12 research outputs found

    Legacy and impacts of research

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    U ovom se radu razmatra prvenstveno razvoj socijalnog poduzetništva u Europi i na Malti. Drugo, rad ocjenjuje važnost ovog koncepta za praksu kulturnog turizma na Malti primjenom modela međunarodne politike na lokalnu praksu. Treće, analizira se odnos socijalnog poduzetništva prema praksama održivog razvoja s naglaskom na kulturni turizam na Malti i Gozu, dvama glavnim malteškim otocima. U okviru ovog pregleda utvrđuju se i raspravlja se o nedostacima i mogućnostima za konkretno djelovanje. Naposljetku, članak nudi sažetak rezultata za buduća razmatranja i preporuke, s naglaskom na kulturno relevantna, mjerljiva i komparativna istraživanja u održivoj politici i praksi koja se bavi kulturnim turizmom koji je društveno poduzetnički

    De centauros y otras criaturas en el fantástico rioplatense

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    The centaur, which is the most harmonious being of fantastic zoology symbolizing a rustic barbarity and the ire, according to the definition given in the Book of Imaginary Beings by Borges and Guerrero (1957) is a figure that hasn't received the right attention. In this analysis I propose some Rioplatense writers' tales in which there is this myth. In particular: “Los caballos de Abdera” by Lugones, “El alambre de púa” by Quiroga, “El centauro” by Wilcock, “Aballay” by Di Benedetto y “Díptico del centauro” by Campra.El centauro, figura que no ha recibido suficiente atención por la crítica, es, según la definición que ofrecen Borges y Guerrero en el Manual de zoología fantástica (1957), la criatura más armoniosa de la zoología fantástica en la que están simbolizadas la rústica barbarie y la ira. El análisis comparado que propongo entre algunos cuentos en que aparece el centauro permite ver cómo, en cambio, suscitó el interés por parte de algunos autores rioplatenses que escribieron relatos sobre su figura, adaptando y modificando el mito. En particular, se fijará la atención en “Los caballos de Abdera” de Lugones, “El alambre de púa” de Quiroga, “El centauro” de Wilcock, “Aballay” de Di Benedetto y “Díptico del centauro” de Campra

    A critical debate of the cultural and social effects of Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture

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    The paper considers the hosting of the European Capital of Culture in Malta in 2018 in the light of the cultural and social effects on Malta’s capital city, Valletta. Governance and impacts on Malta’s tourism are also debated. The cultural sector was positively impacted with a varied and innovative programme. The expectations for Valletta 2018 was that the cultural scene in Malta would be taken to a much higher level. This did not happen largely because politicisation undermined the overall governance of the event. In the last two decades, ECoC was one of many projects and initiatives that brought about a process of Valletta’s regeneration. There are concerns, however, that excessive commercialisation has reduced liveability.peer-reviewe

    Política y gestión cultural en las ciudades SEA-EU: Malta

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    Este artículo analiza el desarrollo reciente de la política cultural en Malta en el contexto de la membresía de la Universidad de Malta en la red SEA-EU. La parte introductoria de la narrativa se relaciona estrechamente con los preparativos para unirse a la Unión Europea en 2004 que incluyeron la creación de varias instituciones de gobernanza y financiación, las relacionadas con la Capital Europea de la Cultura en 2018 y el impacto de COVID-19 en la práctica cultural y comunidades creativas. A esta primera sección, que ofrece un análisis crítico del sector, le sigue la segunda parte central del texto, que informa sobre los diversos aspectos de la política, los programas de educación superior y las manifestaciones (a través de festivales, exposiciones y expresiones multimedia). que se relacionan con académicos e investigadores de la Universidad de Malta e instituciones satélites. El documento concluye que, si bien se ha realizado un gran esfuerzo en muchos frentes culturales y se han tomado muchas iniciativas, la relación entre la Universidad de Malta, sus miembros académicos e investigadores, y la sociedad en general, es en gran medida laxa y está basada en proyectos. que orientada a las políticas. Palabras clave: académicos; creativos; diversidad global; convergencia; universidad. Cultural policy and managementin SEA-EU cities: Malta Abstract: This article looks at the recent development of cultural policy in Malta in the context of the University of Malta's membership in the SEA-EU network. The introductory part of the narrative is closely related to preparations to join the European Union in 2004 which included the creation of various governance and funding institutions, those related to the European Capital of Culture in 2018 and the impact of COVID-19 in cultural practice and creative communities. This first section, which offers a critical analysis of the sector, is followed by the second central part of the text, which reports on the various aspects of politics, higher education programs and demonstrations (through festivals, exhibitions and multimedia expressions ). who interact with academics and researchers from the University of Malta and satellite institutions. The document concludes that, while a great effort has been made on many cultural fronts and many initiatives have been taken, the relationship between the University of Malta, its academic members and researchers, and society in general, is largely lax and it is project-based. than policy-oriented. Keywords: academics; creative; global diversity; convergence; University. Artículo recibido: 14/10/2021. Revisado: 19/10/2021. Aceptado: 28/10/202

