166 research outputs found

    Fattigdom och mikrokredit : en mÄngdimensionell pÄverkansstudie av kvinnor ur ursprungsbefolkningen pÄ landsbygden i Guatemala

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    The high level of economic inequality in the world today is an unacceptable. The poor people of the world lack several essential services, one of them being financial services. In order to achieve economic growth and higher incomes, capital investments are a key determinant. For capital investments to take place, the availability of credit is of outmost importance – but this is usually what poor people lack. In the fight against poverty, micro finance has become an increasingly popular option amongst western donor agencies. There are scientific studies analysing the impact of micro credit, studies which several cases show a positive correlation between the work of micro credit institutions and positive effects on multidimensional aspects of poverty. Guatemala is a country that ranks below average on most social indicators within Central America. The economic inequalities are enormous, leaving the indigenous Maya population far behind. With this point of departure, this master's thesis and Minor Field Study aim to measure the impact of micro credit on indigenous women in a village in the poorest region of Guatemala. Its purpose is to capture how the economic capacity has changed over time due to micro credits from a micro finance institution. In order to obtain a multidimensional picture of their situation, four additional related aspects are examined – political capacity, social capital, human capital and gender equality. In addition, a correlation analysis of the inter-relation between these aspects and economic capacity is carried out. The results are two-sided demonstrating no general correlation between time and economic capacity, nor the four other aspects. The variables that increase with time are: construction of their houses of today, the quality of the clothes and political capacity. The reliability of the data is, however, somewhat questionable. In analysing this, a contribution is made to the ongoing discussion on how to perform impact studies on micro finance institutions as well as on how different aspects influence each other.Den ekonomiska ojĂ€mlikhet som prĂ€glar vĂ€rlden idag Ă€r oacceptabel. Fattiga mĂ€nniskor saknar flertalet grundlĂ€ggande tjĂ€nster, dĂ€ribland de finansiella. I strĂ€van efter ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt och ökade inkomster, spelar kapitalinvesteringar en avgörande roll, och för att dessa skall komma till stĂ„nd Ă€r tillgĂ„ng till kapital ytterst viktig. Detta Ă€r dock just vad de flesta fattiga saknar. I kampen mot fattigdomen har mikrofinans blivit ett verktyg som uppmĂ€rksammats alltmer bland vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska bistĂ„ndsgivare. Det finns mĂ„nga studier av effekten av mikrokrediter, och i flera fall visar dess resultat en positiv korrelation mellan mikrokreditinstitutioners arbete och multidimensionella aspekter av fattigdom. Guatemala Ă€r ett land i Centralamerika som rankas under medel pĂ„ de flesta sociala indikatorer. De ekonomiska ojĂ€mlikheterna Ă€r enorma och ursprungsbefolkningen, Mayaindianerna, ligger alltjĂ€mt lĂ€ngst ned pĂ„ skalan. Med denna utgĂ„ngspunkt, Ă€mnar denna mastersuppsats och mindre fĂ€ltstudie att mĂ€ta vilken pĂ„verkan mikrokrediter har pĂ„ Mayakvinnor i en by i den regionen i Guatemala. Syftet Ă€r att fĂ„nga hur den ekonomiska kapaciteten förĂ€ndrats med tiden som lĂ„n tagits. För att fĂ„ en mer multidimensionell bild av hur deras situation har förĂ€ndrats, undersöks fyra ytterligare aspekter – politisk kapacitet, socialt kapital, humankapital och jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet mellan könen. Utöver detta utförs en korrelationsanalys av relationen mellan dessa aspekter och ekonomisk kapacitet. Resultaten Ă€r dubbelsidiga pĂ„ sĂ„ vis att de inte visar nĂ„gon generell korrelation mellan tid och ekonomisk kapacitet, eller de andra fyra aspekterna. De variabler som dock ökar med tiden Ă€r: konstruktion av deras hus idag, kvaliteten pĂ„ deras klĂ€der och politisk kapacitet. Det gĂ„r dock att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta resultatens trovĂ€rdighet. NĂ€r detta analyseras görs ett bidrag till den pĂ„gĂ„ende diskussionen om hur effekter av mikrofinansinstitutioner mĂ€ts, liksom hur olika variabler pĂ„verkar varandra

