14 research outputs found

    Elymus athericus encroachment in Wadden Sea salt marshes is driven by surface elevation change

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    Questions What are the main drivers of vegetation succession and the encroachment of Elymus athericus (Link) KerguĂ©len in ungrazed Wadden Sea salt marshes? Is (a) elevation, a proxy for tidal inundation and thus abiotic conditions, limiting the expanse of Elymus. Does sedimentation increase the spread of Elymus by (b) leading to surface elevation change or does it (c) add nitrogen and thereby allows Elymus to grow in lower elevation? Location Salt marsh at Sönke‐Nissen‐Koog, Wadden Sea National Park Schleswig‐Holstein, Germany. Methods The experiment was established in 2007 in the high marsh and consisted of four blocks of 12 m × 8 m. The blocks differed in surface elevation change during the experiment. Each block was subdivided into 24 plots of 1 m × 1 m. The original elevation of all plots in relation to the German ordnance datum (NHN) was assessed at the start of the experiment. Plots within the blocks were randomly assigned to one of the three N fertilization treatments. Within each plot we planted five randomly chosen individuals of Elymus. After four years of treatment, the vegetation composition and cover were recorded in all plots and aboveground biomass was collected. Results Original elevation was found to be a main driver of succession favouring Elymus and other late‐successional plants. There was no effect of N fertilization, but a positive effect of surface elevation change on Elymus cover was detected. Conclusions We can conclude that the positive effect of surface elevation change on Elymus is based on the resulting higher elevation and more favourable abiotic conditions caused by sedimentation, but not by the addition of nitrogen with the freshly deposited sediment. This case, therefore, is an example for an ecosystem in which encroachment is driven by a natural factor, rather than anthropogenic eutrophication

    Does livestock grazing affect sediment deposition and accretion rates in salt marshes?

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    Accretion rates, defined as the vertical growth of salt marshes measured in mm per year, may be influenced by grazing livestock in two ways: directly, by increasing soil compaction through trampling, and indirectly, by reducing aboveground biomass and thus decreasing sediment deposition rates measured in g/mÂČ per year. Although accretion rates and the resulting surface elevation change largely determine the resilience of salt marshes to sea-level rise (SLR), the effect of livestock grazing on accretion rates has been little studied. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of livestock grazing on salt-marsh accretion rates. We hypothesise that accretion will be lower in grazed compared to ungrazed salt marshes. In four study sites along the mainland coast of the Wadden Sea (in the south-eastern North Sea), accretion rates, sediment deposition rates, and soil compaction of grazed and ungrazed marshes were analysed using the 137Cs radionuclide dating method. Accretion rates were on average 11.6 mm yr−1 during recent decades and thus higher than current and projected rates of SLR. Neither accretion nor sediment deposition rates were significantly different between grazing treatments. Meanwhile, soil compaction was clearly affected by grazing with significantly higher dry bulk density on grazed compared to ungrazed parts. Based on these results, we conclude that other factors influence whether grazing has an effect on accretion and sediment deposition rates and that the effect of grazing on marsh growth does not follow a direct causal chain. It may have a great importance when interacting with other biotic and abiotic processes on the marsh

    Elymus athericus encroachment experiment

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    The experiment was established in 2007 in the high marsh and consisted of four blocks of 12 m x 8 m. The blocks differed in surface-elevation change during the experiment. Each block was subdivided into 24 plots of 1 m x 1 m. The original elevation of all plots in relation to the German ordnance datum (NHN) was assessed at the start of the experiment. Plots within the blocks were randomly assigned to one of the three N-fertilisation treatments.Within each plot we planted five randomly chosen individuals of Elymus. After four years of treatment, the vegetation composition and cover was recorded in all plots and aboveground biomass was collected

    Scale matters: Impact of management regime on plant species richness and vegetation type diversity in Wadden Sea salt marshes

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    After foundation of the Wadden Sea National Park, grazing and artificial drainage was ceased or reduced on large areas of the salt marshes at the Schleswig-Holstein mainland coast (Northern Germany). The effect of grazing cessation versus intensive and moderate grazing on vegetation diversity was studied on small (plant species richness on plots between 0.01 and 100 m2) and large scale (vegetation type richness per hectare) over 18 to 20 years by analysing data from long-term monitoring programs. Plant species richness and vegetation type richness increased strongly over time in all management regimes, because grazing-sensitive species increased first in ungrazed marshes and later dispersed to and established in intensively grazed marshes. Dominance of the tall, late-successional grass Elymus athericus on 7% to 52% of all moderately and ungrazed (primarily high marsh) plots led to a decrease in species richness. After 18 to 20 years, species richness was highest in moderately and intensively grazed high marshes. Differences were significant only on small plots of up to 4 m2. On the large scale, vegetation type richness in the low marsh was higher without grazing, while no differences were found in the high marsh. Our results indicate that grazing effects differ between spatial scales and that different spatial scales have to be considered for monitoring and evaluation of vegetation diversity in salt marshes. To conserve vegetation diversity on all scales, a large-scale mosaic of different management regimes should be maintained

    Data Sharing Under the General Data Protection Regulation: Time to Harmonize Law and Research Ethics?

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    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became binding law in the European Union Member States in 2018, as a step toward harmonizing personal data protection legislation in the European Union. The Regulation governs almost all types of personal data processing, hence, also, those pertaining to biomedical research. The purpose of this article is to highlight the main practical issues related to data and biological sample sharing that biomedical researchers face regularly, and to specify how these are addressed in the context of GDPR, after consulting with ethics/legal experts. We identify areas in which clarifications of the GDPR are needed, particularly those related to consent requirements by study participants. Amendments should target the following: (1) restricting exceptions based on national laws and increasing harmonization, (2) confirming the concept of broad consent, and (3) defining a roadmap for secondary use of data. These changes will be achieved by acknowledged learned societies in the field taking the lead in preparing a document giving guidance for the optimal interpretation of the GDPR, which will be finalized following a period of commenting by a broad multistakeholder audience. In parallel, promoting engagement and education of the public in the relevant issues (such as different consent types or residual risk for re-identification), on both local/national and international levels, is considered critical for advancement. We hope that this article will open this broad discussion involving all major stakeholders, toward optimizing the GDPR and allowing a harmonized transnational research approach

    Data Sharing Under the General Data Protection Regulation: Time to Harmonize Law and Research Ethics?

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    International audienceThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became binding law in the European Union Member States in 2018, as a step toward harmonizing personal data protection legislation in the European Union. The Regulation governs almost all types of personal data processing, hence, also, those pertaining to biomedical research. The purpose of this article is to highlight the main practical issues related to data and biological sample sharing that biomedical researchers face regularly, and to specify how these are addressed in the context of GDPR, after consulting with ethics/legal experts. We identify areas in which clarifications of the GDPR are needed, particularly those related to consent requirements by study participants. Amendments should target the following: (1) restricting exceptions based on national laws and increasing harmonization, (2) confirming the concept of broad consent, and (3) defining a roadmap for secondary use of data. These changes will be achieved by acknowledged learned societies in the field taking the lead in preparing a document giving guidance for the optimal interpretation of the GDPR, which will be finalized following a period of commenting by a broad multistakeholder audience. In parallel, promoting engagement and education of the public in the relevant issues (such as different consent types or residual risk for re-identification), on both local/national and international levels, is considered critical for advancement. We hope that this article will open this broad discussion involving all major stakeholders, toward optimizing the GDPR and allowing a harmonized transnational research approach