427 research outputs found

    Bergman-type Singular Operators and the Characterization of Carleson Measures for Besov--Sobolev Spaces on the Complex Ball

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    The purposes of this paper are two fold. First, we extend the method of non-homogeneous harmonic analysis of Nazarov, Treil and Volberg to handle "Bergman--type" singular integral operators. The canonical example of such an operator is the Beurling transform on the unit disc. Second, we use the methods developed in this paper to settle the important open question about characterizing the Carleson measures for the Besov--Sobolev space of analytic functions B2σB^\sigma_2 on the complex ball of Cd\mathbb{C}^d. In particular, we demonstrate that for any σ>0\sigma> 0, the Carleson measures for the space are characterized by a "T1 Condition". The method of proof of these results is an extension and another application of the work originated by Nazarov, Treil and the first author.Comment: v1: 31 pgs; v2: 31 pgs, title changed, typos corrected, references added; v3: 33 pages, typos corrected, references added, presentation improved based on referee comments

    Akademisch geprägte Kompetenzentwicklung: Kompetenzorientierung in Hochschulstudiengängen

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    Der Beitrag untersucht zunächst den Bezug von Hochschulstudiengängen zu darauf aufbauenden beruflichen Tätigkeiten. Employability als mögliches Zielkonzept und Kompetenzorientierung als Methodik, deren Entwicklung während des Studiums zu unterstützen, werden hervorgehoben. Die Merkmale akademischer, an Hochschulen entwickelter Kompetenzen werden herausgearbeitet und die Möglichkeiten, Kompetenzorientierung in Curricula, Vermittlungsmethodik und Evaluation umzusetzen untersucht. Es kann auf ein umfassendes Arsenal von kompetenzförderlichen Lehrarrangements und Lernangeboten zugegriffen werden. Wenn diese in kompetenzhaltige Curricula und Studieninhalte eingebettet und mit formativen Evaluations- und Beratungsleistungen integriert werden, kann damit den derzeitigen Bestrebungen zur Schaffung eines global wettbewerbsfähigen, einheitlichen europäischen Hochschulraums die Chance nicht nur auf administrative Verankerung, sondern auch inhaltlich solide und progressive Umsetzung eröffnet werden

    Kontextabhängigkeit der Auswahl und Brauchbarkeit von Messverfahren: zur Diagnose beruflicher Kompetenzen

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    Kompetenzerfassung ist ein weites Feld, dessen Strukturierung zunehmend schwerfällt. Der Beitrag differenziert Messverfahren hinsichtlich ihres Bezugs zu unterschiedlichen Kompetenzdefinitionen (Kompetenz als Sammelbegriff vs. Kompetenz als organisierende psychische Funktion), möglichen Messzwecken (summativen und formativen) und Messgegenständen (Handeln - Ressourcen - Reflexion). Es werden Kontingenzen aufgezeigt, die die Auswahl von Instrumenten für verschiedene Kontexte unterstützen. Bezogen auf die Qualität von Verfahren und Messinstrumenten wird das pragmatische Kriterium der Verfahrensakzeptanz hervorgehoben. Sie beeinflusst die Auswahl von Messinstrumenten außerordentlich und ist häufig Grund für den Einsatz von Instrumenten geringer Messgüte

    Richard G. Wick Alexander

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    Kombinierte Aorten- und Mitralklappenrekonstruktion

