178 research outputs found

    Impacto del etiquetado del vino: análisis de preferencias estéticas del consumidor joven.

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    En este trabajo haremos un análisis del diseño gráfico de las etiquetas de diferentes vinos con el objetivo de concretar qué preferencias estéticas tienen los jóvenes ante dichas etiquetas y si estas influyen en la decisión de compra de estos. Mediante el análisis de una determinada muestra de población desarrollaremos un estudio sobre los parámetros de las etiquetas y determinaremos el perfil socio gráfico de los encuetados. Este estudio se realiza debido al interés propio y de ciertas bodegas de la denominación de origen de la Ribera, para poder elaborar una etiqueta que guste al público joven.Grado en Comerci

    Hit Code : Optimitzant el mastermind per a dispositius mòbils

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    Hi ha diferents videojocs del mastermind arreu de les diferents plataformes, però no hi ha cap aplicació que permeti jugar al usuari contra la màquina i viceversa per a dispositius mòbil. En aquest projecte, s'analitzen diferents algorismes d'intel·ligència artificial per tal d'afrontar el repte d'elaborar un joc per a jugar al mastermind que ofereixi la possibilitat d'encertar el codi de l'usuari mitjançant algorismes, i que a l'hora sigui capaç de poder-se executar en un mòbil de gamma baixa amb sistema operatiu android per a fer-lo més accessible a la majoria dels usuaris.There are a lot of videogames for playing mastermind games throughout the diferent platforms, but there isn't any application that allows users the possibility to play against the computer and vice versa for mobile devices. This project analyze various artificial intelligence algorithms in order to face the challenge of develop a game to play mastermind offering the possibility of hitting the user code using algorithms, and at the same time, it was being able to run it on a low-end mobile with android operative system to make it more accessible to most users.Hay diferentes videojuegos del mastermind para muchas plataformas diferentes, pero no hay ninguna aplicación que permita jugar al usuario contra la máquina y viceversa para dispositivos móviles. En este proyecto, se analizan diferentes algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para afrontar el reto de elaborar un juego para jugar al mastermind que ofrezca la posibilidad de acertar el código del usuario mediante algoritmos, y que a la hora sea capaz de poderse ejecutar en un móvil de gama baja con sistema operativo android para hacerlo más accesible a la mayoría de los usuarios

    Atribución legal de privatividad en el régimen económico de la sociedad de gananciales

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    En este trabajo haremos un análisis de los bienes y derechos a los que el artículo 1346 del Código Civil atribuye carácter privativo, así como los supuestos de los artículos 1356, 1357, 1350 y 1360 del Código Civil. También abordaremos la aplicación de dichos artículos, así como la evolución jurisprudencial y doctrinal de las premisas reguladas en dichos preceptos.Grado en Derech

    Zeolite-based ceramic components through hydrothermal dry synthesis

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    Zeolites are three-dimensional, microporous, crystalline solids with well-defined structures that contain aluminum, silicon and oxygen in their regular framework. Zeolites are generally formed in strong alkali solution (Na, K) and in hydrothermal conditions. In this work, inorganic compacts were produced using an innovative approach, where kaolinite was directly converted into a zeolite structure through a hydrothermal synthesis without the addition of any water, and therefore in dry conditions. Zeolite-based components reinforced with fillers were also produced. XRD analyses were conducted to confirm the formation of the desired phase. Strength and microstructure were evaluated to optimize the composition of the composites. The zeolite-based components could replace fiber reinforced plastic in terms of thermal resistance. Moreover, this class of ceramic composites can be process with the same technology of thermosetting based composites. References: Davidovits J, Legrand J (1977). Process for agglomerating compressible mineral substances under the form of powder, particles or fibres. US4028454

