218 research outputs found
Vergleich der BundeslĂ€nder: Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren fĂŒr den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien 2014 - Indikatoren und Ranking
[Einleitung. BundeslĂ€nder-Vergleichsstudie 2014] Die vorliegende BundeslĂ€nder-Vergleichsstudie 2014 baut auf den VorgĂ€ngerstudien auf. Wie in den frĂŒheren Studien werden neben energie- und umweltpolitischen Aspekten der Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien in den BundeslĂ€ndern auch technologie- und industriepolitische Aspekte der Branche einbezogen. Dabei werden jeweils sowohl politische Ziele und Anstrengungen als auch bisher beobachtbare Erfolge im Indikatorensystem erfasst. Das Ziel der aktuellen Studie besteht vor allem darin, die vergleichenden Analysen der BundeslĂ€nder im Bereich Erneuerbarer Energien zu aktualisieren, wobei eine weitgehende Vergleichbarkeit mit den Ergebnissen der BundeslĂ€nder-Vergleichsstudie 2012 angestrebt wird. DarĂŒber hinaus werden in der aktuellen Studie explizit Aspekte der Systemintegration Erneuerbarer Energien in das Indikatorensystem einbezogen, da diese vor dem Hintergrund stark wachsender Anteile Erneuerbarer Energien im Stromsektor zunehmende Bedeutung fĂŒr das Gelingen der Energiewende erlangt. Mit dem Vorhaben soll die Transparenz ĂŒber den Stand und die Entwicklung Erneuerbarer Energien in der regionalen Struktur nach BundeslĂ€ndern erhöht werden. Es dient zugleich der Politikberatung im Hinblick auf die Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr den Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien in den BundeslĂ€ndern. Hauptadressaten sind insofern die EntscheidungstrĂ€ger in den BundeslĂ€ndern. BerĂŒhrt werden damit zugleich aber auch politische Abstimmungsfragen auf Bundes- und Kommunalebene. DarĂŒber hinaus richtet sich die Studie auch an die interessierte Ăffentlichkeit sowie an die energiewirtschaftliche Fachwelt. Die vorliegende Studie wurde von Februar bis September 2014 in Kooperation des Deutschen Instituts fĂŒr Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) mit dem Zentrum fĂŒr Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-WĂŒrttemberg (ZSW) und der Agentur fĂŒr Erneuerbare Energien (AEE) erstellt. Die Datenerfassung wurde im Wesentlichen Anfang Juni 2014 abgeschlossen. Zu den Informationsgrundlagen haben dankenswerterweise die zustĂ€ndigen Landesministerien sowie zahlreiche Vertreter von FachverbĂ€nden Erneuerbarer Energien und von Industrie- und Handelskammern im Rahmen von Befragungen wesentlich beigetragen. In Kapitel 2 werden zunĂ€chst konzeptionelle und methodische Aspekte der Indikatorenanalyse sowie Fragen der DatenverfĂŒgbarkeit erlĂ€utert. Kapitel 3 enthĂ€lt eine vollstĂ€ndige Darstellung der ermittelten Einzelindikatoren im LĂ€ndervergleich. Auf dieser Basis werden in Kapitel 4 die Einzelindikatoren zu Gruppenindikatoren und zu einem Gesamtindikator fĂŒr ein ĂŒbergreifendes Ranking der BundeslĂ€nder im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien zusammengefasst. Eine Analyse nach BundeslĂ€ndern im Hinblick auf Best Practice erfolgt in Kapitel 5. Kapitel 6 enthĂ€lt eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse. Weitere Details werden im Anhang dokumentiert
COVID-19: a catalyst for the digitization of surgical teaching at a German University Hospital
Background: The summer semester 2020, had to be restructured due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the associated contact restrictions. Here, for the frst time, the established lectures in lecture halls and small group seminars
could not be conducted in presence as usual. A possible tool for the implementation of medical teaching, ofers the
use of eLearning, online webinars and learning platforms. At present it is unclear how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will
afect surgical teaching, how digitization will be accepted by students, and how virtual teaching can be expanded in
the future.
Methods: The teaching, which was previously delivered purely through face-to-face lectures, was completely converted to digital media. For this purpose, all lectures were recorded and were available to students on demand. The
seminars were held as a twice a week occurring online webinar. The block internship was also conducted as a daily
online webinar and concluded with an online exam at the end.