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    1.1 Zusammenfassung Ziele: Die isolierte Mitralklappenrekonstruktion (MKR) ist zu einem Standardverfahren geworden. Die isolierte Aortenklappenrekonstruktion (AKR) findet aufgrund guter mittel- und langfrisitiger Ergebnisse zunehmend Verbreitung. Bei simultaner Aorten- und Mitralklappenchirurgie ist die Kombination aus Aortenklappenersatz und MKR aktuell das Verfahren der Wahl. Ob eine kombinierte AKR und MKR mit akzeptablem Risiko und guten Langzeitergebnissen durchgeführt werden kann, ist bislang unklar. In der vorliegenden Studie stellen wir unsere Erfahrungen mit diesem Vorgehen dar. Methoden: Zwischen 03/1997 und 11/2015 unterzogen sich 156 Patienten (mittleres Alter 60±16 Jahre) aufgrund von relevanter Aorten- (AI) und Mitralklappeninsuffizienz (MI) einer kombinierten AKR/MKR. Perioperative Daten wurden retrospektiv unter Durchsicht der Patientenakten erhoben. Follow-Up Daten wurden mittels strukturierter Telefoninterviews und Anforderung von Verlaufsunterlagen aus weiterbetreuenden Arztpraxen erlangt. Das Follow-Up war zu 99% komplett, mit einer mittleren Dauer von 71±51 Monaten (Median 90, Spannweite 1-225). Ergebnisse: Die perioperative Letalität betrug 4,5%. Das 5- und 10 Jahresüberleben lag bei 78% und 63%. Die Freiheit von Reoperation nach 5 und 10 Jahren betrug 82% und 65%. Insgesamt mussten 31 Patienten reoperiert werden, bei 11 konnte die Klappe dabei erneut rekonstruiert werden. Die Freiheit von Klappenersatz nach 5 und 10 Jahren lag bei 88% und 74%. Die Ergebnisse unterschieden sich, je nach Ätiologie der zugrunde liegenden Klappenerkrankung. Bei rein degenerativer AI und MI lag das Überleben bei 74% und 60%, die Freiheit von Reoperation bei 82% und 77% nach jeweils 5 und 10 Jahren. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten Patienten mit rein rheumatischer Ätiologie ein Überleben von 100% und eine Freiheit von Reoperation von 71% nach 5 und 10 Jahren. Während des Follow-Up-Zeitraumes traten keine schweren Blutungen auf. 5 Patienten entwickelten im Verlauf eine Endokarditis, bei 3 waren thrombembolische Ereignisse zu verzeichnen. Die Freiheit von diesen typischen klappenassoziierten Komplikationen lag nach 10 Jahren bei 93%. Schlußfolgerung: Die kombinierte AKR/MKR kann in erfahrenen Zentren insgesamt mit akzeptablen Ergebnissen, was Überleben der Patienten und Stabilität des Operationsergebnisses im Langzeitverlauf angeht, durchgeführt werden. Das Auftreten typischer klappenassoziierter Komplikationen wie Thrombembolie, Endokarditis und schwerer Blutung ist selten. Eine sorgfältige Patientenselektion ist jedoch notwendig, da sich die Ergebnisse je nach Mechanismus der Klappeninsuffizienzen und Komplexität des notwendigen Eingriffes voneinander unterscheiden1.2 Abstract Objective: Isolated repair of the mitral valve (MVr) has become routine, repair of the aortic valve (AVr) is increasingly accepted with good mid-term stability. For simultaneos aortic and mitral valve surgery the combination of aortic valve replacement and MVr is the treamtment of choice at the moment. It is uncertain, whether combined MVr and AVr will lead to acceptable risk and stability. We analyzed our experience with combined MVr and AVr. Methods: Between 03/1997 and 11/2015 156 patients (mean age 60±16 years) underwent combined AVr/MVr for relevant aortic and mitral regurgitation. Perioperative data were aqcuired retrospectively from patients' medical records. Follow-up was obtained by structured telephone interview of patients or their relatives, as well as collection of additional data from patients' further treating cardiologists and family doctors. Follow-up was 99% complete with a mean duration 71±51 months (median, 90; range, 1-225 months). Results: Early mortality was 4.5%. Five and 10-year-survival was 78% and 63%, freedom from reoperation at 5 and 10 years was 82% and 65%. 31 Patients had to be reoperated. At reoperation, in 11 patients the valve could be re-repaired. Overall freedom from valve replacement at 5 and 10 years was 88% and 74%. Results differed for different etiologies of valvular disease. Survival for purely degenerative disease was 74 and 59% at 5 and 10 years. Freedom from reoperation in this group was 84% and 79% at 5 and 10 years however. In contrast rheumatic etiology showed survival of 100% after 5 and 10 years but only a freedom from reoperation of 71% after 5 and 10 years. During follow-up no bleeding complications occurred. 5 patients developed endocarditis and 3 had thrombembolic events. The 10-year freedom from these typical valve-related complications was 93%. Conclusions: Combined aortic and mitral valve repair can be performed with low morbidity and mortality in adept centers. Overall the procedure leads to acceptable long-term survival and durability. Typical valve-related complications such as bleeding, endocarditis or thrombembolic events are rare. Nevertheless careful patient selection is mandatory, as results differ, depending on etiology of underlying valve disease and complexity of the potential operation

    Risk factors associated with onset of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients treated with denosumab

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    OBJECTIVES While risk factors of bisphosphonate (BP) associated osteonecrosis of the jaw have been properly analyzed, studies focusing on risk factors associated with denosumab (DNO) are sparse. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors influencing the onset of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) in patients receiving antiresorptive treatment (ART) with DNO by comparing patients suffering from MRONJ and patients without MRONJ. Multiple variables were evaluated including the impact of a previous BP intake. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective single-center cohort study with patients receiving DNO was conducted. One-hundred twenty-eight patients were included and divided into three groups: I (control, n = 40) receiving DNO with absence of MRONJ; group II (Test 1, n = 46), receiving DNO with presence of MRONJ; and group III (Test 2, n = 42) sequentially receiving BP and DNO with presence of MRONJ. Patients' medical history, focusing on the identification of MRONJ risk factors, was collected and evaluated. Parameters were sex, age, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, underlying disease (cancer type, osteoporosis), internal diseases, additional chemo/hormonal therapy, oral inflammation, and trauma. RESULTS The following risk factors were identified to increase MRONJ onset significantly in patients treated with DNO: chemo/hormonal therapy (p = 0.02), DNO dosage (p < 0.01), breast cancer (p = 0.03), intake of corticosteroids (p = 0.04), hypertension (p = 0.02), diabetes mellitus (p = 0.04), periodontal disease (p = 0.03), apical ostitis (p = 0.02), and denture use (p = 0.02). A medication switch did not affect MRONJ development (p = 0.86). CONCLUSIONS Malignant diseases, additional chemotherapy, DNO dosage, and oral inflammations as well as diabetes mellitus and hypertension influence MRONJ onset in patients treated with DNO significantly. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Patients receiving ART with DNO featuring aforementioned risk factors have a higher risk of MRONJ onset. These patients need a sound and regular prophylaxis in order to prevent the onset of MRONJ under DNO treatment

