151 research outputs found

    Genome-wide profiling in treatment-naive early rheumatoid arthritis reveals DNA methylome changes in T and B lymphocytes

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    AIM: Although aberrant DNA methylation has been described in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), no studies have interrogated this epigenetic modification in early disease. Following recent investigations of T- and B-lymphocytes in established disease, we now characterize in these cell populations genome-wide DNA methylation in treatment-naive patients with early RA. PATIENTS & METHODS: HumanMethylation450 BeadChips were used to examine genome-wide DNA methylation in lymphocyte populations from 23 early RA patients and 11 healthy individuals. RESULTS: Approximately 2000 CpGs in each cell type were differentially methylated in early RA. Clustering analysis identified a novel methylation signature in each cell type (150 sites in T-lymphocytes, 113 sites in B-lymphocytes) that clustered all patients separately from controls. A subset of sites differentially methylated in early RA displayed similar changes in established disease. CONCLUSION: Treatment-naive early RA patients display novel disease-specific DNA methylation aberrations, supporting a potential role for these changes in the development of RA

    The functional significance of dental and mandibular reduction in Homo: A catarrhine perspective.

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    The reduction in dental size and mandibular robusticity is regarded as a major trend in human evolution, traditionally considered the result of the peculiar extra-oral food processing skills of Homo. The use of stone tools and fire would have allowed our ancestors to chew softer food in smaller bite size, thus relaxing the selective pressures to keep a large dentition and a robust lower jaw. This perspective assumes that differences in dental size and mandibular robusticity in hominins represent functional dissimilarities. This study uses a catarrhine comparative approach to test this fundamental assumption of the hypotheses on dental and mandibular reduction in Homo. A sample of extant catarrhines and fossil hominins was used to test for correlations between dental size, mandibular robusticity, and dietary proxies, the latter include diet quality, diet heterogeneity, feeding time, and microwear variables. The effects of phylogeny and body size were considered. Findings support the association between technological developments in Homo and reduction in incisor size and mandibular corpus robusticity, though not for premolar, molar size, and symphyseal robusticity. These results challenge the functional interpretation of postcanine reduction and symphyseal changes in the genus Homo

    \tau\to \mu \bar{\nu_i} \nu_i decay in the general two Higgs doublet model

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    We study \tau\to \mu \bar{\nu_i} \nu_i, i=e,\mu,\tau decay in the model III version of the two Higgs doublet model. We calculated the BR at the order of the magnitude of 10^{-6}-10^{-4} for the intermediate values of the Yukawa couplings. Furthermore, we predict the upper limit of the coupling for the \tau-h^0 (A^0)-\tau transition as \sim 0.3 in the case that the BR is \sim 10^{-6}. We observe that the experimental result of the process under consideration can give comprehensive information about the physics beyond the standard model and the free parameters existing.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Simultaneous high resolution meausurement of phonons and ionization created by particle interactions in a 60 g germanium crystal at 25 mK

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    We demonstrate simultaneous high energy resolution (rms≊800 eV) measurements of ionization and phonons created by particle interactions in a semiconductor crystal of macroscopic size (60 g germanium) at 25 mK. We present first studies of charge collection at biases below 1 V/cm, and find that, contrary to commonly held opinion, the full recoil energy of particle interactions is recovered as phonons when charge trapping is negligible. We also report an unanticipated correlation between charge collection and phonon energy at very low bias, and discuss this effect in terms of charge trapping

    Measurement of ionization and phonon production by nuclear recoils in a 60 g crystal of germanium at 25 mK

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    We report on the first measurement of the absolute phonon energy and the amount of ionization produced by the recoil of nuclei and electrons in a 60 g germanium cyrstal at a temperature of ≊25 mK. We find good agreement between our results and previous measurements of ionization yield from nuclear recoils in germanium. Our device achieves 10:1 discrimination between neutrons and photons in the few keV energy range, demonstrating the feasibility of this technique for large reductions of background in searches for direct interactions of weakly interacting massive particle dark matter

    Evolution of complexity in the zebrafish synapse proteome

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    The proteome of human brain synapses is highly complex and mutated in over 130 diseases. This complexity arose from two whole genome duplications early in the vertebrate lineage. Zebrafish are used in modelling human diseases, however its synapse proteome is uncharacterised and whether the teleost-specific genome duplication (TSGD) influenced complexity is unknown. We report the characterisation of the proteomes and ultrastructure of central synapses in zebrafish and analyse the importance of the TSGD. While the TSGD increases overall synapse proteome complexity, the Post Synaptic Density (PSD) proteome of zebrafish has lower complexity than mammals. A highly conserved set of ~1000 proteins is shared across vertebrates. PSD ultrastructural features are also conserved. Lineage-specific proteome differences indicate vertebrate species evolved distinct synapse types and functions. The datasets are a resource for a wide range of studies and have important implications for the use of zebrafish in modelling human synaptic diseases

    Synaptic scaffold evolution generated components of vertebrate cognitive complexity

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    The origins and evolution of higher cognitive functions, including complex forms of learning, attention and executive functions, are unknown. A potential mechanism driving the evolution of vertebrate cognition early in the vertebrate lineage (550 million years ago) was genome duplication and subsequent diversification of postsynaptic genes. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first genetic analysis of a vertebrate gene family in cognitive functions measured using computerized touchscreens. Comparison of mice carrying mutations in each of the four Dlg paralogs showed that simple associative learning required Dlg4, whereas Dlg2 and Dlg3 diversified to have opposing functions in complex cognitive processes. Exploiting the translational utility of touchscreens in humans and mice, testing Dlg2 mutations in both species showed that Dlg2\u27s role in complex learning, cognitive flexibility and attention has been highly conserved over 100 million years. Dlg-family mutations underlie psychiatric disorders, suggesting that genome evolution expanded the complexity of vertebrate cognition at the cost of susceptibility to mental illness

