40 research outputs found

    Characterization of soil profile developed in a riverine shellmound (Sambaqui Moraes), Miracatu-SP, Brasil

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    Archaeological excavations carried out in the riverine shellmound Moraes, Miracatu, SP - Brazil, pointed out distinct archaeological layers which resulted in the mound configuration of the site. Therefore, aiming at reaching a first approach on the formation process of the site, physical-chemical soil analysis from inside and outside the site were developed in order to comprehend the properties that could have contributed for the characterization of the peculiarities found on the archaeological layers of this riverine shellmound.It was demonstrated a large alteration in many chemical and physical properties of the soil horizons developed in the shellmound. The high levels of phosphorus in the dark horizons indicate an enrichment of that horizon by addition of residues rich in this element (e.g. bones). The dark horizons also show high levels of organic carbon in comparison with the original soil horizon. However, if the stabilization of the organic carbon that allows its accumulation in the dark horizons of shellmonds is because formation of stable compound with calcium and/or effect of heating (pyrogenic carbon) it is not clear and should be further investigated.Escavações arqueológicas desenvolvidas no sambaqui fluvial Moraes, no município de Miracatu, SP, revelaram distintas camadas arqueológicas que resultaram na configuração monticular deste sítio. Com o objetivo de discutir o processo formativo deste sítio, foram realizadas análises físico-químicas do solo de dentro e de fora do mesmo para a compreensão das propriedades que podem ter contribuído para a caracterização das particularidades encontradas nas camadas arqueológicas deste sambaqui fluvial. Foi constatada uma elevada alteração em alguns parâmetros físicos e químicos dos diferentes horizontes do solo desenvolvido no sambaqui. Em especial os elevados teores de fósforo corroboram um enriquecimento deste ambiente em resíduos antrópicos ricos neste elemento (e.g. ossos). Os horizontes escuros também mostram elevados teores de carbono em relação ao perfil testemunho. Entretanto, ainda não está claro se a estabilização do carbono nos sambaquis se deve à estabilização do cálcio ou efeito de calor (carbono pirogênico) e precisará ser elucidado em próximos estudos

    Open legacy soil survey data in Brazil: geospatial data quality and how to improve it

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    Spatial soil data applications require sound geospatial data including coordinates and a coordinate reference system. However, when it comes to legacy soil data we frequently find them to be missing or incorrect. This paper assesses the quality of the geospatial data of legacy soil observations in Brazil, and evaluates geospatial data sources (survey reports, maps, spatial data infrastructures, web mapping services) and expert knowledge as a means to fix inconsistencies. The analyses included several consistency checks performed on 6,195 observations from the Brazilian Soil Information System. The positional accuracy of geospatial data sources was estimated so as to obtain an indication of the quality for fixing inconsistencies. The coordinates of 20 soil observations, estimated using the web mapping service, were validated with the true coordinates measured in the field. Overall, inconsistencies of different types and magnitudes were found in half of the observations, causing mild to severe misplacements. The involuntary substitution of symbols and numeric characters with similar appearance when recording geospatial data was the most common typing mistake. Among the geospatial data sources, the web mapping service was the most useful, due to operational advantages and lower positional error (~6 m). However, the quality of the description of the observation location controls the accuracy of estimated coordinates. Thus, the error of coordinates estimated using the web mapping service ranged between 30 and 1000 m. This is equivalent to coordinates measured from arc-seconds to arc-minutes, respectively. Under this scenario, the feedback from soil survey experts is crucial to improving the quality of geospatial data

    Variações do Carbono Orgânico Dissolvido e de Atributos Físicos do Solo Sob Diferentes Sistemas de Uso da Terra na Amazônia Central

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre C orgânico dissolvido (COD) e atributos físicos do solo em diferentes sistemas de uso da terra na Amazônia central. Quantificaram-se as concentrações de COD sob floresta primária, em três posições topográficas, e em áreas de pastagem, sucessão secundária e sistema agroflorestal (SAF) até a profundidade de 2 m. Instalaram-se extratores de solução do solo para coleta e análise do C da solução na fase orgânica durante um ciclo hidrológico. As concentrações médias de C orgânico dissolvido (COD) na solução do solo seguiram a ordem SAF ou sucessão secundária > floresta (platô) > pastagem (períodos seco e chuvoso-seco), exceto nos períodos chuvoso e seco-chuvoso, em que a pastagem iguala ou ultrapassa as concentrações de COD dos outros ambientes em determinadas profundidades. Os resultados demonstraram a capacidade do SAF e sucessão secundária em recuperar e, ou, disponibilizar o C na solução do solo, sendo formas de utilização do solo recomendadas para manter o C no ambiente terrestre. O COD apresentou variação temporal, espacial e em profundidade, decrescendo nesta última. A ação da estruturação do solo, representada pela agregação, C orgânico total (COT) e porosidade, exerce grande influência nas concentrações de COD nas camadas do solo e, aliada à matéria orgânica mais lábil do solo, determinam a manutenção do C na solução do solo. As concentrações de COD obtidas sob os diferentes ambientes estudados refletem a importância do manejo adequado do solo para a permanência do C no ecossistema do solo