    Molecular Recognition Effects in Atomistic Models of Imprinted Polymers

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    In this article we present a model for molecularly imprinted polymers, which considers both complexation processes in the pre-polymerization mixture and adsorption in the imprinted structures within a single consistent framework. As a case study we investigate MAA/EGDMA polymers imprinted with pyrazine and pyrimidine. A polymer imprinted with pyrazine shows substantial selectivity towards pyrazine over pyrimidine, thus exhibiting molecular recognition, whereas the pyrimidine imprinted structure shows no preferential adsorption of the template. Binding sites responsible for the molecular recognition of pyrazine involve one MAA molecule and one EGDMA molecule, forming associations with the two functional groups of the pyrazine molecule. Presence of these specific sites in the pyrazine imprinted system and lack of the analogous sites in the pyrimidine imprinted system is directly linked to the complexation processes in the pre-polymerization solution. These processes are quite different for pyrazine and pyrimidine as a result of both enthalpic and entropic effects

    A Selection of Benchmark Problems in Solid Mechanics and Applied Mathematics

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    In this contribution we provide benchmark problems in the field of computational solid mechanics. In detail, we address classical fields as elasticity, incompressibility, material interfaces, thin structures and plasticity at finite deformations. For this we describe explicit setups of the benchmarks and introduce the numerical schemes. For the computations the various participating groups use different (mixed) Galerkin finite element and isogeometric analysis formulations. Some programming codes are available open-source. The output is measured in terms of carefully designed quantities of interest that allow for a comparison of other models, discretizations, and implementations. Furthermore, computational robustness is shown in terms of mesh refinement studies. This paper presents benchmarks, which were developed within the Priority Programme of the German Research Foundation ‘SPP 1748 Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics—Development of Non-Standard Discretisation Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis’. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Lateglacial and Holocene climate and environmental change in the northeastern Mediterranean region: Diatom evidence from Lake Dojran (Republic of Macedonia/Greece)

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    The juncture between the west-east and north-south contrasting Holocene climatic domains across the Mediterranean is complex and poorly understood. Diatom analysis of Lake Dojran (Republic of Macedonia/Greece) provides a new insight into lake levels and trophic status during the Lateglacial and Holocene periods in the northeastern Mediterranean. Following a very shallow or even desiccated state at the core base at ca. 12,500 cal yr BP, indicated by sedimentological and hydro-acoustic data, diatoms indicate lake infilling, from a shallow state with abundant benthos to a plankton-dominated relatively high lake level and eutrophic state thereafter. Diatom-inferred shallowing between ca. 12,400 - 12,000 cal yr BP and a very low lake level and eutrophic, oligosaline state between ca. 12,000 - 11,500 cal yr BP provide strong evidence for Younger Dryas aridity. The earliest Holocene (ca. 11,500 - 10,700 cal yr BP) was characterised by a high lake level, followed by a lake-level reduction and increased trophic level between ca. 10,700-8,500 cal yr BP. The lake was relatively deep and exhibited peak Holocene trophic level between ca. 8,500-3,000 cal yr BP, becoming shallow thereafter. The diatom data provide more robust evidence and strengthen previous lake-level interpretation based on sedimentological and geochemical data during the earliest, mid and late Holocene, and also clarify previous uncertainty in interpretation of Lateglacial and early-Holocene lake-level change. Our results are also important in disentangling regional climate effects from local catchment dynamics during the Holocene, and to this end we exploit extant regional palynological evidence for vegetation change in the highlands and lowlands. The importance of seasonality in driving Holocene climate change is assessed by reference to the summer and winter latitudinal temperature gradient (LTG) model of Davis and Brewer (2009). We suggest that increased precipitation drove the high lake level during the earliest Holocene. The early- Holocene low lake level and relatively high trophic state may result climatically from high seasonality of precipitation and locally from limited, nutrient-rich catchment runoff. We argue that the mid- Holocene relatively deep and eutrophic state was driven mainly by local vegetation succession and associated changes in catchment processes, rather than showing a close relationship to climate change. The late-Holocene shallow state may have been influenced by a temperature-induced increase in evaporative concentration, but was coupled with clear evidence for intensified human impact. This study improves understanding of Lateglacial and Holocene climate change in the northeastern Mediterranean, suggests the important role of the LTG on moisture availability during the Holocene, and clarifies the influence of catchment processes on palaeohydrology
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