    A Simple Method for Analyzing Exome Sequencing Data Shows Distinct Levels of Nonsynonymous Variation for Human Immune and Nervous System Genes

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    To measure the strength of natural selection that acts upon single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in a set of human genes, we calculate the ratio between nonsynonymous SNVs (nsSNVs) per nonsynonymous site and synonymous SNVs (sSNVs) per synonymous site. We transform this ratio with a respective factor f that corrects for the bias of synonymous sites towards transitions in the genetic code and different mutation rates for transitions and transversions. This method approximates the relative density of nsSNVs (rdnsv) in comparison with the neutral expectation as inferred from the density of sSNVs. Using SNVs from a diploid genome and 200 exomes, we apply our method to immune system genes (ISGs), nervous system genes (NSGs), randomly sampled genes (RSGs), and gene ontology annotated genes. The estimate of rdnsv in an individual exome is around 20% for NSGs and 30–40% for ISGs and RSGs. This smaller rdnsv of NSGs indicates overall stronger purifying selection. To quantify the relative shift of nsSNVs towards rare variants, we next fit a linear regression model to the estimates of rdnsv over different SNV allele frequency bins. The obtained regression models show a negative slope for NSGs, ISGs and RSGs, supporting an influence of purifying selection on the frequency spectrum of segregating nsSNVs. The y-intercept of the model predicts rdnsv for an allele frequency close to 0. This parameter can be interpreted as the proportion of nonsynonymous sites where mutations are tolerated to segregate with an allele frequency notably greater than 0 in the population, given the performed normalization of the observed nsSNV to sSNV ratio. A smaller y-intercept is displayed by NSGs, indicating more nonsynonymous sites under strong negative selection. This predicts more monogenically inherited or de-novo mutation diseases that affect the nervous system

    Methylation of HOXA9 and ISL1 predicts patient outcome in high-grade non-invasive bladder cancer

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    Introduction Inappropriate DNA methylation is frequently associated with human tumour development, and in specific cases, is associated with clinical outcomes. Previous reports of DNA methylation in low/intermediate grade non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) have suggested that specific patterns of DNA methylation may have a role as diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers. In view of the aggressive and clinically unpredictable nature of high-grade (HG) NMIBC, and the current shortage of the preferred treatment option (Bacillus:Calmette-Guerin), novel methylation analyses may similarly reveal biomarkers of disease outcome that could risk-stratify patients and guide clinical management at initial diagnosis. Methods Promoter-associated CpG island methylation was determined in primary tumour tissue of 36 initial presentation high-grade NMIBCs, 12 low/intermediate-grade NMIBCs and 3 normal bladder controls. The genes HOXA9, ISL1, NKX6-2, SPAG6, ZIC1 and ZNF154 were selected for investigation on the basis of previous reports and/or prognostic utility in low/intermediate-grade NMIBC. Methylation was determined by Pyrosequencing of sodium-bisulphite converted DNA, and then correlated with gene expression using RT-qPCR. Methylation was additionally correlated with tumour behaviour, including tumour recurrence and progression to muscle invasive bladder cancer or metastases. Results The ISL1 genes’ promoter-associated island was more frequently methylated in recurrent and progressive high-grade tumours than their non-recurrent counterparts (60.0% vs. 18.2%, p = 0.008). ISL1 and HOXA9 showed significantly higher mean methylation in recurrent and progressive tumours compared to non-recurrent tumours (43.3% vs. 20.9%, p = 0.016 and 34.5% vs 17.6%, p = 0.017, respectively). Concurrent ISL1/HOXA9 methylation in HG-NMIBC reliably predicted tumour recurrence and progression within one year (Positive Predictive Value 91.7%), and was associated with disease-specific mortality (DSM). Conclusions In this study we report methylation differences and similarities between clinical sub-types of high-grade NMIBC. We report the potential ability of methylation biomarkers, at initial diagnosis, to predict tumour recurrence and progression within one year of diagnosis. We found that specific biomarkers reliably predict disease outcome and therefore may help guide patient treatment despite the unpredictable clinical course and heterogeneity of high-grade NMIBC. Further investigation is required, including validation in a larger patient cohort, to confirm the clinical utility of methylation biomarkers in high-grade NMIBC

    RNA expression of TLR10 in normal equine tissues

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    Background: Toll like receptors are one of the major innate immune system pathogen recognition systems. There is little data on the expression of the TLR10 member of this family in the horse. Results: This paper describes the genetic structure of the Equine TLR10 gene and its RNA expression in a range of horse tissues. It describes the phylogenetic analysis of the Equine TLR1,6,10,2 annotations in the horse genome, firmly identifying them in their corresponding gene clades compared to other species and firmly placing the horse gene with other TLR10 genes from odd-toed ungulates. Additional 3’ transcript extensions to that annotated for TLR10 in the horse genome have been identified by analysis of RNAseq data. RNA expression of the equine TLR10 gene was highest in peripheral blood mononucleocytes and lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes and spleen), however some expression was detected in all tissues tested (jejunum, caudal mesenteric lymph nodes, bronchial lymph node, spleen, lung, colon, kidney and liver). Additional data on RNAseq expression of all equine TLR genes (1–4 and 6–10) demonstrate higher expression of TLR4 than other equine TLRs in all tissues. Conclusion: The equine TLR10 gene displays significant homology to other mammalian TLR10 genes and could be reasonably assumed to have similar fuctions. Its RNA level expression is higher in resting state PBMCs in horses than in other tissues
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