    Mapeamento de carbono, frações granulométricas e água do solo em Floresta Tropical Seca no Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to compare ordinary kriging with regression kriging to map soil properties at different depths in a tropical dry forest area in Brazil. The 11 soil properties evaluated were: organic carbon content and stock; bulk density; clay, sand, and silt contents; cation exchange capacity; pH; water retention at field capacity and at permanent wilting point; and available water. Samples were taken from 327 sites at 0.0–0.10, 0.10–0.20, and 0.20–0.40-m depths, in a tropical dry forest area of 102 km2. Stepwise linear regression models for particle-size fractions and water retention properties had the best fit. Relief and parent material covariates were selected in 31 of the 33 models (11 properties at three depths) and vegetation covariates in 29 models. Based on external validation, ordinary kriging obtained higher accuracy for 21 out of 33 property x depth combinations, indicating that the inclusion of a linear trend model before kriging does not necessarily improve predictions. Therefore, for similar studies, the geostatistical methods employed should be compared on a case-by-case basis.O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar krigagem ordinária com regressão-krigagem para mapear atributos do solo, em diferentes profundidades, em área de Floresta Tropical Seca no Brasil. Os 11 atributos do solo avaliados foram: conteúdo e estoque de carbono orgânico; densidade do solo; conteúdos de argila, areia e silte; capacidade de troca catiônica; pH; retenção de água na capacidade de campo e no ponto de murcha permanente; e água disponível. As amostras foram retiradas de 327 locais a 0,0–0,10, 0,10–0,20 e 0,20–0,40 m de profundidade, em área de Floresta Tropical Seca de 102 km2. Os modelos de regressão linear “stepwise” tiveram o melhor ajuste para as frações granulométricas e as propriedades de retenção de água. Foram selecionadas covariáveis de relevo e material de origem em 31 dos 33 modelos (11 atributos em trêsprofundidades) e de vegetação em 29 modelos. Com base na validação externa, a krigagem ordinária obteve maior acurácia para 21 das 33 combinações atributo vs. profundidade, o que é indicativo de que a inclusão de um modelo linear de tendência antes da krigagem não necessariamente melhora as predições. Portanto, paraestudos semelhantes, os métodos geoestatísticos empregados devem ser comparados caso a caso


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    Studies on the influence of leaf temperature rise on gas exchange in tropical tree species grown in plantations are rare. With regard to the predicted increase in air temperature in the future in the Central Amazon, we investigated the influence of increasing leave temperature on the gas exchange of oil palms cultivated in monocultures as well as in mixed plantations with cassava or banana. This study was carried out at the Embrapa Experimental Station in Presidente Figueiredo – AM – Brazil, 60 km north of Manaus. The net photosynthesis (Pn), transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and the water use efficiency (WUE) of the plants were quantified by a portable photosynthesis meter (CI-340). In all plantations increasing leaf temperatures caused a significant decrease of the net photosynthesis (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs), and the water use efficiency (WUE) of the oil palms. Maximum transpiration rates (E) were observed at leaf temperatures between 38 and 46°C. In addition to the influence of leaf temperature rise, the planting system also had a significant influence on the gas exchange of palm plants

    Soil losses and productivity of improved native pastures under different management practices

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    Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar as perdas de solo por erosão e a produtividade de pastagens nativas melhoradas, com e sem a introdução de espécies exóticas, em diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo. A avaliação das perdas de solo foi feita sob chuva natural, por meio da determinação de mudanças de nível da superfície do solo, utilizando-se pinos de metal cravados no solo (Cambissolo distrófico). Os tratamentos testados, em parcelas de 36 m2, foram os seguintes: Brachiaria brizantha (Bb) semeada em covas; Bb em covas + escarificação entre covas; Bb em sulcos; Bb a lanço em solo escarificado; Andropogon gayanus (Ag) semeado em covas; Ag em covas + escarificação entre covas; Ag em sulcos; Ag a lanço em solo escarificado; pastagem nativa com escarificação; e pastagem nativa (testemunha). Também foram mantidas parcelas sem vegetação e sem nenhuma prática de manejo. Uma análise global dos resultados obtidos enfatiza a possibilidade de melhoramento dessas pastagens nativas mediante escarificação, calagem e adubação, e a potencial introdução de gramíneas exóticas com o uso dessas práticas de manejo visando aumentar a quantidade de forragem disponível, dentro dos limites de perdas toleráveis por erosão.The objective of this work was to evaluate soil losses by erosion and the native pastures productivity with and without introduction of exotic species under different systems of soil management. Soil losses were evaluated under natural rainfall conditions measuring changes in the level of soil surface by erosion process. It were utilized metal pines stuck into the soil (dystrophic Cambisol) (Inceptisol). The tested treatments, in plots measuring 36 m2 each, were the following: Brachiaria brizantha (Bb) sowed in pits; Bb in pits + scarification among pits; Bb in furrows; Bb broadcasted in scarified soil; Andropogon gayanus (Ag) sowed in pits; Ag in pits + scarification among pits; Ag in furrows; Ag broadcasted in scarified soil; native pasture with scarification; native pasture. Plots without vegetation and management practices were also maintained. A global analysis of data obtained suggests the possibility of improvement of these native pastures by scarification, liming and fertilization, and the potential of exotic species introduction using these management practices aiming to increase the available forage quantity, in accordance with the soil losses tolerance limits

