427 research outputs found

    Behavioral inhibition and childhood stuttering.

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    Purposeā€”The purpose of this study was to assess the relation of behavioral inhibition to stuttering and speech/language output in preschool-age children who do (CWS) and do not stutter (CWNS). Methodā€”Participants were preschool-age (ages 36 to 68 months), including 26 CWS (22 males) and 28 CWNS (13 males). Participantsā€™ behavioral inhibition (BI) was assessed by measuring the latency to their sixth spontaneous comment during conversation with an unfamiliar experimenter, using methodology developed by Kagan, Reznick, and Gibbons (1989). In addition to these measures of BI, each participantā€™s stuttered and non-stuttered disfluencies and mean length of utterance (in morphemes) were assessed. Resultsā€”Among the more salient findings, it was found that (1) there was no significant difference in BI between preschool-age CWS and CWNS as a group, (2) when extremely high versus low inhibited children were selected, there were more CWS with higher BI and fewer CWS with lower BI when compared to their CWNS peers, and (3) more behaviorally inhibited CWS, when compared to less behaviorally inhibited CWS, exhibited more stuttering. Conclusionsā€”Findings are taken to suggest that one aspect of temperament (i.e., behavioral inhibition) is exhibited by some preschool-age CWS and that these children stutter more than CWS with lower behavioral inhibition. The present results seem to support continued study of the association between young childrenā€™s temperamental characteristics and stuttering, the diagnostic entity (i.e., CWS versus CWNS), as well as stuttering, the behavior (e.g., frequency of stuttered disfluencies)

    Enhancing effective healthcare communication in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Considerations for research, teaching, policy, and practice.

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    OBJECTIVE In this article we present a conceptual framework for enhancing effective healthcare communication in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. METHODS Through an iterative, deliberative dialogue approach, we, as experts from a variety of health professions and academic disciplines, worked together to identify core values and considerations for healthcare communication across numerous health professions and disciplines and within research, teaching, policy, and practice contexts. RESULTS The framework developed includes five core values at its centre: equitable, inclusive, evidence-based, collaborative, reflective. Around this are concentric circles showing key elements of collaborators, modality, context, and purpose. Each of these is explored. CONCLUSION This work may support benchmarking for healthcare providers, researchers, policymakers, and educators across a breadth of professions to help improve communication in clinical practice. The framework will also help to identify areas across disciplines that are shared and potentially idiosyncratic for various professions to promote interprofessional recognition, education, and collaboration. INNOVATION This framework is designed to start conversations, to form the foundation of a dialogue about the priorities and key considerations for developing teaching curricula, professional development, and research programs related to healthcare communication, providing a set of values specifically for the unique contexts of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. It can also be used to guide interdisciplinary healthcare professionals in advancing research, teaching, policy, and practice related to healthcare communication

    Blueberry Research Progress Reports

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    The 1989 edition of the Blueberry Research Progress Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers with the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and Maine Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Control of Secondary Blueberry Pests 2. Monitory Methods, Economic Injury Levels, and Action Thresholds of Secondary Blueberry Pests 3. Control of Blueberry Maggot 4. Phosphorus Dose/Response Curve 5. Nitrogen-Phosphorus Study 6. Multiple Cropping of Wild Stands 7. Changes in Sugars and Organic Acids of Blueberries During Development 8. Investigation of Preprocess Changes That Could Lead to the Development of a Simple and Inexpensive Method to Measure Preprocess Berry Spoilage 9. Development of Simple and Less Expensive Methods to Analyze Pesticides Used on Maine and Canadian Blueberries 10. Evaluation and Modification of Commercial Wipers 11. Effect of Rate and Formulation of Hexazinone on Bunchberry 12. Bracken Fern Control Alternatives 13. Evaluation of Hexazinone with Spot Treatments of Glyphosate Sethoxydim or Fluazifop-P for Bunchgrass Control 14. Directed Sprays of Glyphosate for Bunchberry Control 15. Evaluation of Norflurazon with or without Hexazinone for Bunchgrass Control 16. Selective Wiper and Mechanical Control of Dogbane 17. Evaluation of Sulfonyl Urea Herbicides for Bunchberry Control 18. Seedling Pruning Study 19. Evaluation of Sethoxydim in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 20. Blueberry Extension Program 21. Pollination of the Low-bush Blueberry by Native Bees 22. Postharvest Fungi of Lowbush Blueberries 23. Effects of Pruning Methods on Mummy Berry Incidenc

