317 research outputs found

    Local regularity for fractional heat equations

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    We prove the maximal local regularity of weak solutions to the parabolic problem associated with the fractional Laplacian with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on an arbitrary bounded open set ΩRN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N. Proofs combine classical abstract regularity results for parabolic equations with some new local regularity results for the associated elliptic problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1704.0756

    Fractional-order operators: Boundary problems, heat equations

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    The first half of this work gives a survey of the fractional Laplacian (and related operators), its restricted Dirichlet realization on a bounded domain, and its nonhomogeneous local boundary conditions, as treated by pseudodifferential methods. The second half takes up the associated heat equation with homogeneous Dirichlet condition. Here we recall recently shown sharp results on interior regularity and on LpL_p-estimates up to the boundary, as well as recent H\"older estimates. This is supplied with new higher regularity estimates in L2L_2-spaces using a technique of Lions and Magenes, and higher LpL_p-regularity estimates (with arbitrarily high H\"older estimates in the time-parameter) based on a general result of Amann. Moreover, it is shown that an improvement to spatial CC^\infty -regularity at the boundary is not in general possible.Comment: 29 pages, updated version, to appear in a Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics: "New Perspectives in Mathematical Analysis - Plenary Lectures, ISAAC 2017, Vaxjo Sweden

    SPROUTY-2 represses the epithelial phenotype of colon carcinoma cells via upregulation of ZEB1 mediated by ETS1 and miR-200/miR-150

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    SPROUTY-2 (SPRY2) is a modulator of tyrosine kinase receptor signaling with receptor- and cell type-dependent inhibitory or enhancing effects. Studies on the action of SPRY2 in major cancers are conflicting and its role remains unclear. Here we have dissected SPRY2 action in human colon cancer. Global transcriptomic analyses show that SPRY2 downregulates genes encoding tight junction proteins such as claudin-7 and occludin and other cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix adhesion molecules in human SW480- ADH colon carcinoma cells. Moreover, SPRY2 represses LLGLL2/HUGL2, PATJ1/INADL and ST14, main regulators of the polarized epithelial phenotype, and ESRP1, an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) inhibitor. A key action of SPRY2 is the upregulation of the major EMT inducer ZEB1, as these effects are reversed by ZEB1 knock-down by means of RNA interference. Consistently, we found an inverse correlation between the expression level of claudin-7 and those of SPRY2 and ZEB1 in human colon tumors. Mechanistically, ZEB1 upregulation by SPRY2 results from the combined induction of ETS1 transcription factor and the repression of microRNAs (miR-200 family, miR-150) that target ZEB1 RNA. Moreover, SPRY2 increased AKT activation by epidermal growth factor (EGF) whereas AKT and also Src inhibition reduced the induction of ZEB1. Altogether, these data suggest that AKT and Src are implicated in SPRY2 action. Collectively, these results show a tumorigenic role of SPRY2 in colon cancer that is based on the dysregulation of tight junction and epithelial polarity master genes via upregulation of ZEB1. The dissection of the mechanism of action of SPRY2 in colon cancer cells is important to understand the upregulation of this gene in a subset of patients with this neoplasia that have poor prognosis.This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (grant SAF2013-43468-R to A.M., SAF2011-29530 to F.X.R.); FEDERInstituto de Salud Carlos III (RD12/0036/0021 to A.M. and J.M.R., RD12/0036/0034 to F.X.R., RD12/0036/0016 to M.S., RD12/0036/0012 to H.G.P., RD06/0020/0003, PS09/00562 and PI13/00703 to J.M.R.); Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2344 Colomics2 to A.M.); Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (to J.M.R.); U.S. Department of Defense (CA093471 and CA110602 to E.H.); National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (1R01CA155234-01 to E.H.); National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (1R21AR062239-01 to E.H.); and the Melanoma Research Alliance (to E. H.)

    Vitamin D effects on human colon normal and tumour organoids

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    Trabajo presentado en FEBS Open Bio, celebrado en Lisboa (Portugal) del 09 al 14 de julio de 2022.Many studies indicate an association between vitamin D deficiency and increased colorectal cancer risk and, specially, mortality. Accordingly, the active vitamin D metabolite 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) inhibits the proliferation and promotes the differentiation of colon carcinoma cells and of other tumour cell types, and also has antitumour effects in animal models of colon cancer. These results prompted us to analyse the effects of calcitriol on human colon normal and cancer stem cells. To this end, we established a living biobank of patient-derived colon organoids generated from the tumour mass and from the adjacent healthy tissue obtained from surgical biopsies. Organoids are a three-dimensional culture system of normal or cancer stem cells and their progeny with a self-organized multicellular structure. By immunohistochemistry and RNAscope in situ hybridization, we found that vitamin D receptor is expressed in LGR5+ colon stem cells in human tissue and in normal and tumour organoid cultures. RNA-sequencing assays showed that both organoid types respond differentially to calcitriol with profound and contrasting changes in their transcriptomic profiles. This was confirmed in an independent series of patient-derived organoids by RT-qPCR assays. In normal organoids, calcitriol upregulates stemness-related genes and inhibits cell proliferation. In contrast, in tumour organoids calcitriol has little effect on stemnessrelated genes, while it induces differentiation-associated genes, and variably reduces cell proliferation. Concordantly, electron microscopy analyses showed that calcitriol does not affect the blastic cell phenotype in normal organoids, but it induces a series of differentiated features in tumour organoids. These results indicate that calcitriol maintains the undifferentiated phenotype of human normal colon stem cells (homeostatic action), while it promotes the differentiation of colon cancer stem cells (anticancer action).

