132 research outputs found
Development of a disposable electrode modified with carbonized, grapheneâloaded nanofiber for the detection of dopamine in human serum
A oneâstep electrode surface modification is proposed in which a disposable, screenâprinted carbon electrode is functionalized with carbonized, electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN)âloaded graphene (G) nanoparticles to form a composite, CPAN5Gâ4x. The electrochemical behavior of the CPAN5Gâ4x electrode was examined by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy and Xâray diffraction were used to characterize the surface morphology and physical properties of the carbonized composite nanofibers before and after modification. The modified electrode was found to be effective for the detection of dopamine (DA) using squareâwave voltammetry (SWV) in the presence of interfering substances such as ascorbic acid and uric acid. With the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to an optimized solution of phosphateâbuffered saline (PBS) at a pH of 2, the fabricated electrode exhibited enhanced electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of DA relative to PBS without SDS at a pH of 7.4. The SWV current displayed a linear response to DA concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 100 ÎŒ M , with a limit of detection of 70 n M ( S / N â=â3) and a sensitivity of 1.4258 ÎŒA ÎŒ M â1 cm â2 . Finally, the CPAN5Gâ4x electrode was used to determine DA levels in human serum. The modified electrode can potentially be harnessed for further electrochemical biosensor applications. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014 , 131 , 40858.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108015/1/app40858.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108015/2/app40858-sup-0001-suppinfo.pd
SIRT1 regulates the neurogenic potential of neural precursors in the adult subventricular zone and hippocampus
Within the two neurogenic niches of the adult mammalian brain, i.e., the subventricular zone lining the lateral ventricle and the subgranular zone of the hippocampus, there exist distinct populations of proliferating neural precursor cells that differentiate to generate new neurons. Numerous studies have suggested that epigenetic regulation by histone-modifying proteins is important in guiding precursor differentiation during development; however, the role of these proteins in regulating neural precursor activity in the adult neurogenic niches remains poorly understood. Here we examine the role of an NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase, SIRT1, in modulating the neurogenic potential of neural precursors in the neurogenic niches of the adult mouse brain. We show that SIRT1 is expressed by proliferating adult subventricular zone and hippocampal neural precursors, although its transcript and protein levels are dramatically reduced during neural precursor differentiation. Utilizing a lentiviral-mediated delivery strategy, we demonstrate that abrogation of SIRT1 signaling by RNAi does not affect neural precursor numbers or their proliferation. However, SIRT1 knock down results in a significant increase in neuronal production in both the subventricular zone and the hippocampus. In contrast, enhancing SIRT1 signaling either through lentiviral-mediated SIRT1 overexpression or through use of the SIRT1 chemical activator Resveratrol prevents adult neural precursors from differentiating into neurons. Importantly, knock down of SIRT1 in hippocampal precursors in vivo, either through RNAi or through genetic ablation, promotes their neurogenic potential. These findings highlight SIRT1 signaling as a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation of adult subventricular zone and hippocampal neural precursors
Components of an Anticancer Diet: Dietary Recommendations, Restrictions and Supplements of the Bill Henderson Protocol
The use of complementary and alternative medicines including dietary supplements, herbals and special diets to prevent or treat disease continues to be popular. The following paper provides a description of an alternative dietary approach to the self-management and treatment of cancer, the Bill Henderson Protocol (BHP). This diet encourages daily intake of raw foods, a combination of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil and a number of supplements. Some foods and food groups are restricted (e.g., gluten, meat, dairy). Early background theory that contributed to the protocolâs development is presented as is a summary of relevant evidence concerning the anti-cancer fighting properties of the individual components. Supplement intake is considered in relation to daily recommended intakes. Challenges and risks to protocol adherence are discussed. As with many complementary and alternative interventions, clear evidence of this dietary protocolâs safety and efficacy is lacking. Consumers of this protocol may require guidance on the ability of this protocol to meet their individual nutritional needs
On histone deacetylases in the epigenetic regulation of neural stem and cancer cell fate
Development of an organism requires correct spatial and temporal
regulation of gene expression. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression
has been shown to be an important part of many cellular events.
