11 research outputs found


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    Abstract— Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktifitas belajar siswa menggunakan media pembelajaran bermuatan karakter (Ren Mapping) dengan menggunakan metode observasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan aktifitas siswa menujukkan siswa mampu berprilaku disiplin dan teliti ketika menggunakan media pembelajaran (Ren Mapping). Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran, pendidikan karakter, ASSURE


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    The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the influence of work family conflict and family work conflict on intention to quit with burnout as an intervening variable. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to all female employees of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Wilayah Semarang which amounted to 46 employees. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Mechanical testing data used this study include the path analysis and Sobel test to test the effect of mediation. The results showed that work family conflict positive and significant influence to burnout and intention to quit, family work conflict positive and significant influence to burnout and intention to quit, and burnout positive and significant influence on intention to quit. Additionally, burnout capable mediating the relationship between work family conflict and family work conflict on intention to quit

    Analisis Fosfor Tanah pada Lahan Sawah Irigasi dan Sawah Tadah Hujan di Kecamatan Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang: Analysis of Soil Phosphorus in Irrigated and Rainfed Rice Fields in Duampanua District) Pinrang Regency

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    Pinrang is one of the regencies with a high level of rice production in South Sulawesi Province. One fertilizer often used for rice cultivation in the Duampanua District is phosphorus (P). In the study area, on average, farmers apply fertilization without adjusting the amount of fertilizer needed for each area of cultivated rice fields. One of them is by giving phosphorus fertilizers which are given continuously in excessive doses, which can cause environmental pollution and nutrient imbalances. This study aims to study the form of soil phosphorus in irrigated and rainfed rice fields on the length of land use in Duampanua District, Pinrang Regency. The research sample points were determined by the purposive sampling method spread over 6 sample points and divided into 3 sampling points according to the time of land use for 10 years, 20 years, and 30 years in the area of composite irrigated and rainfed rice fields. In each point, there are 2 sampling zones, namely at a depth of 0 10 cm and 10-20 cm The parameters observed were pH, C-organic. P-available. P-total, P fractionation, and texture. The results showed that the P-Available soil layer 0-10 cm in irrigated rice fields with a land use age of 10 years was in the high category (18.70 ppm), while the highest category in rainfed rice fields was obtained at 30 years of land use (17, 75 ppm). The P-Total value in the 0-10 cm layer with a usage age of 20 years in irrigated rice fields was categorized as moderate (37.24 mg/100g ), while in rainfed rice fields with a land use age of 10 years in a soil layer of 10-20cm had the highest value of 45.05mg/100g. The fractionation of inorganic phosphorus to form Al-P, Fe-P, and Ca-P showed higher values in rainfed rice fields than in irrigated rice fields. The form and availability of phosphorus in the tillage layer of 10-20 cm in rainfed rice fields are higher than that of irrigated rice fields, especially at the age of 10 years of land use


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    Latar belakang: Hipertensi merupakan penyakit yang paling sering terjadi dan prevalensi semakin meningkat dengan makin bertambahnya usia harapan hidup (UHH) di dunia. Angka kejadian hipertensi banyak ditemukan pada usia > 60 tahun sekitar 65%, sedangkan pada dewasa ditemukan pada usia 20-39 tahun yang hanya 6,7%. Penerapan Back massage pada lansia dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping dan mampu mencegah dampak buruk dari hipertensi pada lansia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian back massage terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia penderita hipertensi. Metode penelitian:Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Quasi eksperimental designs dengan menggunakan rancangan Non-equivalent control group. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia yang terdata mengalami hipertensi di BPSTW Yogyakarta unit Budhi Luhur. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 37 responden lansia penderita hipertensi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menemukan ada beda signifikan antara pre dan post intervensi pada kelompok intervensi (p0,005). Dan terdapat beda signifikan antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol setelah diberikan intervensi (p<0,005). Sehingga penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa back massage mampu menurunkan tekanan darah sistolik. Kesimpulan: Back Massage dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia penderita hipertesni.Penurunan tekanan darah terjadi pada tekanan sistolik. Oleh karena itu, back massage diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu intervensi keperawatan, sebagai terapi alternative pada penderita hipertensi dalam menurunkan tekanan darah, khususnya pada lansia. Kata Kunci: Hipertensi, Back Massage, penurunan Tekanan Dara