    Multiple Sporadic Colorectal Cancers Display a Unique Methylation Phenotype

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    The members of the Gastrointestinal Oncology Group of the Spanish Gastroenterological Association are: Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid: Juan Diego Morillas (local coordinator), Raquel Muñoz, Marisa Manzano, Francisco Colina, Jose Díaz, Carolina Ibarrola, Guadalupe López, Alberto Ibáñez; Hospital Clínic, Barcelona: Antoni Castells (local coordinator), Virgínia Piñol, Sergi Castellví-Bel, Francesc Balaguer, Victoria Gonzalo, Teresa Ocaña, María Dolores Giráldez, Maria Pellisé, Anna Serradesanferm, Leticia Moreira, Miriam Cuatrecasas, Josep M. Piqué; Hospital Clínico Universitario, Zaragoza: Ángel Lanas (local coordinator), Javier Alcedo, Javier Ortego; Hospital Cristal-Piñor, Complexo Hospitalario de Ourense: Joaquin Cubiella (local coordinator), Ma Soledad Díez, Mercedes Salgado, Eloy Sánchez, Mariano Vega; Hospital del Mar, Barcelona: Montserrat Andreu (local coordinator), Anna Abuli, Xavier Bessa, Mar Iglesias, Agustín Seoane, Felipe Bory, Gemma Navarro, Beatriz Bellosillo, Josep Ma Dedeu, Cristina Álvarez, Begoña Gonzalez; Hospital San Eloy, Baracaldo and Hospital Donostia, CIBERehd, University of Country Basque, San Sebastián: Luis Bujanda (local coordinator) Ángel Cosme, Inés Gil, Mikel Larzabal, Carlos Placer, María del Mar Ramírez, Elisabeth Hijona, Jose M. Enríquez-Navascués, Jose L. Elosegui; Hospital General Universitario de Alicante: Artemio Payá (EPICOLON I local coordinator), Rodrigo Jover (EPICOLON II local coordinator), Cristina Alenda, Laura Sempere, Nuria Acame, Estefanía Rojas, Lucía Pérez-Carbonell; Hospital General de Granollers: Joaquim Rigau (local coordinator), Ángel Serrano, Anna Giménez; Hospital General de Vic: Joan Saló (local coordinator), Eduard Batiste-Alentorn, Josefina Autonell, Ramon Barniol; Hospital General Universitario de Guadalajara and Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias Murcia: Ana María García (local coordinator), Fernando Carballo, Antonio Bienvenido, Eduardo Sanz, Fernando González, Jaime Sánchez, Akiko Ono; Hospital General Universitario de Valencia: Mercedes Latorre (local coordinator), Enrique Medina, Jaime Cuquerella, Pilar Canelles, Miguel Martorell, José Ángel García, Francisco Quiles, Elisa Orti; CHUVI-Hospital Meixoeiro, Vigo: EPICOLON I: Juan Clofent (local coordinator), Jaime Seoane, Antoni Tardío, Eugenia Sanchez; EPICOLON II: Ma Luisa de Castro (local coordinator), Antoni Tardío, Juan Clofent, Vicent Hernández; Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona and Section of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL: Xavier Llor (local coordinator), Rosa M. Xicola, Marta Piñol, Mercè Rosinach, Anna Roca, Elisenda Pons, José M. Hernández, Miquel A. Gassull; Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa: Fernando Fernández-Bañares (local coordinator), Josep M. Viver, Antonio Salas, Jorge Espinós, Montserrat Forné, Maria Esteve; Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida: Josep M. Reñé (local coordinator), Carmen Piñol, Juan Buenestado, Joan Viñas; Hospital Universitario de Canarias: Enrique Quintero (local coordinator), David Nicolás, Adolfo Parra, Antonio Martín; Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia: Lidia Argüello (local coordinator), Vicente Pons, Virginia Pertejo, Teresa Sala; Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona: Dolors Gonzalez (local coordinator), Eva Roman, Teresa Ramon, Maria Poca, Ma Mar Concepción, Marta Martin, Lourdes Pétriz; Hospital Xeral Cies, Vigo: Daniel Martinez (local coordinator); Fundacion Publica Galega de Medicina Xenomica (FPGMX), CIBERER, Genomic Medicine Group-University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain: Ángel Carracedo (local coordinator), Clara Ruiz-Ponte, Ceres Fernández-Rozadilla, Ma Magdalena Castro; Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias: Sabino Riestra (local coordinator), Luis Rodrigo; Hospital de Galdácano, Vizcaya: Javier Fernández (local coordinator), Jose Luis Cabriada; Fundación Hospital de Calahorra (La Rioja) La Rioja: Luis Carreño (local coordinator), Susana Oquiñena, Federico Bolado; Hospital Royo Villanova, Zaragoza: Elena Peña (local coordinator), José Manuel Blas, Gloria Ceña, Juan José Sebastián; Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Córdoba: Antonio Naranjo (local coordinator).Epigenetics are thought to play a major role in the carcinogenesis of multiple sporadic colorectal cancers (CRC). Previous studies have suggested concordant DNA hypermethylation between tumor pairs. However, only a few methylation markers have been analyzed. This study was aimed at describing the epigenetic signature of multiple CRC using a genome-scale DNA methylation profiling. We analyzed 12 patients with synchronous CRC and 29 age-, sex-, and tumor location-paired patients with solitary tumors from the EPICOLON II cohort. DNA methylation profiling was performed using the Illumina Infinium HM27 DNA methylation assay. The most significant results were validated by Methylight. Tumors samples were also analyzed for the CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP); KRAS and BRAF mutations and mismatch repair deficiency status. Functional annotation clustering was performed. We identified 102 CpG sites that showed significant DNA hypermethylation in multiple tumors with respect to the solitary counterparts (difference in β value ≥0.1). Methylight assays validated the results for 4 selected genes (p = 0.0002). Eight out of 12(66.6%) multiple tumors were classified as CIMP-high, as compared to 5 out of 29(17.2%) solitary tumors (p = 0.004). Interestingly, 76 out of the 102 (74.5%) hypermethylated CpG sites found in multiple tumors were also seen in CIMP-high tumors. Functional analysis of hypermethylated genes found in multiple tumors showed enrichment of genes involved in different tumorigenic functions. In conclusion, multiple CRC are associated with a distinct methylation phenotype, with a close association between tumor multiplicity and CIMP-high. Our results may be important to unravel the underlying mechanism of tumor multiplicity.This work was supported by grants from the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (Josep Font grant), Ministerio de Economí­a y Competitividad (SAF 2007-64873 and SAF2010-19273), Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer, and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI10/00384). “Cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Unión Europea. Una manera de hacer Europa”. CIBEREHD is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    La construcció de la idea de "shimaguni" (país-illa) en la societat japonesa