    Maine Blueberry Advisory Committee Research Report

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    The 1990 edition of the Maine Blueberry Advisory Committee Research Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers with the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and Maine Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Biology and action thresholds of secondary blueberry pests 2. Control of blueberry maggot 3. Control of secondary blueberry pests 4. Application of steam as a method of controlling secondary pest insects on lowbush blueberry: a feasibility study 5. Pollination of the lowbush blueberry by native bees 6. Nitrogen-phosphorus study 7. Potassium study 8. Multiple cropping of wild stands 9. Phosphorus dose/response curve 10. Improvement in the color and texture of the canned blueberry 11. The effect of fertilization and irrigation on blueberry fruit quality 12. Investigation of preprocess changes (chemical, microbiological, and/or physical) that could lead to the development of a simple and inexpensive method to measure preprocess berry spoilage 13. The effect of postharvest handling on the dietary fiber and ellagic acid content of lowbush blueberries 14. Determination of pesticide residue levels in freshly harvested and processed lowbush blueberries 15. Evaluation of Defoliating Diseases 16. Vacuum Sanitation for Disease Control 17. Evaluation and modification of commercial herbicide applications 18. Evaluation of the suitability of remote sensing to evaluate plant cover in lowbush blueberry fields 19. Evaluation of Sethoxydin (POAST) in lowbush blueberry fields 20. Seedling pruning study 21. Evaluation of norflurazon (SOLICAM) with or without hexazinone (VELPAR) for bunchberry control 22. Selective wiper and mechanical control of dogbane and bracken fern 23. Evaluation of norflurazon (SOLICAM) in fall vs spring for oatgrass control 24. Evaluation of sulfonyl urea herbicides for bunchberry control 25. Evaluation of postemergence applications of DPX-L5300 for bunchberry control 26. Effect of time of application and formulation of hexazinone (VELPAR) on blueberry and bunchberry 27. Investigations of lowbush blueberry fruit-bud cold hardiness 28. The economics of investing in irrigation for lowbush blueberries 29. Effects of irrigation on lowbush blueberry yield and quality 30. Groundwater and surface water development for blueberry irrigation 31. Design, fabrication and testing of an experimental sterilizer for blueberry field

    A Rapid New Assay to Detect RNA Editing Reveals Antipsychotic-Induced Changes in Serotonin-2C Transcripts

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    ABSTRACT We report the development of a new assay as an alternative to direct DNA sequencing to measure RNA-edited variation in tissue. The new assay has been validated and is accurate, cheaper, more rapid, and less labor-intensive than DNA sequencing. We also outline the statistical modeling required for analyses of the hierarchical, clustered RNA-editing data generated in these studies. Using the new technique, we analyzed the effects of long-term antipsychotic medication on serotonin-2C receptor (5-HT 2C R) RNA editing in rat brain. Our hypothesis that a drug with high affinity for 5-HT 2C R, such as clozapine, would alter its RNA-editing profile was not confirmed. Whereas haloperidol, a typical antipsychotic drug that is primarily a dopamine receptor antagonist, reduced 5-HT 2C VNV isoform frequency and the level of RNA editing at the D site, risperidone and not the prototype atypical antipsychotic drug clozapine increased the frequency of 5-HT 2C VNV and D-site editing. Our data emphasize that caution is required in the interpretation of RNA-editing data in studies of psychiatric disorders, because these studies usually include subjects who received long-term exposure to medication. This newly established method will facilitate high-throughput investigations of RNA editing in disease pathology and in the pharmacological activity of drugs. The revelation that the human genome comprises between 30,000 and 40,000 protein-coding genes was unexpected, because such few genes are unlikely to explain the functional diversity between humans and less complex organisms. These interspecies differences could arise from post-transcriptional processes such as RNA editing and alternative splicing, which allow a single gene to generate several protein variants. The current study focuses on RNA editing. The recent detection of 1637 potential new substrates for RNA editing Because of their relatively recent discovery, substrates of RNA editing have not been extensively characterized. Adenine-to-inosine RNA editing in mammalian brain has been identified in ionotropic receptors (such as the GluR2 subunit of the ā£-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate receptor) and in the serotonin (5-HT)-2C receptor (R), which is coupled to GTP-binding protein. Discrepancies between genomic DNA and cDNA sequences led to the discovery of nucleotide changes caused by the activity of ADAR enzymes. In the fully edited 5-HT 2C R, three amino acid codons in the pre-mRNA are changed so that the sequence coding for IRNPI becomes VRGP

