1,025 research outputs found

    The Role of Emotional Overcontrol in Acceptance of Counselor Training Feedback

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    Effective feedback is a critical component of counselor training. The degree to which a recipient is able or willing to accept feedback can impact learning and skill development significantly. Recognizing individual trait differences can help the field of counseling understand feedback receptivity in counseling students. This study examined the possible relationship between feedback receptivity and the individual trait of emotional overcontrol. Results indicate that overcontrol accounted for variance in scores on a measure of feedback receptivity in a sample of counseling students, suggesting that individual trait differences meaningfully affect feedback receptivity

    On the zig-zag pilot-wave approach for fermions

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    We consider a pilot-wave approach for the Dirac theory that was recently proposed by Colin and Wiseman. In this approach, the particles perform a zig-zag motion, due to stochastic jumps of their velocity. We respectively discuss the one-particle theory, the many-particle theory and possible extensions to quantum field theory. We also discuss the non-relativistic limit of the one-particle theory. For a single particle, the motion is always luminal, a feature that persists in the non-relativistic limit. For more than one particle the motion is in general subluminal.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Chemical composition and minerals in pyrite ash of an abandoned sulphuric acid production plant

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    The extraction of sulphur produces a hematite-rich waste, known as roasted pyrite ash, which contains significant amounts of environmentally sensitive elements in variable concentrations and modes of occurrence. Whilst the mineralogy of roasted pyrite ash associated with iron or copper mining has been studied, as this is the main source of sulphur worldwide, the mineralogy, and more importantly, the characterization of submicron, ultrafine and nanoparticles, in coal-derived roasted pyrite ash remain to be resolved. In this work we provide essential data on the chemical composition and nanomineralogical assemblage of roasted pyrite ash. XRD, HR-TEM and FE-SEM were used to identify a large variety of minerals of anthropogenic origin. These phases result from highly complex chemical reactions occurring during the processing of coal pyrite of southern Brazil for sulphur extraction and further manufacture of sulphuric acid. Iron-rich submicron, ultrafine and nanoparticles within the ash may contain high proportions of toxic elements such as As, Se, U, among others. A number of elements, such as As, Cr, Cu, Co, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, Zn, and Zr, were found to be present in individual nanoparticles and submicron, ultrafine and nanominerals (e.g. oxides, sulphates, clays) in concentrations of up to 5%. The study of nanominerals in roasted pyrite ash from coal rejects is important to develop an understanding on the nature of this by-product, and to assess the interaction between emitted nanominerals, ultra-fine particles, and atmospheric gases, rain or body fluids, and thus to evaluate the environmental and health impacts of pyrite ash materials

    Pilot study linking primary care records to Census, cardiovascular hospitalization and mortality data in Scotland: feasibility, utility and potential

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    Background There are substantial ethnic variations in the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related hospitalization and mortality in Scotland. We piloted extracting and linking primary care risk factors to Scottish Census and health data, to test the feasibility of further investigating these variations.Methods Data extracted from 10 general practices were linked at individual level to Census and hospitalization/death records. Linkage rates, reasons for non-linkage and completeness of primary care data were examined. CVD relative risks were calculated, adjusting for age, socioeconomic status and primary care-derived risk factors.Results Practice enrolment and data extraction proved challenging. Primary care records for 52 975 (55.2%) people were linked to Census data. Completeness and validity of risk variables were similar across ethnic groups. A total of 48 325 (91.2%) records had a valid smoking status recorded and 2900 (5.5%) people had a primary care record of diabetes. Ethnic-specific adjusted estimates of CVD risk were plausible and consistent with previous work.Conclusions Risk factor data extracted from primary care were of good quality and successfully linked to national Census records. Given further methodological refinement, this method illustrates the potential value of linkage using national primary care datasets to contribute to public health surveillance and research.<br/

    Petrology, Palynology, and Geochemistry of Gray Hawk Coal (Early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian) in Eastern Kentucky, USA

