878 research outputs found

    Constant net-time headway as key mechanism behind pedestrian flow dynamics

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    We show that keeping a constant lower limit on the net-time headway is the key mechanism behind the dynamics of pedestrian streams. There is a large variety in flow and speed as functions of density for empirical data of pedestrian streams, obtained from studies in different countries. The net-time headway however, stays approximately constant over all these different data sets. By using this fact, we demonstrate how the underlying dynamics of pedestrian crowds, naturally follows from local interactions. This means that there is no need to come up with an arbitrary fit function (with arbitrary fit parameters) as has traditionally been done. Further, by using not only the average density values, but the variance as well, we show how the recently reported stop-and-go waves [Helbing et al., Physical Review E, 75, 046109] emerge when local density variations take values exceeding a certain maximum global (average) density, which makes pedestrians stop.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Reaction Time of a Group of Physics Students

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    The reaction time of a group of students majoring in Physics is reported here. Strong co-relation between fatigue, reaction time and performance have been seen and may be useful for academicians and administrators responsible of working out time-tables, course structures, students counsellings etc.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    What explains the uneven take-up of ISO 14001 at the global level?: a panel-data analysis

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    Since its release in the mid-1990s, close to 37 000 facilities have been certified to ISO 14001, the international voluntary standard for environmental management systems. Yet, despite claims that the standard can be readily adapted to very different corporate and geographic settings, its take-up has been highly geographically variable. This paper contributes to a growing body of work concerned with explaining the uneven diffusion of ISO 14001 at the global level. Drawing from the existing theoretical and empirical literature we develop a series of hypotheses about how various economic, market, and regulatory factors influence the national count of ISO 14001 certifications. These hypotheses are then tested using econometric estimation techniques with data for a panel of 142 developed and developing countries. We find that per capita ISO 14001 counts are positively correlated with income per capita, stock of foreign direct investment, exports of goods and services to Europe and Japan, and pressure from civil society. Conversely, productivity and levels of state intervention are negatively correlated. The paper finishes by offering a number of recommendations to policymakers concerned with accelerating the diffusion of voluntary environmental standards

    The determinants of hotels' marketing managers' green marketing behaviour

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    Little is known about the factors underlying the pro-environmental behaviour of marketing managers. This paper explores the determinants of green marketing practices in the Red Sea hotel sector in Egypt. The research model assesses green marketing practices against the personal and organisational values of the marketing managers, together with a range of organisational and demographic variables expected to influence hotels' environmental behaviour. From a valid sample of 89 marketing managers responsible for 194 hotels, it was found that organisational contextual variables, and in particular targeting Western tourists, being affiliated to an international hotel chain and the marketers' own demographics, including age, academic subject studied and gender, were the best predictors of more proactive green marketing. Personal environmental values did not explain the pro-environmental behaviour of marketers, and the organisational environmental values that had explained part of their ethical behaviour had resulted from voluntarism rather than utilitarian or conformance-based values. Government policies also appeared to be ineffective determinants. The implications for green marketing practices are also discussed. © 2010 Taylor & Francis

    Extended-range fiber polarimetric strain sensor

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    We describe a frequency-modulation technique that is applicable to two-beam interferometric systems illuminated by semiconductor diode lasers. The technique permits a determination of the optical path difference between the two arms of the interferometer and is used here to extend the range of a fiber polarimetric strain sensor by determining the order of the particular polarimetric fringe under consideration

    Incorporation of oxygen into the succinate co-product of iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases from bacteria, plants and humans.

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    The ferrous iron and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases catalyse two electron oxidation reactions by coupling the oxidation of substrate to the oxidative decarboxylation of 2OG, giving succinate and carbon dioxide coproducts. The evidence available on the level of incorporation of one atom from dioxygen into succinate is inconclusive. Here, we demonstrate that five members of the 2OG oxygenase family, AlkB from&nbsp;Escherichia coli, anthocyanidin synthase and flavonol synthase from&nbsp;Arabidopsis thaliana, and prolyl hydroxylase domain enzyme 2 and factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor-1 from&nbsp;Homo sapiens&nbsp;all incorporate a single oxygen atom, almost exclusively derived from dioxygen, into the succinate co-product.<br /

    Coupled surface plasmons and optical guided wave exploration of near-surface director profile

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    Copyright © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. This is the published version of an article published in New Journal of Physics Vol. 9, article 49. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/3/049For a liquid crystal (LC) cell with thin silver claddings it is possible, using a high index coupling prism, to excite both surface plasmon modes and ordinary optical guided modes. In a situation where the tilt of the director varies from homogeneous to homeotropic through the cell, then for p-polarized incident radiation the p-polarized surface plasmon mode and the ordinary guided waves may couple to each other. When the plane containing the director is normal to the incident plane, there is also polarization conversion leading to strong coupling between the p-polarized surface plasmon and s-like guided modes. From theoretical analyses together with numerical modelling it is shown how this coupling between the surface plasmon mode and guided waves gives a high sensitivity to the surface director tilt profile near the walls, higher than that of the surface plasmon mode alone. Experimental confirmation of this has been realized using a hybrid aligned nematic (HAN) LC cell with the director in a plane normal to the incident plane. The results fully confirm the model predictions showing that this coupling of surface plasmons to guided waves provides a powerful tool for near-surface director studies

    An Adaptive Interacting Wang-Landau Algorithm for Automatic Density Exploration

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    While statisticians are well-accustomed to performing exploratory analysis in the modeling stage of an analysis, the notion of conducting preliminary general-purpose exploratory analysis in the Monte Carlo stage (or more generally, the model-fitting stage) of an analysis is an area which we feel deserves much further attention. Towards this aim, this paper proposes a general-purpose algorithm for automatic density exploration. The proposed exploration algorithm combines and expands upon components from various adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, with the Wang-Landau algorithm at its heart. Additionally, the algorithm is run on interacting parallel chains -- a feature which both decreases computational cost as well as stabilizes the algorithm, improving its ability to explore the density. Performance is studied in several applications. Through a Bayesian variable selection example, the authors demonstrate the convergence gains obtained with interacting chains. The ability of the algorithm's adaptive proposal to induce mode-jumping is illustrated through a trimodal density and a Bayesian mixture modeling application. Lastly, through a 2D Ising model, the authors demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to overcome the high correlations encountered in spatial models.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figures (the supplementary materials are included as appendices

    The Composition of Cosmic Rays at the Knee

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    The observation of a small change in spectral slope, or 'knee' in the fluxes of cosmic rays near energies 10^15 eV has caused much speculation since its discovery over 40 years ago. The origin of this feature remains unknown. A small workshop to review some modern experimental measurements of this region was held at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, USA in June 2000. This paper summarizes the results presented at this workshop and the discussion of their interpretation in the context of hadronic models of atmospheric airshowers.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure
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