36 research outputs found

    Effect of multipath and antenna diversity in MIMO-OFDM systems with imperfect channel estimation and phase noise compensation

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    The effect of phase noise in multiple-input–multiple-output systems employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is analyzed in a realistic scenario where channel estimation is not perfect, and the phase noise effects are only partially compensated. In particular, the degradation in terms of SNR is derived and the effects of the receiver and channel parameters are considered, showing that the penalty is different for different receiver schemes. Moreover it depends on the channel characteristics and on the channel estimation error. An analytical expression is used to evaluate the residual inter-channel interference variance and therefore the degradation. The effects of multipath and antenna diversity are shown to be different for the two types of linear receivers considered, the zero-forcing scheme and the minimum mean squared error receiver.This work has been partly funded by projects “MACAWI” TEC2005-07477-C02-02 and “MULTI-ADAPTIVE” TEC2008-06327-C03-02.Publicad

    Seasonal and spatial variability in plankton production and respiration in the Subtropical Gyres of the Atlantic Ocean

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    Euphotic zone plankton production (P) and respiration (R) were determined from the in vitro flux of dissolved oxygen during six latitudinal transects of the Atlantic Ocean, as part of the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme. The transects traversed the North and South Atlantic Subtropical Gyres (N gyre, 18–38°N; S gyre, 11–35°S) in April–June and September–November 2003–2005. The route and timing of the cruises enabled the assessment of the seasonal variability of P, R and P/R in the N and S gyres, and the comparison of the previously unsampled N gyre centre with the more frequently sampled eastern edge of the gyre. Mean euphotic zone integrated rates (±SE) were P=63±23 (n=31), R=69±22 (n=30) mmol O2 m-2 d-1 in the N gyre; and P=58±26 (n=30), R=62±24 (n=30) mmol O2 m-2 d-1 in the S gyre. Overall, the N gyre was heterotrophic (R>P) and it was more heterotrophic than the S gyre, but the metabolic balance of both gyres changed with season. Both gyres were net heterotrophic in autumn, and balanced in spring. This seasonal contrast was most pronounced for the S gyre, because it was more autotrophic than the N gyre during spring. This may have arisen from differences in nitrate availability, because spring sampling in the S gyre coincided with periods of deep mixing to the nitracline, more frequently than spring sampling within the N gyre. Our results indicate that the N gyre is less heterotrophic than previous estimates suggested, and that there is an apparent decrease in R from the eastern edge to the centre of the N gyre, possibly indicative of an allochthonous organic carbon source to the east of the gyre

    Detrital input sustains diatom production off a glaciated Arctic coast

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    In the Arctic and subarctic oceans, the relatively low supply of silicon (compared to other nutrients) can make it limiting for the growth of diatoms, a fundamental building block of the oceanic food web. Glaciers release large quantities of dissolved silicon and dissolvable solid amorphous silica phases into high-latitude estuaries (fjords), but the role of these glacially-derived silica phases in sustaining diatom growth in the coastal and open-water sectors remains unknown. Here we show how stable and radiogenic silicon isotopes can be used together to address this question, using southwest Greenland as a case study. This study finds enhanced levels of detrital (i.e., mineral) amorphous silica, likely glacially-sourced, sustaining a large portion of diatom growth observed off the coast, revealing how the phytoplankton community can function during high-meltwater periods

    Silicon isotopes highlight the role of glaciated fjords in modifying coastal waters

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    Glaciers and ice sheets are experiencing rapid warming under current climatic change and there is increasing evidence that glacial meltwaters provide key dissolved and dissolvable amorphous nutrients to downstream ecosystems. However, large debate exists around the fate of these nutrients within complex and heterogenous fjord environments, where biogeochemical cycling is still often poorly understood. We combine silicon (Si) concentration data with isotopic compositions to better understand silicon cycling and export in two contrasting fjordic environments in south-west Greenland. We show that both fjords have isotopically light dissolved silicon (DSi) within surface waters, despite an apparently rapid biological drawdown of DSi with increasing salinity. We hypothesise that such observations cannot be explained by simple water mass mixing processes, and postulate that an isotopically light source of Si, most likely glacially-derived amorphous silica (ASi), is responsible for further modifying these coastal waters within the fjords and beyond. Fjord to coastal exchange is likely a relatively slow process (several months), and thus is less impacted by short-term (< seasonal) changes of glacial meltwater input into the fjord, which has implications when considering the role of glacial meltwaters on nutrient export beyond the shelf break. We highlight the need for isotopic studies combined with dissolved and particulate nutrient concentration analysis to provide a more detailed analysis into the biogeochemical cycles within these highly dynamic fjord environments

