162 research outputs found

    Interval training normalizes cCardiomyocyte function, diastolic Ca<sup>2+</sup> control, and SR Ca<sup>2+</sup> release synchronicity in a mouse model of diabetic cardiomyopathy

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    In the present study we explored the mechanisms behind excitation-contraction (EC)-coupling defects in cardiomyocytes from mice with type-2 diabetes (db/db), and determined whether 13-weeks of aerobic interval training could restore cardiomyocyte Ca2+ cycling and EC-coupling. Reduced contractility in cardiomyocytes isolated from sedentary db/db was associated with increased diastolic sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-Ca2+ leak, reduced synchrony of Ca2+ release, reduced transverse (T)-tubule density, and lower peak systolic and diastolic Ca2+ and caffeine-induced Ca2+ release. Additionally, the rate of SR Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2a)-mediated Ca2+ uptake during diastole was reduced, whereas a faster recovery from caffeine-induced Ca2+ release indicated increased Na+/Ca2+- exchanger (NCX) activity. The increased SR-Ca2+ leak was attributed to increased Ca2+-calmodulindependent protein kinase (CaMKII&#948;) phosphorylation, supported by the normalization of SR-Ca2+ leak upon inhibition of CaMKII&#948; (AIP). Exercise training restored contractile function associated with restored SR Ca2+ release synchronicity, T-tubule density, twitch Ca2+ amplitude, SERCA2a and NCX activities, and SR-Ca2+ leak. The latter was associated with reduced phosphorylation of cytosolic CaMKII&#948;. Despite normal contractile function and Ca2+ handling after the training period, phospholamban was hyperphosphorylated at Serine-16. Protein kinase A (PKA) inhibition (H-89) in cardiomyocytes from the exercised db/db group abolished the differences in SR-Ca2+ load when compared with the sedentary db/db mice. EC-coupling changes were observed without changes in serum insulin or glucose levels, suggesting that the exercise training-induced effects are not via normalization of the diabetic condition. These data demonstrate that aerobic interval training almost completely restored the contractile function of the diabetic cardiomyocyte to levels close to sedentary wild type (WT)

    Interpreting physical performance in professional soccer match-play: Should we be more pragmatic in our approach?

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    Academic and practitioner interest in the physical performance of male professional soccer players in the competition setting determined via time-motion analyses has grown substantially over the last four decades leading to a substantial body of published research and aiding development of a more systematic evidence-based framework for physical conditioning. Findings have forcibly shaped contemporary opinions in the sport with researchers and practitioners frequently emphasising the important role that physical performance plays in match outcomes. Time-motion analyses have also influenced practice as player conditioning programmes can be tailored according to the different physical demands identified across individual playing positions. Yet despite a more systematic approach to physical conditioning, data indicate that even at the very highest standards of competition, the contemporary player is still susceptible to transient and end-game fatigue. Over the course of this article, the author suggests that a more pragmatic approach to interpreting the current body of time-motion analysis data and its application in the practical setting is nevertheless required. Examples of this are addressed using findings in the literature to examine: a) the association between competitive physical performance and ‘success’ in professional soccer, b) current approaches to interpreting differences in time-motion analysis data across playing positions and, c) whether data can realistically be used to demonstrate the occurrence of fatigue in match-play. Gaps in the current literature and directions for future research are also identified

    General-purpose methods for simulating survival data for expected value of sample information calculations

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    Background: Expected value of sample information (EVSI) quantifies the expected value to a decision maker of reducing uncertainty by collecting additional data. EVSI calculations require simulating plausible datasets, typically achieved by evaluating quantile functions at random uniform numbers using standard inverse transform sampling (ITS). This is straightforward when closed-form expressions for the quantile function are available, such as for standard parametric survival models, but these are often unavailable when assuming treatment effect waning and for flexible survival models. In these circumstances, the standard ITS method could be implemented by numerically evaluating the quantile functions at each iteration in a probabilistic analysis, but this greatly increases the computational burden. Thus, our study aims to develop general-purpose methods that standardize and reduce the computational burden of the EVSI data-simulation step for survival data. Methods: We developed a discrete sampling method and an interpolated ITS method for simulating survival data from a probabilistic sample of survival probabilities over discrete time units. We compared the general-purpose and standard ITS methods using an illustrative partitioned survival model with and without adjustment for treatment effect waning. Results: The discrete sampling and interpolated ITS methods agree closely with the standard ITS method, with the added benefit of a greatly reduced computational cost in the scenario with adjustment for treatment effect waning. Conclusions: We present general-purpose methods for simulating survival data from a probabilistic sample of survival probabilities that greatly reduce the computational burden of the EVSI data-simulation step when we assume treatment effect waning or use flexible survival models. The implementation of our data-simulation methods is identical across all possible survival models and can easily be automated from standard probabilistic decision analyses

