156 research outputs found

    High energy Cherenkov gluons at RHIC and LHC

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    The collective effect of emission by the forward moving partons of high energy Cherenkov gluons in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC energies is considered. It can reveal itself as peaks in the pseudorapidity distribution of jets at midrapidities or as a ring-like structure of individual events in event-by-event analysis. The pseudorapidity distribution of centers of dense isolated groups of particles in HIJING model is determined. It can be considered as the background for Cherenkov gluons. If peaks above this background were found in experiment, they would indicate new collective effects.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Conditioned reflex activity of rats at later periods after the end of flight aboard the Kosmos-605 biosatellite

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    The aftereffects of spaceflight on the higher nervous activity of rats were studied. A five lane maze with a feeding terminal was used to check such factors as transfer of experience, the habit and speed of reaching the goal in the maze, long term memory, and the dynamics of errors. During the 3rd-7th postflight week, functional disturbances in the rat HNA were manifested in the deterioration of the capacity for the transfer of experience and for locating the feeding compartment in the maze, thus indicating a general decrease of work capacity. The increased number of errors and failures pointed to exhaustion of higher nervous processes and to the weakened functional activity of the brain

    The background for Cherenkov gluons at RHIC and LHC energies

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    The pseudorapidity distribution of centers of dense isolated groups of particles in HIJING model is determined. It can be considered as the background for Cherenkov gluons. If peaks over this background were found in experiment, they would indicate the onset of new collective effects.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, uses espcrc1.sty; QM 2005 contributio

    Extent of a Social Base of a Political Regime as a Determinant of Its Authoritarian Nature

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    Extent of a social base of a political regime as a determinant of its authoritarian nature. Political science features one specific trend. The authoritarian nature of a political regime is measured as if the latter is independent – using Marx terms – from its social and economic base and – using a common sense language – from the recipient of its benefits which are generated by triggering of the political regime's authoritarian component. This seems obvious in relation to political science, being the bad sheep in the family. In fact, borrowing from R. Heilbroner, political science was designed to disguise social order by the social system, to hide exploitation by exposing calculations and rational choices in the first place. For those who do not fall for the idea of political science aimed at analyzing the superstructure in isolation from the base, thereby failing to grasp the essence of the facts, it is obviously impossible to build a society serving workers' interests without dictatorship as it supposedly requires overcoming resistance from exploiting classes. Or is it possible yet? Apparently, there is a robust theoretical basis for nonviolent methods of societal transformation. To put it into perspective, the main question is whether it is possible to forge an equal and fair society of common welfare without establishing an authoritarian political regime serving workers' interests. Searching for the answer to this question, this research focuses on a more specific problem, namely the relation between the political regime's degree of authoritarianism and the extent of its social base. Ancient Greek polises of 400-130 BC form the empirical foundation for this research. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p2


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    Перед человечеством стоит проблема, значимость которой пока не осознаётся в достаточной мере ни общественностью, ни наукой - биологическая деградация вида Homo sapiens. Она проявляется ускоренным темпом старения, популяционным снижением «количества» здоровья (жизнеспособности), эпидемией хронических неинфекционных заболеваний (ХНИЗ), полиморбидностью, снижением уровня развития физических качеств и психофизиологических функций, репродуктивной функции, рождением ослабленного потомства, снижением IQ и многим другим. Всё это является следствием потери устойчивости неравновесной термодинамической системы (живого), т.е. дефицита внутриклеточной энергии, из-за противоречий между биологическими и социальными аспектами эволюции Человека


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    We discuss the fundamental position of the essence of life and health as a manifestation of the transformation of solar energy into other forms of energy (thermal, mechanical, electrical, etc.). It is alleged that the efficiency of intracellular energy production as an expression of mitochondrial function (the final stage of the transformation of solar energy) is a measure of the body's resistance to internal and external negative influences. There is a level of energy production above which neither endogenous risk factors, nor the disease are registered. It was given quantitative characteristic named «safe level of health». It is postulated (in addition to the «sickness industry» - the Ministry of Health institutions) the need to form the «health industry», based on the preservation and improvement of energy potential biosystems.Обсуждается фундаментальное положение о сущности жизни и здоровья как проявлении трансформации солнечной энергии в другие виды энергии (тепловую, механическую, электрическую и др.). Утверждается, что эффективность внутриклеточного энергообразования как проявление функции митохондрий (конечный этап трансформации солнечной энергии) является показателем устойчивости организма к внешним и внутренним негативным воздействиям. Существует уровень энергообразования, выше которого не регистрируются ни эндогенные факторы риска, ни сами заболевания. Ему дана количественная характеристика - «безопасный уровень здоровья». Постулируется необходимость в дополнение к «индустрии болезни» (учреждения Министерства здравоохранения) формирования «индустрии здоровья», в основе которой сохранение и повышение энергопотенциала биосистемы.Обговорюється фундаментальне положення про сутність життя та здоров'я як прояву трансформації сонячної енергії в інші види енергії (теплову, механічну, електричну тощо). Стверджується, що ефективність внутрішньоклітинного енергоутворення як прояв функції мітохондрій (кінцевий етап трансформації сонячної енергії) є показником стійкості організму до зовнішніх і внутрішніх негативних впливів. Існує рівень енергоутворення, вище якого не реєструються ні ендогенні фактори ризику, ні самі захворювання. Йому дана кількісна характеристика - «безпечний рівень здоров'я». Постулюється необхідність в додаток до «індустрії хвороби» (установи Міністерства охорони здоров'я) формування «індустрії здоров'я», в основі якої збереження і підвищення енергопотенціалу біосистеми

    Cosmic-ray physics with IceCube

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    IceCube as a three-dimensional air-shower array covers an energy range of the cosmic-ray spectrum from below 1 PeV to approximately 1 EeV. This talk is a brief review of the function and goals of IceTop, the surface component of the IceCube neutrino telescope. An overview of different and complementary ways that IceCube is sensitive to the primary cosmic-ray composition up to the EeV range is presented. Plans to obtain composition information in the threshold region of the detector in order to overlap with direct measurements of the primary composition in the 100-300 TeV range are also described.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, presented at COSPAR, Bremen Germany, 2010 Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research. Revised version adds acknowledgmen

    The two types of Cherenkov gluons at LHC energies

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    Beside comparatively low energy Cherenkov gluons observed at RHIC, there could be high energy gluons at LHC, related to the high energy region of positive real part of the forward scattering amplitude. In both cases they give rise to particles emitted along some cone. The characteristics of the cones produced by these two types of gluons are different. Therefore different experiments are needed to detect them. The cosmic ray event which initiated this idea is described in detail.Comment: 6 pages, talk at IWCF2006, Hangzhou, Chin

    Cherenkov gluons at RHIC and LHC

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    The coherent hadron production analogous to Cherenkov radiation of photons gives rise to the ring-like events. Being projected on the ring diameter they produce the two-bump structure recently observed for the away-side jets at RHIC. The position of the peaks and their height determine such properties of the hadronic medium as its nuclear index of refraction, the parton density, the free path length and the energy loss of Cherenkov gluons. Beside comparatively low energy gluons observed at RHIC, there could be high energy gluons at LHC, related to the high energy region of positive real part of the forward scattering amplitude and possessing different characteristics.Comment: 6 pages, talk at QM2006 modified with new reference