69 research outputs found

    Centenario de Joaquín Arcadio Pagaza

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    La novela de pérez galdos

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    Acerca de la novela galdosiana, su rigor histórico y recreación poética

    Artes Marciales y Confianza

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    Actualmente todos conocemos las amenazas de la realidad actual, con el constante peligro proveído por la creciente inseguridad en el mundo, los índices de criminalidad en constante ascenso y el aumento de la tendencia a la violencia de los delincuentes actuales, todo esto sin tomar en cuenta, aún, los ataques y delitos con perspectiva de género, que han gestado una permanente sensación de zozobra, por decir lo menos, cada vez con mayor frecuencia, tendiendo a volverse permanente en cada vez más actividades y espacios en los que actualmente las mujeres se desenvuelven

    Gene Expression Response to Sea Lice in Atlantic Salmon Skin: RNA Sequencing Comparison Between Resistant and Susceptible Animals

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    Sea lice are parasitic copepods that cause large economic losses to salmon aquaculture worldwide. Frequent chemotherapeutic treatments are typically required to control this parasite, and alternative measures such as breeding for improved host resistance are desirable. Insight into the host–parasite interaction and mechanisms of host resistance can lead to improvements in selective breeding, and potentially novel treatment targets. In this study, RNA sequencing was used to study the skin transcriptome of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parasitized with sea lice (Caligus rogercresseyi). The overall aims were to compare the transcriptomic profile of skin at louse attachment sites and “healthy” skin, and to assess differences in gene expression response between animals with varying levels of resistance to the parasite. Atlantic salmon pre-smolts were challenged with C. rogercresseyi, growth and lice count measurements were taken for each fish. 21 animals were selected and RNA-Seq was performed on skin from a louse attachment site, and skin distal to attachment sites for each animal. These animals were classified into family-balanced groups according to the traits of resistance (high vs. low lice count), and growth during infestation. Overall comparison of skin from louse attachment sites vs. healthy skin showed that 4,355 genes were differentially expressed, indicating local up-regulation of several immune pathways and activation of tissue repair mechanisms. Comparison between resistant and susceptible animals highlighted expression differences in several immune response and pattern recognition genes, and also myogenic and iron availability factors. Components of the pathways involved in differential response to sea lice may be targets for studies aimed at improved or novel treatment strategies, or to prioritize candidate functional polymorphisms to enhance genomic selection for host resistance in commercial salmon breeding programs

    Los bancos centrales en América Latina : cambios, logros y desafíos : [conferencia preparada para el quinto Seminario de Alto Nivel de los Bancos Centrales del Eurosistema y de América Latina]

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    Los bancos centrales de América Latina se vieron reforzados en la década de los noventa mediante nuevas leyes de autonomía, la adopción de nuevos regímenes de política monetaria (como los objetivos de inflación) y la mayor transparencia en la toma de decisiones, limitadas por la aplicación de normas ex ante y la obligación de rendir cuentas a posteriori. La modernización de los bancos centrales -sustentada en un significativo ajuste fiscal y en el fortalecimiento del sector financiero- contribuyó a que las tasas de inflación de la mayoría de los países de América Latina convergieran en niveles de un solo dígito y se alcanzaran tasas de crecimiento más elevadas y estables que en el pasado. Con todo, el nuevo marco de política monetaria de la región se vio sometido a una severa prueba por la crisis financiera global y la recesión. Las respuestas rápidas e innovadoras adoptadas por los bancos centrales latinoamericanos ayudaron a los sistemas financieros nacionales y a la economía real a resistir bien las enormes consecuencias financieras y reales de la crisis bancaria y la recesión que afectaron a los países industrializados. La evidencia empírica que se presenta en este trabajo muestra que el nuevo marco de política monetaria de los bancos centrales y las respuestas adoptadas durante la crisis atenuaron significativamente la amplitud de la recesión. Tras haber capeado con éxito la crisis financiera global y la recesión, los bancos centrales de América Latina se enfrentan ahora a una multitud de desafíos, que son revisados en esta conferencia. Algunos de ellos son comunes a los de los bancos centrales de las economías tanto industrializadas como emergentes, pues tienen su origen en la propia crisis y en los problemas que ésta plantea para mejorar el papel de los bancos centrales en el logro de la estabilidad monetaria y financiera de una manera más efica

    Discovery and Functional Annotation of Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Resistance to Sea Lice in Atlantic Salmon

