121 research outputs found

    Detection of Acinetobacter baumanniiin Human Lice

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    Background: Pediculus humanus humanus and Pediculus humanus capitis are bloodsucking human ectoparasites. Human body lice have been long known to vector several human pathogens, including Rickettsia prowazekii, Bartonella quintana, and Borrelia recurrentis. In contrast, human head lice are not typically associated with carriage of any pathogens, despite sporadic findings of B. quintana and Acinetobacter baumannii in lice collected from homeless people and children in different parts of the world. The purpose of this project is to assess the prevalence of A. baumannii in human head lice collected from school children from Georgia, USA. Methodology and Data: DNA of A. baumannii was extracted from an isolate cultured from a beach water sample. A rpoB fragment of this A. baumannii isolate was PCR amplified and cloned into a plasmid as an assay control. The rpoB recombinant plasmid was purified; its DNA was measured and serial 10-fold dilutions were prepared. PCR conditions were optimized to detect this rpoB gene fragment of A. baumannii using a TaqMan assay; the limits of detection and efficiency of amplification of A. baumanii DNA were determined. DNA of human head lice was tested and the overall prevalence of positive samples was determined. Outcomes and Significance: Finding A. baumannii in association with human head lice is an important observation, and is of a particular concern because this otherwise opportunistic environmental microorganism harbors numerous antibiotic resistant genes. If the lice are infected with this agent, it may lead to greater severity of the presentation of pediculosis in some individuals, particularly those with weakened immune systems

    Comparison of left 4th and 5th intercostal space thoracotomy for open-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs

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    Open-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation (OC-CPR) is indicated in certain cardiopulmonary arrest situations such as thoracic trauma. Laboratory research and clinical studies in human medicine have established the superiority of OC-CPR compared to closed-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CC-CPR) with regard to cardiac output, aortic blood pressure, blood flow, and perfusion. Despite this demonstrated superiority, the technique for OC-CPR has not been described in detail in the veterinary clinical literature. The most convenient incision for performing OC-CPR is a left intercostal thoracotomy. Literature most commonly describes a 4th or 5th intercostal space (ICS) thoracotomy for performing OC-CPR in dogs. No studies to date have been performed to compare the two approaches. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether lateral thoracotomies through the 5th ICS should be recommended over those performed through the 4th ICS for canine OC-CPR. We hypothesized that access to the heart would be more convenient through the 5th ICS, and the 4th ICS would not provide appropriate access for all the procedures involved in performing OC-CPR. Left lateral thoracotomies were performed on twelve canine cadavers, six through the 4th ICS and six through the 5th ICS. Six parameters (ease of grasping phrenicopericardial ligament, ease of pericardial incision, ease of aortic access, ease of achieving appropriate hand position, ease of application of Rumel tourniquet, and ease of proper placement of defibrillator paddles) involved in performing OC-CPR were assessed by three evaluators. The results indicated that either 4th or 5th ICS thoracotomy may provide adequate access to intrathoracic structures pertinent for performing OC-CPR in dogs weighing approximating 20 kg, but the 5th ICS was found to be better for most manipulations.Includes bibliographical reference


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    Public procurement contracts for goods / services are one aspect of the public procurement cycle. The government in the procurement of goods / services can cooperate with third parties through contractual relationships. This is what then motivates the author to write laws related to the implementation of the contract for the procurement of goods / services for the Specal Region Of Yogyakarta regional government in order to realize good procurement of goods / services. The research method uses normative research methods. The author conducted data collection in 3 (three) agency of Special Region of Yogyakarta Government. From this study the authors conducted an analysis using laws and regulations relating to the procurement of goods / services such as Presidential Decree number 16 of 2018, LKPP Regulation Number 09 of 2018 as well as various secondary literature such as books and journals. The author concludes that the implementation of the procurement of goods / services for the DIY local government has been carried out properly based on the normative provisions of procurement and supports the realization of good government procurement of goods / services

    Relevansi fatwa DSN NO. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 tentang fintech syariah terhadap Peraturan OJK NO.77/POJK.01/2016