    1993 Progress Reports

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    The 1993 Progress Reports which contain Blueberry Tax Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports, and CSRS Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports, pertain to and report on research conducted in 1992. They were prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: Progress Reports 1. Effects of Irrigation on Low bush Blueberry Yield and Quality 2. Economics of Investing in Irrigation for Lowbush Blueberries 3. Diammonium Phosphate Study 4. Phosphorus Dose/Response Curve 5. Winter Injury Protection by Potassium 6. Multiple Cropping of Wild Stands 7. Effect of Boron on Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Set and Yield 8.Determination of Pesticide Residue Levels in Freshly Harvested and Processed Lowbush Blueberries 9. Effects of Calcium Salts and Citric Acids on the Quality of Canned Lowbush Blueberries- missing 10. Investigation of PreProcess Changes- missing 11. The Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation on Blueberry Fruit Control - missing 12. Pollination Ecology of Lowbush Blueberry in Maine 13. Control of Secondary Blueberry Pests 14. Control of Blueberry Maggot 15. Biology and Action Thresholds of Secondary Blueberry Pests 16. Cold-Hardiness of Native Lowbush Blueberries 17. Design, Fabrication, and Testing of an Experimental Sterilizer for Blueberry Fields 18. Canned Product Quality - Heat Resistant Molds 19. Sanitation for Disease Control Blueberry Tax Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports 20. Evaluation of Postemergence Applications of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control 21. Comparison of Poast and Select for Suppression of Bunchgrass 22. Effect of Time of Fall Pruning on Growth and Productivity of Blueberries. and Evaluation of Infrared Burner to Prune Blueberries 23. Evaluation of Velpar impregnated DAP for weed control 24. Thresholds of Dogbane and Bracken Fern for Mechanical and Chemical Control in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 25. Effect of Time and Rate of Application of Clopyralid for Control of Vetch in Lowbush Blueberries 26. Hexazinone Ground Water Survey 27. Composting Blueberry Processing Waste 28. Hexazinone Movement in a Blueberry Soil in Maine CSRS Supported Weed Management and Pruning Project Reports 29. Evaluation of the Suitability of Remote Sensing to Evaluate Plant Cover in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 30. Obstruction Removal in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 31. Evaluation of Pressurized Rope Wick Wick Master Wiper for Treating Weeds Growing Above Lowbush Blueberries 32. Evaluation of Infrared Burner for Weed Control 33. Blueberry Extension Education Program Base Miscellaneous 34. Comparison of N, NP, and NPK Fertilizers to Correct Nitrogen and Phosphorus Deficienc

    1992 Blueberry Research Progress Reports

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    The 1992 Blueberry Research Progress Reports pertain to and report on research conducted in 1991, and were prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1992 CSRS Progress Reports: 1. Investigation of Groundwater Resources 2. Sprinkler Irrigation 3. Investigation of Preprocess Changes Leading to Berry Spoilage 4. Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation on Blueberry Quality 5. Effects of Calcium Salts and Citric Acid on Quality of Canned Lowbush Blueberries 6. Pollination of Lowbush Blueberry by Native Bees 7. Application of Heat for Controlling Insects 8. Investigations of Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Bud Cold-Hardiness 9. Steam Sterilization in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 10. Heat-Tolerant Molds 11. Vacuum Sanitation for Disease Control 12. Evaluation of Infrared Burner for Weed Control 13. Evaluation and Modification of Commercial Herbicide Wipers 14. Evaluation of Remote Sensing to Estimate Plant Cover in Lowbush Blueberry Fields 15. Comparison of Three Mechanical Blueberry Harvesters vs. Hand Raking Advisory Committee Research Reports: 16. Biology and action thresholds of secondary blueberry insects 17. Control of secondary blueberry pests 18. Control of blueberry maggot 19. Effects of calcium salts and citric acid on the quality of canned lowbush blueberries 20. The effects of postharvest handling on the dietary fiber and ellagic acid content of lowbush blueberries 21. Investigation of preprocessing changes that could lead to development of simple and inexpensive method to measure preprocessing berry spoilage 22. Determination of pesticide residue levels in fresh and processed lowbush blueberries 23. Vacuum sanitation for disease control 24. Heat-tolerant molds 25. Seedling pruning study 26. Effect of time and rate of application of Clopyralid for control of Vetch in lowbush blueberries 27. Evaluation and modification of commercial herbicide wipers 28. Effect of time of application and formulation of Hexazinone (Velpar) on Blueberry and Bunchberry 29. Evaluation of postemergence applications of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry control 30. Thresholds of Dogbane and Bracken Fern by mechanical and chemical control in lowbush blueberry fields 31. Evaluation of the suitability of remote sensing to evaluate plant cover in lowbush blueberry fields 32. Evalution of infrared burner for weed control 33. Effect of time of fall pruning on growth and productivity of blueberry and evaluation of infrared burner to prune blueberries 34. Effect of Boron on lowbush blueberry fruit set and yield 35. Winter injury protection by potassium 36. Multiple cropping of wild stands 37. Nitrogen-Phosphorus study 38. Phosphorus dose/response curve 39. Investigations of lowbush blueberry fruit bud cold-hardines

