5,875 research outputs found

    Towards Resolution of Hierarchy Problems in a Cosmological Context

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    A cosmological scenario is proposed, which simultaneously solves the mass hierarchy and the small dark energy problem. In the present scenario an effective gravity mass scale (inverse of the Newton's constant) increases during the inflationary period. The small cosmological constant or the dark energy density in the present universe is dynamically realized by introducing two, approximately O(2) symmetric dilatons, taking the fundamental mass scale at TeV.Comment: 12 pages, no figur

    Challenges for Superstring Cosmology

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    We consider whether current notions about superstring theory below the Planck scale are compatible with cosmology. We find that the anticipated form for the dilaton interaction creates a serious roadblock for inflation and makes it unlikely that the universe ever reaches a state with zero cosmological constant and time-independent gravitational constant.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures available as eps files on reques

    Dilatonic Domain Walls

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    Eq.(19) is added and related issues are further clarified. Also some typos and signs a re corrected.Comment: 11p

    Extended Inflation from Strings

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    We study the possibility of extended inflation in the effective theory of gravity from strings compactified to four dimensions and find that it strongly depends on the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. We consider a general class of string--inspired models which are good candidates for successful extended inflation. In particular, the ω\omega--problem of ordinary extended inflation is automatically solved by the production of only very small bubbles until the end of inflation. We find that the inflaton field could belong either to the untwisted or to the twisted massless sectors of the string spectrum, depending on the supersymmetry breaking superpotential.Comment: 18p

    On String Tunneling in Power Law Inflationary Universes

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    We consider the evolution of circular string loops in power law expanding universes represented by a spatially flat Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric with scale factor a(t)tpa(t)\propto t^p where tt is the cosmic time and p0p\geq 0. Our main result is the existence of a "magic" power pm=3+22p_m=3+2\sqrt{2}. In spacetimes with p<pmp<p_m a circular string expands either forever or to a maximal radius and then contracts until it collapses into a point (black hole). For p>pmp>p_m, however, we find additional types of solutions. They include configurations which contract from a positive initial radius to a minimal one and then expand forever. Their existence we interpret as an indication for the presence of a finite potential barrier. Equivalently the new solutions signal string nucleation and tunneling, phenomena recently shown to occur in de Sitter space.Comment: Latex, 9 pages + 4 figures (not included), NBI-HE-93-5

    Magnetars as Highly Magnetized Quark Stars: an analytical treatment

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    We present an analytical model of a magnetar as a high density magnetized quark bag. The effect of strong magnetic fields (B > 5 x 10^{16} G) in the equation of state is considered. An analytic expression for the Mass-Radius relationship is found from the energy variational principle in general relativity. Our results are compared with observational evidences of possible quark and/or hybrid stars.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure/Comments added and two references removed. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Self interacting Brans Dicke cosmology and Quintessence

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    Recent cosmological observations reveal that we are living in a flat accelerated expanding universe. In this work we have investigated the nature of the potential compatible with the power law expansion of the universe in a self interacting Brans Dicke cosmology with a perfect fluid background and have analyzed whether this potential supports the accelerated expansion. It is found that positive power law potential is relevant in this scenario and can drive accelerated expansion for negative Brans Dicke coupling parameter ω\omega. The evolution of the density perturbation is also analyzed in this scenerio and is seen that the model allows growing modes for negative ω\omega.Comment: 8pages, 5 figures, PRD style, some changes are made, figures added, reference added. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Strings versus supersymmetric GUTs: can they be reconciled?

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    We describe a class of supersymmetric unified models with the following properties: i) the full breaking of the gauge group is achieved by Higgs fields in the fundamental representation; ii) the correct unification of the strong and electroweak coupling constants is obtained without the need of any intermediate scale; iii) the problems of the doublet-triplet splitting and of the proton decay at dimension-5 level may receive a natural solution. The models, other than being interesting unified field theories per se, may constitute examples of string-derivable GUTs.Comment: 5 pages, report IFUP-TH 20/9

    The Mass, Normalization and Late Time behavior of the Tachyon Field

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    We study the dynamics of the tachyon field TT. We derive the mass of the tachyon as the pole of the propagator which does not coincide with the standard mass given in the literature in terms of the second derivative of V(T)V(T) or Log[V(T)]Log[V(T)]. We determine the transformation of the tachyon in order to have a canonical scalar field ϕ\phi. This transformation reduces to the one obtained for small T˙\dot T but it is also valid for large values of T˙\dot T. This is specially interesting for the study of dark energy where T˙1\dot T\simeq 1. We also show that the normalized tachyon field ϕ\phi is constrained to the interval T2TT1T_2\leq T \leq T_1 where T1,T2T_1,T_2 are zeros of the original potential V(T)V(T). This results shows that the field ϕ\phi does not know of the unboundedness of V(T)V(T), as suggested for bosonic open string tachyons. Finally we study the late time behavior of tachyon field using the L'H\^{o}pital rule.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    QCD-scale modified-gravity universe

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    A possible gluon-condensate-induced modified-gravity model with f(R) \propto |R|^{1/2} has been suggested previously. Here, a simplified version is presented using the constant flat-spacetime equilibrium value of the QCD gluon condensate and a single pressureless matter component (cold dark matter, CDM). The resulting dynamical equations of a spatially-flat and homogeneous Robertson-Walker universe are solved numerically. This simple empirical model allows, in fact, for a careful treatment of the boundary conditions and does not require a further scaling analysis as the original model did. Reliable predictions are obtained for several observable quantities of the homogeneous model universe. In addition, the estimator E_{G}, proposed by Zhang et al. to search for deviations from standard Einstein gravity, is calculated for linear sub-horizon matter-density perturbations. The QCD-scale modified-gravity prediction for E_{G}(z) differs from that of the LambdaCDM model by about \pm 10 % depending on the redshift z.Comment: 24 pages; v7: published versio