    Parhaan asiakaskokemuksen kehittÀminen kulunhallintajÀrjestelmien asiakkuuksissa

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    Toimeksiantaja on kuullut puhuttavan paljon asiakaskokemuksesta ja sen tĂ€rkeydestĂ€. Se asetti visioksi vuodelle 2016 tarjota markkinoiden parhaan asiakaskokemuksen elektromekaanisen kulunhallintajĂ€rjestelmĂ€n asiakkuuksissa. Asiakaskokemus on sitĂ€ millaisia tunteita ja mielikuvia syntyy, kun asiakas ja yritys kohtaavat eri toimintojen kautta. Jokainen asiakaskokemus on yksilöllinen ja asiakaskokemus tarkoittaa jokaisen ihmisen kohdalla eri asioita. Asiakas-kokemus koostuu mielikuva-, osto-, ja kĂ€yttökokemuksista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, miten toimeksiantaja kehittÀÀ parhaan asiakaskokemuksen elektromekaanisten kulunhallintajĂ€rjestelmien asiakkuuksissa. Tutkimuksessa etsittiin vastauksia kvalitatiivisella tutkimusotteella haastattelemalla asiakkaita sekĂ€ toimeksiantajan henkilökuntaa. LisĂ€ksi tutkimusaineistona kĂ€ytettiin toimeksiantajan strategian ja toimintatapojen kuvauksia, joita analysointiin teorialĂ€htöisellĂ€ sisĂ€llönanalyysillĂ€. Tutkimustulokset olivat melko positiiviset, mutta tarjottu asiakaskokemus ei ollut parasta mahdollista asiakkaiden tai henkilöstön mielestĂ€. Tutkimustulosten perusteella toimeksiantaja on pystynyt tarjoamaan asiakkailleen positiivisen ja lĂ€hestyttĂ€vĂ€n mielikuvan ja ensivaikutelman itsestÀÀn. Toimeksiantajan henkilöstöllĂ€ oli hyvĂ€ kĂ€sitys asiakaskokemuksesta. HeidĂ€n mielestÀÀn hyvĂ€ asiakaskokemus on asiakkaan palvelemista hyvin, ammattitaitoisesti ja kohteliaasti; asiakas tuntee olevansa tĂ€rkeĂ€, hĂ€n saa haluamansa ja asiakkaalle jÀÀ hyvĂ€ mieli. Toimeksiantaja on sisĂ€llyttĂ€nyt asiakaslĂ€htöisyyden strategiaansa ja se viestii asiakaslĂ€htöisesti, mutta se ei ole saanut asiakaslĂ€htöisyyttĂ€ ajattelutavaksi sen kaikilla tasoilla, koska kaikki työntekijĂ€t eivĂ€t ymmĂ€rrĂ€ omaa rooliaan yhteisesti sovitussa asiakaslĂ€htöisessĂ€ toimintamallissa. YhtenevĂ€inen toiminta ja tasainen laatu jÀÀvĂ€t siltĂ€ saavuttamatta. Toimeksiantaja on jo lĂ€htenyt asiakkaan matkaan, se on tehnyt paljon asioita oikein ja hyvin. Toisaalta toimeksiantaja on vasta matkansa alkumetreillĂ€ ja sillĂ€ on paljon kehitettĂ€vÀÀ. Asiakaskokemuksen merkityksen sisĂ€istĂ€miseen sekĂ€ asiakaslĂ€htöisen ajattelun juurruttamiseen tarvitaan monien vuosien ponnisteluja. Vastuu ja edellytykset onnistumiseen on yrityksen johdolla. Asiakasta ei voi muuttaa, joten yrityksen on itse muutettava omaa toimintaansa asiakaskĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen edellyttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ tavalla. Toimeksiantajan tarjoaman asiakaskokemuksen tulee olla tarkkaan harkittu pohjautuen sen omiin vahvuuksiin ja valintoihin. HyvĂ€ asiakaskokemus tekee asiakkaan ilahtuneeksi ja positiivisesti yllĂ€ttyneeksi ja saa suosittelemaan yritystĂ€ tai sen tuotteita tai palveluita muille.The client organisation has heard a lot of public discussion about customer experience and its importance. It set a vision for the year 2016 aiming to provide the best customer experience of the market in the access control systems in the customer relationships. Customer experience encompasses what kind of feelings and images are created when the customer and the company interact in different activities. Every customer experience is unique and the customer experience perceived means different conceptualization for every human being. Furthermore, customer experience consists of image, purchasing and operational experience. The aim of the thesis was to find out how the client organisation will develop the best customer experience in the electromechanical access control systems in the customer relationships. The study attempts to seek answers utilizing a qualitative research approach by interviewing clients as well as the principal staff. In addition, the client's strategy and policies descriptions, which are examined through theory- based content analysis, were used as research material. The research results were quite positive but customers and staff thought that the offered customer experience wasn’t the best possible one. According to the research results the client organisation has been able to provide customers both a positive and approachable image and a correspondent first impression of themselves. The staff of the client organisation had a good understanding of the customer experience created. In their opinion, a good customer experi-ence’s goal is to serve the customer well, professionally and courteously; the customer feels important, the customer gets what he/she wants and stays in a good mood. The client organisation has included the customer-oriented idea into their strategy and it communicates in a customer-oriented way. The organisation doesn’t have the customer focus in its way of thinking at all levels because all of the employees do not understand their own role in a mutually agreed customer-oriented approach. A consistent balance of operation and quality fails to be achieved in the client organization. The client organization has already embarked on the customer journey; it has accomplished a lot of with a good standard. On the other hand the client organisation has made only the first steps in its journey and there is room for improvement as well. The importance of internalizing and implementing customer experience and customer-oriented thinking requires many years of effort. The company management bears the preconditions and responsibility for the success. The customer cannot be changed so the company must change their own activities as required by the customer behavior. The customer experience offered by the client organisation must be carefully considered based on its own strengths and choices. A good customer experience makes customers delighted and surprised positively and thus may lead to recommending the company or its products or services to others