    Growth and mortality of coccolithophores during spring in a temperate Shelf Sea (Celtic Sea, April 2015)

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    Coccolithophores are key components of phytoplankton communities, exerting a critical impact on the global carbon cycle and the Earth’s climate through the production of coccoliths made of calcium carbonate (calcite) and bioactive gases. Microzooplankton grazing is an important mortality factor in coccolithophore blooms, however little is currently known regarding the mortality (or growth) rates within non-bloom populations. Measurements of coccolithophore calcite production (CP) and dilution experiments to determine microzooplankton (≀63 ”m) grazing rates were made during a spring cruise (April 2015) at the Central Celtic Sea (CCS), shelf edge (CS2), and within an adjacent April bloom of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi at station J2. CP at CCS ranged from 10.4 to 40.4 ”mol C m−3 d−1 and peaked at the height of the spring phytoplankton bloom (peak chlorophyll-a concentrations ∌6 mg m−3). Cell normalised calcification rates declined from ∌1.7 to ∌0.2 pmol C cell−1 d−1, accompanied by a shift from a mixed coccolithophore species community to one dominated by the more lightly calcified species E. huxleyi and Calciopappus caudatus. At the CCS, coccolithophore abundance increased from 6 to 94 cells mL−1, with net growth rates ranging from 0.06 to 0.21 d−1 from the 4th to the 28th April. Estimates of intrinsic growth and grazing rates from dilution experiments, at the CCS ranged from 0.01 to 0.86 d−1 and from 0.01 to 1.32 d−1, respectively, which resulted in variable net growth rates during April. Microzooplankton grazers consumed 59 to >100% of daily calcite production at the CCS. Within the E. huxleyi bloom a maximum density of 1986 cells mL−1 was recorded, along with CP rates of 6000 ”mol C m−3 d−1 and an intrinsic growth rate of 0.29 d−1, with ∌80% of daily calcite production being consumed. Our results show that microzooplankton can exert strong top-down control on both bloom and non-bloom coccolithophore populations, grazing over 60% of daily growth (and calcite production). The fate of consumed calcite is unclear, but may be lost either through dissolution in acidic food vacuoles, and subsequent release as CO2, or export to the seabed after incorporation into small faecal pellets. With such high microzooplankton-mediated mortality losses, the fate of grazed calcite is clearly a high priority research direction

    20 years of the Atlantic Meridional Transect - AMT

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    The AMT (www.amt-uk.org) is a multidisciplinary programme which undertakes biological, chemical, and physical oceanographic research during an annual voyage between the UK and a destination in the South Atlantic such as the Falkland Islands, South Africa, or Chile. This transect of >12,000 km crosses a range of ecosystems from subpolar to tropical, from euphotic shelf seas and upwelling systems, to oligotrophic mid-ocean gyres. The year 2015 has seen two milestones in the history of the AMT: the achievement of 20 years of this unique ocean going programme and the departure of the 25th cruise on the 15th of September. Both of these events were celebrated in June this year with an open science conference hosted by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and will be further documented in a special issue of Progress in Oceanography which is planned for publication in 2016. Since 1995, the 25 research cruises have involved 242 sea-going scientists from 66 institutes representing 22 countries. AMT was designed from the outset to be a collaborative programme. It was originally conceived by Jim Aiken, Patrick Holligan, Roger Harris, and Dave Robins with Chuck McClain and Chuck Trees at NASA to test and ground truth satellite algorithms of ocean color. The opportunities offered by this initiative meant that this series of repeated biannual cruises rapidly developed into a coordinated study of ocean biodiversity, biogeochemistry, and ocean/atmosphere interactions

