388 research outputs found

    Perceptual learning and inversion effects: Recognition of prototype-defined familiar checkerboards.

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    PublishedJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThe face inversion effect is a defection in performance in recognizing inverted faces compared with faces presented in their usual upright orientation typically believed to be specific for facial stimuli. McLaren (1997) was able to demonstrate that (a) an inversion effect could be obtained with exemplars drawn from a familiar category, such that upright exemplars were better discriminated than inverted exemplars; and (b) that the inversion effect required that the familiar category be prototype-defined. In this article, we replicate and extend these findings. We show that the inversion effect can be obtained in a standard old/new recognition memory paradigm, demonstrate that it is contingent on familiarization with a prototype-defined category, and establish that the effect is made up of two components. We confirm the advantage for upright exemplars drawn from a familiar, prototype-defined category, and show that there is a disadvantage for inverted exemplars drawn from this category relative to suitable controls. We also provide evidence that there is an N170 event-related potential signature for this effect. These results allow us to integrate a theory of perceptual learning originally proposed by McLaren, Kaye, and Mackintosh (1989) with explanations of the face inversion effect, first reported by Yin.University of ExeterNational Key Fundamental Research (973) Progra

    Semiring and semimodule issues in MV-algebras

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    In this paper we propose a semiring-theoretic approach to MV-algebras based on the connection between such algebras and idempotent semirings - such an approach naturally imposing the introduction and study of a suitable corresponding class of semimodules, called MV-semimodules. We present several results addressed toward a semiring theory for MV-algebras. In particular we show a representation of MV-algebras as a subsemiring of the endomorphism semiring of a semilattice, the construction of the Grothendieck group of a semiring and its functorial nature, and the effect of Mundici categorical equivalence between MV-algebras and lattice-ordered Abelian groups with a distinguished strong order unit upon the relationship between MV-semimodules and semimodules over idempotent semifields.Comment: This version contains some corrections to some results at the end of Section

    New polymorphic microsatellite markers for California sea lions (Zalophus californianus)

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    Nine microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). In addition, two of five loci tested from harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) produced a single, clear band in Z. californianus, as did one out of five loci from grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and one out of two loci from elephant seal (Mirounga sp.). No locus tested from South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) amplified in Z. californianus. Locus variability was assessed in California sea lions from Los Islotes rookery, Baja California Sur, Mexico. All loci were variable, with allele numbers ranging from three to 12. © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Peer Reviewe

    The satellites of the Milky Way – insights from semi-analytic modelling in a ΛCDM cosmology

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    We combine the six high-resolution Aquarius dark matter simulations with a semi-analytic galaxy formation model to investigate the properties of the satellites of Milky Way-like galaxies. We find good correspondence with the observed luminosity function, luminosity–metallicity relation and radial distribution of the Milky Way satellites. The star formation histories of the dwarf galaxies in our model vary widely, in accordance with what is seen observationally. Some systems are dominated by old populations, whereas others are dominated by intermediate populations; star formation histories can either be continuous or more bursty. Ram-pressure stripping of hot gas from the satellites leaves a clear imprint of the environment on the characteristics of a dwarf galaxy. We find that the fraction of satellites dominated by old populations of stars matches observations well. However, the internal metallicity distributions of the model satellites appear to be narrower than observed. This may indicate limitations in our treatment of chemical enrichment, which is based on the instantaneous recycling approximation. We find a strong correlation between the number of satellites and the dark matter mass of the host halo. Our model works best if the dark matter halo of the Milky Way has a mass of ∼8 × 1011 M⊙, in agreement with the lower estimates from observations, but about a factor of 2 lower than estimates based on the Local Group timing argument or abundance matching techniques. The galaxy that resembles the Milky Way the most also has the best-matching satellite luminosity function, although it does not contain an object as bright as the Large or Small Magellanic Cloud. Compared to other semi-analytic models and abundance matching relations we find that central galaxies reside in less massive haloes, but the halo mass–stellar mass relation in our model is consistent both with hydrodynamical simulations and with recent observations

    Cambios en la actividad enzimática en duodeno y yeyuno de cerdos durante varios periodos posdestete