    Características e atributos de Latossolos sob diferentes usos na região Oeste do Estado da Bahia

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of different land uses on the characteristics and attributes of Oxisols in the western region of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The Oxisols had textures with largely predominant sand fraction, and they were evaluated in areas of cerrado, cotton, soybean, and common bean in the municipality of Luís Eduardo Magalhães. The morphological characterization and the collection of samples for evaluating soil physical and chemical attributes of horizons were carried out in small trenches, while the evaluation of field saturated hydraulic conductivity was done using the Guelph permeameter at two depths: 0.0 to 0.20 and 0.20 to 0.40 m. The evaluated Oxisols, besides their massive structure, showed a dense genetic horizon, which, under agricultural use, becomes more compacted, thick, and shallow, forming clods when plowed. Agricultural use reduces the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the evaluated Oxisols in bothlayers, except for common bean cultivation.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes usos da terra nas características e nos atributos de Latossolos da região Oeste do Estado da Bahia. Os Latossolos apresentavam texturas com fração areia amplamente predominante, e foram avaliados em áreas de cerrado, algodão, soja e feijão, no Município de Luís Eduardo Magalhães. A caracterização morfológica e a coleta de amostras de solos para avaliação dos atributos físicos e químicos por horizontes foram feitas em minitrincheiras, enquanto a avaliação da condutividade hidráulica saturada foi feita com permeâmetro de Guelph em duas profundidades: 0,0–0,20 e 0,20–0,40 m. Os Latossolos avaliados, além de uma estrutura maciça, apresentaram horizonte genético adensado, que, sob uso agrícola, torna-se mais compactado, espesso e superficial, e forma torrões quando revolvido. O uso agrícola reduz a condutividade hidráulica saturada dos Latossolos avaliados nas duas camadas, com exceção do cultivo de feijão

    Elemental signatures of an Amazonian Dark Earth as result of its formation process

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs) are soils studied for archaeological purposes and as a potentially agricultural model for the humid tropic. We investigated the chemical composition of an ADE in comparison to an adjacent Ultisol without anthropic influence for better understanding the origin of ADE fertility and formation process. Three hundred ADE and Ultisol samples were collected at 10 cm depths from 0 to 100 cm soil profiles on the Caldeirão site at the Solimões River, Brazil and analyzed for elemental composition in an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Results showed significantly increased concentrations of P, Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Ba, Zn, Sr, Cu, Rb, Ni, Li, Cd, Cs, Co, Tl, and Be and reduced concentrations of Se along the ADE profile relative to the control Ultisol. Additionally, it was also detected reduced concentrations of Al, U, and V in ADE superficial layers. Elemental enrichment factors in ADE varied from 1.6 to 15.9 times and the enriched elements have mostly been associated with organic residues. Besides the common elements used to characterize ADE sites, our results have shown altered concentrations of other uncommon elements (Al, Be, Cd, Cs, Li, Se, Tl, U, and V) that can be also used to unveil ADE sites and differentiate them from Amazonian soils without anthropic influence

    Biochars in soils : towards the required level of scientific understanding

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    Key priorities in biochar research for future guidance of sustainable policy development have been identified by expert assessment within the COST Action TD1107. The current level of scientific understanding (LOSU) regarding the consequences of biochar application to soil were explored. Five broad thematic areas of biochar research were addressed: soil biodiversity and ecotoxicology, soil organic matter and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, soil physical properties, nutrient cycles and crop production, and soil remediation. The highest future research priorities regarding biochar's effects in soils were: functional redundancy within soil microbial communities, bioavailability of biochar's contaminants to soil biota, soil organic matter stability, GHG emissions, soil formation, soil hydrology, nutrient cycling due to microbial priming as well as altered rhizosphere ecology, and soil pH buffering capacity. Methodological and other constraints to achieve the required LOSU are discussed and options for efficient progress of biochar research and sustainable application to soil are presented.Peer reviewe