    Late Winter Biogeochemical Conditions Under Sea Ice in the Canadian High Arctic

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    With the Arctic summer sea-ice extent in decline, questions are arising as to how changes in sea-ice dynamics might affect biogeochemical cycling and phenomena such as carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake and ocean acidification. Recent field research in these areas has concentrated on biogeochemical and CO2 measurements during spring, summer or autumn, but there are few data for the winter or winter–spring transition, particularly in the High Arctic. Here, we present carbon and nutrient data within and under sea ice measured during the Catlin Arctic Survey, over 40 days in March and April 2010, off Ellef Ringnes Island (78° 43.11â€Č N, 104° 47.44â€Č W) in the Canadian High Arctic. Results show relatively low surface water (1–10 m) nitrate (<1.3 ”M) and total inorganic carbon concentrations (mean±SD=2015±5.83 ”mol kg−1), total alkalinity (mean±SD=2134±11.09 ”mol kg−1) and under-ice pCO2sw (mean±SD=286±17 ”atm). These surprisingly low wintertime carbon and nutrient conditions suggest that the outer Canadian Arctic Archipelago region is nitrate-limited on account of sluggish mixing among the multi-year ice regions of the High Arctic, which could temper the potential of widespread under-ice and open-water phytoplankton blooms later in the season

    Seasonality and spatial heterogeneity of the surface ocean carbonate system in the northwest European continental shelf

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    In 2014–5 the UK NERC sponsored an 18 month long Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry research programme which collected over 1500 nutrient and carbonate system samples across the NW European Continental shelf, one of the largest continental shelves on the planet. This involved the cooperation of 10 different Institutes and Universities, using 6 different vessels. Additional carbon dioxide (CO2) data were obtained from the underway systems on three of the research vessels. Here, we present and discuss these data across 9 ecohydrodynamic regions, adapted from those used by the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). We observed strong seasonal and regional variability in carbonate chemistry around the shelf in relation to nutrient biogeochemistry. Whilst salinity increased (and alkalinity decreased) out from the near-shore coastal waters offshore throughout the year nutrient concentrations varied with season. Spatial and seasonal variations in the ratio of DIC to nitrate concentration were seen that could impact carbon cycling. A decrease in nutrient concentrations and a pronounced under-saturation of surface pCO2 was evident in the spring in most regions, especially in the Celtic Sea. This decrease was less pronounced in Liverpool Bay and to the North of Scotland, where nutrient concentrations remained measurable throughout the year. The near-shore and relatively shallow ecosystems such as the eastern English Channel and southern North Sea were associated with a thermally driven increase in pCO2 to above atmospheric levels in summer and an associated decrease in pH. Non-thermal processes (such as mixing and the remineralisation of organic material) dominated in winter in most regions but especially in the northwest of Scotland and in Liverpool Bay. The large database collected will improve understanding of carbonate chemistry over the North-Western European Shelf in relation to nutrient biogeochemistry, particularly in the context of climate change and ocean acidification

    Strong responses of Southern Ocean phytoplankton communities to volcanic ash

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    Volcanic eruptions have been hypothesized as an iron supply mechanism for phytoplankton blooms; however, little direct evidence of stimulatory responses has been obtained in the field. Here we present the results of twenty-one 1–2?day bottle enrichment experiments from cruises in the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean which conclusively demonstrated a photophysiological and biomass stimulation of phytoplankton communities following supply of basaltic or rhyolitic volcanic ash. Furthermore, experiments in the Southern Ocean demonstrated significant phytoplankton community responses to volcanic ash supply in the absence of responses to addition of dissolved iron alone. At these sites, dissolved manganese concentrations were among the lowest ever measured in seawater, and we therefore suggest that the enhanced response to ash may have been a result of the relief of manganese (co)limitation. Our results imply that volcanic ash deposition events could trigger extensive phytoplankton blooms, potentially capable of significant impacts on regional carbon cycling

    Report from an International Nutrient Workshop focusing on Phosphate Analysis

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