106 research outputs found

    Mehrsprachigkeit, Übersetzung und Nationalliteratur. Deutsche Mácha-Übersetzungen im 19. Jahrhundert

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    Der Artikel geht von dem Umstand aus, dass das Hauptwerk der tschechischen Romantik, Karel Hynek Máchas Máj (1836), zunächst bei einer deutschsprachigen und erst später bei einer tschechischsprachigen Leserschaft Anklang fand. Anhand der deutschen Máj-Übersetzungen durch Siegfried Kapper (1844), Alfred Waldau (1862), Bernard Alois Rambousek (1871) und Karl Müller (1882) wird die Frage untersucht, warum deutsche Übersetzer sich derart in der Übertragung eines Werks der tschechischen Romantik engagierten, dessen Verständnis sie mit enormen sprachkontrastiv-bedingten Problemen konfrontierte, und inwieweit ihre Textübertragungen den Voraussetzungen der Mehrsprachigkeit und einer territorial bestimmten Identitätsbildung in Böhmen unterlagen.The paper is based on the fact that the main work of Czech Romanticism, Karel Hynek Mácha’s Máj (1836), was well received by a German speaking and only later by a Czech speaking readership. By means of the German Máj-translations by Siegfried Kapper (1844), Alfred Waldau (1862), Bernard Alois Rambousek (1871) and Karl Müller (1882) the question is discussed why the German translators engaged themselves to such an extent in a work of Czech Romanticism whose comprehension confronted them with enormous complications due to language contrast and how far their translations depended on the conditions of multilingualism and a territorially determined identity in Bohemia


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    Der Bericht dokumentiert das Aufkommen, die Zusammensetzung und den Verbleib der sächsischen Siedlungsabfälle im Jahr 2013. Neu ist die Darstellung von zahlreichen Aktivitäten und Initiativen der sächsischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträger zur Vermeidung von Abfällen. Des Weiteren werden die Abfallgebühren für Restabfall, Bioabfall und sonstige Entsorgungsgebühren nach Landkreisen, kreisfreien Städten und Abfallverbänden betrachtet. Die Abfallgebührenbelastung pro Einwohner lag bei 54 Euro


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    Der Bericht dokumentiert das Aufkommen, die Zusammensetzung und den Verbleib der sächsischen Siedlungsabfälle im Jahr 2012. Gegliedert in Landkreise und die drei kreisfreien Städte werden die Abfallgebühren für Restabfall, Bioabfall und sonstige Entsorgungsgebühren dargestellt. Die durchschnittliche Abfallgebührenbelastung pro Einwohner lag bei 53 Euro

    Genetic diversification of persistent Mycobacterium abscessus within cystic fibrosis patients

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    Mycobacterium (M.) abscessus infections in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients cause a deterioration of lung function. Treatment of these multidrug-resistant pathogens is associated with severe side-effects, while frequently unsuccessful. Insight on M. abscessus genomic evolvement during chronic lung infection would be beneficial for improving treatment strategies. A longitudinal study enrolling 42 CF patients was performed at a CF center in Berlin, Germany, to elaborate phylogeny and genomic diversification of in-patient M. abscessus. Eleven of the 42 CF patients were infected with M. abscessus. Five of these 11 patients were infected with global human-transmissible M. abscessus cluster strains. Phylogenetic analysis of 88 genomes from isolates of the 11 patients excluded occurrence of M. abscessus transmission among members of the study group. Genome sequencing and variant analysis of 30 isolates from 11 serial respiratory samples collected over 4.5 years from a chronically infected patient demonstrated accumulation of gene mutations. In total, 53 genes exhibiting non-synonymous variations were identified. Enrichment analysis emphasized genes involved in synthesis of glycopeptidolipids, genes from the embABC (arabinosyltransferase) operon, betA (glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase) and choD (cholesterol oxidase). Genetic diversity evolved in a variety of virulence- and resistance-associated genes. The strategy of M. abscessus populations in chronic lung infection is not clonal expansion of dominant variants, but to sustain simultaneously a wide range of genetic variants facilitating adaptation of the population to changing living conditions in the lung. Genomic diversification during chronic infection requires increased attention when new control strategies against M. abscessus infections are explored.Peer Reviewe

    Health literacy among older adults is associated with their 10-years' cognitive functioning and decline - the Doetinchem Cohort Study.