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    This research has purpose to know influence of competence accountant educator, professional ethics accountant performance of educator accountant at private university in Bogor. Population that is accountant educator. Samples amounted to 75 respondents from 9 private universities Bogor. Sampling method this research using non probability sampling. The analytical method used this research validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R2), F test and T test. Based the results the research, it is known that the competence of educators accountant simultaneously and partially influence the accountability of the accountant's performance of educators, professional ethics simultaneously influence but not partially influence the accountant's performance accountant accountability. Contribution amount influence of competence of educator accountant, professional ethics can use to explain accountant performance of 46.7 percent.Keywords: Competence, professional ethics, performance accountabilit

    Pijat Kendiku: Antara Kearifan Lokal dan Kekecewaan terhadap Pengobatan Medis

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    The current era of modernization has entered every line of human life, including the medical world. However, not all people can reach medical treatment even though the government has provided health service facilities. In line with this, traditional alternative medicine such as massage is still popular to cure ailments among the public. The author tries to raise the reasons why people prefer traditional medicine over medical treatment. This study used qualitative ethnographic methods with data collection techniques that are interviews and observations. The result of the research serves as documentation of cultural features in the health sector that is still developing in society. As an analytical technique, the author used James C. Young's health anthropology perspective. The data analyses used are data collection, data reduction, and data presentation in descriptions. This research showed that people prefer massage as a healing method for many reasons, such as having more affordable prices, being unprepared for the risk of medical treatment, feeling disappointment with medical treatment that does not work, and trusting in personalistic illnessThe current era of modernization has entered every line of human life, including the medical world. However, not all people can reach medical treatment even though the government has provided health service facilities. In line with this, traditional alternative medicine such as massage is still very popular among the public to cure ailments. The author tries to raise the reasons why people prefer traditional medicine over medical treatment. This study used qualitative ethnographic methods with data collection techniques, namely interviews and observations. The results of the research serve as documentation of cultural features in the health sector that are still developing in society. As an analytical technique, the authors use James C. Young's health anthropology perspective to explain the data found. The data analysis used is data collection, data reduction, and data presentation in the form of descriptions. This research shows that people prefer massage as a healing method for various main reasons, including a more affordable price; unpreparedness at the risk of medical treatment; disappointment with fruitless medical treatment; and belief in personalistic illness


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    This study examines the use of Discourse Marker in Avengers: Endgame movie. Discourse Markers are words that connect the speaker with what has been said before. The purpose of discourse markers is to keep the conversation owing and not stiff. This discourse marker can improve a person's speaking ability to make it easier to understand. This research uses analytical methods taken from Avengers: Endgame movie, directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo.Avengers: Endgame movie is a 2019 American Superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics superhero team by Avengers. The data collected were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method: the procedure data collection, data analysis, and presentation of the study results. The results showed (1) the number of discourse markers used in the Avengers: Endgame movie ; (2) the discourse marker that appears the most

    Analisis Biaya Terapi Dan Gambaran Pengobatan Pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Moewardi Di Surakarta Pada Tahun 2011

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    Kanker merupakan penyebab kematian kedua di dunia setelah penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah sedangkan di Indonesia kanker payudara menduduki urutan kedua terbanyak setelah kanker serviks. Penyakit tersebut tidak jarang menimbulkan kematian dan kecacatan bagi penderitanya. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk terapi kanker payudara juga tidak sedikit. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran terapi dan biaya medik langsung ratarata terapi kanker payudara berdasarkan kelas rawat inap dengan metode cost analysis di instalasi rawat inap RSUD Dr. Moewardi di Surakarta pada tahun 2011. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan secara retrospektif. Pengolahan data meliputi karakteristik pasien, gambaran pengobatan dan analisis biaya medik langsung rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 5 obat yang sering digunakan pada pasien kanker payudara di RSUD Dr. Moewardi di Surakarta adalah doxorubicin (85,29%), cyclophosphamide (83,82%), fluorouracil (52,94%), paclitaxel (22,06%), cisplatin (17,65%). Biaya medik langsung rata-rata kanker payudara (X.1000) pada kelas I sebesar Rp 15.110,53 per pasien, pada kelas II sebesar Rp 34.047,43 per pasien dan pada kelas III sebesar Rp 10.235,63 per pasien