At the end of the semester, a survey of the students was carried out, which was answered by n=192 students with an
anonymized questionnaire. The questionnaire inquires about the previous and current experience with eLearning, as
well as the possibility of a further development towards a purely digital university.
Results: There were n=192 students in the study population. For 88%, the conversion of classes to web-based lectures represented their frst eLearning experience. For 77% of all students, the digitization of teaching led to a change
in the way they prepare for class. 73% of the participating students are of the opinion that eLearning lectures should
continue to be ofered. 54% of the students felt that eLearning lectures made more sense than face-to-face lectures. A
purely virtual university could be imagined by 41% of the students.
Conclusion: The conversion of teaching represented the frst contact with eLearning for most students. Overall, the
eLearning ofering was experienced as positive. Due to the new teaching structure, the way of learning had already
changed during the semester. Based on the new eLearning content, the already existing formats can be further
expanded in the future. Nevertheless, it turned out that the practical-surgical contents and skills cannot be adequately represented by purely online ofers; for this, the development of hybrid practice-oriented teaching concepts
is necessary
Refining the Moose Serum Progesterone Threshold to Diagnose Pregnancy
Pregnancy determination is necessary for sound wildlife management and understanding population dynamics. Pregnancy rates are sensitive to environmental and physiological factors and may indicate the overall trajectory of a population. Pregnancy can be assessed through direct methods (rectal palpation, sonography) or indicated using hormonal assays (serum progesterone or pregnancy-specific protein B, fecal progestogen metabolites). A commonly used threshold of 2 ng/ml of progesterone in serum has been used by moose biologists to indicate pregnancy but has not been rigorously investigated. To refine this threshold, we examined the relationship between progesterone concentrations in serum samples and pregnancy in 87 moose (Alces alces; 64 female, 23 male) captured from 2010 to 2020 in the Grand Portage Indian Reservation in northeastern Minnesota, USA. Pregnancy was confirmed via rectal palpation (nâ=â25), necropsy (nâ=â2), calf observation (nâ=â25) or characteristic pre-calving behavior (nâ=â6), with a total of 58 females determined pregnant and 6 not pregnant; 23 males were included to increase the non-pregnant sample size. Using receiver operating characteristic analysis, we identified an optimal threshold of 1.115 ng/ml with a specificity of 0.97 (95% confidence interval [CI]â=â0.90â1.00) and a sensitivity of 0.98 (95% CIâ=â0.95â1.00). Progesterone concentrations were significantly higher in cases of pregnant versus non-pregnant cows, but we did not detect a difference between single and twin births. We applied our newly refined threshold to calculate annual pregnancy rates for all female moose (nâ=â133) captured in Grand Portage from 2010 to 2021. Mean pregnancy rate during this period was 91% and ranged annually from 69.2 to 100%. Developing a reliable method for determining pregnancy status via serum progesterone analyses will allow wildlife managers to assess pregnancy rates of moose without devoting substantial time and resources to palpation and calf monitoring
Use of the ML-Flow test as a tool in classifying and treating leprosy
FUNDAMENTOS: O tratamento da hansenĂase Ă© definido pela classificação de pacientes em paucibacilares (PB) e multibacilares (MB). A OMS (Organização Mundial de SaĂșde) classifica os doentes de acordo com o nĂșmero de lesĂ”es, mas Ridley-Jopling (R&J) utiliza tambĂ©m exames complementares, porĂ©m Ă© de difĂcil utilização fora dos serviços de referĂȘncia. Em 2003 foi desenvolvido um teste denominado ML-Flow, uma alternativa Ă sorologia por ELISA para auxiliar na classificação de pacientes em PB e MB e auxiliar na decisĂŁo terapĂȘutica. OBJETIVOS: Observar a concordĂąncia entre o teste de ML-Flow e baciloscopia de linfa, exame jĂĄ consagrado para detecção de MB. Analisar a utilidade do teste de ML-Flow em campo. MATERIAL E MĂTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo avaliando prontuĂĄrio de 55 pacientes virgens de tratamento, diagnosticados como PB ou MB por R&J. Submetidos Ă baciloscopia e ao teste de ML-Flow. RESULTADOS: Nos MB, a baciloscopia foi positiva em 80% dos casos, o