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    Many older adults have low levels of health literacy which affects their ability to participate optimally in healthcare. It is unclear how cognitive decline contributes to health literacy. To study this, longitudinal data are needed. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the associations of cognitive functioning and 10-years' cognitive decline with health literacy in older adults

    Human box C/D snoRNAs with miRNA like functions: expanding the range of regulatory RNAs

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    Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and microRNAs are two classes of non-protein-coding RNAs with distinct functions in RNA modification or post-transcriptional gene silencing. In this study, we introduce novel insights to RNA-induced gene activity adjustments in human cells by identifying numerous snoRNA-derived molecules with miRNA-like function, including H/ACA box snoRNAs and C/D box snoRNAs. In particular, we demonstrate that several C/D box snoRNAs give rise to gene regulatory RNAs, named sno-miRNAs here. Our data are complementing the increasing number of studies in the field of small RNAs with regulatory functions. In massively deep sequencing of small RNA fractions we identified high copy numbers of sub-sequences from >30 snoRNAs with lengths of ≥18 nt. RNA secondary structure prediction indicated for a majority of candidates a location in predicted stem regions. Experimental analysis revealed efficient gene silencing for 11 box C/D sno-miRNAs, indicating cytoplasmic processing and recruitment to the RNA silencing machinery. Assays in four different human cell lines indicated variations in both the snoRNA levels and their processing to active sno-miRNAs. In addition we show that box D elements are predominantly flanking at least one of the sno-miRNA strands, while the box C element locates within the sequence of the sno-miRNA guide strand

    Epigenetic Regulation of a Murine Retrotransposon by a Dual Histone Modification Mark

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    Large fractions of eukaryotic genomes contain repetitive sequences of which the vast majority is derived from transposable elements (TEs). In order to inactivate those potentially harmful elements, host organisms silence TEs via methylation of transposon DNA and packaging into chromatin associated with repressive histone marks. The contribution of individual histone modifications in this process is not completely resolved. Therefore, we aimed to define the role of reversible histone acetylation, a modification commonly associated with transcriptional activity, in transcriptional regulation of murine TEs. We surveyed histone acetylation patterns and expression levels of ten different murine TEs in mouse fibroblasts with altered histone acetylation levels, which was achieved via chemical HDAC inhibition with trichostatin A (TSA), or genetic inactivation of the major deacetylase HDAC1. We found that one LTR retrotransposon family encompassing virus-like 30S elements (VL30) showed significant histone H3 hyperacetylation and strong transcriptional activation in response to TSA treatment. Analysis of VL30 transcripts revealed that increased VL30 transcription is due to enhanced expression of a limited number of genomic elements, with one locus being particularly responsive to HDAC inhibition. Importantly, transcriptional induction of VL30 was entirely dependent on the activation of MAP kinase pathways, resulting in serine 10 phosphorylation at histone H3. Stimulation of MAP kinase cascades together with HDAC inhibition led to simultaneous phosphorylation and acetylation (phosphoacetylation) of histone H3 at the VL30 regulatory region. The presence of the phosphoacetylation mark at VL30 LTRs was linked with full transcriptional activation of the mobile element. Our data indicate that the activity of different TEs is controlled by distinct chromatin modifications. We show that activation of a specific mobile element is linked to a dual epigenetic mark and propose a model whereby phosphoacetylation of histone H3 is crucial for full transcriptional activation of VL30 elements

    Literatur- und Informationsversorgung der Universität Basel : Entwicklung des Bibliotheksverbunds und Rolle der Universitätsbibliothek Basel

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    Die Entwicklung des Bibliotheksverbunds an der Universität Basel ist zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre geprägt von der Ablösung der Zettelkataloge mit dem elektronischen Verbundkatalog, der Rekatalogisierung der gesamtuniversitären Bestände und der Einführung aller Funktionen eines Bibliotheksverwaltungssystems. Darauf folgt die Phase der Reorganisation der Institutsbibliotheken, der Professionalisierung der Bibliotheksleitung und des Dienstleistungsangebots. Das Wachstum der Universität führt zur Departementsbildung. Entlang diesen Verwaltungsstrukturen werden Bibliotheken räumlich und organisatorisch zusammengelegt. Dieser Wandel bietet Gelegenheit, Lernräume für veränderte Bedürfnisse einzurichten. Gleichzeitig werden die Grenzen zwischen den zentralen UB-Standorten und universitären Verbundbibliotheken fließend. Elektronische Medien sind im Universitätsbereich überall verfügbar, Printmedien werden an den Ort der bevorzugten Nutzung verlegt und der lokale Kurierdienst beliefert vor Ort fehlende Literatur. Universitäre Verbundbibliotheken arbeiten enger mit der Hauptbibliothek zusammen und werden zu deren Außenstellen. Umgekehrt übernimmt die Hauptbibliothek zunehmend zentrale Funktionen bei elektronischen Medien, Bibliotheksplanung, Informationskompetenz und Open Access