    1993-94 Progress Report

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    The 1993 edition of the Progress Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Effects of irrigation on lowbush blueberry yield and quality 2. The Economics of investigating irrigation for lowbush blueberries 3. Phosphorus dose/response curve 4. Winter injury protection by potassium 5. Multiple cropping of wild stands 6. Effect of Boron and Calcium on lowbush blueberry fruit set and yield 7. Comparison of N, NP, and NPK fertilizers to correct nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency 8. Determination of pesticide residue levels in freshly harvested and processed lowbush blueberries 9. Effects of calcium salts and citric acid on the quality of canned lowbush blueberries 10. Investigation of preprocess changes (chemical, microbiological, and/or physical) that can lead to the development of a simple and inexpensive method to measure preprocess berry spoilage 11. The effect of fertilization and irrigation in blueberry fruit quality 12. Pollination Ecology of lowbush blueberry in Maine 13. Current importance of insects in lowbush blueberry fields 14. Application of heat as a method of controlling secondary pest insects on lowbush blueberry: a feasibility study 15. Control of blueberry maggot 16. Control of secondary blueberry pest insects 17. Biology and action thresholds of secondary blueberry pest insects 18. Cold-hardiness of native lowbush blueberry 19. Design, fabrication, and testing of an experimental sterilizer for blueberry fields 20. Canned Product Quality--Heat-resistant molds 21. Sanitation for disease control 22. Evaluation of VelparĀ® impregnated DAP and PrononeĀ® for weed control 23. Evaluation of postemergence applications of tribenuron methyl for bunchberry control 24. Evaluation of postemergence applications of a tank mix of tribenuron methyl and hexazinone for bunchberry control 25. Thresholds of dogbane and bracken fem by mechanical and chemical control in lowbush blueberry fields 26. Effect of time of application of clopyralid for control of vetch and effect on flowering in lowbush blueberries 27. Effect of time of fall pruning on growth and productivity of blueberries and evaluation of infrared burner to prune blueberries 28. Evaluation of infrared burner for selective seedling weed control 29. Evaluation of pressurized rope wick Wick Master wiper for treating weeds growing above lowbush blueberries 30. Blueberry Extension Education Program Base 31. Blueberry ICM program for Hancock County 32. Composting blueberry processing waste 33. Hexazinone ground water survey 34. Investigations of Lowbush Blueberry Fruit bud Cold-hardiness 35. Design, Fabrication, and Testing of an Experimental Sterilizer for Blueberry Field

    The eck fistula in animals and humans

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    In all species so far studied, including man, portacaval shunt causes the same changes in liver morphology, including hepatocyte atrophy, fatty infiltration, deglycogenation, depletion and disorganization of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and its lining polyribosomes and variable but less specific damage to other organelles. Many, perhaps all, biosynthetic processes are quickly depressed, largely secondary to the selective damage to the RER, which is the "factory" of the cell. These structural and metabolic changes in the liver after portal diversion are caused by the diversion around the liver of the hepatotrophic substances in portal venous blood, of which endogenous insulin is the most important. In experimental animals, the injury of Eck's fistula can be prevented by infusing insulin into the tied-off hilar portal vein. The subtle but far-reaching changes in hepatic function after portal diversion have made it possible to use this procedure in palliating three inborn errors of metabolism: glycogen storage disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, and Ī±1-antitrypsin deficiency In these three diseases, the abnormalities caused by portal diversion have counteracted abnormalities in the patients that were caused by the inborn errors. In these diseases, amelioration of the inborn errors depends on the completeness of the portal diversion. In contrast, total portal diversion to treat complications of portal hypertension is undesirable and always will degrade hepatic function if a significant amount of hepatopetal portal venous blood is taken from the liver. When total portal diversion is achieved (and this is to be expected after all conventional shunts), the incidence of hepatic failure and hepatic encephalopathy is increased. If portal diversion must be done for the control of variceal hemorrhage, a selective procedure such as the Warren procedure is theoretically superior to the completely diverting shunt. In practice, better patient survival has not been achieved after selective shunts than after conventional shunts, but the incidence of hepatic encephalopathy has been less. Ā© 1983 Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc
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