ML-flow foi positivo em 82,5%. Entre os PB, o ML-Flow foi positivo em 37,5% e a baciloscopia do esfregaço foi negativa em 100% dos casos. A concordĂąncia entre os resultados da baciloscopia do esfregaço e ML-Flow foi de 87,5%, kappa=0,59, p<0,001. CONCLUSĂO: Nenhum teste laboratorial Ă© 100% sensĂvel e especĂfico para a correta classificação de todas as formas de hansenĂase. O ML-Flow Ă© um teste rĂĄpido, de fĂĄcil manuseio em campo, menos invasivo que a baciloscopia podendo ser Ăștil para auxiliar na decisĂŁo terapĂȘutica em locais de difĂcil acesso a serviços de referĂȘncia.BACKGROUND: The treatment of leprosy is defined by the classification of patients as paucibacillary (PB) or multibacillary (MB). The WHO (World Health Organization) classifies patients according to the number of lesions, but Ridley-Jopling (R & J) also uses complementary exams, which are difficult to use outside reference services. In 2003, a test called ML-Flow, an alternative to Elisa serology, was developed to help classify patients as PB or MB and decide about their treatment. OBJECTIVES: To assess the agreement between the ML-Flow test and slit skin smears, already largely used for MB detection, and to observe the efficacy of the ML-Flow test in the field. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study evaluating the medical records of 55 patients who had not undergone previous treatment, diagnosed as PB or MB according to R & J and subjected to slit skin smears and the ML- Flow test. RESULTS: In MB patients, slit skin smears were positive in 80% of the cases, the ML-flow was positive in 82.5%. Among PB patients, the ML-Flow was positive in 37.5% and slit skin smears were negative in 100% of the cases. The agreement between skin smear and ML-Flow results was 87.5%, with a kappa value of 0.59, p <0.001. CONCLUSION: No laboratory test is 100% sensitive and specific for the correct classification of all forms of leprosy. The ML-Flow test is faster, easier to use, and less invasive than slit skin smears and therefore may be useful when making therapeutic decisions in areas of difficult access to reference services
Visualization of interindividual differences in spinal dynamics in the presence of intraindividual variabilities
Surface topography systems enable the capture of
spinal dynamic movement. A visualization of possible unique
movement patterns appears to be difficult due to large intraclass and small inter-class variabilities. Therefore, we investigated
a visualization approach using Siamese neural networks (SNN)
and checked, if the identification of individuals is possible based
on dynamic spinal data. The presented visualization approach
seems promising in visualizing subjects in the presence of
intraindividual variability between different gait cycles as well
as day-to-day variability. Overall, the results indicate a possible
existence of a personal spinal âfingerprintâ. The work forms the
basis for an objective comparison of subjects and the transfer of
the method to clinical use cases
A origem do oxigĂȘnio Ă© um dos aspectos mais fascinantes da histĂłria da Terra, existem diversas teorias que explicam este fenĂŽmeno. O evento mais importante da vida ocorrido hĂĄ bilhĂ”es de anos transformou-se no que se conhece como a grande oxidação, podendo surgir a partir de duas hipĂłteses: hipĂłtese heterotrĂłfica e hipĂłtese autotrĂłfica. A hipĂłtese heterotrĂłfica defende que os primeiros seres vivos a surgir seriam os seres heterotrĂłficos, os mesmos captavam a glicose no oceano primitivo e transformavam em energia para a sua multiplicação. Com o passar do tempo estes seres começaram a competir pela glicose presente, dando origem aos processos de fermentação, quimiossĂntese, fotossĂntese anaerĂłbica e finalmente a fotossĂntese aerĂłbica. JĂĄ a hipĂłtese autotrĂłfica alega que os primeiros seres seriam os autotrĂłficos, pois a Terra primitiva nĂŁo teria glicose o suficiente para sustentar a multiplicação dos primeiros seres atĂ© o surgimento da fotossĂntese, sendo assim, 1% dos seres deveriam ser quimiolitoautotrĂłficos, produzindo suas prĂłprias substĂąncias a partir da oxidação de componentes da crosta terrestre. A ideia tem se consolidado atravĂ©s da descoberta de microrganismos denominados arqueas (arqueobactĂ©rias). Sendo assim, o oxigĂȘnio surgiu a partir dos seres fotossintetizantes aerĂłbios, que possuem a clorofila e transformam o CO2 em glicose. No primeiro momento, o oxigĂȘnio foi altamente tĂłxico para a maioria dos seres vivos. Acredita-se que a primeira grande extinção em massa da vida ocorreu devido ao