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    ABSTRAK Zedra Warang, Relevansi Fatwa No. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 tentang Fintech Syari’ah terhadap Peraturan OJK NO. 77/POJK .01/2016 Fintech syariah masih berlandaskan pada POJK Nomor 77 Tahun 2016 dan fatwa majelis ulama Indonesia 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018, yang mempunyai sistem operasional yang berbeda. Sehingga ketergantungan regulasi fintech syariah terhadap fintech konvensional ini menimbulkan suatu problematika. Dimana dalam peraturan tersebut terdapat suatu ketidak jelasan yang memisakan antara fintech syariah dan fintech konvensional. Karena didalam POJK ini terdapat aturan mengenai besaran bunga, yang dimana acuan tersebut tidak dipakai dalam pengoperasian fintech syariah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, pertama, untuk menganalisis dan mengurai fintech syariah dalam Fatwa No. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018. Kedua, untuk menganalisis dan mengurai fintech syariah dalam POJK No. 77/POJK.01/2016. Ketiga, untuk menganalisis relevansi Fintech Syariah dalam Fatwa No. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 dengan Peraturan OJK NO. 77/POJK.01/2016. Kerangka pemikiran dalam penelitian relevansi fintech syariah dalam peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan dan fatwa dewan syariah nasional berpijak pada teori kepastian hukum dan teori relevansi sehingga dapat mengetahui relevansi fintech syariah dalam POJK dan Fatwa DSN-MUI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, sedangkan jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder, teknik pungumpulan data menggunkan study kepustakaan dan study dokumentasi, teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif induktif, menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa: 1) financial technology dalam fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Nomor 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 bahwa layanan pembiayaan yang berbasis teknologi informasi ini berdasarkan prinsip syariah, yang mempertemukan pemberi pembiayaan dan penerima pembiayaan melalui sistem elektronik. 2) Dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 77/POJK.01/2016 menjelaskan fintech sebagai layanan pinjam meminjam uang berbasis teknologi dengan penyelenggara mempertemukan penerima dan peminjam dalam rangka melakukan pinjam-meminjam mata uang rupiah. 3) Secara hukum baik fintech baik syariah maupun konvensional di lindungi oleh payung hukum POJK No. 77/POJK.01/2016. ABSTRACT Zedra Warang, Relevance of Fatwa No. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 on Fintech Shari'ah to OJK Regulation No. 77/POJK .01/2016 Sharia fintech is still based on POJK Number 77 of 2016 and fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018, which has a different operational system. So that the dependence of Sharia fintech regulation on conventional fintech is causing a problem. Where in the regulation there is a clearness that is transmitted between Islamic fintech and conventional fintech. Because in this POJK there are rules regarding the amount of interest, which is where the reference is not used in the operation of Sharia fintech. The purpose of this research is, first, to analyze and parse sharia fintech in Fatwa No. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018. Second, to analyze and parse Sharia fintech in POJK No. 77/POJK.01/2016. Third, to analyze the relevance of Sharia Fintech in Fatwa No. 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 with OJK Regulation No. 77/POJK.01/2016. The framework of thought in the research relevance of sharia fintech in the regulation of financial services authorities and fatwas of the national Sharia council is based on the theory of legal certainty and relevance theory so as to know the relevance of sharia fintech in POJK and Fatwa DSN-MUI. The research method used is a descriptive method of analysis. By using a normative juridical approach, while the type of research used in research is qualitative research with primary and secondary data sources, data collection techniques use literature studies and documentation studies, data analysis techniques using inductive descriptive, drawing conclusions. The results of this study confirm that: 1) financial technology in the fatwa of the National Sharia Council Number 117/DSN-MUI/II/2018 that this information technology-based financing service is based on sharia principles, which brings together lenders and recipients of financing through an electronic system. 2) In Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 77/POJK.01/2016 describes fintech as a technology-based lending service with organizers bringing together recipients and borrowers in order to borrow rupiah. 3) Legally both sharia and conventional fintech is protected by the legal umbrella of POJK No. 77 / POJK.01 / 2016. مستخلص البحث زيدرا وارانج، موافقة الفتوى رقم 117/د.س.ن-مجلس علماء إندونيسيا/II/2018 عن تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي بنظام سطوة صلاح المالية رقم 77/نظام سطوة صلاح المالية 01/2016 تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي ما زال على أساس نظام سطوة صلاح المالية رقم 77/نظام سطوة صلاح المالية 01/2016 وفتوى مجلس علماء إندونيسيا رقم 117/د.س.ن-مجلس علماء إندونيسيا/II/2018، الذي له نظام عملية مختلفة. حتى تكون علاقة نظام تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي بتكنولوجيا مالي تقليدي تؤدي إلى مشكلة. فيه عدم الوضوح الذي يفارق بين تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي بتكنولوجيا مالي تقليدي. لأن في نظام سطوة صلاح المالية نظاما عن كبر الفضول المالي وهذا لا يستخدمه نظام تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي. هدف هذا البحث أولا، لتحليل وشرح تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي في فتوى مجلس علماء إندونيسيا رقم 117/د.س.ن-مجلس علماء إندونيسيا/II/2018. ثانيا،لتحليل وشرح تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي في نظام سطوة صلاح المالية رقم 77/نظام سطوة صلاح المالية 01/2016. ثالثا، لتحليل موافقة تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي بين فتوى مجلس علماء إندونيسيا رقم 117/د.س.ن-مجلس علماء إندونيسيا/II/2018 ونظام سطوة صلاح المالية رقم 77/نظام سطوة صلاح المالية 01/2016. هيكل الفكر في بحث موافقة تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي في نظام سطوة صلاح المالية وفتوى ديوان شريعة وطنية يتأسس بنظرية ثبوت الحكم ونظرية الموافقة حتى تعرف موافقة تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي في نظام سطوة صلاح المالية وفتوى ديوان شريعة وطنية. يستخدم هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي بمدخل الحكم الثابتي. ونوع هذا البحث بحث كيفي بمصدر البيانات الأولى والثانية. وأسلوب جمع البيانات بدراسة مكتبية وتوثيقية. وأسلوب تحليل البيانات بالوصفي الحثي والتلخيص. نتائج البحث تدل على أن: 1) تكنولوجيا مالي في فتوى ديوان شريعة وطنية رقم 117/د.س.ن-مجلس علماء إندونيسيا/II/2018 فيه خدمة تمويلية على أساس تكنولوجيا ومعلومات وهذا على أساس الشريعة الذي يلاقي معطي التمويل وقابله من خلال نظام إلكتروني. 2) في نظام سطوة صلاح المالية رقم 77/نظام سطوة صلاح المالية 01/2016 يشرح أن تكنولوجيا مالي كخدمة استعارية على أساس تكنولوجيا بملاقاة معطي التمويل وقابله في استعارة النقود. 3) نظرا إلى الحكم، إما تكنولوجيا مالي شرعي أو بتكنولوجيا مالي تقليدي كانا محميان تحت مظلة حكم نظام سطوة صلاح المالية رقم 77/نظام سطوة صلاح المالية 01/2016