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    This study presents recently collected data examining the organic petrology, palynology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Gray Hawk coal bed. From the Early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian substage, Gray Hawk coal has been mined near the western edge of the eastern Kentucky portion of the Central Appalachian coalfield. While the coal is thin, rarely more than 0.5-m thick, it has a low-ash yield and a low-S content, making it an important local resource. The Gray Hawk coal palynology is dominated by Lycospora spp., and contains a diverse spectrum of small lycopods, tree ferns, small ferns, calamites, and gymnosperms. The maceral assemblages show an abundance of collotelinite, telinite, vitrodetrinite, fusinite, and semifusinite. Fecal pellet-derived macrinite, albeit with more compaction than is typically seen in younger coals, was observed in the Gray Hawk coal. The minerals in the coal are dominated by clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite, mixed-layer illite/smectite, illite), and to a lesser extent, pyrite, quartz, and iron III hydroxyl-sulfate, along with traces of chlorite, and in some cases, jarosite, szomolnokite, anatase, and calcite. The clay minerals are of authigenic and detrital origins. The occurrence of anatase as cell-fillings also indicates an authigenic origin. With the exception of Ge and As, which are slightly enriched in the coals, the concentrations of other trace elements are either close to or much lower than the averages for world hard coals. Arsenic and Hg are also enriched in the top bench of the coal and probably occur in pyrite. The elemental associations (e.g., Al2O3/TiO2, Cr/Th-Sc/Th) indicate a sediment-source region with intermediate and felsic compositions. Rare metals, including Ga, rare earth elements and Ge, are highly enriched in the coal ashes, and the Gray Hawk coals have a great potential for industrial use of these metals. The rare earth elements in the samples are weakly fractionated or are characterized by heavy-REE enrichment, indicating an input of natural waters or probably epithermal solutions

    Environmental evaluation and nano-mineralogical study of fresh and unsaturated weathered coal fly ashes

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    Coal combustion and the disposal of combustion wastes emit enormous quantities of nano-sized particles that pose significant health concerns on exposure, particularly in unindustrialized countries. Samples of fresh and weathered class F fly ash were analysed through various techniques including X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) coupled with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and Raman Spectroscopy. The imaging techniques showed that the fresh and weathered coal fly ash nanoparticles (CFA-NPs) are mostly spherical shaped. The crystalline phases detected were quartz, mullite, ettringite, calcite, maghemite, hematite, gypsum, magnetite, clay residues, and sulphides. The most abundant crystalline phases were quartz mixed with Al-Fe-Si-K-Ti-O-amorphous phases whereas mullite was detected in several amorphous phases of Al, Fe, Ca, Si, O, K, Mg, Mn, and P. The analyses revealed that CFANPs are 5–500 nm in diameter and encapsulate several potentially hazardous elements (PHEs). The carbon species were detected as 5–50 nm carbon nanoballs of graphitic layers and massive fullerenes. Lastly, the aspects of health risks related to exposure to some detected ambient nanoparticles are also discussed

    Improving predictive asthma algorithms with modelled environment data for Scotland: an observational cohort study protocol