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    Objetivos: evaluar los cambios en la actividad enzimática intestinal de algunos cerdos durante varios periodos posdestete. Materiales y métodos: el trabajo de campo se realizó en el Centro San Pablo, perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín. El estudio se realizó con 16 cerdos destetados a los 21 días de edad. Los animales experimentales fueron alimentados durante 10 días con una dieta basal (DB) que tuvo como componentes leche y algunos de sus derivados y que además cumplía con los requerimientos nutricionales. Luego, los cerdos fueron sacrificados escalonadamente los días uno, cinco, siete y diez posdestete, y se realizó extracción completa del intestino delgado, el cual fue dividido en dos secciones (duodeno y yeyuno) de igual tamaño. El análisis de la actividad enzimática (APN, DPP-IV, LPH, MGA y SI) se realizó mediante el método de velocidades iniciales y el diseño estadístico que se empleó fue completamente al azar, no obstante, los datos se analizaron mediante la aplicación de los modelos lineales generales (GLM) y de la prueba de duncan. Resultados: se evidencia que las enzimas presentaron diferencias (P and lt; 0,01) durante los periodos posdestete. En el día cinco se observaron cambios negativos en todas las enzimas en comparación con su estado durante el primer día posdestete; sin embargo, entre el día uno y diez posdestete se presentaron diferencias entre APN, DPP-IV y LPH (P and lt; 0,01). Además, se encontró que la sección proximal (duodeno) presentó las mayores actividades enzimáticas (P and lt; 0,01). Conclusiones: el destete temprano disminuye la actividad enzimática a nivel intestinal, provocando la subutilización de los nutrientes de la dieta y, por ende, alta incidencia de diarreas durante esta etapa

    Shoulder pain due to cervical radiculopathy: an underestimated long-term complication of herpes zoster virus reactivation?

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    Purpose To evaluate if herpes zoster virus (HZV) reactivation may be considered in the aetiology of cervical radiculopathy. Methods The study group was composed of 110 patients (52 M-58F;mean age ± SD:46.5 ± 6.12; range:40-73) with a clinical diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy. Patients with signs of chronic damage on neurophysiological studies were submitted to an X-ray and to an MRI of the cervical spine in order to clarify the cause of the cervical radiculopathy and were investigated for a possible reactivation of HZV; HZV reactivation was considered as “recent” or “antique” if it occurs within or after 24 months from the onset of symptoms, respectively. Data were submitted to statistics. Results Thirty-eight patients (34,5%,16 M-22F) had a history of HZV reactivation: four (2 M-2F) were “recent” and 34 (14 M-20F) were “antique”. In 68 of 110 participants (61,8%,30 M-38F), pathological signs on X-ray and/or MRI of the cervical spine appeared; in the remaining 42 (38,2%,22 M-20F) X-ray and MRI resulted as negative. Among patients with HZV reactivation, seven (18,4%) had a “positive” X-ray-MRI while in 31 (81,6%) the instrumental exams were considered as negative. The prevalence of “antique” HZV reactivations was statistically greater in the group of patients with no pathological signs on X-ray/MRI of the cervical spine with respect to the group with a pathological instrumental exam (p < 0.01). Conclusions It may be useful to investigate the presence of a positive history of HZV reactivation and to consider it as a long-term complication of a cervical root inflammation especially in patients in which X-ray and MRI of the cervical spine did not show pathological findings

    Modelo didáctico del desarrollo embrionario del pollo usando la técnica modificada de Dawson para transparentación y tinción

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    ABSTRACT: didactic models are a very useful tool for pedagogy in Agrarian Science careers (i.e. Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science). Objective: the aim of this work was to create a didactic model of the chicken embryo development using modified Dawson´s diaphanization and staining technique, which allows the centers of ossification to be viewed. Methods: chick embryos from day 5 to day 21 were diaphanized with KOH, stained with Alizarin Red, and stored in glycerol. Results: growth of primary ossification centers during embryonic development was easily visualized. Conclusion: to our knowledge, this is the first literature report showing an anatomical model of all embryonic stages of chicken development. Impact of this model in pedagogy must be evaluated in future works.RESUMEN: los modelos didácticos son una muy buena herramienta para el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje en los cursos de Ciencias Agrarias (Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, entre otros). Objetivo:hacer un modelo didáctico del desarrollo embrionario del pollo usando la técnica modificada de Dawson para transparentación y tinción, que permite visualizar los centros de osificación. Métodos: embriones de pollo del día 5 al 21 fueron transparentados con KOH, teñidos con Rojo de Alizarina y almacenados en glicerina. Resultados: se pudo visualizar el crecimiento de los centros primarios de osificación durante el desarrollo embrionario. Conclusión: este es el primer reporte en literatura que muestra un modelo anatómico de todas las etapas del desarrollo embrionario del pollo. En futuras investigaciones se debe evaluar el impacto que tiene este modelo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje