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    <p>Sea lice (Caligus rogercresseyi) are ectoparasitic copepods which have a large negative economic and welfare impact in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture, particularly in Chile. A multi-faceted prevention and control strategy is required to tackle lice, and selective breeding contributes via cumulative improvement of host resistance to the parasite. While host resistance has been shown to be heritable, little is yet known about the individual loci that contribute to this resistance, the potential underlying genes, and their mechanisms of action. In this study we took a multifaceted approach to identify and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting host resistance in a population of 2,688 Caligus-challenged Atlantic salmon post-smolts from a commercial breeding program. We used low and medium density genotyping with imputation to collect genome-wide SNP marker data for all animals. Moderate heritability estimates of 0.28 and 0.24 were obtained for lice density (as a measure of host resistance) and growth during infestation, respectively. Three QTL explaining between 7 and 13% of the genetic variation in resistance to sea lice (as represented by the traits of lice density) were detected on chromosomes 3, 18, and 21. Characterisation of these QTL regions was undertaken using RNA sequencing and pooled whole genome sequencing data. This resulted in the identification of a shortlist of potential underlying causative genes, and candidate functional mutations for further study. For example, candidates within the chromosome 3 QTL include a putative premature stop mutation in TOB1 (an anti-proliferative transcription factor involved in T cell regulation) and an uncharacterized protein which showed significant differential allelic expression (implying the existence of a cis-acting regulatory mutation). While host resistance to sea lice is polygenic in nature, the results of this study highlight significant QTL regions together explaining between 7 and 13 % of the heritability of the trait. Future investigation of these QTL may enable improved knowledge of the functional mechanisms of host resistance to sea lice, and incorporation of functional variants to improve genomic selection accuracy.</p

    Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Resistance to Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus Identifies Candidate Genes Involved in Viral Replication and Immune Response in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a viral disease with considerable negative impact on the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) aquaculture industry. The aim of the present work was to detect genomic regions that explain resistance to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in rainbow trout. A total of 2,278 fish from 58 full-sib families were challenged with IPNV and 768 individuals were genotyped (488 resistant and 280 susceptible), using a 57K SNP panel Axiom, Affymetrix. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed using the phenotypes time to death (TD) and binary survival (BS), along with the genotypes of the challenged fish using a Bayesian model (Bayes C). Heritabilities for resistance to IPNV estimated using genomic information, were 0.53 and 0.82 for TD and BS, respectively. The Bayesian GWAS detected a SNP located on chromosome 5 explaining 19% of the genetic variance for TD. The proximity of Sentrin-specific protease 5 (SENP5) to this SNP makes it a candidate gene for resistance against IPNV. In case of BS, a SNP located on chromosome 23 was detected explaining 9% of the genetic variance. However, the moderate-low proportion of variance explained by the detected marker leads to the conclusion that the incorporation of all genomic information, through genomic selection, would be the most appropriate approach to accelerate genetic progress for the improvement of resistance against IPNV in rainbow trout

    Efecto teratogénico del programa de embarazo Herbalife® en embriones de Gallus gallus domesticus

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto teratogénico del programa de embarazo Herbalife®. Se obtuvieron 50 huevos embrionados de pollo, que fueron asignados a cuatro grupos, tres de los cuales fueron sometidos respectivamente a tres distintos componentes del programa de embarazo Herbalife®, y el último se trató con agua destilada; y se incubaron. Se obtuvieron los embriones a los 13 y 16 días de gestación. Se cuantifico la actividad de la catalasa en hígado, y se extrajeron los cerebros, hígados y corazones para realizar cortes morfoanatómicos e histológicos. Se presentó toxicidad en tres embriones, así como gastrosquisis en la mayoría de los embriones del día 16 de los grupos tratados. Se encontraron malformaciones anatómicas profundas en cerebro; la actividad de la catalasa en el hígado se afectó, los cortes histológicos presentaron necrosis, hemorragias y desarrollo celular anormal. En conclusión, el uso del producto Herbalife® puede ser teratogénico.The aim of the present work was to study the putative teratogenic effect of the Herbalife pregnancy program. Fifty embryonated eggs were obtained and assigned to four groups, three of them were respectively treated with three components of the program Herbalife® for pregnancy, and the last with distilled water, and incubated. Embryos were obtained at 13 or 16 days of gestation. Hepatic activity of catalase was quantified, and brains, livers and hearts were extracted to perform morphoanatomical and histological analysis. There was observed toxicity in three embryos as well as gastroschisis in most treated-embryos on day 16. Anatomical malformations were found in the brain, hepatic activity of catalase was affected, and in histological sections necrosis, hemorrhages and abnormal cell development were observed. In conclusion, the use of Herbalife® can be teratogenic