    Liederbuch der Freunde des Gesanges in Reval. Zweyte sehr vermehrte Auflage. Reval 1834. Gedruckt bey Lindfors Erben

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    Liederbuch der Freunde des Gesanges in Reval. Reval, gedruckt und zu haben bei Carl Dullo

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    Proceedings of the Sixth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium.

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    Proceedings of theSixth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium.Aarhus, Denmark, November 15, 200

    What contributes to individual differences in brain structure?

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    Individual differences in adult human brain structure have been found to reveal a great deal of information about variability in behaviors, cognitive abilities and mental and physical health. Driven by such evidence, what contributes to individual variation in brain structure has gained accelerated attention as a research question. Findings thus far appear to support the notion that an individual’s brain architecture is determined largely by genetic and environmental influences. This review aims to evaluate the empirical literature on whether and how genes and the environment contribute to individual differences in brain structure. It first considers how genetic and environmental effects may separately contribute to brain morphology, by examining evidence from twin, genome-wide association, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Next, evidence for the influence of the complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors, characterized as gene-environment interactions and correlations, is reviewed. In evaluating the extant literature, this review will conclude that both genetic and environmental factors play critical roles in contributing to individual variability in brain structure

    Sustainable intensification of agriculture for human prosperity and global sustainability

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    There is an ongoing debate on what constitutes sustainable intensification of agriculture (SIA). In this paper, we propose that a paradigm for sustainable intensification can be defined and translated into an operational framework for agricultural development. We argue that this paradigm must now be defined—at all scales—in the context of rapidly rising global environmental changes in the Anthropocene, while focusing on eradicating poverty and hunger and contributing to human wellbeing. The criteria and approach we propose, for a paradigm shift towards sustainable intensification of agriculture, integrates the dual and interdependent goals of using sustainable practices to meet rising human needs while contributing to resilience and sustainability of landscapes, the biosphere, and the Earth system. Both of these, in turn, are required to sustain the future viability of agriculture. This paradigm shift aims at repositioning world agriculture from its current role as the world’s single largest driver of global environmental change, to becoming a key contributor of a global transition to a sustainable world within a safe operating space on Earth

    Towards greater transparency and coherence in funding for sustainable marine fisheries and healthy oceans

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    This final manuscript in the special issue on “Funding for ocean conservation and sustainable fisheries” is the result of a dialogue aimed at connecting lead authors of the special issue manuscripts with relevant policymakers and practitioners. The dialogue took place over the course of a two-day workshop in December 2018, and this “coda” manuscript seeks to distil thinking around a series of key recurring topics raised throughout the workshop. These topics are collected into three broad categories, or “needs”: 1) a need for transparency, 2) a need for coherence, and 3) a need for improved monitoring of project impacts. While the special issue sought to collect new research into the latest trends and developments in the rapidly evolving world of funding for ocean conservation and sustainable fisheries, the insights collected during the workshop have helped to highlight remaining knowledge gaps. Therefore, each of the three “needs” identified within this manuscript is followed by a series of questions that the workshop participants identified as warranting further attention as part of a future research agenda. The crosscutting nature of many of the issues raised as well as the rapid pace of change that characterizes this funding landscape both pointed to a broader need for continued dialogue and study that reaches across the communities of research, policy and practice.S