    Sistemas de diseño procedimental Implementando el bioaprendizaje

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    Traditional architectural design and architectural design education, which are strongly based on rational-functionalist design ideals, are categorically segregated into modelling, analysis and prototyping. En el diseño arquitectónico tradicional y su educación, que se basan fuertemente en los ideales de diseño racional-funcionalista, se segregan categóricamente en modelado, análisis y creación de prototipos. O design arquitectónico tradicional e a educação em design arquitectónico, que se baseiam fortemente em ideais de design racional-funcionalista, estão categoricamente segregados em modelação, análise e prototipagem


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    Pulau Sulabesi memiliki lima lokasi wisata pantai yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai daerah tujuan wiasata yaitu Pantai Wai Ipa, Pantai Manaf, Pantai Fatkauyon, Pantai Wai Goiyofa, dan Pantai Fukuweu. Kawasan Wisata Pantai di Pulau Sulabesi memiliki karakterisik yang khas dilihat dari keindahan dan atraksi alamnya. Namun belum didukung dengan sarana dan prasarana pendukungnya termasuk fasilitas wisata yang representatif bagi para wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Karakteristik Wisata Pantai dan mengkaji Strategi pengembangan Wisata Pantai di Pulau Sulabesi ditinjau dari konsep Atraksi, Aksesibilitas, Amenitas dan Aktivitas Adapun penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi analisis. Hasil penelitian di lima lokasi wisata pantai yang berada di Pulau Sulabesi menunjukkan bahwa terdapatnya persamaan karakteristik berupa alam yang khas berupa pantai yang menghadap kearah laut lepas dan pohon penedu. Disisi lain terdapat perbedaan karakteristik alam berupa taman laut, pantai pasir hitam, pasir putih halus, berkerikil, pasir yang bercampur kerikil, menghadap laut lepas, dan pantai yang berhadapan dengan pulau-pulau kecil. Strategi pengembangn wisata pantai yang dapat dilakukan adalah perlu pelestraian alam dan budaya untuk mendukung atraksi wisata, perbaikan jalan-jalan yang telah rusak, perlu mengadakan dan memperbaiki fasilitas seperti tempat parkir, MCK, rumah makan, hotel, pos keamanan/jasa pemandu, dan trasportasi wisata.Kata Kunci : Karakteristik Wisata Pantai, dan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Panta

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Myristica fragrans Houtt Terhadap Bakteri Patogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Methicilin Resistensi Staphylococcus aureus