    Choice of generic antihypertensive drugs for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease - A cost-effectiveness analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypertension is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD). A range of antihypertensive drugs exists, and their prices vary widely mainly due to patent rights. The objective of this study was to explore the cost-effectiveness of different generic antihypertensive drugs as first, second and third choice for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease model (NorCaD) to simulate the cardiovascular life of patients from hypertension without symptoms until they were all dead or 100 years old. The risk of CVD events and costs were based on recent Norwegian sources.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In single-drug treatment, all antihypertensives are cost-effective compared to no drug treatment. In the base-case analysis, the first, second and third choice of antihypertensive were calcium channel blocker, thiazide and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. However the sensitivity and scenario analyses indicated considerable uncertainty in that angiotensin receptor blockers as well as, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta blockers and thiazides could be the most cost-effective antihypertensive drugs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Generic antihypertensives are cost-effective in a wide range of risk groups. There is considerable uncertainty, however, regarding which drug is the most cost-effective.</p

    Controlled clinical trials in cancer pain. How controlled should they be? A qualitative systematic review

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    This qualitative systematic review of the clinical methodology used in randomised, controlled trials of oral opioids (morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone) for cancer pain underlines the difficulties of good pain research in palliative care. The current literature lacks placebo-controlled superiority trials. Recommendations for future research are discussed

    Heart failure patients demonstrate impaired changes in brachial artery blood flow and shear rate pattern during moderate-intensity cycle exercise

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    New Findings What is the central question of this study? We explored whether heart failure (HF) patients demonstrate different exercise-induced brachial artery shear rate patterns compared with control subjects. What is the main finding and its importance? Moderate-intensity cycle exercise in HF patients is associated with an attenuated increase in brachial artery anterograde and mean shear rate and skin temperature. Differences between HF patients and control subjects cannot be explained fully by differences in workload. HF patients demonstrate a less favourable shear rate pattern during cycle exercise compared with control subjects. Repeated elevations in shear rate (SR) in conduit arteries, which occur during exercise, represent a key stimulus to improve vascular function. We explored whether heart failure (HF) patients demonstrate distinct changes in SR in response to moderate-intensity cycle exercise compared with healthy control subjects. We examined brachial artery SR during 40 min of cycle exercise at a work rate equivalent to 65% peak oxygen uptake in 14 HF patients (65 ± 7 years old, 13 men and one woman) and 14 control subjects (61 ± 5 years old, 12 men and two women). Brachial artery diameter, SR and oscillatory shear index (OSI) were assessed using ultrasound at baseline and during exercise. The HF patients demonstrated an attenuated increase in mean and anterograde brachial artery SR during exercise compared with control subjects (time × group interaction, P = 0.003 and P 0.05). In conclusion, HF patients demonstrate a less favourable SR pattern during cycle exercise than control subjects, characterized by an attenuated mean and anterograde SR and by increased OSI

    Patient-reported utilities in advanced or metastatic melanoma, including analysis of utilities by time to death