    The Impact of European Influence on Cultural Relations in the South Mediterranean

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    En l'ampli context geopolític rodejant dimensions locals així com regionals i internacionals, l'objectiu de la recerca és proporcionar una contribució nova i modesta a l'anàlisi de la dinàmica entre la influència cultural i les relacions culturals a través el Sud del Mediterrai. s'ha intentat fer això centrant-se en l'impacte funamentalment de la influència britànica i francesa en les relacions culturals en quatre ciutats i els seus respectius països, concretament Àlger a Algèria, Beirut al Líban, Casablanca així com Rabat al Morocco i Valletta com a capital cultural de Malta. La recerca se centra a Gran Bretanya i França degut als rols imperials dominants que van tenir en el Mediterrani, aisí com més enllà dela influència que encara exerceixen en temes culturals en base a aquest passat. En termes contemporanis, França i el Regne Unit encara exerceixen una forta influència al litoral Sud del mediterrani. Com la recerca vol il·lustrat, és difícil dintingir entre on comença la influència europea i on finalitza en relació amb relacions culturals locals, producció i expressió. La perseverància d'aquesta influència atravessa tots els nivells de la societat, inclòs el sector de negocis, educació, cultura popular, diseny i hàbits alimentaris. Una observació d'aquesta perseverància ha conduït l'autor a realitzar una valoració de les tendències relacionades, prestant atenció especial a l'expressió cultural creativa. al seu torn, això dóna peu a què sorgeixi la qüestió de per a què estan treballant i què està fallat en les societats implicades. És important remarcar que a l'inici, donat el context ètic de colonialisme, aquesta valoració no petenia ser un judici moral. més aviat, pretenia ser una valoració de com es podien resoldre els defectes

    The Impact of the European Union on Cultural Policy in Malta

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    This paper will address the impact of the European Union (EU) on cultural policy development in Malta. The attention paid by the EU to globalising matters through culture, particularly i) citizenship participation in relation to social integration, ii) economic revival through urban regeneration, and iii) cultural diplomacy with regard to internationalisation efforts, is acknowledged and assessed through a focus on recent Maltese cultural practice. Impact will be assessed in relation to a) policy as well as legislation, b) funding structures and incentives, and c) implementation measures through initiatives taken by Maltese public cultural institutions. Convergences and divergences in comparison with key EU strategic actions will be discussed, with reference made to major legislative documents, funding programmes, and cultural projects undertaken by Maltese authorities and other cultural stakeholders in response or in relation to European developments

    Social change through cultural enterprise in Malta : a critical assessment of a nascent field

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    This article adopts a cultural policy perspective to address diversity and sustainable development in the context of cultural enterprise in Malta, where projects and scholarly research supported by European funded programmes in the promotion and protection of diversity in local and regional environments are at an early stage. This article first argues that engaging in a critical assessment of the field is timely because of the growing importance that matters of diversity and sustainability are having in the light of the cultural-driven and -led models employed that are having significant impact on human and natural ecosystems; this is particularly due to a booming population that is becoming more diversified, a greater economic activity especially related to tourism and travel and the consistent rise in the demand of creative products and services. In this light, references to the research conducted by the project Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS) will support this argument. It then argues that cultural operators and educators who are drawn to this area of interest and whose work consists of evaluating the scene and proposing novel ways of collaboration and research contribute towards building sustainable models of operation. The methodology applied is based on a pertinent literature review and observations made directly in the field of practice.peer-reviewe

    Intersectional dialogues around cultural policy in Malta

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    This article seeks to understand how social engagement and policy change in the cultural sector in Malta can cater for the needs of various individuals and communities, particularly minorities, based on the island. As it contextualises local cultural policy in the broad theoretical field of intersectionality, the article articulates a general backdrop linking geographical and political dimensions to the cultural scene and specific minorities in Malta. It then presents an outline of the recent National Cultural Policy issued by the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government in 2021, giving an overview of some of the policy’s references to social inclusion and cultural access in the work conducted by various public stakeholders in the cultural and educational sectors. Finally, it describes and analyses data collected from two meetings held with various stakeholders representing different sectors in the country in order to elicit some conclusions about the significance of socially engaged arts, training and other perceived needs in the sector.peer-reviewe

    Strengthening Cultural Diversity and Creativity in the Mediterranean Area : The Biennale of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean

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    Chapitre de l'ouvrage : Sekhar A. et A. Steinkamp (eds.) (2010), Mapping Cultural Diversity: Good Practices from Around the Globe, Bonn / Singapore : German Commission for UNESCO / Asia-Europe Foundation