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    Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) is enriched with secondary metabolites and has been traditionally believed to be useful in the treatment of infection and inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine the effective concentration of nutmeg extract in inhibiting skin pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The research type was a laboratory experiment to measure antibacterial activity in vitro through Kirby and Bauer's disk diffusion technique. Work procedures included a phytochemical test, extraction, and antibacterial activity tests. The results of the study based on the one-way ANOVA test showed that f-count ˃ f-table which means that nutmeg pulp extract was effective in inhibiting P. aeruginosa and Meticillin Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus as a whole total treatment. The concentration of 80% was the highest concentration, with an average diameter of the inhibition zone against P. aeruginosa of 17.3 mm and 19.6 mm for the inhibition zone of Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The mean value of the diameter of the inhibition zone is categorized as a strong antibacterial substance.Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt), diperkaya dengan metabolit sekunder dan telah dipercayai secara tradisional bermanfaat dalam pengobatan infeksi dan inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kosentrasi ekstrak pala yang efektif dalam penghambatan Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) sebagai bakteri patogen kulit. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen laboratorium untuk mengukur aktivitas antibakteri secara in-vitro melalui teknik disk diffusion Kirby and Bauer. Prosedur kerja meliputi uji fitokimia, ekstraksi serta uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan uji one way Anova menunjukkan bahwa f-hitung ˃ f-tabel yang berarti bahwa ekstrak daging buah pala efektif dalam menghambat P. aeruginosa dan Meticilin Resistensi Staphylococcus aureus secara keseluruhan total perlakuan. Konsentrasi 80% merupakan konsentrasi tertinggi dengan rerata diameter zona hambat terhadap bakteri P. aeruginosa 17.3 mm sementara 19,6 mm untuk zona hambat Methicilin Resistensi Staphilococcus aureus. Nilai rerata diameter zona hambat tersebut dikategorikan kuat sebagai zat antibakteri

    Dyes decolorization using silver nanoparticles supported on nanometric diamond as highly efficient photocatalyst under natural Sunlight irradiation

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    [EN] Herein we report that silver nanoparticles supported on commercial diamond nanoparticles functionalized with hydroxyl groups (D3) is a cost-effective heterogeneous catalyst for the decolorization of different synthetic dyes (Methylene Blue, Orange II, Acid Red 1 or Rhodamine B) using H2O2 as oxidant under natural Sunlight irradiation. Importantly, the photocatalytic activity of Ag/D3 is higher than that of analogous catalysts based on Ag NPs supported on graphite or activated carbon and similar to that of costly Au/D3 catalyst or the benchmark Ag/TiO2 material. Ag/D3 stability was established by performing consecutive reuses, without observing either decrease of the catalytic activity or metal leaching, while particle size increase occurs in a low extent. Productivity tests allow determining a minimum TON for dyes and H2O2 of about 500 and 6000, respectively. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.Financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Severo Ochoa, CTQ2012-32315 and CTQ2014-53292-R) is gratefully acknowledged. Generalidad Valenciana is also thanked for funding (Prometeo 2012/013). European Commission has been gratefully acknowledged for granting Erasmus Mundus Action-2 (SVAAGATA) fellowship to the first author for carrying out this work in Department of Chemistry, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain.Manickam-Periyaraman, P.; Espinosa, SM.; Espinosa-López, JC.; Navalón Oltra, S.; Subramanian, S.; Alvaro Rodríguez, MM.; García Gómez, H. (2016). Dyes decolorization using silver nanoparticles supported on nanometric diamond as highly efficient photocatalyst under natural Sunlight irradiation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 4(4):4485-4493. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.10.011S448544934

    Desa Grogol dengan Potensi Perkembangannya

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    KKN 78 UAJY or KKN Society 5.0. using online method, so there is no direct contact with people who live in the village. Group 40 located in Grogol Village, Paliyan, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This village has a potential in tourism sector. This program aim to help Grogol Village for their development, support, and manage their potential resource. This KKN program using literature review method based on trusted source from internet, personal experience, and interview with the expert. The result of this method give us the information and idea that can relate with the situation of Grogol Village. The result is develop the tourism sector by build the tourist object such as Nature learning program using the human resource in Grogol because most of them are farmers, the second is build the outbond area using the forest or not used land, the third is build the rafting zone or develop the water travel, and the fourth is build the Culture Center because Yogyakarta is the city with strong Java Culture and Grogol is located in Gunungkidul that has a lot of tourist attraction, and the fifth is team up with the tour agency in purpose to introduce the Grogol Village to people inside or outside of Yogyakarta so they are interested to come to Grogol Village. Beside tourism, Grogol village can develop the shallot cultivation because shallot doesn’t need too much water and the climate and land condition is potential for shallot cultivation