1,403 research outputs found

    The MUSIC of CLASH: predictions on the concentration-mass relation

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    We present the results of a numerical study based on the analysis of the MUSIC-2 simulations, aimed at estimating the expected concentration-mass relation for the CLASH cluster sample. We study nearly 1400 halos simulated at high spatial and mass resolution, which were projected along many lines-of-sight each. We study the shape of both their density and surface-density profiles and fit them with a variety of radial functions, including the Navarro-Frenk-White, the generalised Navarro-Frenk-White, and the Einasto density profiles. We derive concentrations and masses from these fits and investigate their distributions as a function of redshift and halo relaxation. We use the X-ray image simulator X-MAS to produce simulated Chandra observations of the halos and we use them to identify objects resembling the X-ray morphologies and masses of the clusters in the CLASH X-ray selected sample. We also derive a concentration-mass relation for strong-lensing clusters. We find that the sample of simulated halos which resemble the X-ray morphology of the CLASH clusters is composed mainly by relaxed halos, but it also contains a significant fraction of un-relaxed systems. For such a sample we measure an average 2D concentration which is ~11% higher than found for the full sample of simulated halos. After accounting for projection and selection effects, the average NFW concentrations of CLASH clusters are expected to be intermediate between those predicted in 3D for relaxed and super-relaxed halos. Matching the simulations to the individual CLASH clusters on the basis of the X-ray morphology, we expect that the NFW concentrations recovered from the lensing analysis of the CLASH clusters are in the range [3-6], with an average value of 3.87 and a standard deviation of 0.61. Simulated halos with X-ray morphologies similar to those of the CLASH clusters are affected by a modest orientation bias.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Ap

    Molecular Hydrogen and Global Star Formation Relations in Galaxies

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    (ABRIDGED) We use hydrodynamical simulations of disk galaxies to study relations between star formation and properties of the molecular interstellar medium (ISM). We implement a model for the ISM that includes low-temperature (T<10^4K) cooling, directly ties the star formation rate to the molecular gas density, and accounts for the destruction of H2 by an interstellar radiation field from young stars. We demonstrate that the ISM and star formation model simultaneously produces a spatially-resolved molecular-gas surface density Schmidt-Kennicutt relation of the form Sigma_SFR \propto Sigma_Hmol^n_mol with n_mol~1.4 independent of galaxy mass, and a total gas surface density -- star formation rate relation Sigma_SFR \propto Sigma_gas^n_tot with a power-law index that steepens from n_tot~2 for large galaxies to n_tot>~4 for small dwarf galaxies. We show that deviations from the disk-averaged Sigma_SFR \propto Sigma_gas^1.4 correlation determined by Kennicutt (1998) owe primarily to spatial trends in the molecular fraction f_H2 and may explain observed deviations from the global Schmidt-Kennicutt relation.Comment: Version accepted by ApJ, high-res version available at http://kicp.uchicago.edu/~brant/astro-ph/molecular_ism/rk2007.pd

    Single neutral pion production by charged-current νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu interactions on hydrocarbon at Eν=\langle E_\nu \rangle = 3.6 GeV

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    Single neutral pion production via muon antineutrino charged-current interactions in plastic scintillator (CH) is studied using the \minerva detector exposed to the NuMI low-energy, wideband antineutrino beam at Fermilab. Measurement of this process constrains models of neutral pion production in nuclei, which is important because the neutral-current analog is a background for νˉe\bar{\nu}_e appearance oscillation experiments. The differential cross sections for π0\pi^0 momentum and production angle, for events with a single observed π0\pi^0 and no charged pions, are presented and compared to model predictions. These results comprise the first measurement of the π0\pi^0 kinematics for this process.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Evaluación de un modelo estadístico para estimar la radiación solar en Magdalena, Colombia

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    The global solar radiation is an important meteorological parameter for understanding the biochemical processes in the environment. Their measurement is complex and requires a high cost of installation, operation and maintenance, but this can be estimated by empirical equations based primarily on their geolocation. However, the accuracy of the results obtained is not suitable for understanding the processes evaluated. The aim of this study was to establish a statistical correlation model for estimating global solar radiation from alternative meteorological parameter. The meteorological information was provided by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies of Colombia, which provided the measurement of solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity and sunshine of the day for a year. Simple regressions between variables and solar radiation were raised; and multiple regressions between the possible combinations of each variables and solar radiation. The results show a good statistical correlation between variables solar radiation, temperature and relative humidity and little relation to the hours of sunshine, where relative humidity has the higher correlation and therefore is the parameter that more influence has on the model. The multivariate models (R2 average 11.91%) have better fit than simple models (R2 average 5.66%). The best model is multivariate regression in which all variables were included (R2 of 13.75%) although not the simplest model estimation.La radiación solar global se establece como una variable meteorológica necesaria para en el entendimiento de los procesos bioquímicos del ambiente; su medición es compleja y requiere un alto costo de instalación, operación y mantenimiento. Su estimación se puede realizar mediante fórmulas empíricas basadas fundamentalmente en su geo-posicionamiento, no obstante la precisión de los resultados obtenidos no es adecuada para el entendimiento de los procesos evaluados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer un modelo estadístico de correlación para estimar la radiación solar global a partir de los datos meteorológicos alternos. La información meteorológica fue suministrada por el Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia, que proporcionó la medición de radiación solar, temperatura, humedad relativa y horas de sol. Se plantearon regresiones simples entre las variables y la radiación solar; y regresiones múltiples entre las posibles combinaciones de las variables y la radiación solar. Se evidenció una buena correlación estadística entre las variables radiación solar, temperatura y humedad relativa, y poca relación con las horas de sol; siendo la humedad relativa la que guarda una mayor correlación y por tanto influencia en el modelo. Los modelos multivariados (R2 promedio 11,91%) presentaron mejor ajuste comparado con los modelos simples (R2 promedio 5,66%). El mejor modelo lo establece la regresión múltiple en la que se incluyen todas las variables (R2 de 13,75%), no siendo este el modelo más simple para su estimación