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    ABSTRACT : THE EFFECT OF PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION TECHNIQUES ON SLEEP QUALITY AND PHYSICAL FATIGUE IN THE ELDERLY AT THE FOUNDATION GUNA BUDI BAKTI MEDAN Background: The elderly experience various health problems, one of which is sleep disturbance and physical fatigue. The elderly require handling sleep problems so that optimal sleep needs are met. Ways to improve sleep quality and physical fatigue are progressive muscle relaxation that can overcome or reduce anxiety, reduce pain, reduce muscle and bone tension.Purpose: This study aims to know the effect of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on sleep quality and physical fatigue of the elderly at the Guna Budi Bakti Foundation in Medan.Methods: This research uses quantitative with a quasi-experimental design through the one group pre-test and a post-test design approach. The time of the study was in May 2020. The population is all elderly. The sampling technique uses a saturated sampling technique and a sample of 73 people. Data collection methods used in the form of questionnaires and observation sheets. Univariate data analysis is displayed in the frequency distribution table, and bivariate with statistics using paired t-test. Results: The results of the study get the majority aged 61-80 years, female gender, self-employed work, and Buddhism. Data results before the majority intervention of sleep quality are less, and physical fatigue is high. After majority intervention of sleep quality is sufficient, and physical fatigue is low. The effect of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on sleep quality and physical fatigue of the elderly, using the paired t-test obtained sig values. (2-tailed) 0,000.Conclusion: There is an influence of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on sleep quality and the physical fatigue of the elderly.      Keywords: Elderly, Quality of sleep, Physical fatigue, Relaxation       INTISARI : PENGARUH TEKNIK RELAKSASI OTOT PROGRESIF TERHADAP KUALITAS TIDUR DAN KELELAHAN FISIK PADA LANSIA DI YAYASAN GUNA BUDI BAKTI MEDAN Pendahuluan: Lansia mengalami berbagai masalah kesehatan salah satunya gangguan tidur dan kelelahan fisik. Lansia memerlukan penanganan masalah tidur sehingga terpenuhi kebutuhan tidur yang optimal. Cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas tidur dan kelelahan fisik yaitu relaksasi otot progresif yang dapat mengatasi atau mengurang kecemasan, mengurangi nyeri, menurunkan ketegangan otot dan tulang.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi otot progresif terhadap kualitas tidur dan kelelahan fisik lansia di Yayasan Guna Budi Bakti Medan.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif dengan desain quasi-experiment melalui pendekatan one group pre test and post test design. Waktu penelitian pada bulan Mei 2020. Populasi adalah seluruh lansia. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh, dan sampel sebanyak 73 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisa data univariat ditampilkan dalam tabel distribusi frekuensi, dan bivariat dengan statistik menggunakan uji paired t- test.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan mayoritas berusia 61-80 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan, pekerjaan wiraswasta, dan beragama Budha. Hasil data sebelum intervensi mayoritas kualitas tidur kurang, dan kelelahan fisik tinggi. Setelah intervensi mayoritas kualitas tidur cukup, dan kelelahan fisik rendah. Pengaruh teknik relaksasi otot progresif terhadap kualitas tidur dan kelelahan fisik lansia, menggunakan uji paired t- test didapatkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) 0,000.Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh teknik relaksasi otot progresif terhadap kualitas tidur dan kelelahan fisik lansi

    Koefisien Kelima Dari Kelas Fungsi Bazilevi C B1(a)

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    Fungsi Bazilevic merupakan salah satu kajian dalam matematika analisis, yang menjadi subkelas terbesar dari fungsi univalen. Dalam skripsi ini dipelajari mengenai estimasi batas tajam koefisisien kelima dari fungsi Bazilevic B1() untuk 0. Dengan menggunakan lemma, teorema, dan menyamakan koefisien yang bersesuaian, estimasi batas tajam dari ja5j, dan koefisien kelima A5 dari fungsi invers ketika 0 1 dapat ditemukan