    Combined MEK and PI3K/p110β Inhibition as a Novel Targeted Therapy for Malignant Mesothelioma Displaying Sarcomatoid Features

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    Among malignant mesotheliomas (MM), the sarcomatoid subtype is associated with higher chemoresistance and worst survival. Due to its low incidence, there has been little progress in the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms associated with sarcomatoid MM, which might help to define novel therapeutic targets. In this work, we show that loss of PTEN expression is frequent in human sarcomatoid MM and PTEN expression levels are lower in sarcomatoid MM than in the biphasic and epithelioid subtypes. Combined Pten and Trp53 deletion in mouse mesothelium led to nonepithelioid MM development. In Pten;Trp53-null mice developing MM, the Gαi2-coupled receptor subunit activated MEK/ERK and PI3K, resulting in aggressive, immune-suppressed tumors. Combined inhibition of MEK and p110β/PI3K reduced mouse tumor cell growth in vitro. Therapeutic inhibition of MEK and p110β/PI3K using selumetinib (AZD6244, ARRY-142886) and AZD8186, two drugs that are currently in clinical trials, increased the survival of Pten;Trp53-null mice without major toxicity. This drug combination effectively reduced the proliferation of primary cultures of human pleural (Pl) MM, implicating nonepithelioid histology and high vimentin, AKT1/2, and Gαi2 expression levels as predictive markers of response to combined MEK and p110β/PI3K inhibition. Our findings provide a rationale for the use of selumetinib and AZD8186 in patients with MM with sarcomatoid features. This constitutes a novel targeted therapy for a poor prognosis and frequently chemoresistant group of patients with MM, for whom therapeutic options are currently lacking.[Significance] Mesothelioma is highly aggressive; its sarcomatoid variants have worse prognosis. Building on a genetic mouse model, a novel combination therapy is uncovered that is relevant to human tumors.This work was supported, in part, by grants from Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (F.X. Real), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016, ISCIII (FIS PI15/00045 to A. Carnero), RTICC (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grants RD12/0036/0034 to F.X. Real and A. Carnero, respectively), and CIBERONC (CB16/12/00453 and CD16/12/00275 to F.X. Real and A. Carnero, respectively), cofunded by FEDER from Regional Development European Funds (European Union) and Inserm (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale). M. Marqués was supported by a Sara Borrell Fellowship from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CNIO is supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades as a Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2015-0510

    Genetic and Non-genetic Predictors of LINE-1 Methylation in Leukocyte DNA.

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    Background: Altered DNA methylation has been associated with various diseases. Objective: We evaluated the association between levels of methylation in leukocyte DNA at long interspersed nuclear element 1 (LINE-1) and genetic and non-genetic characteristics of 892 control participants from the Spanish Bladder Cancer/EPICURO study. Methods: We determined LINE-1 methylation levels by pyrosequencing. Individual data included demographics, smoking status, nutrient intake, toenail concentrations of 12 trace elements, xenobiotic metabolism gene variants, and 515 polymorphisms among 24 genes in the one-carbon metabolism pathway. To assess the association between LINE-1 methylation levels (percentage of methylated cytosines) and potential determinants, we estimated beta coefficients (βs) by robust linear regression. Results: Women had lower levels of LINE-1 methylation than men (β = –0.7, p = 0.02). Persons who smoked blond tobacco showed lower methylation than nonsmokers (β = –0.7, p = 0.03). Arsenic toenail concentration was inversely associated with LINE-1 methylation (β = –3.6, p = 0.003). By contrast, iron (β = 0.002, p = 0.009) and nickel (β = 0.02, p = 0.004) were positively associated with LINE-1 methylation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNMT3A (rs7581217-per allele, β = 0.3, p = 0.002), TCN2 (rs9606756-GG, β = 1.9, p = 0.008; rs4820887-AA, β = 4.0, p = 4.8 × 10–7; rs9621049-TT, β = 4.2, p = 4.7 × 10–9), AS3MT (rs7085104-GG, β = 0.7, p = 0.001), SLC19A1 (rs914238, TC vs. TT: β = 0.5 and CC vs. TT: β = –0.3, global p = 0.0007) and MTHFS (rs1380642, CT vs. CC: β = 0.3 and TT vs. CC; β = –0.8, global p = 0.05) were associated with LINE-1 methylation. Conclusions: We identified several characteristics, environmental factors, and common genetic variants that predicted DNA methylation among study participants.This work was partially supported by the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR; grant 09-0780, and a doctoral scholarship awarded to S.M.T.); Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, MINECO, Spain (grants 00/0745, PI051436, PI061614, PI09-02102, and G03/174); Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (grant RD06/0020-RTICC); the U.S. National Institutes of Health (grant RO1-CA089715); a postdoctoral fellowship awarded to A.F.S.A. from the Fundación Científica de la AECC; Fundació Marató TV3; and The Johns Hopkins University Vredenburg Scholarship awarded to A.L.C

