–strain curve.Deposited by bulk importAM