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    En aquest treball s'estudiarà el concepte de país-illa (島国, shimaguni) i com és representat dins la teoria del Nihonjinron o teoria de la japonesitat. Aquesta teoria afirma que la societat japonesa és un poble aïllat, homogeni i amb les seves úniques i pròpies particularitats a causa de la circumstància única de ser una illa. S'analitzarà fins a quin punt aquest argument és cert o, si tal com diuen els seus crítics, el Nihonjinron i les seves tesis no són més que un mite, és a dir, un discurs creat, reproduït i imposat en la societat japonesa per tal de tranquil·litzar el desassossec de la seva pròpia identitat davant l'arribada d'Occident. Clarament totes les cultures són úniques i diferents entre elles i tenen una identitat pròpia, la societat japonesa no n'és l'excepció. Així doncs l'objectiu d'aquest treball serà qüestionar-se i analitzar com aquesta afirmació es va construir en la societat japonesa, en quin context va ser mostrada i amb quina finalitat, començant amb una anàlisi del mateix origen del Nihonjinron i el seu mite.En este trabajo se estudiará el concepto de país isla (島国, shimaguni) y cómo es representado dentro de la teoría del Nihonjinron o teoría de la japonesidad. Esta teoría afirma que la sociedad japonesa es un pueblo aislado, homogéneo y con sus únicas y propias particularidades debido a la circunstancia única de ser una isla. Se analizará hasta qué punto este argumento es cierto o, si tal como dicen sus críticos, el Nihonjinron y su tesis no son más que un mito, es decir, un discurso creado, reproducido e impuesto en la sociedad japonesa para tranquilizar el desasosiego de su propia identidad ante la llegada de Occidente. Claramente todas las culturas son únicas y diferentes entre ellas y tienen una identidad propia, la sociedad japonesa no es la excepción. Así pues, el objetivo de este trabajo será cuestionarse y analizar cómo esta afirmación se construyó en la sociedad japonesa, en qué contexto fue mostrada y con qué finalidad, empezando con un análisis del mismo origen del Nihonjinron y su mito.In this work will study the concept of state island (島国, shimaguni) and how is represented in the theory of the Nihonjinron or theory of the japaneseness. This theory affirm that the Japanese society is an isolated village, homogeneous and with his only and own particularities because of the only circumstance to be an island. It will analyses to what extent this argument is true or, as the critics affirms, the Nihonjinron and his these are not more than a myth, a speech created, reproduced and imposed in the Japanese Society in order to reassure the anxiety of his own identity in front of the arrival of Occident. Clearly all the cultures are only and different between them and have an own identity, the Japanese Society is not the exception. The aim of this work will be to question and analyses how this affirmation built in the Japanese society, in which context was showed and with which purpose, beginning with an analysis of the same origin of the Nihonjinron and his myth

    A colorectal cancer genome-wide association study in a Spanish cohort identifies two variants associated with colorectal cancer risk at 1p33 and 8p12

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    Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a disease of complex aetiology, with much of the expected inherited risk being due to several common low risk variants. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have identified 20 CRC risk variants. Nevertheless, these have only been able to explain part of the missing heritability. Moreover, these signals have only been inspected in populations of Northern European origin. Results: Thus, we followed the same approach in a Spanish cohort of 881 cases and 667 controls. Sixty-four variants at 24 loci were found to be associated with CRC at p-values <10-5. We therefore evaluated the 24 loci in another Spanish replication cohort (1481 cases and 1850 controls). Two of these SNPs, rs12080929 at 1p33 (Preplication=0.042; Ppooled=5.523x10-03; OR (CI95%)=0.866(0.782-0.959)) and rs11987193 at 8p12 (Preplication=0.039; Ppooled=6.985x10-5; OR (CI95%)=0.786(0.705-0.878)) were replicated in the second Phase, although they did not reach genome-wide statistical significance. Conclusions: We have performed the first CRC GWAS in a Southern European population and by these means we were able to identify two new susceptibility variants at 1p33 and 8p12 loci. These two SNPs are located near the SLC5A9 and DUSP4 loci, respectively, which could be good functional candidates for the association signals. We therefore believe that these two markers constitute good candidates for CRC susceptibility loci and should be further evaluated in other larger datasets. Moreover, we highlight that were these two SNPs true susceptibility variants, they would constitute a decrease in the CRC missing heritability fraction