surgimento do oxigĂȘnio, acabando com quase toda a vida na Terra, dando origem a um evento chamado âO Holocausto do OxigĂȘnioâ, um tipo de organismo sobrevivente (cianobactĂ©rias) que a vida na Terra passou a evoluir e se adaptar com a existĂȘncia do oxigĂȘnio. Desse modo, pretende-se com este trabalho comprovar uma das hipĂłteses utilizando um mĂ©todo experimental em laboratĂłrio. Tal experimento consiste em simular uma condição de ambiente anaerĂłbico e inserir um organismo anaerĂłbico que sobrevive na decomposição da matĂ©ria orgĂąnica e na liberação de oxigĂȘnio. Posteriormente, serĂĄ feita a anĂĄlise da presença de oxigĂȘnio. Espera-se obter resultados que comprovem uma das teorias apresentadas
Recent Assembly of an Imprinted Domain from Non-Imprinted Components
Genomic imprinting, representing parent-specific expression of alleles at a locus, raises many questions about howâand especially whyâepigenetic silencing of mammalian genes evolved. We present the first in-depth study of how a human imprinted domain evolved, analyzing a domain containing several imprinted genes that are involved in human disease. Using comparisons of orthologous genes in humans, marsupials, and the platypus, we discovered that the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome region on human Chromosome 15q was assembled only recently (105â180 million years ago). This imprinted domain arose after a region bearing UBE3A (Angelman syndrome) fused with an unlinked region bearing SNRPN (Prader-Willi syndrome), which had duplicated from the non-imprinted SNRPB/BâČ. This region independently acquired several retroposed gene copies and arrays of small nucleolar RNAs from different parts of the genome. In their original configurations, SNRPN and UBE3A are expressed from both alleles, implying that acquisition of imprinting occurred after their rearrangement and required the evolution of a control locus. Thus, the evolution of imprinting in viviparous mammals is ongoing
Impact on birth weight of maternal smoking throughout pregnancy mediated by DNA methylation
Background: Cigarette smoking has severe adverse health consequences in adults and in the offspring of mothers who smoke during pregnancy. One of the most widely reported effects of smoking during pregnancy is reduced birth weight which is in turn associated with chronic disease in adulthood. Epigenome-wide association studies have revealed that smokers show a characteristic âsmoking methylation patternâ, and recent authors have proposed that DNA methylation mediates the impact of maternal smoking on birth weight. The aims of the present study were to replicate previous reports that methylation mediates the effect of maternal smoking on birth weight, and for the first time to investigate whether the observed mediation effects are sex-specific in order to account for known sex-specific differences in methylation levels.
Methods: Methylation levels in the cord blood of 313 newborns were determined using the Illumina HumanMethylation450K Beadchip. A total of 5,527 CpG sites selected on the basis of evidence from the literature were tested. To determine whether the observed association between maternal smoking and birth weight was attributable to methylation, mediation analyses were performed for significant CpG sites. Separate analyses were then performed in males and females.
Results: Following quality control, 282 newborns eventually remained in the analysis. A total of 25 mothers had smoked consistently throughout the pregnancy. The birthweigt of newborns whose mothers had smoked throughout pregnancy was reduced by >200g. After correction for multiple testing, 30 CpGs showed differential methylation in the maternal smoking subgroup including top âsmoking methylation patternâ genes AHRR, MYO1G, GFI1, CYP1A1, and CNTNAP2. The effect of maternal smoking on birth weight was partly mediated by the methylation of cg25325512 (PIM1); cg25949550 (CNTNAP2); and cg08699196 (ITGB7). Sex-specific analyses revealed a mediating effect for cg25949550 (CNTNAP2) in male newborns.
Conclusion: The present data replicate previous findings that methylation can mediate the effect of maternal smoking on birth weight. The analysis of sex-dependent mediation effects suggests that the sex of the newborn may have an influence. Larger studies are warranted to investigate the role of both the identified differentially methylated loci and the sex of the newborn in mediating the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth weight
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