    Diagnostic and prognostic value of long noncoding RNAs as biomarkers in urothelial carcinoma

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    Many long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are deregulated in cancer and contribute to oncogenesis. In urothelial carcinoma (UC), several lncRNAs have been reported to be overexpressed and proposed as biomarkers. As most reports have not been confirmed independently in large tissue sets, we aimed to validate the diagnostic and prognostic value of lncRNA upregulation in independent cohorts of UC patients. Thus, expression of seven lncRNA candidates (GAS5, H19, linc-UBC1, MALAT1, ncRAN, TUG1, UCA1) was measured by RT-qPCR in cell lines and tissues and correlated to clinicopathological parameters including follow-up data (set 1: N n = 10; T n = 106). Additionally, publicly available TCGA data was investigated for differential expression in UC tissues (set 2: N n = 19; T n = 252,) and correlation to overall survival (OS). All proposed candidates tended to be upregulated in tumour tissues, with the exception of MALAT1, which was rather diminished in cancer tissues of both data sets. However, strong overexpression was generally limited to individual tumour tissues and statistically significant overexpression was only observed for UCA1, TUG1, ncRAN and linc-UBC1 in tissue set 2, but for no candidate in set 1. Altered expression of individual lncRNAs was associated with overall survival, but not consistently between both patient cohorts. Interestingly, lower expression of TUG1 in a subset of UC patients with muscle-invasive tumours was significantly correlated with worse OS in both cohorts. Further analysis revealed that tumours with low TUG1 expression are characterized by a basal-squamous-like subtype signature accounting for the association with poor outcome. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that overexpression of the candidate lncRNAs is found in many UC cases, but does not occur consistently and strongly enough to provide reliable diagnostic or prognostic value as an individual biomarker. Subtype-dependent expression patterns of lncRNAs like TUG1 could become useful to stratify patients by molecular subtype, thus aiding personalized treatments

    Deciphering the complex interplay between pancreatic cancer, diabetes mellitus subtypes and obesity/BMI through causal inference and mediation analyses.

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    OBJECTIVES: To characterise the association between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) subtypes (new-onset T2DM (NODM) or long-standing T2DM (LSDM)) and pancreatic cancer (PC) risk, to explore the direction of causation through Mendelian randomisation (MR) analysis and to assess the mediation role of body mass index (BMI). DESIGN: Information about T2DM and related factors was collected from 2018 PC cases and 1540 controls from the PanGenEU (European Study into Digestive Illnesses and Genetics) study. A subset of PC cases and controls had glycated haemoglobin, C-peptide and genotype data. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to derive ORs and 95% CIs. T2DM and PC-related single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) were used as instrumental variables (IVs) in bidirectional MR analysis to test for two-way causal associations between PC, NODM and LSDM. Indirect and direct effects of the BMI-T2DM-PC association were further explored using mediation analysis. RESULTS: T2DM was associated with an increased PC risk when compared with non-T2DM (OR=2.50; 95% CI: 2.05 to 3.05), the risk being greater for NODM (OR=6.39; 95% CI: 4.18 to 9.78) and insulin users (OR=3.69; 95% CI: 2.80 to 4.86). The causal association between T2DM (57-SNP IV) and PC was not statistically significant (ORLSDM=1.08, 95% CI: 0.86 to 1.29, ORNODM=1.06, 95% CI: 0.95 to 1.17). In contrast, there was a causal association between PC (40-SNP IV) and NODM (OR=2.85; 95% CI: 2.04 to 3.98), although genetic pleiotropy was present (MR-Egger: p value=0.03). Potential mediating effects of BMI (125-SNPs as IV), particularly in terms of weight loss, were evidenced on the NODM-PC association (indirect effect for BMI in previous years=0.55). CONCLUSION: Findings of this study do not support a causal effect of LSDM on PC, but suggest that PC causes NODM. The interplay between obesity, PC and T2DM is complex