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    Introduction Asthma has a considerable, but potentially, avoidable burden on many populations globally. Scotland has some of the poorest health outcomes from asthma. Although ambient pollution, weather changes and sociodemographic factors have been associated with asthma attacks, it remains unclear whether modelled environment data and geospatial information can improve population-based asthma predictive algorithms. We aim to create the afferent loop of a national learning health system for asthma in Scotland. We will investigate the associations between ambient pollution, meteorological, geospatial and sociodemographic factors and asthma attacks.Methods and Analysis We will develop and implement a secured data governance and linkage framework to incorporate primary care health data, modelled environment data, geospatial population and sociodemographic data. Data from 75 recruited primary care practices (n=500 000 patients) in Scotland will be used. Modelled environment data on key air pollutants at a horizontal resolution of 5 km×5 km at hourly time steps will be generated using the EMEP4UK atmospheric chemistry transport modelling system for the datazones of the primary care practices’ populations. Scottish population census and education databases will be incorporated into the linkage framework for analysis. We will then undertake a longitudinal retrospective observational analysis. Asthma outcomes include asthma hospitalisations and oral steroid prescriptions. Using a nested case–control study design, associations between all covariates will be measured using conditional logistic regression to account for the matched design and to identify suitable predictors and potential candidate algorithms for an asthma learning health system in Scotland.Findings from this study will contribute to the development of predictive algorithms for asthma outcomes and be used to form the basis for our learning health system prototype.Ethics and dissemination The study received National Health Service Research Ethics Committee approval (16/SS/0130) and also obtained permissions via the Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care in Scotland to access, collate and use the following data sets: population and housing census for Scotland; Scottish education data via the Scottish Exchange of Data and primary care data from general practice Data Custodians. Analytic code will be made available in the open source GitHub website. The results of this study will be published in international peer reviewed journals

    Collective decision making and social interaction rules in mixed-species flocks of songbirds

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    Associations in mixed-species foraging groups are common in animals, yet have rarely been explored in the context of collective behaviour. Despite many investigations into the social and ecological conditions under which individuals should form groups, we still know little about the specific behavioural rules that individuals adopt in these contexts, or whether these can be generalized to heterospecifics. Here, we studied collective behaviour in flocks in a community of five species of woodland passerine birds. We adopted an automated data collection protocol, involving visits by RFID-tagged birds to feeding stations equipped with antennae, over two winters, recording 91 576 feeding events by 1904 individuals. We demonstrated highly synchronized feeding behaviour within patches, with birds moving towards areas of the patch with the largest proportion of the flock. Using a model of collective decision making, we then explored the underlying decision rule birds may be using when foraging in mixed-species flocks. The model tested whether birds used a different decision rule for conspecifics and heterospecifics, and whether the rules used by individuals of different species varied. We found that species differed in their response to the distribution of conspecifics and heterospecifics across foraging patches. However, simulating decisions using the different rules, which reproduced our data well, suggested that the outcome of using different decision rules by each species resulted in qualitatively similar overall patterns of movement. It is possible that the decision rules each species uses may be adjusted to variation in mean species abundance in order for individuals to maintain the same overall flock-level response. This is likely to be important for maintaining coordinated behaviour across species, and to result in quick and adaptive flock responses to food resources that are patchily distributed in space and time

    The Local Environment of the FUor-like Objects AR 6A and 6B

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    We present new 12CO J=3-2 and HCN J=3-2 molecular line maps of the region surrounding the young star AR 6 using the 15 metre James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. AR 6 was previously found to be a double source with both components exhibiting several characteristics of FU Orionis (FUor) eruptive variable stars. Our data indicates that AR 6, like FU Orionis itself, does not possess a CO outflow and likewise, does not show evidence for large amounts of molecular g as in its circumstellar environment. We conclude that from the near-IR to the sub-mm, AR 6 is similar to FU Orionis in several respects. We interpret the lack of significant dust and molecular gas in the circumstellar environment of AR 6, together with the large near-IR thermal excess, as evidence that the sources have exhausted their natal envelopes, that they have at least small hot circumstellar disks, and that they are more evolved than Class I protostars. This, in itself, suggests that, since FUor eruptions have also been observed in stars with large dust mass envelopes (e.g. V346 Nor) and with CO outflows (e.g. L1551 IRS5), FUor events probably occur at many different stages in the early, formative phase of a star's life, and lends support to the idea that FUor outbursts are repetitive like their shorter-lived relatives occurring in EXor eruptive variables. Finally, we show that, being part of the 'Spokes' young stellar cluster, AR 6 is unlike many FUors which typically are located in more sparsely populated regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (October 2008
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