    AO@SW with Vrala: Simulations and Tests

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    Designed to actuate large correction forces on small spatial scales for the next generation deformable mirrors, VRALA is the ideal candidate for the Adaptive Optics actuators at visible wavelengths. Using its electric characteristics variations, properly supplying current commands, and optimizing the magnetic circuit geometry, the required force is delivered with a correction bandwidth of 2 kHz, and a 25 mm actuation density can be achieved. The dual-stator, single-mover soft magnetic composite core provides unprecedented performances with a negligible thermal impact. Pre-shaping the coil currents required to deliver a given stroke greatly simpli es the control system. Equipped with an inductance measure circuit, the current generator also provides the control system with an accurate feed-back signal. The Comsol non-linear model of VRALA allows to de ne the optimized geometry, to compute the dynamic response to the closed-loop control system, and to calculate the circuit inductance. The tests performed on a preliminary prototype, built according to the Comsol analyses, match the design results in terms of power and force

    Plasma metabolomics and clinical predictors of survival differences in COPD patients

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    Background: Plasma metabolomics profile (PMP) in COPD has been associated with clinical characteristics, but PMP’s relationship to survival has not been reported. We determined PMP differences between patients with COPD who died an average of 2 years after enrollment (Non-survivors, NS) compared to those who survived (S) and also with age matched controls (C). Methods: We studied prospectively 90 patients with severe COPD and 30 controls. NS were divided in discovery and validation cohorts (30 patients each) and the results compared to the PMP of 30 S and C. All participants completed lung function tests, dyspnea scores, quality of life, exercise capacity, BODE index, and plasma metabolomics by liquid and gas chromatography / mass spectometry (LC/MS, LC/MS2 , GC/MS). Statistically, we used Random Forest Analysis (RFA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to determine metabolites that differentiated the 3 groups and compared the ability of metabolites vs. clinical characteristics to classify patients into survivors and non-survivors. Results: There were 79 metabolites statistically different between S and NS [p < 0.05 and false discovery rate (q value) < 0.1]. RFA and SVM classification of COPD survivors and non-survivors had a predicted accuracy of 74 and 85% respectively. Elevation of tricyclic acid cycle intermediates branched amino acids depletion and increase in lactate, fructose and xylonate showed the most relevant differences between S vs. NS suggesting alteration in mitochondrial oxidative energy generation. PMP had similar predictive power for risk of death as information provided by clinical characteristics. Conclusions: A plasma metabolomic profile characterized by an oxidative energy production difference between survivors and non-survivors was observed in COPD patients 2 years before death

    The Relationship Between Mono-Abundance and Mono-Age Stellar Populations in the Milky Way Disk

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    Studying the Milky Way disk structure using stars in narrow bins of [Fe/H] and [α/Fe] has recently been proposed as a powerful method to understand the Galactic thick and thin disk formation. It has been assumed so far that these mono-abundance populations (MAPs) are also coeval, or mono-age, populations. Here we study this relationship for a Milky Way chemodynamical model and show that equivalence between MAPs and mono-age populations exists only for the high-[α/Fe] tail, where the chemical evolution curves of different Galactic radii are far apart. At lower [α/Fe]-values an MAP is composed of stars with a range in ages, even for small observational uncertainties and a small MAP bin size. Due to the disk inside-out formation, for these MAPs younger stars are typically located at larger radii, which results in negative radial age gradients that can be as large as 2 Gyr kpc−1. Positive radial age gradients can result for MAPs at the lowest [α/Fe] and highest [Fe/H] end. Such variations with age prevent the simple interpretation of observations for which accurate ages are not available. Studying the variation with radius of the stellar surface density and scale height in our model, we find good agreement to recent analyses of the APOGEE red-clump (RC) sample when 1–4 Gyr old stars dominate (as expected for the RC). Our results suggest that the APOGEE data are consistent with a Milky Way model for which mono-age populations flare for all ages. We propose observational tests for the validity of our predictions and argue that using accurate age measurements, such as from asteroseismology, is crucial for putting constraints on Galactic formation and evolution