    BMP2/BMP4 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci in northern and southern european populations

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    Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified 20 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci. Amongst these, four of the signals are defined by tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on regions 14q22.2 (rs4444235 and rs1957636) and 20p12.3 (rs961253 and rs4813802). These markers are located close to two of the genes involved in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling (BMP4 and BMP2, respectively). By investigating these four SNPs in an initial cohort of Spanish origin, we found substantial evidence that minor allele frequencies (MAFs) may be different in northern and southern European populations. Therefore, we genotyped three additional southern European cohorts comprising a total of 2028 cases and 4273 controls. The meta-analysis results show that only one of the association signals (rs961253) is effectively replicated in the southern European populations, despite adequate power to detect all four. The other three SNPs (rs4444235, rs1957636 and rs4813802) presented discordant results in MAFs and linkage disequilibrium patterns between northern and southern European cohorts. We hypothesize that this lack of replication could be the result of differential tagging of the functional variant in both sets of populations. Were this true, it would have complex consequences in both our ability to understand the nature of the real causative variants, as well as for further study designs

    Development of SNP markers present in expressed genes of the plant-pathogen interaction: Theobroma cacao - Moniliophtora perniciosa

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    We report the detection, validation and analysis of SNPs in the plant-pathogen interaction between cacao and Moniliophthora perniciosa ESTs using resequencing. This analysis in 73 EST sequences allowed the identification of 185 SNPs, 57% of them corresponding to transversion, 29% to transition and 14% to indels. The ESTs containing SNPs were classified into 14 main functional categories. After validation, 91 SNPs were confirmed, categorized and the parameters of nucleotide diversity and haplotype were calculated. Haplotype-based gene diversity and polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.559 to 0.56 and 0.115 to 0.12; respectively. Also, it was the advantage when considering haplotypes structure for each locus in place of single SNPs. Most of the gene fragments had a major haplotype combined to a series of low frequency haplotypes. Thus, the re-sequencing approach proved to be a valuable resource to identify useful SNPs for wide genetic applications. Furthermore, the cacao genome sequence availability allow a positional selection of DNA fragments to be re-sequenced enhancing the usefulness of the discovered SNPs. These results indicate the potential use of SNPs markers to identify allelic status of cacao resistance genes through marker-assisted selection to support the development of promising genotypes with high resistance to witch's broom disease. (Résumé d'auteur

    Tumours with loss of MSH6 expression are MSI-H when screened with a pentaplex of five mononucleotide repeats

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    Contains fulltext : 87589.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: microsatellite instability (MSI) is commonly screened using a panel of two mononucleotide and three dinucleotide repeats as recommended by a consensus meeting on MSI tumours held at the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD, USA). According to these recommendations, tumours are classified as MSI-H when at least two of the five microsatellite markers show instability, MSI-L when only one marker shows instability and MSS when none of the markers show instability. Almost all MSI-H tumours are characterised by alterations in one of the four major proteins of the mismatch repair (MMR) system (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 or PMS2) that renders them MMR deficient, whereas MSI-L and MSS tumours are generally MMR proficient. However, tumours from patients with a pathogenic germline mutation in MSH6 can sometimes present an MSI-L phenotype with the NCI panel. The MSH6 protein is not involved in the repair of mismatches of two nucleotides in length and consequently the three dinucleotide repeats of the NCI panel often show stability in MSH6-deficient tumours. METHODS: a pentaplex panel comprising five mononucleotide repeats has been recommended as an alternative to the NCI panel to determine tumour MSI status. Several studies have confirmed the sensitivity, specificity and ease of use of the pentaplex panel; however, its sensitivity for the detection of MSH6-deficient tumours is so far unknown. Here, we used the pentaplex panel to evaluate MSI status in 29 tumours known to harbour an MSH6 defect. RESULTS: MSI-H status was confirmed in 15 out of 15 (100%) cases where matching normal DNA was available and in 28 out of 29 (97%) cases where matching DNA was not available or was not analysed. CONCLUSION: these results show that the pentaplex assay efficiently discriminates the MSI status of tumours with an MSH6 defect