Nucleosomes consist of two subunits of each core histone proteins H2A,
H2B, H3, H4, and 146 base pairs of DNA, wrapped around the histones. In
this way, DNA can be tightly packaged in the cell. The N-terminal tails,
that protrude out from the histone surfaces can be subjected to different
covalent modifications, including, acetylation, methylation,
phosphorylation, and ubiquitination. These modifications take part in
gene regulation by changing the structure of chromatin and by recruiting
gene regulatory proteins. Addition of acetyl-groups to the N-terminal of
histones is catalyzed by histone acetyltransferases (HATs) whereas
removal of the acetyl-groups is carried out by histone deacetylases
(HDACs). Increased acetylation has been correlated with increased gene
expression, and decreased acetylation has been correlated with
transcriptional repression. HDACs are divided into four families: class
I, class II, and class IV histone deacetylases and the class III
NAD-dependent enzymes of the sirtuin family. HDACs are expressed early in
development and specific HDAC gene deletions show that they are important
for many cellular events, such as proliferation, growth, and
differentiation. Putative roles for HDACs in neural development come
mostly from work done using inhibitors of class I and class II HDACs, and
from the association of HDACs to protein complexes that are known to
repress neuronal differentiation. HDACs have also been shown to play an
important part in cancer development and HDAC inhibitors have been shown
to block cell proliferation, promote differentiation, and induce or
facilitate apoptosis. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role
of histone deacetylases in neural stem- and cancer cells. In paper I, we
show that HDAC3 is an essential repressor of neuronal differentiation in
embryonic neural stem cells, required for repression of BDNF expression
and histone H3K9 acetylation. Paper II and III address the use of HDAC
inhibitors in cancer treatment and their effect on apoptotic signaling
pathways and epigenetic mechanisms. We show that trichostatin A in
combination with etoposide, VP16, induce apoptosis via caspase-dependent
pathways and the mitochondrial AIFdependent pathway in multi-resistant
cancer cells. In addition, we show that cell death promoting effects of
valproic acid and trichostatin A depend on the regulation of histone
H4K16 acetylation by the histone modifying enzymes hMOF and SIRT1. In
paper IV, we show that resveratrol inhibits neuronal differentiation of
embryonic neural stem cells in a SIRT1-dependent fashion and that the
effects of red wine on embryonic NSCs and cancer cells are toxic and are
linked to inhibition of thioredoxin reductase in a
resveratrol/SIRT1-independent manner. In conclusion, this thesis shows
that chromatin modifying proteins play essential roles in neural stem
cell differentiation and cancer cell characteristics, and contributes to
the understanding of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of neural
stem and cancer cell fate
"TÀnka bort vÄrden och tÀnka mÀnniska istÀllet" : En fenomenologisk studie om frÀmjandet av hÀlsa i den palliativa vÄrden
r 2016 avled 91 000 personer i Sverige. Av dessa berÀknas 80 % ha varit i behov av palliativ vÄrd. Den palliativa vÄrden ska vÀrna om patienternas vÀrdighet och vÀlbefinnande. Sjuksköterskan Àr en viktig aktör för att den palliativt vÄrdade patienten ska kunna uppleva hÀlsa och fÄ en hÀlsosam död. Detta kan tyckas motsÀgelsefullt i livets slutskede men bör betraktas som bÄde en möjlighet och en rÀttighet. Syftet Àr att beskriva frÀmjandet av hÀlsa hos palliativt vÄrdade patienter inom hemsjukvÄrden utifrÄn sjuksköterskors perspektiv. I studien anvÀndes kvalitativ metod utifrÄn en reflekterande livsvÀrldsteoretisk grund. Sju sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvÄrd intervjuades. Resultatet utarbetades genom innebördsanalys vilket kom att resultera i fyra innebördsteman. Att frÀmja hÀlsa hos den palliativt vÄrdade patienten innebÀr att med inkÀnnande försöka förstÄ patientens behov och att i reflektion hjÀlpa denne att Äterfinna sig sjÀlv. Det innebÀr ocksÄ att det som stör det existentiella varandets lugn förhindras och ÄtgÀrdas samt att vÄrdandet Àr nÀrvarande men inte pÄtagligt i patientens vardag. Slutligen innebÀr frÀmjandet av hÀlsa att livets speciella upplevelser görs tÀnkbara och möjliga. Resultatet diskuterades mot tidigare studier och Àven vad gÀller kompatibilitet gentemot studier med patientperspektiv. SÀrskild tonvikt lÀggs pÄ autonomins dilemma, dels nÀr patienten sjÀlv Àr oförmögen att föra sin talan, men ocksÄ svÄrigheten i att följa patientens vilja och samtidigt försÀkra sig som trygg och sÀker vÄrd. Slutsatsen var att hÀlsofrÀmjande vid palliativ vÄrd ska vara följsam mot patienten som unik person, med det övergripande mÄlet att hen ska kunna leva fram till sin död
Faktorer som har betydelse för Àldre personers upplevelse av följsamhet till ordinerad lÀkemedelsbehandling
Antalet Àldre i Sverige över 65 Är ökar i stadig takt. Med tilltagande Älder och ohÀlsa följer ofta ökad lÀkemedelsanvÀndning. Av populationen över 80 Är hÀmtade nÀstan hÀlften ut tio eller fler lÀkemedel pÄ recept förra Äret. Detta medför bÄde positiva och negativa effekter pÄ deras mÄende. Av vikt för att lÀkemedelsbehandlingen ska fÄ avsedd effekt Àr att lÀkemedlen tas enligt ordination. Studier indikerar att detta av varierande orsaker kan vara en utmaning för den Àldre patienten. LÀkemedels negativa effekter, sÄvÀl som bristen pÄ följsamhet, Àr nÄgot som pÄverkar den ekonomiska hÄllbarheten i samhÀllet negativt och Àven leder till lidande för den enskilde. Distriktssköterskan med sin breda kunskap om sjukdomar och sjukdomars behandlingar kan verka för att minska symtombörda och öka följsamhet för en bÀttre hÀlsa. Syftet Àr att beskriva faktorer som har betydelse för Àldre personers upplevelse av följsamhet till ordinerad lÀkemedelsbehandling. För att besvara syftet valdes en kvalitativ ansats, dÀr tolv personer mellan 69 och 90 Är intervjuades. Genom innehÄllsanalys framtrÀdde faktorer som frÀmjade och utmanade följsamhet. De faktorer som frÀmjade följsamhet var stödjande resurser, en tillgÀnglig och engagerad hÀlso- och sjukvÄrd, kunskap och delaktighet samt positiva hÀlsoeffekter. Faktorer som utmanade följsamhet var bristande patientperspektiv, en svÄrtillgÀnglig hÀlso- och sjukvÄrd samt kunskapsbrist. Distriktssköterskans kompetens samt verksamhetsomrÄde i vÄrden utgör bra förutsÀttningar för att hjÀlpa Àldre personer att motverka de faktorer som utmanar följsamheten och understödja de faktorer som frÀmjar följsamheten. Genom detta kan distriktssköterskan hjÀlpa den Àldre patienten till en bÀttre hÀlsa samt bidra till en hÄllbar utveckling i samhÀllet
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