    Density profiles of dark matter haloes: diversity and dependence on environment

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    (Abridged) We study the outer density profiles of dark matter haloes predicted by a generalized secondary infall model and observed in a N-body cosmological simulation of a \Lambda CDM model. We find substantial systematic variations in shapes and concentrations of the halo profiles as well as a strong correlation of the profiles with the environment. In the N-body simulation, the average outer slope of the density profiles, \beta (\rho\propto r^{-\beta}), of isolated haloes is \approx 2.9; 68% of these haloes have values of \beta between 2.5 and 3.8. Haloes in dense environments of clusters are more concentrated and exhibit a broad distribution of \beta with values larger than for isolated haloes . Contrary to what one may expect, the haloes contained within groups and galaxy systems are less concentrated and have flatter outer density profiles than the isolated haloes. The concentration decreases with M_h, but its scatter for a given mass is substantial. The mass and circular velocity of the haloes are strongly correlated: M_h \propto V_m^{\alpha} with \alpha ~ 3.3 (isolated) and ~3.5 (haloes in clusters). For M_h=10^12M_sun the rms deviations from these relations are \Delta logM_h=0.12 and 0.18, respectively. Approximately 30% of the haloes are contained within larger haloes or have massive companions (larger than ~0.3 the mass of the current halo) within 3 virial radii. The remaining 70% of the haloes are isolated objects. The distribution of \beta as well as the concentration-mass and M_h-V_m relations for the isolated haloes agree very well with the predictions of our seminumerical approach which is based on a generalization of the secondary infall model and on the extended Press-Schechter formalism.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures included, uses mn.sty, accepted by MNRAS. Minor modifications, new and updated reference

    Galaxy cluster mass bias from projected mass maps: The Three Hundred-NIKA2 LPSZ twin samples

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    The determination of the mass of galaxy clusters from observations is subject to systematic uncertainties. Beyond the errors due to instrumental and observational systematic effects, in this work we investigate the bias introduced by modelling assumptions. In particular, we consider the reconstruction of the mass of galaxy clusters from convergence maps employing spherical mass density models. We make use of The Three Hundred simulations, selecting clusters in the same redshift and mass range as the NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Large Program sample: 3M500/1014M103 \leq M_{500}/ 10^{14} \mathrm{M}_{\odot} \leq 10 and 0.5z0.90.5 \leq z \leq 0.9. We study different modelling and intrinsic uncertainties that should be accounted for when using the single cluster mass estimates for scaling relations. We confirm that the orientation of clusters and the radial ranges considered for the fit have an important impact on the mass bias. The effect of the projection adds uncertainties to the order of 10%10\% to 14%14\% to the mass estimates. We also find that the scatter from cluster to cluster in the mass bias when using spherical mass models is less than 20%20\% of the true mass of the clusters

    Analysis of Star Formation in Galaxy-like Objects

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    Using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, we investigate the effects of hierarchical aggregation on the triggering of star formation in galactic-like objects. We include a simple star formation model to transform the cold gas in dense regions into stars. Simulations with different parameters have been performed in order to quantify the dependence of the results on the parameters. We then resort to stellar population synthesis models to trace the color evolution of each object with red-shift and in relation to their merger histories. We find that, in a hierarchical clustering scenario, the process of assembling of the structure is one natural mechanism that may trigger star formation. The resulting star formation rate history for each individual galactic object is composed of a continuous one (3M/yr\leq 3 \rm{M_{\odot}/yr}) and a series of star bursts. We find that even the accretion of a small satellite can be correlated with a stellar burst. Massive mergers are found to be more efficient at transforming gas into starsComment: 11 postscript figures. 2000, ApJ, accepte

    Isolation of Flow and Nonflow Correlations by Two- and Four-Particle Cumulant Measurements of Azimuthal Harmonics in sNN=\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions

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    A data-driven method was applied to measurements of Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 200 GeV made with the STAR detector at RHIC to isolate pseudorapidity distance Δη\Delta\eta-dependent and Δη\Delta\eta-independent correlations by using two- and four-particle azimuthal cumulant measurements. We identified a component of the correlation that is Δη\Delta\eta-independent, which is likely dominated by anisotropic flow and flow fluctuations. It was also found to be independent of η\eta within the measured range of pseudorapidity η<1|\eta|<1. The relative flow fluctuation was found to be 34%±2%(stat.)±3%(sys.)34\% \pm 2\% (stat.) \pm 3\% (sys.) for particles of transverse momentum pTp_{T} less than 22 GeV/cc. The Δη\Delta\eta-dependent part may be attributed to nonflow correlations, and is found to be 5%±2%(sys.)5\% \pm 2\% (sys.) relative to the flow of the measured second harmonic cumulant at Δη>0.7|\Delta\eta| > 0.7