27 research outputs found

    Men with borderline personality disorder and antisocial behavior : clinical characteristics, developmental perspectives and interventions.

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    Background: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of emotional instability, impulsivity, relationship problems and identity disturbance. As the disorder has been considered more prevalent in women, research on men with BPD has lagged behind. In addition to the suicidal and self-harming behaviors traditionally associated with BPD, a substantial proportion of men with this disorder also exhibit antisocial behaviors. Aims: ‱ to estimate the prevalence of BPD in a sample of adult male offenders on probation or parole in Stockholm, and examine comorbidity patterns (Study I). ‱ to explore how men with BPD and antisocial behaviors describe their difficulties and their experiences of the health care system (Study II). ‱ to investige the utility of 12 months treatment with Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for men with BPD and antisocial behavior (Study III). ‱ to evaluate a new internet-delivered preventive program for parents of adolescents at risk of developing BPD-traits and/or antisocal behavior (Study IV). Methods: We screened 109 probationers for BPD and conducted diagnostic interviews with those scoring above cut-off (Study I). We interviewed 8 men and analyzed the data using qualitative content analysis (Study II). Thirty men received DBT in a study using within-group design with repeated measurements of various dysfunctional behaviors (Study III). We randomized parents to receive the Parent-Web intervention directly (n= 43) or to a waitlist control (n= 32), and compared the groups on adolescent externalizing behavior, family conflicts and warmth (Study IV). Results: 19.8% of male offenders on probation were estimated to have BPD, and the disorder was associated with severe mental ill health. Male psychiatric patients with BPD and antisocial behavior experienced a distressing sense of alienation and had experienced difficulties accessing mental health resources. After DBT, participants had reduced most of the dysfunctional behaviors assessed. Treatment completers (n= 19) reported high satisfaction with treatment, and maintained their improvements one year after the intervention. The Parent-Web was associated with interrupted deterioration of adolescent externalizing behavior and improvements in conflicts and family warmth. Conclusions: BPD may be 10-times more common in male probationers/parolees than in the general population. Although men with BPD and antisocial behavior may have difficulties utilizing mental health services, preliminary evidence suggest that DBT may be a treatment alternative worth considering. A short internet delivered program may reduce risk factors associated with the development of BPD and antisocial behavior in adolescents

    Framtidens gaturum

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    "Think of a city and what comes to mind? Its streets" (Jane Jacobs, 1961:29). Jane Jacobs vÀljer att uppmÀrksamma det mÄnga andra genom historien ocksÄ gjort. Ordet gata besitter en stor fascination kring alla de scenerier som utspelar sig dÀr, politiska som sociala. Gatan utgör en basal gren i vÄra liv och inom den offentliga sfÀren. Gaturummets funktion och utformning har varierat med tiden i enlighet med stadsplanering, sociala och politiska tyckanden. Dess ordagranna innebörd har alltid varit mÄngfacetterad. Samtidigt sÄ Àr och har dess verkliga betydelse för mÀnniskan alltid varit stor. Livet pÄ gatunivÄ Àr det övergripande Àmnet som denna uppsats kommer att beröra. Vilka förÀndringsprocesser inom stadsplanering har verkat avgörande för gestaltningen av dagens utomhusmiljöer? Vilken betydelse och funktion har det offentliga rummet idag? Vad kommer utmÀrka det framtida gaturummet? FrÄgorna utgör stommen för vad som kommer att redogöras i denna uppsats. Den historiska tillbakablicken ger en bakgrund till det nutida gaturummets utformning och funktion. Tillsammans kan man vidare utlÀsa gemensamma tendenser och trender om vart det framtida gaturummet Àr pÄvÀg. BÄde den historiska och nutida situationen kartlagts genom att studera litteratur och elektroniska kÀllor. Det Àr med hjÀlp av intervjuer som diskussionen om den framtida gatan har utvecklats. Intervjuerna har gjorts med verksamma personer inom Àmnet dÀr deras tankar och olika erfarenheter har gett upphov till intressanta framtidsscenarion."Think of a city and what comes to mind? Its streets" (Jane Jacobs, 1961:29). Jane Jacobs chooses to draw attention to the same object as many others throughout history also have done. The word street possesses a great fascination for all the scenery of life that unfolds there, both political and social. The street constitutes as a basal branch in our lives and in the public sphere overall. The function and design of the street have varied through time in accordance with urban planning, social and political opinions. Its literal meaning has always been multifaceted. At the same time the street have always had a great significance for the human being. Life on the street level is the overall topic that this paper will investigate. What changes in urban planning has been crucial for the design of todayŽs outdoor environments? What purpose and function have public space today? What will characterize the future space of the street? These questions are the backbone of what will be discussed in this paper. The historical flashback gives the background to the contemporary street space design and function. This will further show the common tendencies and trends of what may be the future of the street. Both the historical and contemporary situation will be studied through literature and electronic sources. The discussion of the future development of the street has evolved with the help from interviews. The interviews were conducted with persons who are active within the subject. It is their thoughts and experiences that has given the reasoning behind these interesting future scenarios