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    Background: Health-related quality of life is often collected in clinical studies, and forms a cornerstone of economic evaluation. This study had two objectives, firstly to report and compare pre- and post-progression health state utilities in advanced melanoma when valued by different methods and secondly to explore the validity of progression-based health state utility modelling compared to modelling based upon time to death. Methods: Utilities were generated from the ipilimumab MDX010-20 trial (Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00094653) using the condition-specific EORTC QLQ-C30 (via the EORTC-8D) and generic SF-36v2 (via the SF-6D) preference-based measures. Analyses by progression status and time to death were conducted on the patient-level data from the MDX010-20 trial using generalised estimating equations fitted in Stata®, and the predictive abilities of the two approaches compared. Results: Mean utility showed a decrease on disease progression in both the EORTC-8D (0.813 to 0.776) and the SF-6D (0.648 to 0.626). Whilst higher utilities were obtained using the EORTC-8D, the relative decrease in utility on progression was similar between measures. When analysed by time to death, both EORTC-8D and SF-6D showed a large decrease in utility in the 180 days prior to death (from 0.831 to 0.653 and from 0.667 to 0.544, respectively). Compared to progression status alone, the use of time to death gave similar or better estimates of the original data when used to predict patient utility in the MDX010-20 study. Including both progression status and time to death further improved model fit. Utilities seen in MDX010-20 were also broadly comparable with those seen in the literature. Conclusions: Patient-level utility data should be analysed prior to constructing economic models, as analysis solely by progression status may not capture all predictive factors of patient utility and time to death may, as death approaches, be as or more important. Additionally this study adds to the body of evidence showing that different scales lead to different health state values. Further research is needed on how different utility instruments (the SF-6D, EORTC-8D and EQ-5D) relate to each other in different disease areas

    The effects of a 6-week strength training on critical velocity, anaerobic running distance, 30-m sprint and yo-yo intermittent running test performances in male soccer players

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of a moderate intensity strength training on changes in critical velocity (CV), anaerobic running distance (D'), sprint performance and Yo-Yo intermittent running test (Yo-Yo IR1) performances. Methods: two recreational soccer teams were divided in a soccer training only group (SO; n = 13) and a strength and soccer training group (ST; n = 13). Both groups were tested for values of CV, D', Yo-Yo IR1 distance and 30-m sprint time on two separate occasions (pre and post intervention). The ST group performed a concurrent 6-week upper and lower body strength and soccer training, whilst the SO group performed a soccer only training. Results: after the re-test of all variables, the ST demonstrated significant improvements for both, YoYo IR1 distance (p = 0.002) and CV values (p<0.001) with no significant changes in the SO group. 30-m sprint performance were slightly improved in the ST group with significantly decreased performance times identified in the SO group (p<0.001). Values for D' were slightly reduced in both groups (ST -44.5 m, 95% CI = -90.6 to 1.6; SO -42.6 m, 95% CI = -88.7 to 3.5). Conclusions: combining a 6-week moderate strength training with soccer training significantly improves CV, Yo-Yo IR1 whilst moderately improving 30-m sprint performances in non-previously resistance trained male soccer players. Critical Velocity can be recommended to coaches as an additional valid testing tool in soccer

    Chronic CaMKII inhibition blunts the cardiac contractile response to exercise training

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    Activation of the multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) plays a critical role modulating cardiac function in both health and disease. Here, we determined the effect of chronic CaMKII inhibition during an exercise training program in healthy mice. CaMKII was inhibited by KN-93 injections. Mice were randomized to the following groups: sham sedentary, sham exercise, KN-93 sedentary, and KN-93 exercise. Cardiorespiratory function was evaluated by ergospirometry during treadmill running, echocardiography, and cardiomyocyte fractional shortening and calcium handling. The results revealed that KN-93 alone had no effect on exercise capacity or fractional shortening. In sham animals, exercise training increased maximal oxygen uptake by 8% (p < 0.05) compared to a 22% (p < 0.05) increase after exercise in KN-93 treated mice (group difference p < 0.01). In contrast, in vivo fractional shortening evaluated by echocardiography improved after exercise in sham animals only: from 25 to 32% (p < 0.02). In inactive mice, KN-93 reduced rates of diastolic cardiomyocyte re-lengthening (by 25%, p < 0.05) as well as Ca2+ transient decay (by 16%, p < 0.05), whereas no such effect was observed after exercise training. KN-93 blunted exercise training response on cardiomyocyte fractional shortening (63% sham vs. 18% KN-93; p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively). These effects could not be solely explained by the Ca2+ transient amplitude, as KN-93 reduced it by 20% (p < 0.05) and response to exercise training was equal (64% sham and 47% KN-93; both p < 0.01). We concluded that chronic CaMKII inhibition increased time to 50% re-lengthening which were recovered by exercise training, but paradoxically led to a greater increase in maximal oxygen uptake compared to sham mice. Thus, the effect of chronic CaMKII inhibition is multifaceted and of a complex nature