    StockholmÂŽs temporary oases

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    Denna masteruppsats behandlar tillfĂ€llig landskapsarkitektur i teori och praktik. Fenomenet tillfĂ€llig landskapsarkitektur har studerats och kartlagts med utgĂ„ngspunkt i konceptet ”Levande Stockholm”, ett tillfĂ€lligt landskapsarkitekturprojekt som initierats av Stockholms stad. Uppsatsen har undersökt huruvida tillfĂ€lliga lösningar kan verka som drivande faktorer i förĂ€ndringen av urbana miljöer. Konceptet ”Levande Stockholm” har som syfte att göra Stockholms stadsliv mer levande och attraktivt genom satsningar pĂ„ stadens utomhusmiljöer. Med hjĂ€lp av enkla moduler kan en hĂ„rt trafikerad gata, över en natt, förvandlas till en oas. Konceptet har visat sig ha positiva effekter pĂ„ det offentliga livet i staden samt göra stor skillnad pĂ„ hur det offentliga rummet ser ut och anvĂ€nds. Genom att introducera fler och nya typer av aktiviteter och göra plats för ett friare rörelsemönster antyder konceptet att tillfĂ€lliga projekt kan driva pĂ„ kortsiktiga förĂ€ndringar i urban kontext. Konceptet som Stockholms stad bedriver bygger inte enbart pĂ„ kortsiktiga visioner utan Ă€ven pĂ„ lĂ„ngsiktiga. Genom att tillfĂ€lliga projekt tillĂ„ts Ă„terkomma varje Ă„r och andra stanna under en lĂ€ngre period har den tillfĂ€lliga landskapsarkitekturen i Stockholm Ă€ven varaktigare och lĂ„ngsiktigare motiv och intentioner. Den tillfĂ€lliga landskapsarkitekturen anses besitta flertalet positiva egenskaper dĂ€r dess ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttande förmĂ„ga Ă€r en av dem. Genom att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta hur ytor anvĂ€nds kan nya sĂ€tt att nyttja stadens rum fĂ„ genomslagskraft. Olika förutsĂ€ttningar och skiftande behov krĂ€ver olika sorters lösningar. Bland annat rĂ„der inte samma förutsĂ€ttningar i Stockholms innerstad som i Stockholms ytterstad. Uppsatsen konstaterar att kontext spelar roll nĂ€r tillfĂ€lliga projekt och dess effekter skall utvĂ€rderas. Uppsatsen fastslĂ„r Ă€ven att bakomliggande intention Ă€r betydelsefullt, det vill sĂ€ga vem eller vilka som Ă€r tĂ€nkta att gynnas. Uppsatsen inkluderar ett förslag pĂ„ hur tillfĂ€llig landskapsarkitektur kan utvecklas inom konceptet ”Levande Stockholm” samt genren i sin helhet. Den tillfĂ€lliga genren inom landskapsarkitektur anses redan besitta bĂ„de deltagar- och dialogfrĂ€mjande egenskaper som verkar bĂ„de socialt inkluderande samt engagerande. Hur dessa kan tas om hand och te sig rent praktiskt och fysiskt Ă€r vad arbetet avslutningsvis Ă€mnat att ge förslag pĂ„.This master thesis targets the concept temporary landscape architecture in both theory and practice. The phenomenon: temporary landscape architecture has been studied and mapped in the context of “Levande Stockholm” a temporary landscape architecture project initiated by the municipality of Stockholm. This thesis investigates whether and how temporary solutions can act as driving-factors in the urban environment. The aim of the concept “Levande Stockholm” is by investing in the cityÂŽs public outdoor environments creating a more vibrant and attractive city life. With the help of simple measures a hard-trafficked street can transform into an oasis overnight. The concept has shown positive effects on the quality of urban life in the city and makes a big impact on the use and aesthetic appearance of places. By introducing new and different types of activities and creating space for less restricted movement patterns, the concept suggests that temporary projects can drive short-term changes in urban context. The concept “Levande Stockholm” is not only based on short-term visions but also takes in account long-term perspectives. By allowing temporary projects to return every year over a longer period of time, temporary landscape architecture in Stockholm can have long-term motivations and intentions. Temporary landscape architecture is considered to possess many positive characteristics, the ability to question todays environments is an important one. By questioning the use of places, new ways of utilizing the outdoor environments can be achieved. Different terms and conditions require different types of solutions. There are different pre-conditions in public spaces in Stockholm’s inner city compared with those in StockholmÂŽs outskirts. This context plays an important role in the evaluation of temporary projects and their effects. The underlying intention is significant, that is, who or whom benefit. This thesis includes a proposal for how temporary landscape architecture can be developed within the framework of the concept “Levande Stockholm” as well as temporary landscape architecture as a whole. The temporary in landscape architecture is considered to possess both participatory and dialogue-promoting qualities that are both socially inclusive and engaging. How these qualities can be treated and translated into a practical and physical expression is what this thesis ultimately intends to deal with

    Mental health and Probation: a systematic review of the literature

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    A narrative systematic review was undertaken of the literature concerning the health of people on probation. In this paper, we provide an up-to-date summary of what is known about the most effective ways of providing mental healthcare for people on probation, and what is known about the relationship between different systems and processes of mental healthcare provision, and good mental health outcomes for this population. A total of 5125 papers were identified in the initial electronic searches but after careful double-blind review only four papers related to mental health that met our criteria, although a further 24 background papers and 13 items of grey literature were identified which are reported. None of the included studies was a randomized controlled trial although one was quasi-experimental. Two of the other papers described mental health disorders in approved premises and the other described the impact and learning from an Offender Personality Disorder project. We conclude that the literature is bereft of evidence on how to effectively provide mental healthcare for people on probation

    Micro and nano sized textile topography for improved water repellence

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    Water repellent fabrics with superhydrophobic properties have been constructed during this diploma work. First the fabrics were woven using six different weft yarns creating micro roughness and then a nanoparticle and surface energy lowering treatment was made. Contact angle measurements, contact angle hysteresis measurements, roll-off angle measurements and spray tests were made on the fabrics to investigate the hydrophobicity and water repellence. Also the durability was tested to examine the fastness of the treatments. It was found that the nanoparticles boosted the hydrophobicity of the hydrophobic treatments. Also by varying the size of textile filaments in yarns, the hydrophobicity of the material was affected. In this study, it was found how small textile parameters in the fabric could be changed to increase both durability and water repellence.Program: Textilingenjörsutbildninge

    AnstÀlldas upplevelser av jÀmstÀlldhet och hierarki pÄ Akademiska Sjukhuset : En kvalitativ fallstudie

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    DÄ sjukvÄrden tidigare prÀglats av bristande jÀmstÀlldhet och dÀr branta hierarkier har vuxit sig fast, Àr syftet med denna undersökning att kartlÀgga dels vilka förutsÀttningar som Region Uppsala ger till Akademiska Sjukhuset att föra ett aktivt likabehandlingsarbete samt vilka upplevelser de anstÀllda pÄ Akademiska Sjukhuset har gÀllande arbetet kring likabehandlingsaspekten jÀmstÀlldhet och nivÄn pÄ de hierarkiska strukturerna. I offentliga verksamheter ska jÀmstÀlldhetsarbete genomsyra samtliga aktiviteter i organisationen och arbetsgivare ska verka för en jÀmstÀlld organisation. Det empiriska materialet frÄn undersökningen analyseras bÄde i förhÄllande till den presenterade tidigare forskningen samt i termer av legitimitet, rationaliserade myter, sÀrkoppling, teknisk kÀrna och tvingande isomorfism. Undersökningen utgörs av en kvalitativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten frÄn undersökningen visar pÄ att Region Uppsala ger relativt stor frihet till förvaltningen Akademiska Sjukhuset att sjÀlva tolka och implementera likabehandlingsfrÄgor i verksamheterna. DÄ respondenterna upplever olika former av könssegregering i den dagliga verksamheten, förefaller behovet av att arbeta mer med likabehandlingsfrÄgor vara stort inom organisationen. Resultaten visar pÄ upplevelsen av att styrdokument inte Àr en tillrÀcklig förutsÀttning för Akademiska Sjukhuset att föra ett aktivt arbete kring likabehandlingsaspekten jÀmstÀlldhet samt att organisationen fortfarande upplevs ha branta hierarkiska strukturer